Playing with Fire (Draco Malf...

By imaginingdreamer2008

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Clarissa Adori is starting her first year at Hogwarts. So is Draco Malfoy. The Adori family is every bit powe... More

Chapter one: Going To Hogwarts
Chapter 2: First day of lessons
Chapter 3: The Quidditch Match
Chapter 4: Summer Break
Chapter 5: Knockturn Alley
Chapter 6: Back
Chapter 7: Quidditch
Chapter 8: Words on the Wall
Chapter 9: Duelling Club
Chapter 10: Odd
Chapter 11: Birthday Ball
Author's note
Chapter 13: Back again
Chapter 14: Arguments
Chapter 15: Hogsmeade
Chapter 16: Boggarts
Chapter 18: Over
Chapter 18: Rough Match
Chapter 19: Mudblood Punches
Chapter 20: The Quidditch World Cup
Chapter 21: The Triwizard Tournement
Chapter 22: The Four Champions
Chapter 23: Dance and Dates
Chapter 24: The First Task
Chapter 25: The Yule Ball
Chapter 26: My Loving Boyfriend
Chapter 27: The Morning After
Chapter 28: The Third Task
Chapter 29: Summer Break
Chapter 30: Umbridge
Chapter 31: Quidditch Tryouts and Hogsmeade
Chapter 32: Are We Finished?
Chapter 33: Bellatrix Lestrange
Chapter 34: Responsibility
Chapter 35: Health Class and Christmas Break
Chapter 36: Chrismas Eve Ball
Chapter 37: Christmas Presents
Chapter 38: Cheater
Chapter 39: My Boys
Chapter 40: Aftermath
Chapter 41: Back To School
Chapter 42: Her Of All People Her
Chapter 43: The Fabulous Five
Chapter 44: You'll Pay For This
Chapter 45: Marked And Sentenced
Chapter 46: Vanishing Cabinet
Chapter 48: Traumatised
Chapter 49: Reunited and the Battle of seven Potters
Chapter 50: Wedding Preparations
Chapter 51: Wedding Cermony
Chapter 52: Wedding Night With Surprises
Chapter 53: Honeymoon
Chapter 54: Return And Announcments
Chapter 55: Without You
Chapter 56: The Power Of True Love

Chapter 47: Proposals

315 7 7
By imaginingdreamer2008


(Time skip to December)

Draco and I are snooping to the Room of Requirement and we hear footsteps, we turn and see Filch and his cat. Great! He comes forwards and grasps both of our arms.

"What're you doing? Get your hands off me!" I yell and squirm in his grasp.

"We're invited to Slughorn's Christmas party you cretin!" Draco roars.

Filch drags us down to where the party is being held.

"Get your hands off us you filthy squib!" Draco snaps. Filch stops right in front of Slughorn. I'm wearing killer heels, I smirk and stamp as hard as I can on Filch's feet, he immediately lets us go.

"Professor Slughorn, I've just discovered these students lurking in the corridors. They've claimed to be invited to your party," Filch states.

"Ok, ok! We're gate crashing! Happy?" Draco bursts out. Snape comes up beside us.

"I'll escort them out," Severus says slowly.

"Certainly, Professor," Draco replies and we walk out.

We're walking down a corridor and my Godfather pushes Draco up against the wall, I gasp and try to pull him off but it's no use.

"I swore to protect you! I made the unbreakable vow, and Clarissa, it's my job to protect you!" Snape snaps.

"I don't need protection, I'm protecting her!" Draco shoots back.

"You're afraid Draco, let me assist you," Severus urges.

"No, I was chosen for this! This is my moment!" Draco argues and pulls me away with him.

He takes me up to the Astronomy Tower. We walk over and lean on the railings, looking up at the night sky scattered with stars.

"Do you remember the first time we were up here?" He asks. I nod.

"Yeah, first year in Astronomy class," I answer.

"No, I mean as a couple," he corrects and laces our fingers together.

"Oh then. Of course I remember Dray! It's one of the best night of my life," I exclaim and smile at the memory.

Draco takes both of my hands in his, turns us away from the railing and looks deep into my eyes.

"Clarissa Scarlett Adori, I'm so utterly in love with you. You make me want to be a better person. You have made me happier then I ever thought I could be, and I want to spend the rest of my life, making you feel the same way. I love you so damn much. The time we spent apart was unbearable for me. That's why I want to be with you forever and always," he announces.

Then he does the thing I least expected. He gets down on one knee and pulls a box out of his pocket, my hands cover my mouth and my eyes fill with tears. He opens the box to reveal the most stunning ring, it's a tear drop cut diamond with a silver band, simple, but beautiful and expensive.

"Clarissa Scarlett Adori, will you marry me? Will you become my Mrs Malfoy?" He asks, hope spread across his face. I pull my hands away from my face, happy tears are dripping down my face.

"Yes," I say with a huge smile on his face. He smiles and slides the ring onto my finger, it's the perfect fit.

He stands up and pulls me into a passionate, romantic kiss, picking me up and twirling me around, still not breaking the kiss.

"The most romantic setting, right underneath the stars," I smile.

"Only the best for my fiancé," he exclaims. I smile at him.

"I like that, call me that more often," I tease.

"Ok then, fiancé," he says with a cheeky grin and places a soft kiss on my lips.

"Hate to ruin the mood but should we go and tell our friends, we go home tomorrow so we can tell our families then," I state. He nods, I go to walk to the stars but he does something different. He walks to a camera, how did I not see that? He comes back over to me with pictures in his hands. I look at them and they're one of him down on one knee, one of our hands in each other's and one of us kissing. I peck his cheek and we walk back to the Common room.

We walk through the portrait whole to find Daphne, Tracey, Millicent, Theo, Blaise, Crabbe and Goyal sat on the couches in our area, we go over to them with huge smiles.

"Oh hey," Daphne greets.

"Hi," I squeal.

"What's going on?" Blaise asks.

"Well, we have an announcement," Draco states. They all nod and motion for us to continue. I slip my hand out of Draco's and hold it up so they can see the ring.

"We're engaged! We're getting married!" I declare, I start to feel the tears developing in my eyes again.

The girls scream and pull me into bone crushing hugs, I can hardly breath in.

"Let's see the ring again!" Tracey beams. I put my left hand out and show the girls my engagement ring. Daphne grips my hand and pulls it towards her for a closer look.

"Nice!" She gushes.

I escape them and hug the boys.

"He finally did it then? Took him long enough," Theo says as we hug.

"You knew?" I gasp.

"Who do you think helped him choose out the ring?" He chuckles, I playfully swat his arm.

"I s'pose we should start calling you Mrs Malfoy then," Blaise jokes. I laugh along.

"I'm fine with that," I chuckle.

"Wait are you pregnant Clara?" Millicent asks.

"No, we're doing this for us, not for a baby," I imply, they all nod.

"Just don't be getting a million divorces and getting re-married a week later," Tracey laughs, I roll my eyes.

"Let me guess, you want me to stay in Tracey and Millicent's dorm tonight?" Daphne asks. I smirk and nod.

"Now if you don't mind, we're going to bed," Draco says, he draped his arm over my shoulders and we walk up to my room, three guesses on what we're probably going to do.

(Time skip to the next morning)

I wake up with a huge smile on my face, I flutter my eyes open and notice I'm lying my head on Draco's abdomen, his fingers raking through my hair.

"Morning fiancé," he smiles.

"That will never get old, sweet," I reply.

I sit up and realise I'm only wearing Draco's shirt from last night, the thought of yesterday evening makes my heart swell, but then something clicks.

"Hey Dray?" I call.

"Yes darling?" He asks.

"When my Father gave you his blessing, it was for this want it? I noticed the look he gave you before he was dragged away, he gave you his blessing to propose didn't he?" I ask.

"Yes, that was it. The cat's out of the bag I guess," he shrugs.

I smile and lie down between his legs, my back on top of his chest, his chin resting on the top of my head and his arms wrapped around my collarbone.

"When do you want to get married?" He asks. I draw soothing circles on his wrists with my fingertips.

"As soon as possible, how about a summer wedding? Think about it, we'll both be seventeen, it's before the war so all the people we love will be there. And hopefully, Father and Uncle Lucius will be out of Azkaban," I reason.

"Yeah, let's do it then," he agrees.

"How about we do it abroad, on a cliff at sunset?" I suggest.

"It sounds perfect," he says softly.

"I want Father to walk me down the aisle. Daphne to be my Maid of Honour, my other bridesmaids to be Tracey, Millicent and my cousin Audrey. With the most perfect white dress ever made, a four tier wedding cake but most importantly of all, you waiting for me at the altar," I think out loud.

"I want to have Theo as my Best Man, my other groomsmen to be Blaise, Crabbe and Goyal, I want Tyler, Flint, Pucey and Warrington to send my death threats and glares, I want to watch you walk down that aisle," he follows. I turn my head to look up with a smile and peck his nose.

"I need to get ready," I inform and walk over to my closet. I pick out a classy outfit that my ring will look good with.

Draco gets dressed to, I finish doing my hair and make up, and we walk down to the Common room, hand in hand.

"Here comes the bride," Theo sings, I roll my eyes at him.

"Daph! Can you come here for a sec?" I ask. She nods and walks over to my future husband and I.

"Morning what do you need?" She greets. I smile and take a deep breath.

"Will you be my Maid of Honour?" I ask. She smiles sky high.

"Of course I will Clara!" She yells and hugs me so tight I can feel all the air in my body being squeezed out.

"Ok Greengrass don't kill her before I marry her," Draco interferes. "Now we ask Theo,"

"Theo mate! Come over here!" Draco demands, Theo comes jogging over here.

"What's up mate?" Theo asks. He gives Daphne and I a weird look because of the smiles we've for on our faces.

"Will you be my Best Man?" Draco questions, stretching his hand out. Theo grins and shakes Draco's hand.

"Yes I will," he answers. We all smile and get breakfast.

(Time skip to when they arrive back at Malfoy Manor)

Mother picked Draco and I up at Kings Cross and brings us back to Malfoy Manor, I can't wait to see Tyler, I've missed him and the boys dearly, I've written to all four of them about five million times, they promised to come and see me over Christmas break as well. We walk into the Dining room, I see Aunt Narcissa, Aunt Bella and my brother.

"TYLER!" I gasp.

He turns around and smiles as he lays his eyes on me, he holds his arms out to me. I run the best I can in these heels and into my brothers arms, I feel my eyes tear up, this is the longest time we've been apart ever since the day I was born, well, minus his first two years at Hogwarts, but times are different now.

"I'm missed you so damn much!" I sigh I'm his ear, he chuckles.

"You too sis, you too," he replies.

I reluctantly pull away from him and walk back to Draco, covering my left hand so no one can see the ring, we look at each other and nod, we lace our fingers together.

"Well everyone, we have an announcement to make," Draco starts with a smile. They all give us funny looks.

"You're not pregnant, are you?" Tyler asks, glaring daggers at Draco. I roll my eyes at him.

"No," I say sternly.

"We're engaged, we're getting married!" I declare. Mother, Narcissa and Bella smile sky high and they start squealing, Tyler smiles at me but looks annoyed at Draco.

"You never asked for my blessing, Malfoy," Tyler mutters.

"Oh be quiet Tyler! Your sister is getting married," Mother says. Her, Bella and Narcissa rush over and swoon at the ring.

"Ok ok, Mother, Aunt Narcissa, Aunt Bella stop moddy coddling her, as I myself, have a surprise for my baby sister," Tyler says.

He places his hands on my shoulders and steers me out of the room and up to his bedroom.

"Tie what are you doing?" I giggle.

He smiles and swings his door open, I slowly walk in and a wide smile appears on my face, right in front of my stand Marcus Flint and Cassius Warrington with grins on their faces, my eyes tear up again.

"MARCUS, CASSIUS!" I exclaim and hug both of them so tight I'm sure I'm crushing their bones.

"Well if it isn't my favourite little princess," Marcus chuckles into my hair.

"Hi Marc," I greet.

"Sis, we've missed you," Cassius sighs into my neck.

"You too Cassius, you too," I reply. We pull away and I notice that someone's missing.

"Where's Adrian?" I ask. They all share a look and my face drops.

"W-what's happened to him?" I question, none of them speak.


"Clara! He was on a task for the Dark Lord and he um he-," Tyler starts. I feel like my world has crumbled down, properly this time. I drop to my knees and a hard sob escapes my mouth. One of my brothers might be dead. The boys crouch down onto the ground with me,

"He's not gone yet Clara, he's at St Mungos. He's got a fifty fifty chance," Marcus informs. I look up at them.

"Take me there, now. If he's gonna die I'm going to see him again," I cry. They share a look and nod.

"I'll go tell Mother, Aunt Narcissa, Aunt Bella and your your new betrothed," Tyler states. Shit, he just told Marcus and Cassius.

"YOUR NEW WHAT!" They shout.

"Draco asked me to marry him last night, and I said yes," I stutter. They smile and pull me into another group hug, I want to celebrate with them but knowing that someone I love has half of a chance of dying, I don't have it in me.

"We can celebrate later guys," I whisper. They nod and Tyler comes back. We hold onto each other and apparate to the Hospital.

They take me up to his room. I take a deep breath before I open the door, I walk in and tears flood down my face. Adrian looks so fragile, but calm. I sink into the seat at his bedside and hold his hand.

"Oh my Salazar, Adrian. Please wake up, please, please please," I say.

"It's me, Clara, I've missed you so much, please don't make me miss you for the rest of my life. I've some amazing news, Draco asked me to marry him, he proposed and I said yes. I want you at my wedding, Adrian, I need you there," I weep.

(Time skip two hours)

"Clara, we've got to go now, come on princess," Marcus says softly. I reluctantly nod and wipe my tears sway.

"Adrian, please. You're my brother, not by blood but by heart. I need you," I plea. Nothing. He doesn't wake. I lean forward and kiss his forehead.

"I love you," I whisper.

I go to walk away but I feel someone grip my hand, I quickly turn around and see Adrian stirring and slowly opening his eyes.

"ADRIAN!" I exclaim, I lean over and hug him tight. Marcus and Tyler come rushing over and share a look of relief.

"Ouch!" He gasps, I hastily draw back.

"Sorry," I mutter. He smiles lightly at me.

"Clara I missed you," he mumbles.

"You too," I say. He runs his hand over my ring.

"You're engaged?" He asks wearily.

"Yeah, Draco proposed last night," I explain and smile at the memory.

"I'll bring the pictures next time," I add.

"Am I invited?" He asks with a cheeky grin. I roll my eyes at him.

"First on the list," I chuckle.

We leave half an hour later, engulfed with relief.

A/N: SHE SAID YES! I loved writing this chapter. Please comment, vote and share it means the world.

Ruby xx

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