Amelia โ˜พ [L. Ackerman X OC]

By cutedorkharry

231K 9K 9.7K

๐ซ๐š๐ง๐ค๐ž๐ #๐Ÿ ๐ข๐ง ๐ฅ๐ž๐ฏ๐ข๐š๐œ๐ค๐ž๐ซ๐ฆ๐š๐ง ๐ซ๐š๐ง๐ค๐ž๐ #๐Ÿ ๐ข๐ง ๐ฅ๐ž๐ฏ๐ข๐ฑ๐จ๐œ ๐ซ๐š๐ง๐ค๐ž๐ #๐Ÿ ๐ข๐ง ๐ฅ... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight
Fifty Nine
Sixty One
Sixty Two
Sixty Three
Sixty Four
Sixty Five
Sixty Six
Sixty Seven
Sixty Eight
Sixty Nine
Seventy One
Seventy Two
Seventy Three
Seventy Four
Seventy Five
Seventy Six
Seventy Seven
Seventy Eight
Seventy Nine
Eighty One
Eighty Two
Eighty Three
Eighty Four

Forty Six

1.4K 65 216
By cutedorkharry



"Corporal Amelia, thank you for coming." Erwin nodded in polite recognition.

"Of course Commander, what did you need?" She sat down in the chair in front of his desk, sitting perfectly upright as she prepared for the professional business.

"I saw you've got your paperwork in, as did Captain Levi. Thank him for me as well."

"Not a problem. Did Hange get theirs in too?"


"I'm glad." She laughed, "but surely you didn't call me here about our training documents."

Erwin lowly chuckled at her observation, "astute as ever, I see."

She titled her head in confusion from the peculiarity in his tone, "sir?"

"Lieutenant, I'm not entirely sure what I hoped to gain from this conversation."

And Erwin wasn't lying either; in all honesty, with the mission around the corner, he simply desired to be with the person he loved and cared for the most.

"Is everything alright, Commander?" She worried, scooting further in her seat as she allowed some of the formality in her presence to falter.

"It is. This next expedition could be very costly to our forces." Erwin walked to the window, his back to Amelia as his arms placidly placed behind him, hand placed there in an unconsciously thoughtful manner.

"Yes sir, I'm aware." She patiently waited for him to continue, not quite sure where this would be going (and as he pointed out, neither did he).

He hardly swallowed as his mouth became dry from his lingering uneasiness, "and it's important to be focused."

"Of course."

"If I confide in you, will you still be able to concentrate?"

What is that supposed to mean? Truthfully, this speech was concerning to her. She hadn't seen Erwin conduct himself in such a way, and she couldn't decide how she felt about it.

"I will definitely do my best."

"Good." He turned on his heel so the strange duo had direct eye contact, "I thought it would be easier."

"I'm not following." She blinked, furrowing her brow as she carefully studied him.

"Telling you, I mean." His crystal blue irises poured into her, the conflict behind them tense and emotions unreadable.

"Can you elaborate?" She gently appealed, "I don't really understand, I'm sorry."

"Me too."

"For what?"

"This." His lips were on hers suddenly, Amelia's features shifting into shock as she remained stunned from the bold action. He eagerly moved his jaw as if he'd expected her to reciprocate or melt into the gesture, though Amelia stayed frozen in her spot.

And once she had registered what had been happening, she immediately pushed him off of her, her fist colliding with his face as hard as possible.

She'd almost instinctively apologized, but decided to hold firm and support her intuition.

He doesn't deserve it.

"Erwin, what the fuck?" She exclaimed, standing from her seat and racing across the room, intentionally putting as much space between them as possible.

"I am sorry for not asking first."

"That's what you're- never mind- I would've said no!" She scolded, aggressively wiping her hand over the spot he'd kissed her, suddenly feeling filthy.

"This could be a fatal mission, we've established that. I had to do it once, just in case one of us doesn't make it."

"Did you though?" She angrily snapped, flaring her nostrils as she shook her head with the heavy sense of betrayal, "I'm engaged to Levi, I love him."

"Trust me, I know. I couldn't form it into words- pathetic, isn't it? I-I hope it didn't make you too uncomfortable."

OF COURSE IT DID! She mentally screamed, scoffing from his defensive response.

"I apologize, it won't happen again." He spoke sincerely, Amelia's tough exterior faltering as she sighed and faced the ground, focusing on the pattern in the wood, "it's forgotten."

"Thank you, Corporal. You're excused."

Amelia gripped the rusted golden knob, still shaking from the interaction, "don't be so pessimistic Commander. Humanity needs you."

He solemnly grinned, "heard, have a nice rest of evening."

"You too." Amelia went into the hall, still wrapping herself around what the events that had recently transpired. Her shoulders trembled as she hugged herself, biting her lip to prevent the tears that threatened to escape.

Compose yourself, she encouraged, you're a fucking Captain and you have earned the respect of the position, all on your own.

Right? She doubted herself, closing her eyes as she slowly inhaled, and then exhaled before strolling to her and Levi's room.

Meanwhile, Erwin couldn't help but wish she would've said it was her who needed him instead.


"I wonder why Erwin requested to have dinner in his room." Hange voiced, glancing at the empty space next to them.

Amelia was paralyzed, dropping the spoon from her grasp. It made a loud noise as it hit her plate, though she didn't flinch, her ebony pupils quivering from the mention of the intimidating blonde.

"Oi brat, you're making a mess." Levi clicked his tongue in disapproval, setting a napkin next to her so she could clean herself.

"S-Sorry." She stumbled, wiping herself sloppily with the cloth.

"He probably just has a lot of work to do, Hange." Levi responded plainly, "it wouldn't be the first time."

"I suppose." They groaned with a pout, "but I had some new ideas to run by him."

"Meet with him later then." Levi rolled his eyes in annoyance, noticing Amelia struggling. He took the rag from her, and delicately wiped her cheeks as if she were a child as he muttered, "filthy fucking brat."

"So bossy." Hange giggled, "Amelia, why're you so quiet?"

"N-No reason. I have to go." She walked out of the dining area instantly, the heat rising to her bothered features. She couldn't explain why she'd felt embarrassed, though she was mostly still angry. It was difficult; she also felt for him and could comprehend why he did it, though she couldn't help but feel violated at the same time. She was exhausted from the constant internal deliberation.

And through these mixed emotions, there was one question taunted her and swarmed her mind, consuming her through the duration of the afternoon.

Should I tell Levi?

"Something is definitely wrong with her." Hange concluded, observing the fidgeting woman suspiciously.

"No shit." Levi hissed, grinding his teeth in nervousness, "I'll go check on her."

He trailed behind Amelia, leaving Hange alone.

"I hope she's okay." Hange said aloud, taking another bite of their stale bread.


I need to get my act together! Amelia cursed herself as she slammed the door in frustration. She went to the shelf and grabbed a bottle of whiskey, taking a large gulp as the comforting burning sensation coated her throat, "wow, it's been awhile since I've had a nice drink!"

At this rate, he's bound to figure it out.

The very man she'd feared to see joined her in their dwelling, nonchalantly strolling inside and gently closing the barrier so they had privacy.

Speak of the devil, she lightly cackled from the irony, setting her beverage on the desk as she dragged her feet across the floor.

"What's wrong?" He pried, the familiar uninterested timbre evident though his query.

"I can't tell you." Amelia breathed, falling onto the mattress tiredly, massaging her temples in attempt to ease the headache that stubbornly clawed her brain.

"You can tell me anything." He sat down beside her, putting her legs onto his lap. He glided his slender fingers up and down her calf in a soothing manner, Amelia feeling more guilty each passing second.

Come on, that isn't fair. You can't be that sweet to me when I'm already feeling like this.

"I promised it was forgotten." She slipped, instantly clamping her palms over her mouth as she hazel irises grew wide from the accidental hint.

He narrowed his gaze, "what was?"

"What happened." She shortly stated, chewing restlessly on the inside of her cheek.

"I'm your fiancé, I'm an exception." He teased with a small upward curve of his lips.


"I'm not entirely sure that's how it works." She widely grinned in amusement, Levi relieved to see her start to relax.

She creased in her forehead in speculation, debating on whether or not to confide in him. Normally, deliberation wouldn't be an issue on this topic; he was her best friend, after all. She'd automatically tell him what was bothering her, typically, but this wasn't quite as simple as she'd wished.

This was completely unknown territory.

She whispered somberly, "you're going to be pissed."

"No, I won't."

"Take my word for it," she grunted, "you will."

Levi smoothly pulled on her ankles, Amelia's ass now settled on his lap. He supported her back with his other arm, his breath slightly tickling her face, "let's find out."

Okay, that was fucking hot.

"D-Do you swear not to do anything rash?" She stammered, surprised by the sudden close proximity, intoxicated by the intimate aroma of lavender.

"That depends on the information you provide me."

"Levi." She warned, her serious expression compelling him to quietly agree with her.

"Amelia, I love you, but spit it out." Levi boredly ordered, losing his already thin patience. Again, his seemingly harsh resonance was negated by his kind motions, Levi tucking a chocolate curl behind her ear in a soothing manner.

"The Commander kissed me." She mumbled, twirling her thumbs as she scrunched her nose, adapted her mentality for the backlash of the confession.

"He did what?" Levi growled, his previously affectionate demeanor disappearing.

"That's why he wasn't at dinner." She briefly elaborated, "at least, that's what I was thinking."

"When was this?" He tried to remain impassive, holding the woman firmly in his embrace as his jaw unintentionally clenched.

And holy shit was he pissed.

"About two hours before we met to eat." She sheepishly admitted, afraid to meet his eyes.

"Why didn't you say something earlier?"

"I already told you- besides, I couldn't exactly tell you in front of Hange." She timidly excused, scooting away from him to give him the space he more than likely needed in the moment. Normally he'd immediately yank her right back, though he was in the middle of dealing with the new information. Her muscular legs remained spread across his thighs as she nibbled on her bottom lip.

"I see."

His silence was deafening, Amelia's anxiety worsening as she heard the clock on the wall tick with every passing second. A faint taste of iron met her tongue, mixing with the lasting alcohol she'd drank earlier, forcing herself to restrain from the agitated habit.

"Are you mad at me?"

"That depends- did you kiss him back?"

"Of course not!" She kicked her foot against his chest in offense.

"Then no, I'm not," he stopped, laying her delicately back onto the mattress, "I have to go speak to Erwin."

His aloof attitude made her that much more perturbed as she raced over and blocked him from the exit, her hands gripping the frame.

"Levi, you need to compose yourself and process this first." She countered with a pleading expression, her abdomen twisting with the stress this caused.

"I'm perfectly calm." He spoke with a calmness in tone, worrying her further.

"I'll be back soon." He kissed her forehead in reassurance, ruffling her rambunctious locks before he left. She didn't fight him either, watching as leisurely strolled down to the corner of the corridor.

As soon as he was out of Amelia's line of sight, he scowled and furiously stormed to Erwin's workspace.

He didn't trouble with knocking as he trespassed into the chamber with a particularly dramatic entrance, not bothering to close the door behind him.

Erwin kept his concentration in the opposite direction, intently looking out the glass, "so she's told you."

"Give me one reason not to through you out that window." He snarled, trying to even his uneven breathing.

"I don't have one," he conceded, "I shouldn't of done it, I'm sorry."

"You're 'sorry?' Is that really you have to say?"


Levi practically pounced, ready to attack. When he forced Erwin to look at him, he noticed the black bruise already forming underneath eye.

Levi chuckled, "so she already got you, huh?"

"She did." He frowned, "not that I didn't deserve it."

"Damn straight." Levi removed his clutch on Erwin's white collar, punching the small area of drywall behind him.

His knuckle started bleeding as he dropped it back to his side.

"Was that wise?" Erwin asked with a raised brow.

"'Was that wise?' Who the hell do you think you are? Don't you dare lecture me on my decisions, not after what you did tonight." Levi seethed, "I was loyal to you for years, and then you pull something like this? Fuck you and fuck your gambles."

"That is justified, but after this exchange you cannot speak to me like this again. Remember that I am your Commander, Captain."

"Tch." He scoffed, "what a load of bull-"

"I'd implore you to leave now, Ackerman."

"What exactly went down?" He grumbled, denying his request.


"You heard me. She didn't tell me all of it, and I won't make her relive the experience. It's a mess you created, therefore your responsibility."

"Fair enough," Erwin sauntered to his desk, settling in the chair behind it.

"This next mission out to Shiganshina will decrease our troops greatly, since we will be going against both the Colossal and Armored Titan."


"So I figure that one of us, statistically, won't make it. Because of this, I chose to tell Amelia the truth of my feelings towards her. Rather than speaking, my body had a mind of its own."

"That's really your excuse?"

"There isn't one."

"Obviously." Levi snickered, excusing himself to check on his fiancé, "but if you ever touch her again, I will kill you. That is a promise."

Hello readers! I hope you're liking the story so far. I just wanted to preemptively apologize for this next arc...

Thanks for the support!

Enjoy :)

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