Adopted by the Hype House (Ni...

By RockieRyanPayne

137K 2.1K 406

You got into the hype house and things got a little messy (Blake the swat guy, isn't Blake gray.. just sayin) More

26? I think
not a fucking chapter
Read or I'll murder you in your dreams
This is not a chapter but like...
not a chapter but alr
bestie application


312 6 4
By RockieRyanPayne

The next day, i woke up at 8 and got ready. I got my keys and Vinnie stopped me.
Vin: Minnaaa, i want a kiss
I kissed up on his lips. I moved the strands of hair from his face and onto his head.
Me: I'm going now okay?
Vin: Okay. Be safe
Me: I will
Vin: Bye
Me: bye
I left and went to sway. It was 9.15 at this point. I rang the doorbell
Me: hey
Kio: Hey
We hugged.
Josh: Hello there
Me: Hi Josh
We hugged and let go. They invited me inside and i waited in the living room. Somehow, Blake, Jaden and Josh are coming too. They got done and we went in my car

Me: Where we goin?



Me: you guys are wild

We laughed. We got to the mall and went out to eat. We went to Crossroads. We ate and Travis hung out with us. Then, we had to leave so we said bye to Travis. But he stopped Jaden and I.

Travis: By the way, we were invited to a birthday party for a16 year old boy.

Me: when?

Travis: Tomorrow, I was gonna text you both just now

Me: I'm down

Jaden: Yeah

we left and we went to sway. we hung out the rest of the day. Then, I got a call from Nai.

Me: Hey

Nai: Hey, do you hate me?

Me: What's the correct answer?

Nai: Yes

Me: Is my dad or Vinnie holding a gun to your head?

I heard my dad and Vinnie laughing at the background

Me: I knew it

Nai: Come home and send help

Me: Okay

i hung up. I legit called 3 cop cars for a bit. The cops probably hate me by now. I told sway i was leaving and promise to hang out another time. I left to hype. The cops caught up with me an dwe went to Hype. I opened the gates and we went in.


Me: I wasnt joking

We laughed.

Thomas: So, we did something

Me: Guys, arrest him

they pretended to cuff him and we laughed. we went to Vinnies room. There were pictures of nai on his wall. I walked back out.

Me: This is getting weird, you guys can leave.

I gave them stacks of cash and they left. I went back upstairs and say Vin and Nai making an awkward tiktok. They awkwardly hug and they pushed each other away. Nai saw me and filmed us.

Nai: Tell them you dont hate me

Me: Let's go cuddle Nai, its getting late

Vin: What about me?

Me: MICHEAL!!!!!

MIcheal: What?

Me: Vinnie wants a cuddle buddy

Both Nai and i left the boys and we ended up hanging out for a good 2 hours and she had to leave. Then, Vinnie came in my room

Vin: Hey, I'm sorry for that

Me: It's okay. It's just a stupid joke

Vin: Okay

He plopped onto me and we cuddled

Vin: I'm going to hang out with noah tomorrow

Me: Okay

Vin: I'm going to miss you. Again

Me: Let's just cuddle okay?

Vin: Okay

He fell asleep on me and then i heard his phone ringing. It was markell, i answered it

Me: Hey Markell. Vinnies sleeping

I showed him Vinnie on me

Markell: Hey, I'm busy. Call me later

Me: o..Kay?

Markell: Bye

Me: Bye?

He hung up. I was confused. Out of the blue, Nick calls me

Nick: Hello, I would like to order a cheese pizza

Me: Nick, its-

Nick: With pepperoni please

Me: Say yes if you need help

Nick: Yes, please

Me: Okay. turn on the location.

Nick: Its (random address in the bahamas)

Me: Okay

nick: Thank you

Me: No problem

i hung up. I carried Vinnie and him on the bed. I got ready with shit and called the police at their area. I took my shit and took my emergancy packed bag. I rented a fast jet and called up another pilot to fly me there. I got out of my room. I saw Jake and Micheal fooling around.

Me: Jake! I'm leaving to the Bahamas, tell everyone but dont tell the internet. They might die

Jake: Aiai captian

he saluted. i waited for the cop car to pick me up. After 3 minutes, they came. i loaded in my shit and went into the car. They brought me to the airport with the lights and sirens on. We got there and i basically ran to the jet hiding my face. i loaded in my stuff and i was met with swat teams and we took off.

After 2 hours, We got to Bahams quickly and we took our stuff and went to the building immedietally. We searched up and down and finally found a secret enterance. We all went down a fridge and saw the boys. I wanted to take one more step but something stopped me. I stoppped the rest and said that there was oil on the floor. We saw 5 men sitting down on the sofe. They looked at us and we all pointed our guns at them.

Jay: Hands up!

They surrendered and we cuffed them. I helped Ry, Chase and Nick. We all went out together and i took them to my hotel room to cool down.

Me: What happened?

Nick: We were at the airport and these dudes started surrounding is and shit and then we blacked out

Me: cool

Chase: can we go back to la now?

Me: Now? Bitch it's 12am. No one is awake. I'll get rooms for you guys

Chase: I'm scared

Me: You can sleep on the other bed

Chase: Sick

Me: Ryland? Nick? Wanna sleep next door or you guys wanna separate?

Ry: let's just all cramp into the bed

Me:. No making out. I'll be up all night anyways. You guys can use my bed

I went to the desk and started working on shit and the boys slept on the beds. I got shit done and shit signed. I apparently was invited to a modeling place but it was 4 months ago so... Yea. I got done with filling all the forms for the boys and hype house and sway and larrays documents to update all and I saw the time was 8am. I was surprisingly not tired from everything and I did some boring work and report things. I then watched a movie. I changed my laptop and turned it off. I got on my phone to see a facetime call from Vinnie

Vin:. hey

Me: Hey

Vin: At you still there? I miss you

Me: I miss you too. We'll come back after these boys wake up

Vin: Okay, stay safe. I love you

Me: You too. Bye

Vin: Bye

I hung up. I saw Chase on his phone

Me: Take a shower lilhuddy, we're going to breakfast and leaving this place

Chase: Okay

I saw Nick sweating on my bed. He was tossing and turning. I decided to wake him up

Me: Nick, Nicholas, Austin, Nicholas Austin

He shot up

Me: Get up mr I had a nightmare, we're going to breakfast and then we're going back to la

Nick: okay

I then woke ryland up

Me: Ryyyyyy

Ry: What

Me: Get up, we're leaving this place

Ry: Finally

They took a shower and got changed. I took a shower and changed I the bathroom. We all got our stuff and I handed the key to the receptionist. We went to a fancy buffet and we ate our breakfast and we took a flight to la. I called up Vinnie to pick me up with the boys.

Vin: Hey

Me: Hey

Chase: Sup V

Nick: Hey

Ry: Sup

They loaded in their bags and we sent them to their house. Vinnie and I went to hype. I went to my room and suddenly, markell called me

Markell: Hey, my car broke down. Can I borrow a thousand dollars?

Me: No way, your Tesla?

Markell: Yea

Me: Sure, send me your Venmo

Markell: I'm joking, I'm joking

Me: Oh

Markell: That was nice though

Me: I mean, you need help

Markell: Aight bye

Me: Bye?

He hung up.

Vin: That's awkward

Me: You don't say

I lay on my stomach on my bed and got a call.

Me: Hello

Blake: Hey. Little one, want to hang out with sway?

Me: Sure. I'm bringing Vinnie with me

Blake: Okay, bye

Me: Bye

I hung Up.

Me: Let's go to sway

Vin: Okay

We went to sway that day. I saw Nick and Madison Beer there (not the Madison that got locked up. I forgot to address that). Surprisingly. How did they hook up? Lol

Me: Hey guys

Bryce: Hey

Nick: Hey ex girlfriend

Me: Hey ex boyfriend

We all laughed

Bryce: I like how casual they are about this

Me: Hey small guy

Bryce: Did you just call me small?

Me: Yeah

Bryce: I'm bigger than you

Me: I'm stronger than you

Bryce: Yeah right

Nick: Oh Bryce, you haven't seen her carry paper to his room

Bryce: Liar

Me: wanna prove it?

Bryce: Yeah. Carry Blake

Me: Bet

Blake: I'm the biggest motherfucker in the house there's no way you could do it

Me: Lay down

He lay on the floor

Me: Hands crossed around your chest

He did what I say and carried him up. I put him over my shoulder

Me: Alright bye guys

We all laughed

Amelie: Don't steal my boyfriend

Amelie said while taking a sip from her cup

Nick: Look, it's the girl that I used to have beef with

Me: Austin, shut the fuck up

Nick: Rude!

Blake: Can you put me down now

Me: Wanna slap his ass?

I looked at Amelie and she nodded so quickly. She slapped his ass and I threw him on the couch.

Me: Can't beat that Bryce

Bryce: Lets go to the gym

I followed him there while the rest looked at us from the inside. He took the barbell and put 110lbs on each side. He could barely Lift it up. He only lift it up to his chest. I smirked.

Bryce: Can't beat that

Me: Oh boy

I carried it with one of my hand.

Bryce: Your veins are about to pop

Me: Looks like it, but not like it

I let it down slowly. We went back inside

Blake: The lesson of today is...

Bryce: to never say that Mina is small

Me: Good boy

I pat his head.

Nick: Do you still have the- you know..

Me: Yeah, who said I didn't

Madison: Have what?

Nick whispered into her ear

Madison: Ohh

I handed him the bag of compact equipments.

Nick: Thanks

Blake: What was that?

Me: Cocaine

Blake: Cool

Me: Anyways, what are we doing?

Bryce: Going out and buying each other shit

Me: You need money dont you?

Bryce: Yeah

We all laughed.

Me: Venmo

I gave everyone a budget of 5k.

Nick: I forgot how rich you were

Me: Me too

Nick: Did it increase or decrease

Me: I want to decrease by at least half but that's just impossible

Nick: Than give everyone 1 million

Me: Austin! We do not say what's my wage outloud

Nick: Sorry

Bryce: Let's go. Girls one car, boys 2 cars

Me: Aight. Girls, who's car are we taking?

Amelie: I don't know. Yours maybe? Your car is the biggest

Me: Okay

Us girls went to my car. We followed the boys

Madison: So, what's Nick's favourite things?

Me: I'd say just buy him teddy bears and he'll be happy

Madison: But he has like 15 already

Me: You don't say

Madison: What other things does he like?

Me: Hugs, kisses, just give him random hugs he'll like them

Madi: Ohhh

Me: Sometimes he could be annoying and clingy but he wont get to your nerves

Madi: What if i accidentally say something? Will he believe me if i say its an accident?

Me: He'll understand. As long as you dont mean it, he'll understand

Amelie: And don't say that he's annoying, he's that sensitive

Me: Yeah

Madi: Ohh

Me: Girl advice, if you're on that time, you tell him and he'll do everything

Madi: Does he do that to you guys?

Amelie: Me, no I was never dating him, people just shipped us

Madi: And you Mina?

Me: I take Norethisterone since I was 16. Then I kept taking them until my uterus said no (pretend it works like that lol)

Addison: Seriously?

Me: Yea

Addison: Does it effect you?

Me: Many girls get depressed but my work says "there's no time to be depressed"

Madi: Will you have kids?

Me: That is still possible if it comes back. Which I dont know when

Amelie: Can I take them?

Me: you could but you also have to look at the side effects like dizzyness, nausea,headache, breat tenderness

Amelie: You seem fine

Me: Im basically half robot, Let that sink in

Amelie: I forgot about that

Madi: Youre a robot?!

Me: 30%

Madi: How?

Me: I basically got abused and shit and my dad was a crazy tech scientist and planted shit in my head

Madi: How come we never know?

Me: I dont tell the internet. And you dont too

Madi: Don't worry, I wont

Then, we got to berverly hills. We bought clothes for our partners and they bought stuff for us. I got Vinnie a button up black floral short sleeve shirt. I also bought him ripped jeans and a belt. I was helping Madison, Addison and Amelie when I saw a girl talking to a guy. I looked at the girls.

Me: Hold these

I handed then to Addison. I ran outside and saw a girl talking to a man uncomfortably. I went up to them

Me: Hey girl, I was waiting in the car for you

Girl: Hey

Me: Oh, who is this? Do I know you?

Man: I'm just talking to her

Me: About what?

Man: I just said that her toes are long

I tried to contain my laugh

Me: We should really go now, your mom called me

Girl: Okay

we walked away from the guy

Me: You need a ride? I can order an uber for you?

Girl: Okay

I called an uber for her and she typed in her address.

Girl: Thank you so much, can i get a picture?

Me: Sure

I took a picture wuth her and she left. I payed for her uber whenshe arrived. I was glued to my phone when i heard a car heading to a little girls direction. I grabbed her and held her tightly and embraced for impact. I scratched my back, elbow and my foot. The girl was crying. I hugged her and her parents came running to me. The car drove away casually

?: oh my gosh, we're so sorry

Me: It's okay

I let go of their daughter

??: please, let us repay you

Me: It's okay, its my job anyways

?: we're so thankful

??: thank you

They helped me up and left. I sat at the curb.

Vin: Hey, you okay?

Me: Kinda

Bryce: She did that shit to me too

Vin: Let's go back to sway

The girls caught up to us. We were crossing the road when Bryce almost got hit. I pulled the hood of his hoodie tightly and pulling him back on the curb.

Bryce: Scared the shit out of me

Me: You're welcome

We walked back to our cars and Amelie drove while I helped myself to the med kit that I stored inside my car.

Addi: How many things do you keep in your car? Do you have a candy bar?

I did an installment in my car to store things. I opened the secret mini fridge and she gasped

Addi: Can i take one?

Me: Yea

Madi: Oohh can I have one too

Me: Help yourselves

I sealed all my wounds and cuts. The girls helped themselves to the candy statch and basically almost wiped out the whole fridge. They washed it down with cooling water.

Addi: Sorry for the candy

Me: It's okay. I could always refill that

Addi: Why was that so good?

Me: Fines candy you could find. Cost 3k per piece

Madi: So you're telling me that I ate 12k in my mouth?!

Me: Basically. Yeah?

Madi: I feel bad

Me: Don't be. Its Okay. I don't even eat them anyways. And it's gonna expired in like. Idk 7 weeks or so. And I know I wouldn't touch it anyways

Addi: Thanks by the way

Me: you're welcome

I then got a call from the police station

Me: Hello?

Jay: You have to check up on Xavier and his siblings today

Me: What time?

Jay: 7pm

Me: Okay. Got it. Bye

Jay: Bye

I hung up. We got to sway and we tried out our clothes. I got a pair off styled boots, ripped jeans, a black shirt and a long sleeved flannel. Vinnie and I changed together since i had wounds and he has to help me. I got into my fit and Vinnie got into his

Vin: This is, not what I would wear but yeah

Me: I know, you just need something new to use

We headed out and modelled with our outfits.

Addi: Oohhh, my babes be snapping

Me: You too

We all filmed everything and i sent Vinnie back home. I then went to see the kids. I got to the front of their house and knocked on the door. Xavier answered.

Me: Hey guys

Xavier: Mina!

Rachel: Mina!

She ran up to me and gave me a big hug.

Me: hey guys

Rachel: Heyy

Troy: Hey. What are you doing here?

Me: Just checking up. Want to go do something for the night?

Troy: Sure

Xavier: Okay

Rachel: Okay

They got ready and I brought them to target. We had fun and goofed around. I saw Thomas and Vinnie there too. But i decided to push them away for a second. The kids got their food, snacks and veggies of course. And i helped them pay.

Me: Make sure you eat your veggies okay?

Xavier: I'll make sure

Troy: I will. In vegan anyways

Me: Cool

Rachel: I'll try

Me: Okay

I payed for them and a Karen decided to ruin our day

Karen: Excuse me?! What are you doing with these children?!

Me: I'm just taking care of them

Karen: Kids, if you feel unsafe, just talk to me okay?

Me: What do you mean?

Karen: They're Asian, and you're not

Me: Guys, are you Asian?

They shook their heads.

Me: they don't look anywhere near Asians

Karen: They have small eyes

Me: Wow, you're going to start a fight in the middle of target and saying those things Infront of kids like that?!

Karen: It's not my fault they look like that

Me: Ma'am, you're basically calling these poor children names and acting like you're in high school.

Karen: Excuse me?!

Me: Oh, brother.

I payed and walked away

Rachel: Are we ugly Xavy?

Xavier: No we are not, that lady is just jealous that she isn't as pretty as you

I smiled looking at them. I loaded in the groceries into the trunk and I heard a voice behind me

Vin: Hey, you need help?

Me: It's okay

I loaded in the last bags.

Vin: Want company?

I closed the trunk

Me: What about my dad?

Vin: He's fine he said

Me: You got shotgun. The kids didnt want to sit upfront

Vin: Okay

He sat upfront

Me: Guys, this is-

Xavier: Vinnie Hacker

Me: Not surprised that you know him

Xavier: No, no, no, Vin, you remember aunt Teresa?

Vin: Yeah? Wait-

Xavier: You know that kid who poured fruit punch all over her?

Vin: Yeah

Xavier: That was me

Vin: No way! You were so pissed at her. She told me you were a disgrace but I thought you were cool

Xavier: My mom grounded me for 2 weeks after that

Vin: Does that mean I'm your cousin, right?

Xavier: Nope, youre my uncle

Vin: Wait-

He mumbled things to try to piece things together

Vin: Ohhh. I remember now. Wait, Troy, weren't you the one who accidentally threw my phone off the staircase?

Troy: Def's me

Vin: I guess I only haven't met this little girl

Rachel: I'm Rachel and I'm 13

Vin: Great to know you guys again.

We got to their house and I helped them clear things out. Then, both Vinnie and I went back to hype. I was so exhausted form today. I took a calming shower and sat on my bed. I really wanted a hug for some random reason. I tweeted out "I want a hug". I waited for someone to come in and eventually Vinnie came in. He gave me a bear hug.

Vin: You must be so exhausted. Chase told me you didn't sleep at all

Me: Yea

Vin: Let's cuddle and go to bed

We cuddled and went to bed and I fell asleep on his chest. I was half asleep when I heard Vinnie's voice

Vin: I love you

Me: I love you too

I said tiredly and fell asleep

-the next day-

I woke up in Vinnie's arms. He was wide awake at this point.

Me: What time is it?

Vin: morning to you too. It's 10am

I nuzzled into his neck.

Vin: You still tired?

I shook my head no

Vin: Come on, let's go. We're going on a breakfast date, then go shopping, buy snacks and watch tv

Me: Okay

He helped me get ready. My foot was fine but my back was busted. My elbow wasn't that bad but it's still bad. We got out of the house and drove to an ihop. We ordered and ate. We talked for a bit and we got done and left. We went to beverly hills. At this point, it's already 12pm since the drive was slow, due to Vinnies talking i don't complain though. We got to beverly and we went shopping. I barely bought things since I had almost everything. We were walking when someone hit me on my eye. I ran after the person and he got arrested by the cops guarding the hills. I put my hood up and my head down. Vinnie was next to me. He held me down the stores. We parked our car quite far from where we were. Then i heard paparazzi. Oh no. They were touching me and asking me questions.

Vin: Dude don't touch her

Hf: So, how do you feel about nIck and his relationship

Then, someone tried to pull my hood down

Vin: Bro i said don't touch her

He slapped the person's hand. I felt someone pull my hood down. I looked up. I stopped dead into my tracks

Me: Can y'all just leave us alone for a day?! Is that too much to ask for?! Yes, i get it, this is your job! We don't want to talk to you guys right now, we would answer the questions, but now isn't the time. Please just leave us alone

They left us alone and we walked to the car.

Vin: Sorry that ruined our day

Me: It's okay. I just need this to heal

Vin: let's go to the hospital

Me: Okay

We went to the hospital after that.

Raycee: Hey Mina

Me: Hey, i kinda have a black eye

Ray: Ooh, let me call up doctor Frenzly

Me: Okay

I got my check up and he gave me a cream. Of course... We got back home and i was booming on the internet. People were attacking the paparazzi and stuff. I shut down my phone and just wanted to relax from everything for once. I went outside and relaxed my body. I left my window unlocked just in case someone decides to lock the doors. I sat outside for a good 3 hours. It's 9pm now. I went down the hill and explored the land. I took slow walks and a few limps. I went back to the house and it was unlocked. I closed and locked the door and went to my room. I saw Vinnie there

Me: Hey V

Vin: Hey, where were you?

Me: Exploring the house parameter

Vin: Oh... You want to sleep alone tonight?

Me: I would like company at night

Vinnie made grabby hands and i picked him up and went to his room

We lay and cuddled and he fell asleep. I looked through my phone and went to bed after

(I was supposed to post this yesterday.. sorry)

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