Moving Back To New Jersey/ Ho...

By Justafuncoolperson

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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Read Please
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Questions ?
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
New Books

Part 23

198 6 0
By Justafuncoolperson

You wake up around 10:30am to sreaming and laughing. You do your morning routine and walk downstairs. Ballo was beating up Derek. You start laughing.

Derek: Stop laughing, I need help
You: ok
Ballo: don't cry for help
You: ok you can stop now
Ballo: aww
You: come on you can beat him up another day
Derek: baby why would you say that
You: so he would get off of you
Derek: oh ok
Y/N: we should go get Chick-fil-A
Aya: yea
The boys: ok

You, Aya and derek in one car and the rest of the boys in the other. Everyone gets down and sits. You Ballo and Derek are by each other. The others sit together.

Ballo: What y'all getting
Kobe: idk
Y/N: I'm getting grilled chicken nuggets and fries
Derek: yep, I'm getting that
Ballo: same
V.k: it's whatever.

Soon everyone orders. Derek puts his hand on your leg. You put your hand on top of his and y'all hold hands.

Ballo: Y/N do you have tick tock
You: yea I do and  I follow you
Ballo: didn't even notice.
You: we should go get snowballs after we leave
Everyone: yea

We finish eating and head to a snow cone stand. Everyone gets down to order. You get blue raspberry.Derek gets same as you. Ballo gets watermelon. Aya gets bubblegum. Mike gets banana. Vallyk gets cotton candy. Kobe gets blue jolly rancher. Y'all sit down out side and eat the snow balls.

Ballo: what flavor did you y/N
You: blue raspberry
Ballo: can I taste it

You look at Ballo like he was crazy

You: no, taste Dereks he had the same as me
Ballo: well idk where his mouth been
You: and you don't know where mine been ethier
Ballo: I see how you do me
You: yea

Both of you start laughing but Derek didn't find it funny. Soon y'all head back home. When y'all get back everyone is chilling. It was around 10pm

Ballo: I'ma head home
You: already
Ballo: yea, bye y'all
Everyone: bye
Derek: babe can you come upstairs with me right quick
You: yea

Both of you walk to his room and sit down.

Derek: why are you being so lovey dovey around Ballo
You: what do you mean
Derek: yk what I'm talking about.
You: I'm just being nice
Derek: you don't have to be that nice
You: so you want me to be mean
Derek: no, just... Nevermind.
You: ok

Your walking out the door.

Derek: where are you going
You: downstairs you coming
Derek: going take a shower first.
You: k

You go in the living room and sit on the side of Kobe.

Kobe: why did you go upstairs
You: I was with Derek
Kobe: oh ok

He put his hand on your thigh but, you move it. You look at him and shake your head.

Kobe: sorry
You: it's good

You were getting sleepy so you grab a blanket and fall asleep on Kobes shoulder. Derek walked downstairs and seen you sleeping on Kobes shoulder. He got a little mad. He picked you up and brought you to his room. He lays down and thinks.

(Dereks thoughts- why is she falling asleep on Kobe. Maybe I'm just over thinking things)

He soon lays to his sit not even cuddling with you and falls asleep.

~next day~

Derek was not in bed when you wake up. You see if he was in the shower he wasn't so you go downstairs and he wasn't there either. You text him.

~the messages~

You: hey, babe where are you
Derek: on my way back
You: from where
Derek: just went ride around
You: ok be safe

You lay back down because you know he's alright. You get under the covers and watch Frozen 2 on Disney Plus. Then someone knocked on the door. It was Kobe he opened the door.

Kobe: hey
You: hey wyd
Kobe: was looking for Derek
You: he went for a ride.
Kobe:oh, do you want to play Call of duty with me?
You: Yes

You get up and walk to Kobes room. He hands you a controller. You sit on the bed and he's sitting in his gaming chair. We start play the game and Kobe shot me.

You: Why did you do that
Kobe: my bad I didn't know that was you.
You: ok watch next round

He starts the next round. I aim and shoot. He looked at me and started the next round. He shot me. Round after round he killed me. Kobe won the game.

Kobe: haha I won
You: shut up
Kobe: aww you mad huh
You: you cheated
Kobe: how, there's no way to cheat in Call Of Duty.
You: yea whatever

You walk downstairs a little mad.
You see Derek and the others sitting on the sofa.

You: hey y'all
Aya:hey Bestie
V.k: sup
Mike: sup

Derek didn't say anything.

You: hey babe
You: your not talking to me?

You grab his hand and pull him upstairs in your room.

You: what's wrong?
Derek: nothing
You: ik something's wrong you look like your mad at me. What did I do?
Derek: did you have fun
You: what are you talking about
Derek: with Kobe
You: all we did was play Call Of Duty. The only reason I played with him was because he wanted to play with you.
Derek: oh
You: so that's why you were mad
Derek: no. Last night I seen you fell asleep on Kobes shoulder and got jealous. That's why I went for a ride this morning because I was still mad.
You: ok, thank you for telling me.
Derek: Sorry
You: it's good.
Derek: I something else to tell you

Cliffhanger. What do you think Dereks going to tell y/N?

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