The Blind Swordsman {Toph X B...

By Ninneko7

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Y/N L/N is a boy who is blind. Somehow even though he was blind he was able to sense the people around him an... More

Story Begins
Start of the Journey
Earth Rumble 6
A New Friend
Unexpected Reunion
Serpent's Pass
The Drill
Party Invitation
Earth King's Trust
Aang Awakens
Dance Party
Secret Hero
Sokka's Master
Sokka's Master PT.2
Little Adventure
The Runaway
Sparky-Sparky Boom Man
Strange Lady
Blood Bender
Aang's Craziness
The Invasion
The Invasion Pt. 2
Western Air Temple
Firebending Teacher
Firebending Problem
The Masters
The Boiling Rock Pt. 1
The Boiling Rock Pt. 2
The Boiling Rock Pt. 3
Accidental Confession
The Horrible Play
Aang's Disappearance
Seven Years
The Next Step
Thank You


2.1K 55 10
By Ninneko7

Toph, Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Momo were all standing on the sand looking to see if they could spot the sandbenders. Toph had Y/N's sword around her back.

Aang: How could you just let them take, Appa?! Why didn't you stop them?!

Toph: I couldn't! You guys were still inside! And why do you only care about, Appa?! What about, Y/N?!

Aang: Because Appa is the only thing I have left! You just didn't care!

Toph: Well, I care more about Y/N than Appa! Because I found someone who's like me!

Katara: Stop it! The both of you! Aang, Toph did the best she could. Even with Y/N they still couldn't win.

Toph: If only I didn't listen to Y/N...

Sokka: Toph... We'll find him...

Toph: I just want him here...

Aang: Well, I'm finding Appa!

Aang flies away. Katara holds Toph's hand. She looks at Toph to see her face was really devastated.

Toph: I can't believe he said that...

Katara: It's okay, Toph. We're going to find Y/N. Sokka and I promise.

Toph: Okay...

Katara: Come on, we've gotta stick together.

Toph, Katara, Sokka, and Momo kept walking.


Y/N woke up as he could see Appa across from him outside of the sandbender's village.

Y/N: Appa...

Appa growled quitely. Y/N tried standing up but his ankle would hurt every time he tried to move it.

Y/N: Damn it...

Y/N slowly tries to get up but he gets knocked down by the sandbender. The sandbender takes Y/N inside their prison and he gets chained up onto the wall.

Y/N: You're going to pay for this...

Sandbender 1: *chuckles* Like you can do anything.

The sandbender punches Y/N in the stomach. Appa growled loudly and he used his tail to blow the sandbender to the wall.

Y/N: *chuckles* Good job, Appa... (Appa licks Y/N) Love you too, buddy.

???: Excuse me, we're here for the bison. Here's the gold.

???: Pleasure doing business.

Y/N: No! Appa!

???: Quiet you! Keep his mouth shut!

The sandbender puts cloth around Y/N's mouth to keep him from talking. Y/N tried to get out but he would get beaten every time he tried to show signs of escape.


Toph, Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Momo were all laying down on the sand getting some rest. Underneath the night sky.

Katara: Come on, get up. We need to go.

Toph sits up and she smacks her lips.

Toph: Yesterday, my mouth tasted like mud. Now, it just tastes like sand. I never thought I'd miss the taste of mud so much.

Katara: Aang.

Aang: I'm awake. I couldn't sleep.

Katara: Well, we need to get moving if we want to get out of this sand pit.

Aang looked up at the sky to see something flying.

Aang: Appa!

Sokka: Appa? But why would Princess Yue need him? She's the moon, she flies by herself.

Katara looked at it closely to see it was just a cloud.

Katara: It's just a cloud. Wait, a cloud! Here, fly up and bend the water from that cloud into my pouch.

Aang grabs the pouch and he flies up to the cloud. Katara watches Aang fly into the cloud twice and he landed back down as he threw the pouch to Katara. Katara looked inside th puch to see there wasn't a lot inside.

Katara: Wow, there's hardly any in here.

Aang: I'm sorry, okay! It's a desert cloud, I did all I could! What's anyone else doing?! What are you doing?!

Katara: Trying to keep everyone together. Let's just get moving. We need to head this direction.

They all started walking but Toph tripped on something and she fell to the ground.

Toph: Crud, I am so sick of not feeling where I'm going! And what idiot buried a boat in the middle of the desert?!

Katara: A boat?

Toph: Believe me, I kicked it hard enough to feel plenty of vibrations.

Aang blew all of the sand off as it revealed the gliders of what the sandbenders use.

Katara: It's one of the gliders the sandbenders use. And look, it's got some kind of compass on it. I bet it can point us out of here. Aang, you can bend a breeze so we can sail it. We're gonna make it!

They all looked at Sokka to see him burying Momo in the sand.

Toph: Let's go.

Toph, Katara, Aang, Sokka, and Momo get on the glider. Aang starts using his airbending as the glider started moving. Toph was sitting down thinking about Y/N.

Katara: The needle on this compass doesn't seem to be pointing north, according to my charts.

Sokka: Take it easy, little lady. I'm sure the sand folks who built this baby know how to get around here.

Katara looked ahead to see a giant rock.

Katara: That's what the giant compass is pointing to. That giant rock. It must be the magnetic center of the desert.

Toph: A rock? Yes, let's go!

Katara: Maybe we can find some water.

Aang: Maybe we can find some sandbenders.

{5 Minutes Later}

Once Toph and the others arrived the sun already came up. They were able to reach the top to look at the sun.

Toph: Ahh... Finally, solid ground.

Toph laid on the ground and she made an earth angel. Toph, Katara, Aang, Sokka, and Momo all walked into the cave.

Sokka: I think my head is starting to clear out the cactus juice. And look!

Sokka grabbed the green slime and he put it in his mouth but he spits it back out.

Sokka: Tastes like rotten penguin meat! Oh, I feel woozy.

Katara: You've been hallucinating on cactus juice all day, and then you lick something you find stuck to the wall of a cave?!

Sokka: I have a natural of curiosity.

Toph: I don't think this is a normal cave. This was carved by something.

Aang: Yeah, look at the shape.

Toph: There's something buzzing in here. Something that's coming for us!

Toph and the others all ran out of the cave as a group giant bugs came flying out. Toph knocked a bug away as she felt another and she earthbended a boulder towards it but it landed next to Sokka.

Sokka: What are you doing?! That rock almost crushed me!

Toph: Sorry, I can't tell where they are in the air!

Sokka: I got this one.

Sokka chased after it and he started swinging his sword around at it.

Katara: Sokka, there's nothing there!

Sokka: Huh? I guess my head's not as clear as I thought.

Katara: We have to get out of here. I'm completely out of water to bend.

The bug takes Momo and Aang goes after it.

Katara: Come on, we're going down.

Toph, Katara, and Sokka quickly went down on the trail.

Katara: Toph, shoot a rock, right there.

Toph earthbended and she towards the direction where Katara faced her and the rocks hit the bug in the air.

Sokka: Yeah, you got it! She got it, right?

Katara: Yes. Now, let's move.  

Toph, Katara, and Sokka quickly ran back down.

Katara: Toph, shoot to your left!

Toph shoots a rock at the bug and it gets knocked out of the air. Suddenly a wall of rocks appeared and it scared the bugs away. Toph, Katara, and Sokka looked back to see sandbenders everywhere. Aang landed in front of Toph, Katara, and Sokka.

???: What are you doing in our land with a sandbender sailer? From the looks of it you stole it from the Hami Tribe.

Katara: We found the sailer abandoned in the desert. We're travelling with the Avatar. Our bison was stolen, and we have to get to Ba Sing Se.

???: You dare accuse our people of theft, while you ride in on a stolen sand sailer.

???: Quiet, Ghashiun. No one accused our people of anything. If what they say is true, we must give them hospitality.

Ghashiun: Sorry, father.

???: You have no right to be sorry.

Toph: Y/N...?

Y/N quickly took off the cloak and he grabbed his knife and puts it against to Ghashiun's neck.

???: Ghashiun!

Y/N: Confess or else I'll kill you.

Ghashiun: S-Sorry! I didn't know the bison was with the Avatar!

Appa: Tell me where Appa is.

Ghashiun: I traded your bison to some merchants. He's probably in Ba Sing Se by now. They were going to sell him there.

Katara grabbed Aang's hand before he could do anything and he calmed down. Y/N lets Ghashiun go and Toph hugs him.

Y/N: Ow.

Toph: Sorry.

Y/N: It's okay. Just make sure I don't fall over. I'm not trying to put so much weight on my ankle.

Toph puts Y/N's arm around her and she helped him walk.

Toph: Are you hurt anywhere else?

Y/N: My whole body hurts.

Katara: I'll help you with your injuries.

Y/N: Thanks, Katara.

Sokka: Y/N, did you see the merchants that took Appa?

Y/N: Uh, I can't really see them but I can remember their voices.

Sokka: Oh, right, sorry.

???: I'll take you out of this desert. I apologize Avatar.

Aang: You shouldn't apologize. And thank you.

Y/N, Toph, and the others all got on the sand glider and Ghashiun's dad took them out of the desert.

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