The Winx Saga: Sky and Bloom

By BalletBeauty220

18.5K 254 130

What if season 1 ended a different way in the WINX saga? What if Bloom doesn't walk away from her fight with... More

The Battle
Asking her
Will she be okay?
The argument
The Specialists
Eira part 1
Eira Part 2
Authors note
Eira Part 3
Eira Final Part


1.7K 19 2
By BalletBeauty220

It's the day of prom. I sneak out to hurry and get in out of Professor Harvey's office. I got my wound cleaned up which is still spreading fast and Harvey hasn't found an answer yet. When I leave the office I close the door behind me and I run into Riven. Uh oh. "Bloom, what were you doing?" he asks. "Umm, it was a fairy assignment for class, " I lie. "For some reason, I don't believe you, " he says. "Well, what else could it be?" I say. "I don't know..." he says. I walk back to my dorm and we all get ready for prom together.
Sky's POV...
"Sky something seems off about Bloom, " Riven says. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Well, she doesn't look too good first off. She's been acting weird. Just now I saw her coming out of Professor Harvey's office and she said it was homework, " Riven explains. "I agree that she looks paler than usual but I don't know about acting weird. It probably really was an assignment Riven, " I explain. "I'm going to text the group, " Riven says pulling out his phone. "They aren't going to answer you know... it's prom day, " I say. He turns his phone off. "Fine but it is your girl, " he huffs. "Yeah and I trust her Riven, " I say. He rolls his eyes. "What do you care anyway?" I ask. "I don't want to see you get hurt, " he says. "Thanks but Bloom wouldn't hurt me," I insist. A knock comes at the door and I get up to answer it. "Father?" I inquire. "Hello Sky, " he says. "What are you doing here?" I ask. "I want to meet that girl of yours, " he says. "She's getting ready for prom with her friends. Why do you want to meet her today?" "Hmm okay. Well, I just wanted to meet the girl that makes my son smile, " he says. "Sure you do, " I say skeptically. "Is she a fairy?" he asks. "Oh yeah, a very powerful one, " Riven laughs. "Oh, " my dad nods. "Well I'm looking forward to meeting her at prom...after all, I'm chaperoning along with a few others, " my dad says. I nod. "Ugh, " I say closing the door. "Not looking forward to Bloom meeting your dad?" Riven asks. "No, but Bloom has asked about meeting him as well but I've been trying to put it off, " I groan.
Bloom's POV...
I go to see Queen Luna. I needed to talk to her. "Yes?" she calls from her temporary office. "May I speak with you?" I ask. "Sure, " she was gesturing to the seat. "Can you do me a favor?" I ask. "Only because you saved Alfea single-handedly, " she says. "I want you to release Silva. After all sure, it was sort of attempted murder but he thought if he didn't stop him that he would have helped kill what he thought was innocent people, " I say. "You do realize what you are asking... correct?" she inquires. "I'm fully aware. This would mean a lot to Sky though and that's what I want. Just tell the people that Silva isn't a murderer and explain to Andreas, " I say. She huffs. "Fine...but if this backfires you're to blame, " she says annoyed. "Thank you, " I say. I get up and leave. My hair and makeup is I just have to get dressed.
An hour later in Sky's POV...
I go to the suite to get Bloom. Dane, Riven, Sam,and some guy named Brandon come to get their dates as well. Brandon is a guy that Stella met back in Solaria. He's transferring to Alfea in a week. Aisha and Terra walk out first. Aisha doesn't have a date so she is going solo. Then Beatrix comes out. I don't think Riven realized how big his smile was. Then Musa comes out. Then Stella and she stopped in the doorway. "One second..." she says turning back around. "Bloom come on, " you can hear her urge. "But it's so very...princessey! I've never worn anything like this, " you can hear. "As long as you're friends with me...get used to it, " Stella remarks. "Now come on, " Stella says. After a moment you see Stella dragging Bloom over here. "Bloom didn't the heels to go with that dress make you taller?" Stella asks. "Mhm..." Bloom laughs. She lifts her dress a few inches off the ground revealing sneakers. Stella facepalms. Everyone laughs. "What I didn't want to face plant?" Bloom shrugs. "You guys will wish you thought of it if you do," she says. She wraps her arm around mine. We all walk to the prom. "You look gorgeous, " I say. " don't look too bad yourself, " she smiles. "Bloom my dad wants to meet you tonight, " I say nervously.
Bloom's POV...
"It's about time you let me meet him, " I laugh. He smiles. I had to put stupid makeup on my chest to cover the spreading infection. I thought about if Professor Harvey can't save me just writing a letter saying I went home and either to go home and die or to go to the woods. We dance and talk for a while at prom and then finally Andreas comes over. "Hi, father, " Sky says. "Hello, son, " he says. "Is this her?" Andreas asks Sky. "Sure is, " Sky responds. "Hello I'm Andreas, " he says sticking his hand out for me to shake. "Hello, sir...I'm Bloom, " I say shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you, " he says. "And you, " I nod. "Bloom something about you looks you have a sister?" he asks. "Well, I'm not sure...I actually don't know who my real parents are, " I say staring at the ground. "Oh I'm sorry, " Andreas says. "It's fine sir, " I say. "What's your power?" he asks. "I'm a fire fairy...more specifically my power is the dragon flame, " I say. He nods. "I see all the damage has been repaired since the attack of the burned ones, " Andreas says looking around. "Yeah, it has...Dad Bloom actually defeated them by herself, " Sky explains. "Oh really?" Andreas says. "You're the one who went full fairy aren't you? Quite impressive, " Andreas says. I nod. It's honestly getting quite bad...the infection. "Well have a nice night you two...I hope to see you again Bloom, " Andreas says walking away. "I'm sorry about that, " Sky apologizes once he's out of earshot. "It's fine, " I say.
The next evening in Sky's POV...
Yet another knock comes at Riven and I's door. I'm in the bedroom so I let Riven get that since he's in the living room. "Good gosh we've had two whole surprise visitors in the past two days, " Riven groans. I hear the door open. "Sky? You might wanna come here, " Riven calls. "What is it!" I yell. "Just come here!" he urges. I walk out of my bedroom to see Silva standing in the doorway. "Silva!" I exclaim. I hug him. "Did you break out of something?" I ask. "No Sky, " he laughs. "They let you out?" I ask shocked. "Mhm, " he nods. "How? Why?" I ask. "Well, they are telling people that I didn't try to murder your father. I was protecting the people of the town, " he says. "So Queen Luna just decided on this?" I ask. "No...she owed someone a favor?" he says. "Who?" I ask. "Wait let me guess, " Riven says holding up a finger. "Bloom, " Riven says pointing at Silva. "Exactly right, " Silva says. "They are even giving me my job back...I'll be working with Andreas, " Silva says. I nod. "Unbelievable, " Riven mutters. "What is?" I ask. "Do you realize how hard it would be to convince Queen Luna that she was wrong? That girl is something else, " Riven says puzzled. "How did she convince her?" I wonder. "I don't know but...nothing will happen because Luna said if it backfired it was on Bloom, " Silva says. "Speaking of Bloom...did you go to prom with her?" Silva asks. "Yes, " I nod. "Well how was it?" he asks. "Amazing, " I smile. "Excuse me I need to find Bloom, " I say. "Ok Mr. Smile every time he hears her name, " Silva laughs. "Haha, " I say sarcastically. I go to her suite and knock on the door. I literally can't stop smiling. Aisha answers the door. "Is Bloom here?" I ask. "No we thought she was with you...but why are you grinning, " she smirks. I tell her what happened. "My goodness, " she gasps. I rush off to find Bloom. She's not in her suite or with Beatrix. She might be in the circle. It's night now so the stars are quite beautiful. She's there sitting on top of one of the tall stone pillars. "Bloom, " I call. "Hey Sky, " she says. "What's up?" she inquires. I reach out my hands to help her down. "Thank you, " I say. "For what?" she asks confused. "Silva, " I remind. "Oh, did you know it was me?" she asks. "Silva told me, " I smile. "Thank you, Bloom...I will never be able to thank you enough, " I say. "Zero was plenty, " she smiles. I laugh. "It means more to me than words can explain, " I say. I bend down and kiss her. When we part she whispers, "Sky..." Her voice trailed off as she collapsed. I tried holding her up. "Bloom!" I yell. When the light hits just right you can see on her cheek where makeup came lines. They look like part of a burned one infection but that's impossible the ones she fought are dead. I pick her up and text the group chat. "Emergency...Bloom collapsed in the circle, " I type. "OH, MY LORD!" Aisha texts back. "Crud...I told you so Sky, " Riven texts. Them just a bunch of texts from everyone else that I don't have time to read. I run to Alfea and our friends are there at the door. "To my dad's office now!" Terra says. We rush to Professor Harvey's office. "Dad! Help, " Terra begs as soon as we walk through the door. "Set her down here, " Harvey says as Ben moves stuff off of a table. I set Bloom down. "What's wrong with her?" Stella asks. "She's weak and in pain, " Musa says. "But why?" Aisha wonders. "You're guilty, " Musa mutters to Harvey. "What?" Sam asks. "We will come back to that guys...look at her face, " I say rubbing some more makeup off of her face. "What is that?" Riven wonders. "I know what that is, " Beatrix says. She sits Bloom up and takes her jacket off. She then lays her back down. There's like black veins going down her arms. "What the-" I start. "What do you know Harvey? You're dripping with guilt, " Musa says. "Well..." he starts.

To be continued...

I decided to end that there before it got to be a seriously looooong chapter. Please comment on your thoughts and vote! New chapter coming very soon! Love y'all!💖 (btw if you comment I can notify you every time I release a new chapter)

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