FROM EDEN | Mattheo Riddle

By cerealmilkz

186K 4.9K 2.7K

"There's something tragic about you, something so magic about you. Don't you agree?" Violet Lestrange was not... More

Author's note
I. Intro
II. Parchment
iii. Letter by the Water
iv. Betrothal
v. Little Flower
vi. liquid luck
vii. Quidditch Tryouts
viii. Minty Trouble
Viii. Bad Omen
IX. Green and Silver
X. Compensation
XI. Private Lessons
XII. Invitation
XIII. Dancing With The Devil
Update! Please read me :)
XV. Lilacs & Violets
XVI. Home
XVII. The Great Lake
XVIII. Step Two
XIX. Angels and Devils
XX. Afterglow

XIV. Downtown

7.6K 228 249
By cerealmilkz

Violet did what she does away from her problems. Instead of following Theo and telling him her true intentions, she was sulking in the drawing-room of the Malfoy Manor, nursing her 3rd glass of wine. She was no Gryffindor, Merlin, no, not everyone has to be brave (or reckless). And what else would she tell him? Hey, I'm just faking interest in Mattheo so I can spy on his father! She'd risk getting herself and Theo killed. She'd rather have him resent her than watch him get hurt by the Dark Lord because of her foolishness.

Yes, this was the right thing to do. She convinced herself once more, tipping the glass to her lips, welcoming the velvet bitterness of the purple liquid. She nestled lazily on the leather couch adjacent to an enormous tapestry embroidered with the names and attractive faces of the Malfoy heirs and heiresses. They all shared that signature platinum blonde locks, luminous pale skin, and haughty good looks.

And good lord, Abraxas Malfoy was indeed an attractive man.

She wondered what a sight the Knights of Walpurgis might've been during their time in Hogwarts. Were they feared? Lusted over? Adored? Ostracized? Maybe all of the above. It was unfair that they were privileged, hot, intelligent but incredibly prejudiced with a skewed moral compass. You really can't have it all, Violet snorted at the thought.

"And where the fuck have you been?"

An angry voice called out to her, echoing throughout the empty room. The sudden intrusion caused her hand to jump and spill the wine onto her green dress. She waved her hand sluggishly, an act of cleaning the stain on her silk gown and dismissing whoever dare interrupt her brooding. "Leave me alone," she groaned, closing her eyes as she took another huge swig of alcohol. But before she could even taste the expensive wine, appreciate its complex notes, and savour the treacly liquid crawling down her throat, someone had taken the glass and threw it across the room. Rude.

"Hey, that was a 1945 Romanee-Conti!" Her eyes opened in annoyance and were met with brown ambers crackling with ire. Mattheo. A very angry Mattheo.

"Oh, look, it's my fiancé!" She beamed mockingly, crossing her arms like a petulant child. "I'd invite you to drink with me had you not thrown my wine across the carpet." Violet tried to pull herself upright, awkwardly swaying as she steadied herself in a sitting position.

His eyes narrowed in suspicion, assessing her features and the manner her dress was partially falling off from her shoulders. "Are you fucking drunk?"

"I was about to be until you came along.....What, can't get enough of me?" She teased, purposely exposing her legs as she crossed it, not missing the way his eyes followed the motion.

"I waited an hour for you," he said calmly, or rather tried to, but Violet knew better than to buy his faux indifference.

"Okay? And? Congratulations?" She leaned her back on the couch, boldly splaying her arm on the backrest. His jaw ticked at her insolence, but he remained composed. Try harder.

She was playing with a fire that was his temper, luring the man that pushed her against the walls of Hogwarts not too long ago. Perhaps it was the adrenaline coupled with the alcohol circulating in her system, but oh, did she enjoy it. Hell, his anger was even turning her on.

He grits his teeth, "I waited an hour only to find you inebriated and loitering around Malfoy's mini-museum."

She raised her eyebrows. That wasn't the answer she wanted. Try again. "You asked me to be your date. Not your babysitter. Surely you can manage on your own."

That seemed to tick him off.

"Precisely. I asked you to be with me, yet there you were cavorting with none other than Theodore Nott," he spat Theo's name with disgust, rage bubbling like tar in his veins, eyes flashing with something she can't place.


"My, my, spying on me now, Mattheo?" She asked sweetly, head tilting to the side in amusement.

Mattheo clenched his fists, the veins on his hands making themselves known. "You are to be my betrothed. I can't have you frolicking with other men."

"Well, I don't see a ring on it."

He blinked at her comment, clearly taken aback. "What?"

Violet stood up slowly, like Venus emerging from the sea of foam, her silk dress falling at her feet like a worshipper.

"I said," she began, adopting a seductive tone. She took a step closer to Mattheo, close enough to feel his warmth but far enough to remain at a safe distance from the flame.

"Unless you drop to your knee," another step closer, this time her fingers creeping upwards his chest like black widows stalking their prey. His shoulders tensed at her foreign touch, dark eyes following her every movement as he waited for her next step.

"—And hand me a large diamond ring," she clasped her fingers behind his neck tightly as she pulled his face close to hers, catching the slow bob of his adam's apple, eyes now focused on her lips.

She grazes her lips with his, her breath tingling his skin. "I can fuck whoever I want."

The moment the words left her mouth, a growl resounded from the man in front of her, his hand coming up to cup her face and close the distance between their lips.

It took her a moment to realize what was happening, then she returned his kisses with the same fervour, equally demanding and rough. He walks her into the tapestry, mouth slanting over hers in a battle of teeth and tongue. His kisses tasted like champagne, fizzling all her senses, her thoughts, her worries, leaving her dizzy and intoxicated of his lips. And she wanted more. Needed more.

His hand slid down her body, grasping her exposed thigh and pressing her further into the wall. She shuddered at the feeling of his chest against her breasts as he trailed open-mouthed kisses down her neck, harshly nipping the skin at her collarbone. She bites her lips to suppress a moan, not wanting to give him the satisfaction and inflate his ego even more.

Her silence, however, didn't sit well with the dark-haired boy. He forcefully presses his crotch towards hers, pinning her body with his weight. She gasped at the prominent erection pressed against her aching core, heat pooling in her abdomen. "This," he rasps, slowly rolling his hips as he watches her through heavy-lidded eyes, "is what you do to me, flower."

What was once a distasteful nickname now sends a bolt of need straight through her. Fuck was the only thing she could say.

A low, breathy chuckle left his lips, "What? Does that feel good?"

Mattheo bucks his hips again, rubbing himself on the mesh of her underwear, "Do I feel good?"

The desire was evident in his voice, a smug grin teasing the corners of his mouth.

"Shut the fuck up," she sneered before grabbing his tie and capturing his lips in another feverish kiss, hands hurriedly working the buttons of his shirt. He pulled back, lips swollen from her ministrations, breath coming out as uneven huffs, eyes heavy with lust, "No."

It was her turn to blink at him, "What?"

"I said No. This is about you."

She was about to question him when the man suddenly dropped to his knees.

Her stomach fluttered. Heart beating loud in her ears at his insinuation.

"Mattheo—I," she went on, but the words caught in her throat when she felt a hot kiss on her leg.

"Didn't you tell me to drop to my knees?" he whispered onto her skin, rousing a shiver out of her.

Violet couldn't think. Not when Mattheo was kissing up her leg painfully slow, only to stop at her inner thigh. So close to where she wants his mouth to be. She made a mental note to thank Daphne and Pansy for choosing a dress with a slit. So practical. So accessible.

"Do you want this? do you want me?" He asked, eyes staring up at her as if she were an Olympian goddess, and he, her mortal lover.

Fuck, yes, yes, yes. But she didn't want to tell him, she knew he wanted her to beg.

"Mattheo," She growled in warning, and she hated how he reduced her into a primal being. So needy, so wet for him.

"Say it," he sucked the flesh of her thigh, nose bumping her pulsing core. At this point, Violet couldn't withhold the pitiful moan that left her lips, and she didn't care.

"Riddle," she pleaded, the frustration between her legs taking over her pride and rationality.

"Say.It." He demanded once more, teeth catching the lace of her underwear, ready to peel it off and give her what she wants.

Fuck it.

"Yes! Fuck. I want you." She whimpers, dignity falling to the ground along with her soiled underwear. Her legs trembling in anticipation.

The corners of his mouth tug upwards in unspoken victory, "That wasn't so hard now, was it?"

"Mattheo, I swear to go—Oh!" she careened over, fingers clutching his hair as he swiped his tongue over her folds in one long movement. His hands tightening their grip on her thighs. The tip of his tongue teased her entranced, lips closing over her clit as he sucked gently, pulling away from her with an audible pop. "All this, just for me?" He crooned, sliding a finger into her.

"Fucking hell," her head fell backward with a thud. Violet felt electric. Sparks dancing around her skin, leaving goosebumps on her flesh. He pumps his finger agonizingly slow. Once, twice, thrice, and soon enough, he was sliding another long finger into her throbbing heat.

"Look at me," he demanded—Voice low, thick with desire.

It took everything in Violet not to come, bringing her lidded gaze to meet his dark, lustful eyes.

Then, before she has the chance to form a coherent thought, his tongue swirls around her clit in erratic patterns, simultaneously pumping his fingers deftly. All the while keeping his gaze on her. Unwavering. She could hear how embarrassingly wet she is, yet he asked her if she can hear it too. Can hear how desperate she was for him.

Profanities slipped from her mouth in whispers, moans, in the form of his name. Her sinful groans only spurred him on, hooking her leg over his shoulder to stroke places that made her latch onto him. He arches his fingers, building a wave of pleasure to a height, only to rob her of it before she reaches a pinnacle. And he does this again and again until she's a mess above him.

"Mattheo, please," she begged in frustration, she couldn't think, all she wanted was his touch.

"Tell me how good it feels," he slows his pace, dragging her pleasure into small rivulets.

"So good, so fucking good," she was rewarded with a curve of his fingers and a small cry escapes her.

"Do you still want to fuck whoever?" He growls against her folds, lapping at her, licking, sucking, fuck. He shows her just how good it can be, how good he can be.

All she could do was shake her head and whimper, bucking her hips along with the flicker of his tongue.

But his hands held her firmly, stopping her movements as he waited for her response. "Answer me, flower," he warned.

"No, no, only you. Fuck. Please Mattheo," Violet said breathlessly between staggered pants, tears prickling the corners of her eyes.

"Then show me. Show me how much you want me."

And she did by grasping his soft locks and grinding herself against his face. And he does his part by setting an unrelenting pace as he coaxed an orgasm out of her. Fingers curling, stroking, hitting it perfectly again and again while he moves his tongue up and down, side to side. Over and over again.

"Say my name,"

And she does so, without a thought, without hesitance as she came undone atop him, riding out her high until she crashes, holding onto his shoulders to anchor herself. He continued, however, until she was pushing his forehead, wincing as the pleasure shifted into discomfort. He reluctantly ceased, kissing the inside of her thigh endearingly before rising upwards to kiss her. She moaned at the taste of herself, trailing her fingers downwards to palm his erection.

Mattheo pulled away, a smile ghosting his devilishly handsome face. "Some other time, darling," he pecks her lips sweetly before taking a step back.

His eyes lingered greedily over her appearance. God, she was breathtaking. Her hair uncoiled from its bun, falling loosely over her shoulders. Her cherubic face was worn out from pleasure and exhaustion. Lips bitten red, swollen and plump. And just the thought of her pretty mouth had his blood rushing south.

He bends down, reaching for her underwear to pocket the lacy material, "I'll be keeping this." Rose tinted her cheeks in mortification as if he didn't eat her out seconds ago. He raised his brow curiously, amused at her reaction.

She clears her throat, the realization of what had happened forcing her into sobriety. She needs to get out of here, find some self-respect and maybe some more wine.

"Well.... I'll be going now. I think my friends are looking for me." Wrong. She knew Pansy was drunk out of her mind by now and Daphne was busy sucking Blaise off.

Mattheo grabbed her wrist before she could turn, stealing a kiss from her. "Remember what you told me, Violet. I don't like sharing"

*author's note*

Damn, writing this was exhausting. As promised a little spice for ya'll...also as an apology for not updating for so long. Been so busy with university :( Thank u to everyone who still supports this book! Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about it and will continue this until I finish it. XXX

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