If You Met Me First

By sing4trouble

61.3K 969 30

Shelby found herself standing infront of Firehouse 51. She was running from her past, from her father, and fr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 13

1.5K 24 0
By sing4trouble

Today was the day. The day of Commissioner Davis trial. Shelby and Kelly were getting ready in their hotel room. There was a knock at their door. Kelly went and opened it.

"Assist DA Rafael Barba." He stuck out his a hand for Kelly to Shake.

"Kelly Severide." The two men shake hands and then step into the room.

"Shelby the DA is here!" She comes out of the bathroom from getting ready and walks over to shake his hand.

"Ms Davis it's nice to meet you."


"Okay this should be a pretty open shut case. The evidence we have is rock solid. And with your testimony we should be able to put him away for good. You ready?"

"No but yes." Kelly took her hand and gave it a squeeze.

"I'm right here." Shelby gave Kelly a smile.

"Alright let's do this." Shelby and Kelly followed Mr. Barba out of the hotel. They went out the back way as to avoid the media.

They pulled up to the courthouse a short while later. Kelly held her close as they made their way into the courtroom. They took a seat behind Mr. Barba.

Shelbys dad was escorted in a short while later. They made eye contact and she immediately felt nervous and sick. Kelly could sense something was wrong so he just held her close to help ease her nerves.

"All Rise!" Everyone stood up at the judge made his way to his seat in the courtroom.

"You all may be seated." We all took our seats. "How does the defendant plead?"

"Not guilty your honor."

"Alright let's get this show on the road."

They started going over the evidence that was discovered and how Shelbys mother was killed. He had strangled her with his bare hands. Shelby couldn't help the tears falling from her eyes. Hearing and seeing how her father killed her mother.

"The states attorney calls Shelby Davis." Shelby gets up and walks to the bench. She placed her hand on the bible and swore to tell the truth.

"Ms. Davis what is your relationship to defendant?"

"He is my father."

"Do you and your father have a good relationship?"

"We did."

"What changed?"

"He did. He was abusive to my mother and to me after she went missing."

"What happened the morning your mom went missing?"

"It was my 12th birthday. I went downstairs to see my mom because we were suppose to go shopping. But she wasn't in the kitchen when I came downstairs."

"Where was the defendant?"

"He was walking in from the garage. He told me she left and he had been looking for her all night."

"How did he seem?"


"Did you notice anything?"

"He seemed fine to me. I didn't suspect anything."

"Do you believe the defendant could of killed your mother?"


"Withdrawn. The state rest."

Shelbys dad attorney got up and walked over to her. "So you say my client came in through the garage after being out all night looking for your mother?"


"Is it possible this is true?"

"At the time I believed him."

"Why?" He didn't even give Shelby a chance to respond. "Because he never gave you a reason not to believe him. Because he is your father and he loves you."

"Then why did he hit me? Is that what you call love?" Shelby was getting angry.

"Was your mother faithful to your father?"

"Excuse me?"

"Did your mother have a boyfriend?"

"I was 12! I didn't know."

"Well I can tell you in fact your mother did have a boyfriend. In fact she was seen with him the same night she went missing."

"Your lying!"

"Is it possible that her boyfriend may of killed her? Is it possible my client is just the scapegoat?"


"No further questions your honor."

"Ms. Davis you can step down." Shelby practically runs over to Kelly and sits back down. He wraps her in a hug and holds her close.

The trial continues on. Both sides make their closing arguments. Then the jurors head to discuss. Everyone else files out of the court room.

As soon as Shelby is out of the court she rounds on Mr. Barba "Did you know?!"


"Why didn't you prepare me for that!"

"Because the physical evidence is clear and the only person who could of done it was your father. It will all be okay."

"I need to get out of here. Call me when they come back." Shelby walked out of the courthouse with Kelly right behind her.

"Shelby wait." Kelly grabbed her arm.

"Kelly I just need sometime to myself please." Kelly reluctantly let's go. Shelby gets a cab and takes off leaving Kelly there not know what to do.

Shelby knew exactly where to go to find something to take the edge off. She just wanted to escape even if it was for only a little while. The cab pulled up outside a house in one of the suburbs. She paid him and walked up to the door. She pressed the doorbell and waited.

A tall man with blond hair that was up in bun and a bread answered the door. "Shelby?"

"Hey Alex. Can I come in?"

"Uh sure." He stepped to the side allowing her to walk through the door. He closed it behind her. "What are should doing here? I figured you'd be camped out at the courthouse."

"I need something Alex."

"Okay." her crossed his arms.

"Do you still partake in pain pills?"

Alex had a shocked look on his face. "Oh you mean the reason why you broke up with me?"

"Alex please I need to forgot for a while."

"Oh how the mighty have fallen. Wait here." Alex went into the other room. He came back about 5 minutes later and handed her a full bottle.

"How much?"

"Nothing. I get the satisfaction of knowing the once clean goody Shelby Davis has fallen and become like the rest of world."

Shelby turned around and left. She started walking down the street. She found herself at the park she use to play at as a kid. Oh what she would give to go back to those days. Everything was so much simpler and happier.

She took a seat on a bench. She stared at the pill bottle wondering what happens next? She popped open the pill bottle and took 3 out and swallowed them. She shoved the bottle in her purse and sat there wait for them to take affect. To take her away from her reality.

Back at courthouse

Kelly was sitting in the lobby waiting to see if the jurors would make a decision today. Shelby had been gone for about an hour. He had texted her but no response. The DA then walks up to Kelly.

"The jury is back." He starts looking around. "Where's Shelby?"

"She took a cab and left. She's not responding to my texts."

"Well we can't wait so come on." Kelly followed her back into the court room and took his seat.

"People of Jury have you reached a verdict?"

"We have your honor. We the jury find the defendant guilty on all charges." Kelly breathed a sigh of relief. The judge made a few final statements.

Once they were dismissed. Kelly left the courtroom and called Shelby. But she didn't answer.

"Shelby call me. They hurt came back." Kelly hung up the phone. Kelly decided to head for the hotel to see if maybe she had gone back there and was Asleep.

He walked into their hotel room. It was dark. He flipped on the lights. Her purse wasn't there and the bed was empty. Kelly tried calling and texting her again still no response.

Kelly then decided to call someone in Chicago. "Erin. It's kelly I need your help."

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