Forgive Me (Female Katsuki Ba...

By Victor_TheRiper

166K 3.6K 1.2K

After four years of being in UA High School, and retaking the hero license exam with Shoto Todoroki and along... More

Chp.1 The Broken Child
Chp.2 The Present
Chp.3 The Mission
Chp.4 The Mysterious Foe
Chp.7 Who Am I?
Chp.9 Arriving To UA High
Chp.11 Breakfast With Bakugau
Chp.12 Timeskip
Chp.13 Wholesome With Eri
Chp.15 Nomu Attacks
Chp.16 Rage
Chp.19 I Remember Now
Chp.21 You Broke Me
Chp.22 The Terminal Fight
Chp.23 Forgive Me
Chp.24 Epilogue
Final Chapter: Lemon

Chp.5 Battle With The Rampaging Foe

6.8K 174 49
By Victor_TheRiper



And so, (YN) was starting to scream like some savage animal he was as he grew angrier and angrier, soon having his whole body filled with green aura as he then started running after Izuku and the others...

Kaminari: O-Oh Crap! He's coming this!! Guys, what now!?!

Kirashima: Now, we fight!

Izuku: Okay! But to stop him for good, we need a-

Bakugau: Come at me you bastard!!!

Izuku: K-Kachan!

Iida: Bakugau wait!!

Bakugau started to charge at (YN), using her quirk with explosion speed to get to him, soon as she got in a close range to (YN), she propel herself in mid air above (YN) as she talon appeared behind him and yells out...

Bakugau: Stun Grenade!!

With facing her palm towards (YN)'s back, she emitted a huge explosion out from her and hit (YN) to cause an explosion...

Bakugau: HA!! Got your ass!! How does that-

But suddenly, (YN) whole arm appeared out from the smoke as it then reaches and Gran on Bakugau's leg..

Bakugau: What?!?

The smoke clears as (YN) soon got a hold on Bakugau's leg..

Bakugau: That didn't even do much to him!!? How the-


(YN) then brutally slams Bakugau face first to the ground as Bakugau bounce back up, knowing a bit of blood was coming out from her nose, soon she bounces back up, (YN)lifts his right leg and then gives massive kick towards Bakugau's gut, as it caused her to spat a lot of saliva, and sending her flying away as she then crashes towards Kirashima and Izuku as the two fall back with Bakugau...

Iida: Midoriya! Kirashima!

Todoroki: Focus Iida! They'll be fine, we gotta take him done first! Don't worry, they'll get up!

Iida: R-Right! Alright guys! Let's do this!

So, Iida, Todoroki, Momo, Sero and Kaminari then started charging after (YN), soon Sero leaps up as he emitted his tape quirk, expanding his tape from his elbows towards (YN) soon to wrap his tapes around (YN)...

(YN): HGGHH?!!?

Sero: Got him!

Iida: My turn! Recipro...Burst!!!

Iida enhances his quirk to give him a great boost to go after (YN) and give him a kick to the face in order to knock him down, but soon he does, (YN) growl savagely as he soon to break free from Sero's tape like nothing and soon he dodges below from Iida's kick...

Sero: Wh-What?!

Iida: What?!? No way! How-

(YN): HAAGH!!!

(YN) rises up as he then brutally upper cuts Iida's chin, after that, he then grabs on Iida's leg, spins him and then tosses him towards Sero as the two got hit badly and felling down to the ground..

Kaminari: O-Oh shit!!! This guy is too strong!! What now!?!

Todoroki: He may be able to break free from Sero's tape, but let's see if he can keep up with my ice!

Soon Todoroki realizes (YN) coming after Him Kaminari and Momo, soon he emitted his ice quirk, spreading his ice towards (YN), soon (YN) realizes the huge amount of ice wall coming towards him, he then clenches both his fists as he started rapid punching the ice wall that was coming him, soon the ice covered around him and making a huge ice wall around...

Todoroki: Okay, now that it should take us time, Yaoyorozu, you think you can make cannons?!

Momo: Y-Yes! I'll make two powerful one!

Todoroki: Good! I'll keep surrounding him with my ice power!

Momo then started using her creation quirk out from her gut to create two huge powerful cannons while Todoroki keeps away (YN) with his ice...soon Yaoyorozu was almost creating the cannons, but then, they suddenly heard (YN) screaming from the inside of the ice wall as several green lights started to pop out from the ice wall, and then suddenly caused the huge ice wall around him to explode as (YN) continues to scream like a savage animal he is...

Kaminari: Wh-What the!?! How was he able to do that?!?


(YN) started running down to go after Todoroki, Kaminari and Yaoyorozu...

Todoroki: Damn it! Yaoyorozu-

Yaoyorozu: I-It's done! Take cover!!

Soon Todoroki and Kaminari took cover as Yaoyorozu blasted the two cannons as two cannon balls blasted out and soon to shoot with such speed towards (YN), soon (YN) stopped and soon aiming both his hands towards the two cannon balls that were coming towards him, as he did, the two cannons balls landed straight towards (YN)'s palms and started pushing him away as (YN) kept his feet on the ground, dragging him due to the cannon ball's force pushing him, soon after, he was able to stop his he had the two cannon balls in his hands, knowing the he catches them like nothing..

Momo: N-No...way...h-how can he be able to stop those!? It should have kill him if he tries something like that!!

Kaminari: I-I don't know guys! I'm now starting to have this scary feeling about this dude! Maybe-


(YN) soon started then pitched the cannon balls with such force one at the time, as soon he pitches both of them, they were now coming towards them...

Todoroki: Look out!!!

Todoroki, Momo and Kaminari took cover as soon Todoroki creates a ice wall behind them, soon the cannon balls hit the ice walls and created a huge explosion...

Kaminari: What now!? He's so unstoppable! Not even the rest can lay a finger on that guy!!

Momo: Calm down Kaminari! We can plan another way to take him down! Todoroki?!

Todoroki: I'm it!

(YN) soon started to walk towards them, knowing the ice wall is barely still up and half destroyed from the cannons balls he just toss at, he tightly clenches both his fists and growl slike a he got closer...soon a trail of ice appeared out of nowhere as it then was spreading to (YN)'s side, that got his attention...but what for? Soon, he notices the ice wall a pit of fire burst out from it as (YN) dodges it from it, soon after, the flames was coming from Todoroki's quirk, his left side, as (YN) growls...soon he started running after him...

Momo: Todoroki, you think this plan will work?!

Todoroki: Yes, I'm sure of it!

As soon (YN) stated to charge after Todoroki and Momo, Todoroki suddenly yells out...

Todoroki: Now Kaminari!!

Soon, knowing the trail of ice that (YN) was distracted by, Kaminari was on the trail of ice, leading him behind (YN) soon he leaped off from the ice, and then landed on top of (YN) as he then places both his hands to his back and yells..

Kaminari: Here goes!! Indiscriminate 1.3 million volts shock!!!

Soon Kaminari emits his electric quirk towards (YN), soon electrifying (YN)...


Todoroki: Kaminari, now get away from him!!

Kaminari: O-Okay!!

Soon Kaminari got off from (YN)'s back as Todoroki powered up his left side as he then bursted a huge pile of flames from his quirk as the fire started coming towards (YN) and it then hits (YN)...

Kaminari: Hehe..yeeey! You got him!

Momo: Great job Todoroki!

But as soon (YN) got hit with the flames, his hand suddenly came out from the flames as he soon grabs on Kaminari's whole face..

Kaminari: HMMMPH!!! Guys!!!

Todoroki/Momo: Kaminari!!

As the flames settled down, it seems that the fire didn't even so much to (YN), only leaving his clothes half burned only, which made (YN) even more angry and having his eyes wide open, as he grabbed Kaminari's whole face, he then brutally slams him to the ground, after that, he lest him go and goes after Momo and Todoroki, but this time he was much faster than before as he then got to Todoroki first, Todoroki tried to use his flames at (YN) again, but this time (YN) was so fast he strikes a knee hit towards Todoroki's gut and then clotheslining him, dragging Todoroki with him and then launches him away crashing towards some boulders...

Momo: Todoroki!!! You bastard!

Momo started to run after (YN) from behind as she soon created a staff out from her gut as she then hold onto it, and then swings her staff towards (YN)'s face, hitting him directly..but the hit didn't do nothing to him...(YN) slowly turns his head around, with this vicious look he had that gave Momo the chills and shaking in fear...(YN) grabs Momo by her neck as he lifts her up, choking her as Momo couldn't fight back and couldn't breathe...(YN) growls as he kept choking Momo with one hand...until...

Izuku: SMASH!!!!

Izuku luckily came to the rescue as he then strikes a a punch towards (YN) as it then made him let go of Momo...and then sent flying as he quickly recovers...soon after, Momo couldn't stand up the fact that being choked from (YN) made her lose her strength to get up and out of breathe too...

Momo: I-Izuku...!

Izuku: Stay put Momo! You've done enough! Kirashima! Kachan!

Kirashima: Right! Let's go Midoriya!!

Bakugau: Don't tell me what to do, dumbass! I got this!

Izuku: R-Right!

Izuku, Kirashima and Bakugau started rushing towards (YN) as (YN) hen shakes his head from the punch he got as he then screams again like a savage animal and goes charging towards them...soon him, Izuku with Kirashima and Bakugau started throwing down...Izuki and Kirashima started throwing punches to (YN) as they were able to land some punches on him, but weren't that affective to him somehow as he was still standing as for a Bakugau, she on the other hand started throwing explosions and stunning him with her quirk, and yet her quirk still isn't affective to him, the tree continue to try fight off (YN) but (YN) was too strong, fast and powerful that none of their punches isn't doing nothing to him, soon (YN) grow more angrily as he then strikes a punch towards Izuku and then a kick to Kirashima, and so grabbing on Bakugau's hair and tossing her away...soon the three were able to recover quickly...until then they had to go all out, leaving them no choice...

Kirashima: Nrgh! Alright then! Time to go all out!! Red Riot:Unbreakable!

Bakugau: Hehe! I'm liking your words shitty hair! I'm going all out too!

Bakugau then leaps up as she started using explosives speed in mid air, flying towards (YN)...

Izuki: I guess there's no other choice. Here goes then! One For All:Full Cowling!

So, Both Kirashima and Izuku started running together as the two started going after (YN) as (YN) himself charges at him as well...

Izuku: Ready Kirashima?!

Kirashima: Hell yeah!

Izuku: Here goes!! Delaware...Detroit...

Kirashima: Red...

Izuku: SMAAAAASH!!!!!

Kirashima: GAUNTLET!!!!

Both Izuku and Kirashima landed a strong punch towards (YN)'s gut, as it then was able to do something to him knowing he spat out a bit of blood out from his mouth, and soon Bakugau comes...

Bakugau: Howitzer...IMPACT!!!!!!

With Bakugau propelling herself around and around In circular motion creating a tornado, she released a huge aforementioned impact blast towards (YN) alongside with Kirashima's and Izuku's punches...but her Howitzer Impact somehow caused (YN) to sent him flying away all of the sudden, and crashes towards a Boulder, but not only crash into it, his head landed on the edge of Boulder first, soon hitting his head so hard and so painful, the hit caused his head to open a little gaping wound, and soon blood to come out from it as well, bouncing from the hit and then falling towards the river...
soon to be knocked out cold...


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