Various Fanfiction One-Shots...

By Animemadness101

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A collection of one-shots I wrote between 2010-2018 for a variety of different fandoms. Ouran Host Club, Pete... More

Savior [Iggy]
Relaxation [Hikaru Hitachiin] for swimmer345
Bring On the Rain [Zuko] for RainStarr
Competitive [Paul Lahote] for wisgirl08
In Time [Emmett Cullen] for wisgirl08
Peter Pan [Iggy] for superdork102
So? [Iggy] for tomboysportchick
Music Brings Us Together [Jacob Black] for lipgloss247
Everything I Want [Paul Lahote] for Chelsa
Holding On [Seth Clearwater] for Faith, Trust & Pixie Dust
I Am Here [Paul Lahote] for xoxolittlemissfunxoxo
I Like It [Paul Lahote] for Chelsa
Right To Know [Seth Clearwater] for Lilsoccerplayer
She Wolf [Paul Lahote] for Chelsa
Breathtaking [Hikaru Hitachiin] for Everyone'sDifferent
Punishment [Hikaru Hitachiin] for Asdfhgjkl its gerri
So Cold [Takashi 'Mori' Morinozuka] for WafflesAndSyrup
To the Ball [Kaoru Hitachiin] for Lucy Kirkland and Carrie O'Donnell
Unpredictable [Takashi 'Mori' Morinozuka] for Your Worst Nightmare
Boom Goes the Symmetry [Death the Kid] for Brenna
Chance Encounter [Inuyasha] for Alexis
Hunter's Antics [Sokka] for Changed By You
I'm Coming Home [Zuko] for JudyLovesPikachu
To Neverland [Peter Pan] for Faith Trust Pixie Dust
Games [Sebastian Michealis] for L Lawliet
Seer [Sesshomaru] for Rain
Fever [Sesshomaru] for Kisuneflame
Acting [Fang] for Kim
Feather [Fang] for ampfan88
I've Got You [Fang] for Rebekah
Knockout [Iggy] for izzy9321
Normal [Fang] for Equity Captor
Slipped Through My Fingers [Fang] for Unicorns ate my username
Snake [Fang] for ampfan88
Waiting [Fang] for awesomefunnygirl
Divination Studies [George Weasley] for Snowflake_Princess
The Hunter and The Vampire [Zero Kiryu] for CrazyRebelGirl
Into The Darkness [Pitch] for Lass Samantha Beilschmidt
I'm Gonna Kill You [Lavi] for Hannah
Various One-Shots Completion

I Won't Leave [Paul Lahote] for It's Christmas In The Shire

49 2 0
By Animemadness101

Name: Melissa Conroy

Age: same age as Paul.

Wolf: White and grey


Melissa hated this. Waiting. Waiting for an army of newborn vampires to come and try to kill a human. Waiting to protect a coven of bloodsuckers. Waiting to see if they would all return home in one piece.

You need to calm down.

Her eyes glanced over at the silver wolf, who joined her. For the last two hours she had been attempting to block out the thoughts of her other pack members. It was depressing really, those who had imprints worry about them, while the others could not wait to rip off the heads of their enemies.

It's kind of hard since they are a bunch of newborns.

He chuckled under his breath. Don't worry, we're going to be fine.

Says the guy who has been a werewolf longer.

Paul's lips pulled back in a smile before licking the side of her face. Just stay close to me, Melissa. Everything is going to be fine.

The stench of the bloodsuckers was growing unbearable, low snarls erupting through the pack. Though Melissa could only whimper, the bridge of her nose nuzzling under Paul's jaw, which vibrated from his growling. I love you.

He sighed, having calmed for a moment from the contact and returning the affection. I love you too, Melissa. Stay close.

The newborns came from the far side of the field, the Cullens' rushing forward and clashing head on. The pack was ready, crouching low ready to attack. But they waited for their Alpha to give the signal. For now, the coven was doing a pretty good job at keeping them at bay.

Now! Sam shouted.

Roars ripped from their throats, barreling through the snow. The enemy was caught off guard as their jaws ripped their first targets apart. Melissa couldn't honestly say she enjoyed killing someone, even if they were already dead. But she let her animal instinct take over, trying not to think about what was happening. A vampire mounted her back, head whipping around to snap at it. But she was quick, moving just out of reach. Thinking quickly before the bloodsucker could wrap its arms around her neck, the animal rolled over, crushing the vampire with her weight. The blonde shrieked in anger, unable to move until her limbs healed itself. But it was too late, Melissa tearing off the head.

Nice! Leah shouted before clawing her opponent in half.

A feral snarl caught the white wolf's attention, knowing that sound anywhere. She took off through the battle, lunging over fights and throwing vampires away who tried to take her down. A vampire was perched on Paul's back, arms growing closer towards his neck. Melissa sprung, tackling the bloodsucker and rolling across the ground. However, the young man had grabbed a hold of a leg, snapping it with ease. She yelped as the pain spread through her body, but would not allow the enemy to win. Jaw snapping down it locked around his shoulder. The vampire shouted in anger, red eyes blazing as his free fist came around and collided with her snout. No matter how much it hurt and the number of black spots that clouded her vision Melissa did not let go only biting harder.

Paul's roar was terrifying as he tore the vampire apart before another fist could make contact. She let the limb drop from her mouth, panting heavily and trying to stand. The teen whined in pain, nearly collapsing to the ground.

Don't! Paul shouted. It's a bad break, and if it doesn't set right, you'll only have problems-!

Watch out! she screamed.

They were coming in from behind, Paul attacking without a second thought. The threat was back though, as newborns began to slowly advance towards the injured werewolf. Melissa snarled in warning, ready to fight. To hell if she reinjured herself or the bone didn't set right. She'd rather it be re-broken later than lose her life. A menacing growl reached her ears as Paul's body hovered over her in a protective manner, baring his teeth. Jared was quick to help them out, keeping the vampires away as Melissa healed.

How is it? Paul asked.

It'll need to be reset, but I'll live for now.

There was a limp in her step, but managed to figure out a way to run so her full weight was not pressed on the bone. She pulled a bloodsucker from Rosalie's back, ripping it to pieces with Leah's help.

Finally, there wasn't a single newborn left on the field, the pack trying to get back their breath. Finally, Jared muttered.

Melissa yelped when Paul's nose lightly touched the bad leg. Take her back to the house, Sam ordered. We'll meet you there.

Bending down so he was nearly pressed to the ground, the werewolf pulled his imprint onto his back. Hold on until we get to the woods.

I'll try.

She tried not to think of the pain that shot up the leg with every movement inhaling Paul's scent to distract her. Suddenly, the pack shouted in their mind right before they shifted, startling them. He set her in the bush to change, rushing behind his own tree.

"What was that?" Melissa shouted. While carefully pulling on the shorts she didn't dare to look at the out of place bone. She'd probably faint.

"Jacob," Paul answered. He picked her up again, running through the forest. "He's hurt from saving Leah from a newborn that had been hiding."

"Is he going to be okay?"

The werewolf was silent for a moment. "I'm not sure."

Finally reaching Sam's house they moved into the living room. The pillows were propped up behind her back, while they sat and waited for the pack to return. "Damn it," she hissed trying to adjust carefully. "I can't believe I was so careless."

Paul shook his head, sitting down beside her near the limb that was uninjured. "I should be thanking you. He could've inflicted worse damage."

Sighing, her head leaned back resting against his shoulder. "It's going to have to be re-broken." Paul snarled at the thought, Melissa reaching over to hold his hand. "There's nothing else we can do. I know it's going to hurt... I'm just trying to not think about it."

"I'll talk to the doctor when they get here. Though Jacob will probably need to be handled first."

"That's alright... I don't want you to be in here when I happens."

She felt him sit up, opening her eyes to find him staring in confusion. "Why not?"

"Because it's going to hurt and I don't want you ripping apart the bloodsucker in the process. I would like to heal properly and I do not want you to ruin my only chances at that because of your temper." His eyes rolled, settling back again.

"You'd be reacting the same way if I was in your position?"

Melissa snickered. "Exactly, and you would tell me the same thing."

Sighing, he kissed the side of her head.

It was a few hours until Carlisle came to Sam's house, Emily rushing over to try and prepare everything. "Jacob-?"

"He will live," the vampire said. Sitting down in a chair beside the propped-up leg he tenderly touched the injured area, causing a hiss to escape her lips. "This will need to be broken."

"I know, I know," she groaned. Her eyes drifted over to Paul, who stood with arms crossed, looking irritated and ready to attack. "Sam, get him out of here."

It took a few werewolves to force him from the house, and when Carlisle's cold hands began gripping her leg Melissa's hold on the couch cushion tightened.

The screams that came from inside was nearly enough to cause Paul to phase, trying to resist his pack to try and rush inside. And when they died, he was still fighting, up until the front door opened and the vampire walked out. "Melissa. How is she?"

"Resting," Carlisle said. "Everything is in place again, and I have placed a brace over the leg so nothing offsets in the next few hours. No walking for twenty-four hours, no shifting for the next week, and no training until her checkup with me in a few days."

Giving a curt nod, the Pack watched him leave. Paul rushed inside as Emily pulled a blanket over Melissa's sleeping form. The woman smiled before retreating to the porch. Sighing in relief, he climbed onto the couch and held his imprint close. The teen's lids fluttered open, staring blearily up at the young man. "Paul," she groaned.

"Go back to sleep," he said, kissing her lips. "I'll not going anywhere."

Nuzzling into his chest, Melissa inhaled his scent before slowly closing her eyes again. Paul's head lowered into her hair, completely content with the fact that his imprint was going to be all right and began to relax. Within minutes, he found himself falling asleep exhausted from the events that had unfolded. But before the werewolf was completely unconscious, his grip tightened at the fact that his mate was beside him, safe.

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