First hell, then heaven

By _izumi_bakugou_

156K 3.4K 2.1K

Izuku Yagi, an Alpha without quirks, and Katsuki Bakugou, an omega, after years of torment from their familie... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
House rooms
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 7

7.4K 160 61
By _izumi_bakugou_

- 2 years later - (sorry for all these jumps in time)

Izuku POV

It's been two years since Yui and Akio were born, we knew right away after they were born that they were special. When Kat woke up, we asked the doctors to do a weirdness test on the babies and as we had assumed they had weirdness, more powerful than we imagined. As time went on we also realized that the twins had off-the-charts intelligence, especially Yui, we could tell by the fact that in her second month she had already started talking, even without teeth, her speech was a little fuzzy but she was talking and writing at 8 months. She tried to walk earlier, but her body was not cooperating together to his brain, so he waited until his system allowed him to do so. Akio was the same way, only he took his time and didn't rush things. By the time they were a year old, both Akio and Yui had figured out how their quirks worked and how to use them, so they began training with us to improve. When they became strong enough, they were contacted by the government to take on some undercover missions. Obviously Katsuki and I accepted without thinking too much about it, since they are very strong and immortal we had no problem sending them, also because Yui had previously created an oddity suitable for physical change, only it transformed her and her brother into future or alternative versions of them. We also allowed it because they were starting to get bored at home, we wanted to show them some fun and to introduce them to the world.

Today Kat and I are going to talk to Principal Nezu about our entrance exam. It's going to be very hard for both of us to go there and meet the past again, but we're going to try to make it through to make our dream come true.

Izuku: "Kat are you ready? We have to go!"

Katsuki: "Yes! Here I am, we can go."

Yui: "Bye mom! Bye daddy! See you at home!" she told us with her beautiful smile.

Katsuki: "Yui, honey, don't you have any missions today?"

Akio: "Actually, no. We'll be waiting for you and the old man at home today."


Akio: "YOU!"

Izuku: "COME HERE you ugly snot-nosed slob!"

We started running around the house until Kat released a deadly aura that made us stop.

Katsuki: "How many times have I told you not to run around the house!?!!?! Now, Izuku, hurry up and start the car! Akio you're going to go set up your room and finish filling out the paperwork on what you and your sister did on your last mission! Do I make myself clear!?!?!"


Katsuki: "Then what are you still doing here? Hurry up!"

And so it was that I ran to the car waiting for Kat to arrive. When Kat got into the car I found him more relaxed, so I decided to leave.

After half an hour we arrived in front of the gates of the immense school of heroes, where my Katsuki and I would finally have the opportunity to realize our dream. We walked through the gates after showing the pass Nezu had given me to pass, then reached the doors and entered the school, heading for the principal's office. I put my arm around Kat's shoulders and we started talking.

Katsuki: "How do you think they'll react when they see us?"

Izuku: "Mhh, I think Nezu wouldn't be surprised, but Aizawa might be upset."

Katsuki: "I think so too" he said putting on a chuckle. How I love that laugh. I love everything about this guy, if it wasn't for him, rather than attend this school I would be a vigilante, but I'll do anything to make Kat happy and proud of me, so I'll avoid it. When we reached the office, I knocked on the door until I heard a "come in". I opened the door and found myself facing Nezu, Aizawa, and unexpectedly, Uncle Enji as well.

Katsuki: "Hello everyone!" he greeted with his beautiful smile. I put my hand in front of his face, which he then tilted with a confused look.

Izuku: "That smile is too beautiful to show to mortals. I'm the only one who can look at it!" with that Kat rolled her eyes and removed my hand that was in front of her face and gave me a mortal look because I hadn't said hello yet.

Izuku: "TSK! Alright, alright, I'll say goodbye to them now, calm down! Hi Uncle Nezu, Aizawa and Enji, how has your life been since we went to the other side?" I said with a smirk. Kat slapped my head.

Katsuki: "Izu, it's not nice to talk to our uncles like that. They were the only ones who took care of you until we killed ourselves," he scolded me.

Enji: "How...what. How is it possible that you are here. I saw your lifeless bodies covered in blood, and your eyes were dull. I, just..... don't understand."

Aizawa: "Can you explain to me how you are still here?!?!?!?!?! We were sick, flaunting guilt, because we thought you were dead!" they both told us with tears in their eyes. I had never seen them cry, I didn't even know they knew how to. I didn't think they cared about us that much.

Izuku: "Sorry if it sounds like I'm saying this too coldly for a situation like this, but we are dead. What you have seen are our old bodies. Didn't you notice how I'm much taller and more muscular and Kat is shorter and kinder?"

Nezu: "Yes I noticed. I am actually shocked that you are still alive and so I think everyone in this room, other than you two, would like to know what happened."

With a snort I began to explain to them what had happened before and after our deaths, omitting Yui and Akio. I already knew that Nezu had figured out who they were after my explanation and I'm convinced he already had his suspicions.

Nezu: "Okay, I get it. Can I ask you one last thing?"

Katsuki: "Sure."

Nezu: "I read some documents from the hospital about a certain Katsuki Midoriya, who 2 years ago gave birth to twins, Yui and Akio Midoriya, who are now working for the government. My question is, they are yours, aren't they?"

Enji: "Nezu don't you think you're exaggerating? I don't think right after they came back to life they had time to have sex."

Izuku: "Well, actually....."

Aizawa: "I can't believe it. Did you really do it so soon?"

Izuku: "It was for housewarming and I honestly don't regret anything"

Aizawa: "I..... am speechless"

Katsuki: "Izuuu, don't say such things in front of other people. It's embarrassing!" he said blushing on her face and pouting at me. How cute is he....

Izuku: "But you liked it, you know. You were screaming my name so loud they could hear you all the way to town and our house is in the middle of the woods."

Kat blushed a deep red, and to cover it up, he put him hands over him face, then punched me lightly in the side. 

Katsuki: "Baka! Don't say such things!"

Izuku: "You don't deny it though" Kat didn't answer me, just gave me a dirty look and then turned around covering him face again to hide how red he was. I decided to hear what he was thinking.

Katsuki: "it's obvious that I liked him, or like him in general when we do it. He's like a sex god or something. No wonder I got pregnant in our first time, it was so intense that I went slightly into heat"

Izuku: "Really? I didn't think you were so good that you'd think I was a sex god" I said in an arrogant tone.


Aizawa: "What do you mean read my thoughts? Izuku do you have an oddity?!?"

Izuku: "No, I can only hear Kat's, it's a 'contraindication' of us marking each other." I looked at Kat.

Izuku: "Perfect, I'm dead"

Katsuki: "Oh, yes you are. You'll see what I'll do to you at home."

I swallowed at the mere memory of what he had done to me last time, it had been torture: no sex for a week.

Izuku: "Please forgive me! I'll get down on my knees, but please don't take your beautiful ass off me again for two weeks! Please!!!"

Katsuki: "We'll see," he said, with a mischievous smirk.

Nezu: "I guess you're also here to talk about the entrance exam, right?"

Izuku: "Actually, we just came for that."

Enji: "What do you need?"

Izuku: "We wanted to ask if we could skip the practical test tomorrow and take it today, along with the written one."

Nezu: "I don't see what the problem is, I had imagined such a request, besides, from what you told us, you would leave no time for the robots and destroy them in 3 minutes"

Katsuki: "Yes, it could be, also because Izu might lose control if he saw you know who"

He stated, creating tension. After a few minutes of extremely awkward silence, I decided to speak.

Izuku: "Well, who wants to see our Princess and Brat?"

Katsuki: "Izu, stop calling him that," Kat said in an irritated tone.

Izuku: "Not until he starts showing me some respect, and not until he's being an ass locker when you're in the room" I replied.


Izuku: "Okay, okay, I'll stop, but you know it's true." Kat rolled her eyes at my statement and walked over to look at the pictures with us. After a couple of pictures Nezu spoke up.

Nezu: "So are we going to do the tests or just keep looking at these little angels? Not that I mind."

Katsuki: "Well, while we're doing the test you could keep looking at the pictures of the kids, after the practice one we'll show you the last pictures before we leave. Is that okay?"

Enji: "That sounds reasonable to me."

Aizawa: "It's crazy for me to say this, but these babies are beautiful. I can't take my eyes off my phone."

Katsuki *grinning* "Well, it's also thanks to the fact that they're angels, literally. They're like us, except Akio is an Angel and Yui is both, but more Devil, like Izu"

Aizawa: "Oh, I see. Well, here are the tests for you. You have an hour and a half to turn them in."

Nezu: "I guess that won't be necessary.."

- 25 minutes later -

"Finished" both Kat and I said at the same time. Both Uncle Shota and Uncle Enji were speechless. They had just corrected the assignment and realized, against all odds, that everything was right.

Izuku: "What? We're smart, way above average, so we have no problem raising two kids. Even though they are already independent," I said, nonchalantly.

Nezu: "Well, I figured as much. I gave Izuku an IQ test when he was a kid and he's at the same level as me, so I'm not surprised at all. Now let's move on to the practice tests."

- After the tests -

Nezu: "As we had assumed, Izuku collected 450 points plus 150 for rescuing the fake victims, for a total of 600 points. Katsuki, you scored a total of 450 points, including the 100 for rescue. I don't think this year's examinees will surpass your scores."

Enji: "I agree with Nezu, no one this year will surpass your scores. You guys have always been fit to be heroes."

Katsuki: "Uncle what about -" he tried to say, immediately interrupted by Uncle Enji.

Enji: "Those two are not my children, at least not since you two died because of them."

Izuku: "I can understand why."

At some point Kat's phone rang interrupting the silence that had been created in the room.

Katsuki: "Excuse me. *answers the phone* Hi! ..... Yes, we're on our way home...... Ok sweetie, don't worry...... All right, see you in a bit."

Izuku: "Who was that?"

Katsuki: "It was Yui. She asked me where we were at and if we were coming back, she wanted to spend some time with us"

Izuku: "Okay, then I guess it's time to go home." Kat nodded her head. We started to get ready to leave and said our goodbyes, but before we left Kat spoke.

Katsuki: "I'd like to ask that you don't tell anyone that we're alive, for the time being, and most importantly, not a word about the children, please"

Nezu: "Don't worry, Katsuki, it's understandable. But you know you'll see them all again on the first day of school, right?

Katsuki: "Yes, we do. It's just that I have to prepare. We have to prepare to meet with them again. We're sure about one thing: with you-know-who we'll never talk, unless it's for purely professional purposes. I just have to figure out what to do when I meet my parents."

Enji: "We understand what you mean. Mitsuki was the one who probably suffered the most. Every time we visit her we find her broken, she keeps blaming herself for how she's a terrible mother, or how she didn't realize you were suffering so much"

Katsuki: "I don't actually regret my choice to kill myself and neither does Izuku. The only thing we regret is that we couldn't tell you sooner"

Aizawa: "Don't worry, Katsuki, we imagine how difficult it was, and we don't blame you for anything. I think now is the time for you to go to your children, though."

Izuku: "Yes, you're right. We'll see you on the first day then"

Nezu: "On the first day."

Enji: "See you soon."

Aizawa: "Bye, problem children"

"Bye" we said, heading out the door to the car, heading home.

2263 words

Hey guys! Sorry for posting this chapter late, or not posting the other three I promised yet, unfortunately a relative of mine passed away yesterday, and I wasn't in the mood to write. I made this chapter as long as I could to make it up to her though. I'm not promising anything, but maybe I can post chapter 8 today. That's all for now. Let me know if you have any doubts or advice for me. See you next chapter, Ciaooooo

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