The Mother of Neverland (Pete...

By wildflower0217

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"Once Upon A Time, there was an enchanted forest filled with all the classic characters we know. Or think we... More

Act I: The Dark Curse
Act I: Cast
Chapter One: The Story Begins
Chapter Two: Dreams
Chapter Three: John Doe
Chapter Four: Kathyrn
Chapter Six: Trapped
Chapter Seven: Goodbye Hades
Chapter Eight: A New Era
Chapter Nine: The Election
Chapter Ten: The Stranger
Chapter Eleven: The Goth, The Drunk, and The Homewrecker
Chapter Twelve: Ruby
Chapter Thirteen: Heart In A Box
Chapter Fourteen: Evidence
Chapter Fifteen: Jefferson
Chapter Sixteen: She's What?
Chapter Seventeen: Old Habits
Chapter Eighteen: Henry
Act II: Broken
Chapter Nineteen: Broken
Chapter Twenty: The Wraith
Chapter Twenty-One: The Magic Bean
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Seance
Chapter Twenty-Three: The Town
Chapter Twenty-Four: Belle
Chapter Twenty-Five: Questions Only A Dark One Can Awsner
Chapter Twenty-Six: The Fiance
Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Wolf and The DA
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Controlling The Wolf
Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Shadow of Melinoe
Chapter Thirty: The Return
Chapter Thirty-One: Welcome Home
Chapter Thirty-Two: An Old Friend
Chapter Thirty-Three: Cora
Chapter Thirty-Four: The Outsider
Chapter Thirty-Five: An Outsider's Truth
Chapter Thirty-Six: Anton and The Mirror
Chapter Thirty-Seven: A Murder
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Neal
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Tamara
Chapter Forty : Regina
Chapter Forty-One: A Diamond
Act III: The Past
Chapter Forty-Two: Home Is Where The Goddess Is
Chapter Forty-Three: Peter Pan
Chapter Forty-Four: Regarding Henry
An Explanation
Chapter Forty-Five: News
Chapter Forty-Six: A Brother
Chapter Forty-Seven: Pandora's Box
Chapter Forty-Eight: The Imposter
Chapter Forty-Nine: Saving Peter Pan
Chapter Fifty: The Enchanted Forest
Chapter Fifty-One: Missing
Chapter Fifty-Two: Ghost of the Past
Chapter Fifty-Three: Forgiveness
Chapter Fifty-Four: Mel
Chapter Fifty-Five: The Sleeping Curse
Chapter Fifty-Six: The AfterLife
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Woke Me Up For a Fight?
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Dress For Revenge
Chapter Fifty-Nine: Remember Henry
Chapter Sixty: Consequences
Chapter Sixty-One: Ares, The God of War
Chapter Sixty-Two: Persephone
Chapter Sixty-Three: Reunited
Chapter Sixty-Four: Complicated
Chapter Sixty-Five: Approval
Chapter Sixty-Six: Moving Forward
Chapter Sixty-Seven: Family Dinner
Chapter Sixty-Eight: Secrets
Chapter Sixty-Nine: The Hat
Chapter Seventy: Chernabog
Chapter Seventy-One: The Truth
Chapter Seventy-Two: A Healthy Talk
Chapter Seventy-Three: Olympus
Chapter Seventy-Four: A Proposal
Chapter Seventy-Five: The Author
please read
Chapter Seventy-Six: Cruella and The Author
Chapter Seventy-Seven: Powers of a God
Chapter Seventy-Eight: The Start of a Rebellion

Chapter Five: Family Matters

1.2K 35 0
By wildflower0217


"Henry, Let's go." Regina told her son.

"Wait, my backpack." Henry said coming back for it before whispering something to us, "Don't believe them. You're the one he was looking for."


"He was going to the Troll Bridge. It's like the end of the story." The kid told her.

"Henry, he was going there because it's the last thing I read to him." The teacher let out a disappointed sigh.

"No, it's because you belong together." He told her.

"Henry." Regina called once again. Then the Mayor and Henry left but Emma went after them.

"I'm sorry, Mary Margaret." I sighed, putting my hand on her shoulder but there was a shock of electricity, and I took back my hand. "Must be static." I slightly chuckled.


I was looking for Mr. Gold because he said he was on his way home so I went to the shop. When I got there, there was glass on the ground from the door and when I went in Gold was laying on the ground. "Gold!" I said with wide eyes and in a panic. I went to him and checked for a pulse and he was still alive. So I called 911. I stayed with Gold all the way up till he woke up in the hospital. Graham had come to take our statements when he had woken up but Gold dropped any and all charges against the girl.

"I need to get out of here." Gold siad, looking around frustrated.

"You heard what they said, they want to keep you for observation." I looked at him, "What was this girl after anyway? And why did she break in?"

"All you need to know is Ashley and I have a deal, I need you to find her and get whatever she took, back." He looked at me.

"See, this is why people call me your muscle. I'm not doing anything until you tell me what this deal is about." I looked at him, and I looked at him and I knew he was going to tell me.

"Her child... it was agreed upon that I find it a good home. That is all you need to know." He sighed.

"There is something more... I know it." I looked at him, confused. "Why is it there is alway something more in this twisted town? It feels like there is an underlining secret that you and Regina are hiding from the rest of us. This time, no. I won't be your muscle. Find someone else." I then walked out and everyone was staring at me in surprise. "Mind your own goddamn business." I then left the hospital. There was something I had to go do.

"My father, Rumplestilskin." Peter sighed, "The Dark One. He wasn't the Dark One when I was born though." We sat on the edge of the balcony, looking down on the Lost Boys who were getting ready for bed, doing the last of the chores for the night and making one last round around camp. "He was the son of a coward but he was a coward to me the moment he abandoned my mother and I. Keep this between you and I but I didn't bring Baelfire on the island because I suspected he may have the heart of the truest believer. He's my half-brother."

"If it makes you feel better I have to deal with the Greek Gods as my family which the family tree is just a circle." I looked at him.

"That does make me feel a little better." He chuckled. "That would be complicated."

"It's not like I've ever met them." I shrugged. "I just can't imagine the holidays. So many gods in one place."

"Ruby, tell me why you were right? I am Gold's muscle." I sighed, sitting on a barstool at Granny's sipping hot coffee.

"Because I'm always right." She looked at me as if it was a no brainer.

"He wanted me to go after Ashley." I looked at her. "Get the contract back that she stole." I admitted, "I refused to after finding out what it was, I swear he's like a modern day Rumplestiltskin."

"I don't know how you put up with him sometimes." She looked at me.

"Neither do I but he was there when my dad had enough of me." I sighed.

"I never had enough of you. I had to leave." A familiar voice said from behind me. Then a surge of rage went through me as I made eye contact with Ruby who had a shocked look on her face. I turned around on the barstool.

"Dad..." I said with anger in my voice.

"Bex." He said with hope in his voice. I looked at him, paid for my coffee, leaving a tip for Ruby before getting up and leaving, ignoring him. "Bexley, please. Talk to me." I walked out of Granny's as he followed me. "Bex."

"No." I turned to him. "You don't get to come back after all this time and try to act as if everything is fine." I yelled at him in the middle of the street. Then I saw Gold walking to his shop. Then stopping when he heard me yell and came to us.

"Bex, what's- oh." Gold began before realizing.

"Good, you're here. You deal with him, I'm going." I said then walking away. Tears threatening to escape. So I went to a place I knew I could and my father wouldn't find me.

When I got there I knocked on the door in tears and Mary Margaret opened the door. "Bexley, what's wrong?" She questioned with great concern in her voice.

"My dad, he's back." I said between sobs. She looked at me with wide eyes.

"Come in." She said, letting me in. I sat at the bar in her kitchen. "So tell me what happened."

"He showed up at Granny's." I sighed. "He wanted to talk."

"Did you talk to him?" She wondered.

"No. I was too angry to even talk to him." I admitted to her. "I left him with Gold."

"I think you should talk to him." She told me.

"Why? He abandoned me." I sighed.

"Because maybe there's more to the story. Then you think."

Hades POV............

The Underworld.....

"Brother." I said looking at Zeus.

"Hades, enjoying your captivity in the Underworld?" Zeus questioned.

"I need to see her." I sighed.

"What? Your daughter? With that curse she's under right now she doesn't even know who she is. She hates you." My younger brother told me.

"I don't care. With Rumplestiltskin looking after her, I can't just trust him." I told him.

"You can't leave the Underworld."

"I'm just asking that you give me a little time with my daughter, that's all." I requested.

"What will you give me in return?" He smirked and I gave my brother a look.

"Really? She's your niece." I gave him a look.

"Who doesn't remember anything about you right now." He said in return.

"Wouldn't you want to see your daughter if it was Athena?" I wondered.

"Fine but only for a week. Then you are to return." He sighed.

"Emma, can I talk to you?" I asked as I entered Granny's. She was talking to Ruby.

"Yeah, of course." She looked at me confused and Henry followed her.

"Alone." I sighed.

"Henry stay here." Emma told him as we stepped outside. "What's up, Bex?"

"What would you do if the parent that abandoned you came back?" I asked her.

"I would be angry but I'd talk to them. What's going on?" She wondered.

"My dad, he's alive and in Storybrooke." I sighed.

"Well, if you want my advice I'd talk to him. See what he has to say about it." She told me. I sighed, looking around.

"Thanks Emma." I then headed over Gold's shop where they probably were.

Gold's POV.....

"What are you doing here?!" I whisper-shouted at him, "She hates you here. In her mind you are the bastard who abandoned her."

"I know. My brother gave me the rundown. I just wanted to make sure you were protecting my daughter and not screwing up." Hades told me. "Look I know things are difficult right now but I just want to talk to my daughter."

"I can't make her talk to you. If I have learned anything over the past 28 years you can't make Bex-" I began.

"Melinoe." He corrected me.

"In the curse her name is Bexley. You can't make her do anything. She is the one thing in the curse Regina didn't expect. A sassy goddess of ghosts and spirits, on the edge of breaking out of the curse." I informed him.

"Wait. What do you mean? About to break out of the curse?" I asked, confused.

"She's been getting dreams since the savior came into town." I explained, "Those dreams are memories of my bastard son."

Bexley's POV.....

I heard it all and I walked out of the shop as quiet as I could. So everything Henry says is true. What the hell is going on. I went home and sat on my bed, getting my laptop. I pulled up Google, typing in the name I keep hearing.


The first result was a greek mythology wikia article.

"Melinoe is the goddess of ghosts and spirits. She was either the daughter of Hades and Persephone or of Persephone and Zeus. Melaina ('The Black One') is the under-earth or chthonic aspect of the Greek Great Goddess, said to bring nightmares."

The next article was a Wikipedia article.

"Melinoë is a chthonic nymph or goddess invoked in one of the Orphic Hymns and represented as a bringer of nightmares and madness. Melinoë is the ancient Greek goddess of Propitiation--the offerings made to the deceased by family and friends."

I closed the tabs then the laptop. "What the hell." Then my phone went off.

Emma: Meet me at the hospital.

Me: Ok

I headed over there, my thoughts running through my head. I walked into the Hospital waiting room and saw Emma and Henry. "Emma, what's going on?" I asked, worried.

"Can you talk to Gold about the deal?" She wondered.

"That's one thing I don't mess with, Emma." I looked at her. "The only way to stop a deal is with another deal." Then the doctor came in, looking for Emma.

"Ms. Swan, the baby is a healthy six-pound girl, and the mother is doing fine." He told us.

"What lovely news. Excellent work, Ms. Swan. Thank you for bringing me my merchandise." Gold said as he entered with my father behind him. "I figured you'd be here, Bex, which is why I brought your father."

"Fine. Five minutes. That's it." I sighed, "Let's go get shitty hospital coffee." So then we walked side by side to the coffee machine in silence.

"My dad, Hades. The god of the Dead and Wealth. I've never met him." I sighed looking at Peter. "It's just complicated. I've lived with my mother all of my life, stuck in that room."

I waited for my coffee to come out of the machine before letting him talk. I picked it up and held it in my hand. "Okay. Talk." I sighed.

"I never abandoned you." He sighed, "If you knew what I knew you would understand what I'm talking about."

"Then explain it to me, Dad." I looked at him. "I heard you and Gold's conversation. How much of that was true?"

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