Song of my heart

By locket44

17.1K 620 289

"You don't know the first thing about me." "I know I don't. But I'm not going anywhere. I'm here to stay." M... More

Before you read
Chapter One 27 dresses a Cindarella story and Wild Child?
Chapter Two "Hey were you sleep?" " Nooo! I was skydiving!"
Chapter Three"Ewww!! Guys!! That's my brother!!"
Chapter Four "From a stroll in the park to a thirty metre dash!"
Chapter Five "Dylan is killen. Hey! That Rhymes!"
Chapter six part two
Authors note
Chapter Seven: Music is my life. The lyrics are my story
Chapter Eight: "Hey are you free tomorrow? No, I'm expensive. Sorry."
Chapter Nine: "You didn't! You failed to throw the paper in the bin."
Chapter Ten part one: Crazy? I Prefer the fraze mentally hilarious
Chapter Ten Part two
Chapter Eleven: "If a serial killer sneaks in he'll kill you first!"
Chapter Twelve: Chocolate comes from coco which is a plant.
Chapter Thirteen: If you value your face, don't wake me up early again!
Chapter Fourteen: Don't burst like Free Willies Tank
Not an update
Chapter fifteen: my life is not a re-written version of happy families
Chapter Sixteen: What are you? Telepathic or something?
Chapter Seventeen: You, Mr Cole are no saint yourself
Chapter Eighteen: You're like a dog with a bone. You just won't let it go
Hiya Guys!!!
Chapter Nighteen: We have Five Fingers for a reason
Chapter Twenty: Nightmares are a type of poison
Chapter Twenty One: But do you have what you need?
Chapter Twenty two: What? You look better in my jacket then I ever did
Chapter Twenty Three: Dont stare. If you want a photo, just ask
Chapter Twenty Four: But. . . You said good news. Not a mirical
Hugs, the bad boy and me
Chapter Twenty-Five. "Well Miss Waters, I believe we just went viral."
Chapter Twenty Six: Please stop acting like I'm the new Taylor Swift
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Don't judge a book by it's cover
Chapter Twenty Eight: Lights, Camera, Action
Chapter Twenty Nine: Goodbye isn't just black and white
Chapter Thirty: I'm going on that bouncy castle.
Chapter Thirty One: Playing Cupid
Chapter Thirty Two: What kind of person doesn't sing in the shower?
Chapter Thirty Three: It all started with an ice chocolate
Epilogue: a letter to Lucy Cole
Sequal and Stuff

Chapter Six: Does anyone pay attention to the breath intakes in a song?

510 17 5
By locket44

Hey guys!

Okay, I don't want this to come across as wrong, because you guys are all reading my story and all your support is amazing, but please, If you start following me, please don't send me a hint about reading your story. I don't mean to offend anyone or anything, but if you follow me, then I do go and droze your profile. So I do see you're books and I do cheak them out. So rest asured, if you do follow me, I WILL cheak out your books, though it doesn't nesasarlly mean I'll read them. Cause it really annoyes me when I get a message from a new follower, not telling me why they're following me, but asking me to cheak out their story. It's kind of down putting if you get where I'm coming from. Please! If anyone is offended by what I've said then PLEASE prievt message me! I don't want any enemies. This is the one spot I can be myself and I'd rather not have people shouting hate at me here too.... Anyways!! No more heavy!! Lets get reading!!!

Hasn't been edited!


Chapter Six: Does anyone pay attention to the breath intakes in a song?

Living the life as a rich mans daughter and living the life a salebrity's sister are two very different things. When Maxine had been living with her father, there had been guards around, but they weren't around every corner and outside every closed door. When Maxine had first woken up in the hotel, there had been two guards outside her bedroom door. One had left his post and escorted her down the lift to the room where her brother was having breakfast. Also, as they stepped out of the ute, the guard had thrown his jacket over her head to hide her face from the paparazzie who were flashing cameras from the lobbies entrence. The jacket had been hot and smelled of deodirent, so strong that Maxine had been gasping for fresh air when he finely removed it when they entered Dylans room.

It didn't take her long to get used to it though. By the time Christmas morning came around and the night of the ball, Maxine hardly payed them any attention. It was quarter to eight when her alarm went off and she woke up. She lay there for awhile, trying to remember why exscatly she had set her alarm so early in the holidays. And then she remembered. With a grin she swung her legs out of bed and went dancing over to her desk, hopping most of the way because the floor boards were cold. She shurgged her dressing gown on and grabbed Dylan's present from under her desk before skipping over to the door. She eased it open and stuck her head out into the hall way.

The the two guards standing on either side of her door nodded at her as she slipped past, though the both looked like they were about to fall alseep. Maxine walked along the quiet hall way to Dylan's room. She could hear christmas carols blasting from his room when she was still three doors away. Dylan had always loved Christmas. For as long as she could remember, he was always the one to take her out one Christmas Eve to go look at the Christmas lights that would light up the neighbour hood. He was the one who took her to the nearest shopping centre so she could sit on the knee of Father Christmas and tell him what she wanted. If it hadn't been for Dylan, Maxine wasn't sure if they would have even had Christmas in their family. Their parents were just too busy.

Now, when she opened the door, the first thing she saw was Dylan, dressed in his old Christmas PJ's. twirling himself around the room, dancing around to Michael Bubel. Maxine clapped her hands over her ears and almost ran out of the room again. She hated Michael Bubel! Dylan spotted her in the door way and twirled to a hault. He spread his arms wide and grinned at her.

"Merry Christmas little sis!" Maxine spread her arms wide and shouted back.

"Merry Chirstmas big bro!" Dylan laughed. He spun around and headed over to the Christmas tree which had been delived to them two days after their arrival. Dylan had cancled an interview with Nine News just toe deocrtate the tree. He wouldn't let Maxine go anywhere until it was all done. But it was defently worth it. Now, the whole tree was aglow with Christmas lights and candy canes, ball balls ans tiny chocolate snow men. There were a few gifts under the tree, though they were mostly for Dylan from people he had recently been on set with in Snow white and the Huntsmen. There was two under there for Maxine. One from her parents and one from Dylan. Jena and Rachaels present hadn't arrived yet.

Dylan pulled Maxine down to sit beside him and folded his hands under his chin whilst staring intenly at the tree in front of him. He had a slight frown between his eyebrows and his fingers tapped his chin, showing he was deep in thought. Maxine giggled slightly and Dylan glanced up at her.

"What are you doing?" She asked. Dylan cocked his head to one side and turned his attention back to the gifts.

"Trying to deside which one to open first. It's a very serious buisness and takes a lot of conceration."Maxine giggled again and Dylan held up his hand, sushing her. He sat very still for five minutes beofre he finely moved, reaching out and taking hold of a present wrapped in green paper. He flipped the card around to face him. He grinned at what he read.

"Who's it from?" Maxine asked. Dylan raised his head to look at her.

"Huh? Oh Chris. It's from Chris Hemsworth." Maxine blinked.

"Wait. Chris Hemsworth. Like the Chris Hemsworth. Like Thor Chris Hemsworth." Dylan blinked at her.

"Well, yeah, that's the only Chris Hemsworth there is isn't there?" Maxine brought her hands up to her face.

"You got a Christmas present from THE Chris Hemsworth!"How can you be acting so calm? Dylan it's Chris Hemsworth! THE CHRIS HEMSWORTH!"

"Calm down little Maxy. I got one from Kristen Stueate as well." Maxine simply gaped at him.

"WHAT!!!" Dylan laughed and shook his head.

"You seem to forget that I know these people Maxine.I was just working with them for over six months!"

"Yeah, and you didn't even get me Chris Hemsworth's autograph!" Dylan smiled.

"You'll see him tonight. Ask him for it then!" Maxine sighed. She took his present out from her pocket and handed it to him. He took it from her and opened it. When he saw what it was, he started laughing. Maxine grinned.

About three weeks ago before school had ended, Maxine, Jena and Rachale had been in town trying to get into the last minute sails. Maxine had seen it and knew she just had to get if for him. It was a plain white t-shirt with his face slapped across the front. Only down the bottom was a quote from the Hunger Games. Wanna suger cube? Nothing about it was funny exsecpt Dylan's expression. He looked like a petfile. Dylan pulled his PJ shirt over his head and replaced it with th suger cube one. Then he looked over at Maxine and pulled the exsact same face as the one on the t-shirt. Maxine almost fell over laughing.

Ït's funny."Dylan said, staring down at it. "But I should probably get them to take if out of the stores. It's not exsactly the best imaige to have on a t-shirt." Maxine shurgged.

"What can I say? It suits you." Dylan threw a pillow at her.

The next half hour was filled with laughter and talking, pillow fights and kicking a ball of wrapping paper round Dylan's room. Dylan had givin Maxine a pair of ear rings. They were beautiful tremble clefs, made out of gold (if you don't know what it is, look it up). They were cold against her neck and caught the light when ever she moved her head. Her parents had send her a beautiful ball dress which was stunning, but Maxine had been a little puzzled about. When she'd shown it to Dylan, he'd sort of looked sheepish.

"Dylan?" Maxine asked. Dylan scratched the back of his neck.

Ï might have just let it slip that I was going to a Christmas Ball when I was trying to convince Mum and Dad to let you go. Mum insisted that you go." Maxine blinked at him.

"Huh?" Dylan sighed and turned around to face her.

"Max, I know how much you hate them, but you're coming to the ball tonight."


I know it's short! Please don't kill me! But with traviling for three hours on a bus everyday, my creativity is being a little slow! Sorry guys!

Picture of Dylan on the side!

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