Lotus and the Snake

By SerinityAInferno

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A collection of short stories based around my novel "The Serpent and the Lotus Blooms" Most of these tales a... More

Shizun's Classroom Experience
The World Wide Web
Boyfriend Does My Makeup Tag
All in Good Time
Holiday Chai
Midsummer's Night Dream

Tavern Rush

2 0 0
By SerinityAInferno

(NSFW: sex~)

It was busy season at the White Rose Bar and Tavern, and Serinity reached out for some helping hands for the summer. Her first message had of course been to her son, Saalah, filled with long winded laments about how he never visited his poor, lonely mother anymore now that he had relocated to be with Bai Yusheng almost a year ago. She had gone so far as to leave some tear drop stains on the paper, and Saalah had rolled his eyes at the dramatics. He went to see her at least once every other week and called her every few days, or else she would show up at the sect looking like her world had come crashing down around her, complete with a trembling lip and wide teary eyes. It was all for show, he knew. Serinity was always playful and teasing like that. It wouldn’t take long before she was hugging him and laughing and chastising him for waiting so long to see her. 

He loved his mother, but she could be quite the handful. But, he understood why she was acting like this, though. Saalah was one of two sons and the first to move out on his own. She wasn’t a helicopter parent by any means, but she was quite theatrical. Saalah could appreciate how much she cared. Theatrics aside, he had missed working at the ‘Bar and Tavern’. 

He had always thought it silly that she called it that. The place was a glistening palace carved into a mountain side in the space between realms complete with all the luxuries one would find at some five star spa retreat. He remembered how awestruck he had first been when she had brought him there, and how confused he had been when he walked in the glistening front doors to find a full bar set up and an array of mythical patrons in what looked like a 19th century ballroom! He later discovered that was just the type of person Serinity was. Very, and he meant VERY, over the top. But she was kind and giving, too.

    The letter had asked for both him and Bai Yusheng to assist with the summer rushes with the promise of the use of all the facilities on the grounds. Bai Yusheng had, of course, excitedly agreed. They hardly got the chance to leave their sect, and they were more than happy to help their longtime friend. However, they had some pressing issues to get sorted before they left, and Saalah decided to go on ahead of them.

    He was behind the bar, mixing drinks and talking with one of the regular guests he knew when Bai Yusheng arrived. At first he didn’t recognize them, and his head whipped back fast, half a perfunctory greeting pausing on his tongue as he took them in. They weren’t in their elegant cultivation robes that he had grown accustomed to. Instead, Bai Yusheng wore an ivory tight fitting suit, the cut professional and hugging their narrow waist that it flared around. The slim fit slacks they wore hugged the curve of their hips in a way their cultivation pants did not, framing their long, slender legs down to their designer shoes. The only thing that was remotely similar was the high neck under shirt they wore, but even that had some delicate lace work that drew his eye and dried his throat. 

    The demon he had been talking to followed his gaze to the immortal and looked about to drop their drink as they gawked. Bai Yusheng looked around the room before catching his eye and waving as they started to make their way over, looking oblivious to the look Saalah was sure he was giving that screamed, 'Fish flopping on dry land during a forest fire.'

“Saalah!” The demon in front of him called, meeting his still dazed eyes as he turned back. “Saalah, hey, do you know that Immortal? They seem to know you!” The demon shot what he thought was another sneak peek at the cultivator approaching them across the ballroom. Saalah knew they had to be aware. Bai Yusheng had sharp senses and was always preaching situational awareness. 

“Ah, yeah,” he said, clearing his throat when his voice came out a little cracked. “Yes, that’s my partner…” At this point, half the bar had turned to watch the immortal approach, and before Saalah could begin to comprehend the conflicted feelings he had about that, they all turned back and leaned in conspiratorial, as if Bai Yusheng would NOT notice all these immortals staring then converging on their partner like a pack of gossipers! Saalah felt his cheeks burning, and he had all but forgot the drink he had been making, opting instead to immediately shoot what he had in hand and grimacing at the taste. 

“Saalah, they’re with you? Man, you’re lucky! How did you meet someone like that? Are there more where they came from, huh?” the first demon asked, looking like he might just jump his partner instead of waiting for an answer. 

“Do ya’ll experiment in bed? I would love to join in if you do! I would be happy to just be allowed to watch,” one particularly flirty incubus announced a little too boldly. 

“Forget that, I wouldn’t be able to just watch! Are you even looking at them both clearly? And you call yourself and Incubus, damn! Hey, hey, hey, come on, ya’ll have to at least make some videos, yeah?”

Saalah about choked. They made videos but not of THAT variety. Bai Yusheng was FAST approaching, and he shooed them back with a well-placed growl and glare. When Bai Yusheng finally arrived, everyone was sitting ramrod straight in their barstools, trying and failing to act natural and not like they had just all been trying to get involved in their sex lives. 

“Yusheng,” Saalah managed, moving out from behind the bar. Serinity noticed the commotion and had secretly made her way over, taking over the bar for him. “You look…” Incredible. Amazing. Sexy. Beautiful. None of these even scratched the surface. “Perfect.” He was hyper aware of eyes on his back, and he shot a look over his shoulder, causing half the bar to choke on their drinks before quickly looking away. He caught their hand and leaned down to kiss it, pretending not to hear the quiet gasps behind him. 

“Saalah!” Serinity called, and he turned to look back at her, only just now realizing he had actually walked away from what he was supposed to be doing. “Why don’t you two have a drink and dance! I can run the bar for a bit. You’ve been working hard.” She winked, and then turned back to the guests around her. “AHEM!” They all snapped their attention to the succubus who had very subtly shifted the deep vee of her dress to show off a little more cleavage. “How about a round of drinks, hm? On the house.” 

    With the onlookers finally distracted, Saalah took Bai Yusheng and pulled them away from the bar and out towards the dance floor. Kisho sat on the elegant piano, playing for the guests who were dancing on the white marble. Saalah turned to his lover, wrapping a hand around their small waist and pulling them close. Bai Yusheng gasped, bringing out a very familiar fan and opening it to cover the blush that began to settle on their cheeks. “You seem to be in quite the mood, Saalah. Did you miss me that much?” They were teasing, and he brought up the hand he still held, guiding them into a slow waltz. Bai Yusheng kept up easily, flowing with him around the floor. 

“Don’t pretend you didn’t hear what they were saying earlier, Yusheng,” he remarked, hand tightening on their hip, pulling them ever closer. 

“I did, but I didn’t know you were so eager to discuss it? Perhaps you have some fantasies you want to act out?” They raised a curious yet teasing brow, and he cleared his throat to prevent a growl.

“Hardly. Why would I let anyone else see you that way? That is for my eyes only. You are for my eyes only.” He had only just begun to accept loving again and being loved. This perfect being had walked into his life and changed it forever, and the last thing he wanted to do was allow anyone else in on their private world. Serinity may be polyamorous, but he was not, and he was fairly certain Bai Yusheng was the same. 

    Bai Yusheng let him reel for a moment before drawing him back with a light tap to his lips with their now closed fan. “Saalah, I was teasing you,” they whispered, tilting their head up to brush their rouged lips against his, and he felt his heart flutter in his chest. “I have one heart’s desire, and he is right here with me.” He groaned softly and pressed his lips harder against theirs, nipping until they parted them to allow his tongue to slip past. They had slowed their dance, both too distracted to keep up the intricate footwork. Bai Yusheng pulled back first, and he let them, moving them strategically further from the dance floor with each step and towards the garden doors. 

“Let’s go for a walk. It suddenly got really stuffy in here,” Saalah said, wrapping his arm around Bai Yusheng’s waist and guiding them to the door. They chuckled but let him lead them away from the growing crowd and out into the cool spring night. 

    They made their way to Serinity’s famed rose garden, passing under the ornate arch and entering the labyrinth together. “I wasn’t expecting you to show up looking like this, Yusheng,” Saalah finally spoke, tightening his arm around their waist. 

“I thought it would be more appropriate. It fits Serinity’s aesthetic she has for the bar. We haven’t gone outside of the sect much together. I forgot you haven’t seen me dress normally. We should change that,” they pondered, stroking the hand that was sneaking higher on their waist, tucking under their blazer and thin shirt.  

“You always look beautiful, but today…” he paused, as they reached a clearing in the garden. There was a fountain and a sturdy stone table in the center, and around them were four archways, leading deeper into the maze. While Bai Yusheng was marveling at the sight of the climbing roses, Saalah took the initiative to draw them into his embrace, catching their chin and drawing their face to look up at him. The starlight and swirling galaxies above seemed caught in their dark eyes, and he marveled at them, just taking in the absolute beauty of the being before him. 

“Saalah, are you alright?” They asked, their delicate hand coming up to cup his face, and he leaned down to those lips once more. The kiss was much more demanding this time, and he delved deep, his tongue twisting with theirs when they submitted and opened their lips for him. He caught his hands behind their thighs and lifted. Bai Yusheng let out a startled gasp but wrapped their legs around his waist, hooking their ankles behind his back while their arms clung to his neck. He refused to break the kiss as he carried them to that stone table and leaned down to press their back to it. 

    Saalah finally took a moment to pull back again to admire the view. Bai Yusheng's white hair lay scattered across the table etched with roses and littered with white rose petals. They looked like they could be a flower nymph emerging from the delicate buds of Serinity’s white rose garden. Their fair skin was flushed pink, their lips parted around soft pants. 

“Are you sure it’s okay? Will no one come out here?” They asked softly, and he brushed a strand of hair from their face with a coy smile. 

“Don’t you remember? I just said I would never let someone else see you like this. Don’t worry. No one is allowed to come out here without explicit permission and it’s usually in a tour group.”

“Ah so you are saying we will either not be caught at all, or we will be caught by everyone all at once,” Bai Yusheng teased, and Saalah laughed, burying his face in their neck as his body shook with it. Their hands stroked his hair as they laughed with him. 

“No, seriously, though. No one will come out here. It’s okay,” he finally managed, nipping their ear. 

“If all those bar patrons stumble upon us I am afraid I won’t know what to say,” they teased again, and he pressed a hand over their mouth as he tried not to go into another fit. 

“Yusheng, hush, stop talking,” he said, biting their neck to remind them of just what they were about to get into. Bai Yusheng moaned against his hand, the sound muffled and hot. He decided to keep his hand there for the moment, the other working those small buttons of their lacey shirt open so he could get to their neck. As the fabric parted, evidence of their lovemaking bared itself to his eyes, bruises of varying shades scattered all along the thin column of their neck. He groaned at the sight, sucking another mark as his hand fumbled its way down. 

“Saalah,” came Bai Yusheng’s muffled voice, their legs tightening as they ground up against him. The evidence of their desire pressed tight to his stomach, and he pushed open their shirt quickly. His mouth abandoned their neck to descend lower, leaving a trail of kisses as he cupped them through their slacks, squeezing lightly. Their hips arched from the table, as a moan escaped them, “Off, off, please- Oh Saalah, they’ll ruin,” they panted out, and he took the permission to unbutton and slide the slacks down, leaving them around their mid-thigh. 

    His other hand moved from their mouth to tap their thigh, as he pulled away slightly. “Let me up, Yusheng. I have an idea.” They didn’t truly want to let him go, but the promise his voice held had them unraveling their legs. Saalah stepped back, surveying the mess he had created of his lover with an appreciative eye. “Turn around,” he rasped out, and they only paused for a moment before sliding off the table. They turned, their back facing him, before they bent over, resting their chest on the cold stone, turning their head to press a cheek to the table and presenting their ass to him. The look in Saalah’s eye was positively feral, and they gasped at the sight. 

    His hand reached out, grazing over the curve of their ass appreciatively before moving up, pushing up the blazer that hung open to reveal the tuck of their lower back that dipped in a small arch. He stepped closer, bringing both hands down to grip the back of their thighs and squeezing before sliding up along the delicate flesh. 

“Please, Saalah,” they whimpered, and he looked to their face that looked to his pleadingly, their cock aching hard and hanging between their thighs, already dripping. 

“I’ll take care of you, Yusheng,” he said softly, and he knelt behind them. Their eyes widened as he grasped both cheeks in his hand, pressing and squeezing the full mounds before he parted them, revealing the twitching hole they hid. 

“Saalah!” Bai Yusheng choked out as his tongue licked a strip from their taint to their hole, causing their body to twist and their breath to catch. 

“Stay still for me,” he whispered, flattening his tongue over that hidden spot and drawing a trembling cry from them. He could feel the tenseness of their thighs as his tongue traced around the tight ring of muscle, dipping in slightly just to retreat and trace their taint again, leaving them gasping. He wanted something from them, and he was patient. He didn’t have to wait long. 

“Oh please, Saalah,” their voice trembled as they spoke, their hips pushing back as his tongue pressed in the slightest bit again. “I need it, I need you, please,” their voice sounded wrecked and he could hear the blush in the way it wavered. He waited another painfully long moment before pressing his tongue inside with a sudden thrust, drawing an unrestrained scream from Bai Yusheng before they slapped their own hand over their mouth. His tongue pressed deep, the taste of them was as intoxicating as was the way they shook and held themself back from pushing their hips back onto his face. He secretly wished they would. He released one cheek to reach around for their cock, stroking the slick head and watching their knees almost give out. He could see their hand clenching on the table, flailing when he hit the right spot inside to grab the edge, their knuckles turning white. 

He speared his tongue deeper, twisting it as his thumb feathered over their leaking tip. They keened and bucked into his too loose grip and pushed back onto his face, and he groaned, kneading and squeezing the cheek he held firm in his hand. He could keep them like this forever, so perfectly obedient as they stayed bent over the table for him, thighs trembling at the pleasure he gave them. A sound almost like a growl left him when he felt a hand in his hair, tugging lightly as he savored them like a meal prepared just for him. Bai Yusheng had let their hand drop, their little sounds of pleasure and whimpered pleas making him crave for more. 

    His sinful tongue pulled out, and he pressed a chaste kiss to the now glistening hole that gaped slightly before nipping at their cheeks. His hand that was lightly teasing their cock with barely any relief moved away and they sobbed. He stood again and braced his hands by their waist, bracketing them in. Their eyes were rimmed with tears, their mouth hanging open on gasping breaths as they looked up at him, the need practically burning in their dark, blown out pupils. 

“I’ll stop teasing you. Stop looking at me so pitifully,” he chuckled, catching their hip and flipping them once more. 

“I don’t know what has gotten into you today,” they chastised, sounding like a teacher scolding a student. 

“Mm, something about seeing you in these ass tight slacks really did it for me,” he purred, and they looked away with a pout. He brought his hand to their cock to give a good, hard stroke, and they curled in,  moaning freely and effectively wiping the pout away. “I’ll give you what you want, now,” and he brought his hand to release his own straining erection, not bothering with removing any of his other clothes even while Bai Yusheng’s clothes hung half off their lithe body. He reached down and cupped under both their knees with a hand and pulled up, bringing both legs up together and bending the immortal in half. 

His eyes lingered on the marks on their thighs, small bites and bruises from the previous night showing up in stark contrast to their pale skin. He hummed appreciatively and his gaze sank down to their slick rim, swollen red and flexing around air, waiting to be filled. The sight made his cock ache, wanting to possess them and leave more marks on them to admire. 

“Ah, Saalah, you keep staring,” Bai Yusheng panted even as they caught the edge of the table with both hands. “Put it in. I can’t wait any longer!” It was rare that he got Bai Yusheng so worked up that they were needy and demanding, and he relished in it, pressing their knees to their chest as his other hand got the lube from his pocket and stroked it on his throbbing desire before swabbing it on their entrance as well, pressing two fingers inside for good measure. They only whimpered and squirmed, needing something more substantial, and he removed them quickly. He was just as desperate and had been neglecting himself this whole time. When he finally pressed in, it took everything in him not to thrust it all in at once. He took it slow, filling them inch by inch and relishing in the way they dug their head back into the table. When his hips finally met their ass he paused, giving them both a moment to adjust. The cool air did nothing to cool the fire in his veins, and neither was the look in Bai Yusheng’s eyes, looking at him with such trust and love that his heart ached in his chest with the full knowledge of just how much this person loved and cherished him. 

    He pulled back finally and thrust in sharply, and this time, Bai Yusheng did not muffle the beautiful sounds that echoed in the crisp night air around them. Neither of them were going to last long, and he set up a quick pace from the start, watching as they bounced along the table, their long legs trapped in his strong grip as he rutted into them with a desperation born of his absolute love for them and everything they meant to him. Tears leaked from Bai Yusheng's eyes as they neared their release untouched, their desire turning a blushed shade and their tip leaking over their flat stomach. He reached for them, wrapping his hand around their cock and pumped in time to his thrusts, and they screamed his name pleadingly, their eyes almost going cross as he pounded into them so hard the sound of skin on skin rung in their ears. 

Bai Yusheng froze as their vision went white, their cum painting up their stomach and chest as Saalah worked them to completion, his eyes darkening at the sight of them as they lost themselves to pleasure. His hips stuttered and slammed into the tightening body, as he dropped to an elbow, bringing their knees to rest on his shoulder as he managed a few more hard, deep thrust before spilling inside, feeling it begin to leak before he had even pulled away.

He was fucked out, but he refused to let them lay on the hard table when they were probably already going to be sore and aching. Saalah pulled out and gathered Bai Yusheng in his arms, making his way to a clear patch of grass and carefully sitting down, settling them in his lap. His hands caught their arms and began a light massage, waiting for them to come back to themselves before speaking. 

“Saalah, baobei,” they murmured after a while, and he kissed all along their high cheekbones tenderly.

“I’m here, Yusheng. Are you alright? Can you look at me?” He cupped their face and their lashes fluttered up, looking at the man in front of them with such adoration that his breath caught. They hummed and framed his face with their hands, kissing him hard. They stayed like that for a while before they spoke again.

“I am wonderful. You were amazing,” they finally replied, leaning their head on his shoulder. “Ah, but how am I going to help around the bar now?” They looked down to the mess on their stomach. 

“I can get us to my room to clean up and then we can come back down,” he offered, tugging at a lock of white hair. 

“We should probably do that soon. It was getting quite busy when we left,” they tidied their clothes a bit and tried to stand, but Saalah was faster, fixing himself as well and scooping them up again and beginning the walk back to the entrance. “Saalah, I can walk,” they admonished, smacking his chest with their fan they had pulled back out before snapping it open hurriedly to cover their face as he pushed the door to the ballroom open with a hip. 

“No need. I know what I’m doing,” he stated, his eyes glancing over at the bar patrons once more and shooting them a warning look. They had all turned to look when the door opened, knowing who had went out there, but they all turned back around just as fast at the look the young demon gave them, sending ice down their spines. Bai Yusheng sighed. This was going to be a long and interesting summer trip, they could already tell. 

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