Behind this mask

By Dlihcnoom

1.2K 120 74

Two friends start out by blending in with the humans until.. Everything seems to change. Life as they know... More

The Party.
Maddy's room.
Waking up
Girls bathroom
New life?
Beta Tyler
I'm not meeting his Parents.
Into Town?
They're gone
Birthday! Part 1
Birthday! Part 2
Maddy's Big plan
Mission Leader Fall
Maddys Revenge (Part 2 for mission leader fall.)
You done fucked up
Not an update sorry
Am I dreaming?
You owe me.
It all works out
Later that night
The moring of parent day. (Short chapter)
Parent day
Bonding time
Fun day (Part 1 short chapter)
Fun what? (Part 2)
The start of the Alliance
A week later
Wait.. What?
Operation amnesia
Amnesia part 2
The minutes before the anouncement.
White noise.
Welcome back.
Just don't do it again. (Small chapter)
You need to know.
Lycans? What are those?
Back to normal?
Holy Shit
What a mess
Wild thoughts
In final
Coming soon.
The Party's Bathroom.


56 3 2
By Dlihcnoom

Maddy's P.O.V

Oh so your Tyler! Sorry you have to put up with this asshole, must be a hard life..

The look on Devon's face right now.. Ooo I just love pissing him off. Maybe I will have some fun here.

~ He isn't that bad except for when he is on his man period..

Hmm maybe I will like it here.

Well that seems like all the time. A macho dick, the head of a clique.. Let me guess he is Mr.Popular too?

Haha Devon just started growling.. This is great.

~ Devon I think I like this one. You know I normally don't like vampires but you seem pretty chill. What's your name?

My name is Maddy. Maddy Leon.

Oh my fucking god is this bitch still growling?

.*.*.*.--- Devon's P.O.V ---.*.*.*.

Why does it already feel like hell? I really didn't want to take this vampire. Why does my mate like her soo much? She is a disturbance. She doesn't belong here I already have the biggest headache because of her. Now I'll never get some alone time with my Mate.


- Maybe this is a good thing Devon


- Well if Tyler becomes friends with the girl. Then we can have time with our mate.

You're right. You are soo right where have you been?

- You shut me out remember? I told you not to cry infront of her but you don't listen you made us look foolish. But never less she still accepts the bond so you are doing something correct.

I just can't handle this disrespect.

- Neither can I but she makes our mate happy and I can't wait till we can make her that happy..

.*.*.*.--- Blue's P.O.V. ---.*.*.*.

I'm glad Maddy found another friend. I don't want her to feel lonely... I feel soo bad for doing this to her but it's what was supposed to happen.

Devon looks like he is deep thought. I don't understand why Maddy and him can't get along. They constantly fight all the time and it's only been like two days. This is going to be a long year..

I think Devon is talking to his wolf but I'm not quite sure because I haven't met mine yet.. I mean I haven't even shifted but you can smell that I am one according to Maddy.. I'm kinda scared to shift. Will my wolf be nice? Will it look cool? Cause if it doesn't look cool my life will be over. I mean.. Will I even be able to shift?

~ Alpha can I show Maddy around?

Maddy is locking eyes with me telling me I'll be okay.

Wait what? I mean yeah sure Of course you can.

He seems so out of it and they just left.. I'm not sure what to do right now cause standing here awkwardly isn't helping anyone.. Do I dare take my hard gaze off the ground and look at him.? I mean there is no harm right?

Damn is all I have to say.. I just look at him and he is nervously running his hands through his hair and he just looks absolutely perfect everything about him.

OH CRAP CRAP CRAP... He saw me staring at him.. But now my eyes are locked with his and the more I look into them the more I loose myself into those green eyes. Stop Blue stop. Snap out of it look away you're being a creep..

Are you okay beautiful?

Uh yeah I'm fine.

Would you like a tour?

That would be great!

Gosh I literally can't stop smiling. I can tell he doesn't really do this as he is awkwardly holding his hand out for me. Which I'm gladly taking. So now we are walking on this huge piece of land in front of a house.

This is our front yard. It's kinda small if you ask me but eh whatever oh and this is the pack house it's huge like a mansion.

I just realized I'm not in the tour mood even though his voice is godly and all I just don't want to tour. Hmm what shall I do? Something.. Spontaneous yes. But what? What? Shall I do ?

Are you okay?

I GOT IT!! Time for the sad act..

I-I have to tell you something..

Woah, what's wrong are you okay? What do you have to tell me?


I'm running so fast I can barely hear him say, "Wait.. What?". I think it just hit him what I said.. I can hear him chasing me but I needed a head start because he is faster than me cause he has Alpha blood.. Hmm I'll hide behind this tree.

I wonder where he is..

.*.*.*.---- Third person P.O.V. ---.*.*.*.

Blue peeks around the corner of the tree and she looks confused. All of the sudden, she starts running again and she keeps looking back but isn't looking forward and it appears Devon is doing the same thing because he falls right on top of her.

They are both breathless and then he says, "Tag your it". Theystared into each others eyes and then he realized how awkward it had gotten. He gave her a hand to help her up and she took it.

She then did something unexpected, she kissed his cheek and whispered, "You're it! I quit".  Just as he went to grab her, she was gone in thin air. He looked for her but couldn't find her scent. How could she do that ?

But then he remembered she was part witch so she could just disappear.. He started to panic and then he felt a tap on his shoulder and he saw it was her. She smiled and giggled. He then got a stern voice, " Don't ever do that again." He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder as he started walking towards the pack house..

.*.*.*--- Devon's P.O.V. ---.*.*.*.

Devon!! Put me down.

My mate is soo cute when she squeals bu she scared me and I can't let her go..

Sorry love, no can do.

Can you at least tell me where we are going ?!

To the Kitchen Ofcourse!!!

This girl brought a side of me that I had thought had long been dead.. My playful side.


Oh my goodness, I made her laugh more than a giggle it's such a cute laugh. I'm putting her on the counter and I don't even care that I am acting like one of those mushy guys because I'm having too much fun with her.

What would you like to eat?

Hmm french fries and a milkshake.

The Chef heard her but I noticed that he already made french fries and they just finished and then he hands her the milkshake. Wait.. What is she doing?

What are you doing ?

Dipping my French fries in the milkshake. What does it look like I'm doing?

It looks weird.

Here try it.

Before I know it she is putting it in my mouth and I slowly chew and swallow.

That's actually pretty good. Can I have some more ?

She moves the bowl of fries and the milkshake towards her side. She pats the other side of the counter where the french fries were and then I hop up and sit on the counter with her.

- 5 minutes later-



She accidently dropped the whole fry in the milkshake and quickly shoves half in her mouth.  And I've done the ballsiest thing I've done all day. I just leaned in and took the other half of the french fry from her mouth .

Our faces are so close I just finished chewing the fry and she is just staring at me with wide eyes. Well this is it.

- Kiss her damn it.


- I'll just do it.

.*.*.*--- Blues P.O.V. ---.*.*.*.

He just took the other half of my fry really.? Dude that was mine. Mine I say all mine this isn't right no, no, no it's not. But now I can't stop making eye contact with him, our faces are so close and he looks like he is fighting an internal battle.

Well, oh wow! It seems he isn't fighting it anymore cause his lips just collided with mine and when people say they can feel the sparks flying it's true cause I feel fireworks! Hislips are like heaven.




Ew I'm all sticky. Ugh what a moment killer I swear I have the worst luck...Why is he carrying me bridal style?

I'm taking you to your room I'm sooo sorry.

- 6 minutes later -

I just slammed the door in his face. I mean..  he tried to blame me! Me? Seriously! Ugh. I feel like banging my head on this door. I don't know if I should look around this room.

Are you okay?


Woah don't hug me yet.. You're covered in... Is that Milkshake? No fair! I want one. Oh and by the way you have a nice room..

Thanks I haven't really checked it out. Where is yours?

Next door.

Well I'll meet you there when I'm finished cleaning up.

Okay see you then.

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