SIREN | HS *on hold*

By hessweetcherry

313K 6.6K 11K

*THIS STORY IS ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE! i'm currently writing other stuff while editing this story!!* *1... More

Updated Chatacter List
1 - Eyes
2 - Stupid
3 - Sleeping Beauty
4 - High
5 - Personal
6 - Errands
7 - Blood
8* - Rewards
9 - Questions
10 - Weakness
11 - Uninvited
12 - Careful
13* - Switch
14 - Sunshine
15 - Muse
16 - Blank
17* - Accusations
18* - Past
19 - Reminisce
20* - Games
21 - Midnight
23 - Lost
24 - Jump
25 - Price
26* - Outings
27 - Co-Workers
28 - Stories

22* - Bliss

9.9K 150 157
By hessweetcherry

I've been wanting to put out this chapter for a while, and you get to see a side of Mel you won't see very often in this story, I hope you enjoy.

***This chapter has strong sexual content and use of things like vibrators and 'strapless strapons', look it up if you're confused!

In conclusion, I love women.

Mel's POV.

"I did not!"

I look around the table at Jesse laughing with a few of our other friends, a beer in his hand as he tries to tell the story of how he dropped a wrench onto a perfectly good and new windshield today.

Hence the word tries.

We came out tonight to celebrate an anniversary of his, one that would probably not normally be celebrated like it is right now.

His ex wife just died this morning, and he's sitting in a bar telling stories of times they accidentally hit each other with their cars.

Most people would be mourning the loss of their significant other, but not Jesse. He's only 35 and his ex was a few years older, but he never told us how she died, just that she kicked the bucket and lost their bet.

I think they were still friends deep down, which is why they never actually killed each other even though I'm sure they wanted to.

They were rivals with what businesses they owned and how they were competing with each other, him owning the shop and her owning the tattoo studio. Yet they always came in for something whether it was him fixing her car, or her tattooing literally any of us.

I've never seen someone hate their wife so much and it just reminds me not to get married, and never fall in love.

We started out with some appetizers and a few rounds of shots while people were still joining us, our group slowly getting larger and larger as time went on. We come to this bar almost every night, it's only a few streets over from our places and it's got pretty good food most times.

Pretty nice people too.

"Mel! Mel!" Jesse laughs when I look at him, taking a sip of my drink and raising an eyebrow while I wait for him to continue. "Tell them it wasn't my fault please!"

I shake my head and laugh with everyone, "I think you started drinking before we even opened today."

This earns a chorus of laughs from everyone around, and Jesse flips me off.

I munch on a few leftover chips from our nachos as people get up to play games of pool or darts, standing up and sitting back down again until I'm back beside Jesse.

With his arm up on the back of our booth, I lean into it and sigh.

"It's been a long day." I say and chew on a piece of ice, looking to the right at him.

He nods along with me, "Feds come by again?"

"Oh god," I groan and lean forward on my elbows. "Same fucking ones too!"

"What do they even want with us?" He asks while taking a large sip of his beer, wiping off his mustache.

I try to make sure no one can hear our conversation so I turn to him, holding my drink close to my chest. "Apparently one of their agents went rogue, like crazy or something. They're saying she was seen here and if we bring her in, there's an insane reward. Like I'm talking millions because they wanna keep it quiet."

His eyes widen when I mention the money but he quickly shakes his head, "That's insane, haven't seen anyone new around here have you?"

"Nobody that caught my eye, no." I say.

"When have we ever worked with feds anyways." He snorts, and he's right.

We're the furthest things from it.

I grew up in this sort of life, inheriting the gym attached to Jesse's shop when he died a few years ago. It's all just a cover up for what we actually do, and we needed something to be able to run the money through.

Anyone who's local here will recognize the pistol wrapped in barbed wire tattoo behind someone's right ear.

My dad and Jesse were friends for a while, and they decided on that symbol when they started working together.

Jesse already having a long strand of ink as barbed wire wrapping his forearm, and my dad with the large pistol. They decided on a smaller tattoo in a bit of a hidden placement when more cops started patrolling the area the year they joined forces, making it a simple but effective way to let people know who lives here.

I got mine when I turned 18, then took over everything from my father last year at 23.

It's been a crazy time to say the least, but Jesse was nothing short of that comforting older brother presence I've been needing and I will never be able to thank him enough for that.

"The money would be a nice cushion though." I mention, setting my drink down on the table.

"Very true." He nods along, "Did they give any description?"

"Oh you'd think they'd have her picture, but nope. Just brown hair, brown eyes, and about my height is literally what they said as if that's not half the population in California." I ramble on, thanking the server as she places another drink down in front of me.

"Why wouldn't they just show a picture?" He asks, shaking his head and basically repeating exactly what I just said back to me.

"I have no clue." I shake my head and lean back against the booth, glancing around the bar area. "Oh! They also said 'massive dagger tattoo on her back', like am I just gonna ask random girls to take their shirts off or something?"

I know Jesse says something about how I can get any girl to take their shirt off if I asked nicely but I just smack his arm, my eyes getting stuck on a head with short purple hair. As my eyes slowly look her up and down, she shifts in her seat and moves her hair around.

No fucking way.

The hilt of a dagger pokes out from her shirt as her hair falls back into place, and I bite my lip.

She's sitting on one of the bar stools, resting her leather booths on the foot rest and running her finger along the rim of the glass.

Without saying anything I down the rest of my drink, setting it on the table and standing up from the booth. Jesse gets lost in a conversation with someone else while I slowly make my way over to the bar, sitting a few seats over from her.

There's a mirror behind all the bottles of liquor set up at the back of the bar, and I keep my eyes on her though it as she quietly sips on her drink. When she's almost finished I order another round for both of us, picking the glasses up and moving in her direction. She only looks up when I set one of the glasses down in front of her, leaning backwards on the bar.

"Did I look lonely or something?" She asks and picks the drink up, her voice sounding like music to my ears.

"Are you?" I ask, glancing over at her.

She's still looking straight ahead, not making eye contact with me yet so I turn to face her more. "I was perfectly fine on my own, the drink was a nice gesture though."

"You're welcome."

She obviously isn't very talkative, and I'm gonna have to come up with something to get both of us out of this bar.

"You look like you come here often," She starts, taking a sip of the drink I bought her and then looking directly at me. "Am I right?"

"You're smart."

"I'm smart?" She laughs and shakes her head, picking up the toothpick from her drink. "That means you know I'm not an idiot, and I can tell neither are you."

I squeeze the lime into my drink, then dropping it into the glass. "Tell me why I shouldn't just take you out of here and turn you in right now."

She turns to me and twirls the toothpick between her fingers, looking around the bar before using her finger to tell me to come closer.

When I do, she gives me a choice.

"You can take me home instead."

Before I can say anything she tilts her head back and takes the rest of her drink, her throat fully exposed as she empties the glass and puts it back on the bar.

She gives me a once over before saying thanks to the bartender and hopping off the stool, and walking towards the exit.

I finish my drink and just stand there for a minute, watching her slowly out the door.

She's obviously onto me and knows that I'm aware of who she is, and I watch her through the many windows of this place until she turns a corner and I can't see her anymore.

Should I just straight up ask her if that's who she is?

I mean honestly what could go wrong.

I push off the bar and walk in the same direction she did and out the door. I walk to the right, dodging a few people until I see her purple hair disappear into the alley beside the bar.

I take a deep breath before turning the corner to see her pulling a cigarette out of her pocket, and lighting it with a bejeweled lighter.

When her hands move away from her face and the cigarette is hanging from her lips, she holds the pack out for me.

"I don't smoke."

Giving me an amused face, she nods and stuffs her things back into her pockets. "You seem tense, maybe you should."

"I'm tense?" I ask and move to the wall opposite where she's standing and lean against it.

There's people constantly going in and out of the bar, passing the alley we're standing in without even caring to look down this way.

"Yeah, tense." she starts, flicking the excess off her cigarette. "Have been ever since you came over to where I was sitting at the bar."

"Noticing behaviour and my body language?" I ask, making her look up at me and I raise an eyebrow. "Now you're just giving it away."

"Giving what away exactly?"

Instead of giving in to her right away, I decide to have some fun with it.

"Your old coworkers keep coming by my work." I say which gets her attention quickly.

She drops the now finished cigarette onto the ground, putting it out with the bottom of her shoe and crossing her arms over her chest.


"You know, fancy suits, sunglasses, and shiny badges." I almost tease, watching her entire body stiffen. "Look who's tense now."

"Why'd you follow me? Gonna take me up on my offer?" she asks, trying to change the subject as if I won't notice.

All of a sudden it gets dark enough so the many street lamps all turn on, giving a little more light to the small alley we walked into.

She tucks a few strands of her hair which now seems more red with these lights.

"I'm gonna need a little bit more convincing than just an offer." I say and stand up straight.


"You said I could take you home instead, what's in it for me?"

She seems surprised when I ask her that, looking out into the busy parking lot for a few seconds before pushing off the wall and starting to take some steps towards me.

She's wearing boots with a small heel, making us around the same height.

She stops when she's a few inches from me and shamelessly looks down at my chest then up to me, our eyes locked on each other's.

"That depends on what you can handle."

Baby, you've got no idea what I can handle.

Her hand reaches over and moves my shirt to the side a little, exposing my collarbone as she runs her fingers lightly along it.

"What makes you think I can't handle you? Maybe you're the one who needs to be worried."

This entire time I've been carefully reaching both my hands behind me to where the belt of my jeans is securely hiding the small handgun I have.

She takes another step closer but moves her hand to my neck, her thumb caressing the major artery but freezes when she hears a click.

Then she feels my gun pressed to her abdomen and looks down between us.

"If you're gonna shoot me just do it." she says calmly and looks back up at me.

"Who said I'm gonna shoot you?" I ask while slowly dragging the weapon upwards and resting it between her tits.

"Got other plans?"

I shrug and keep my focus on her chest, circling her now hard nipples through her shirt with the barrel of the gun.

Her hand on my neck pauses for a second as I flick them with the gun, then bring it up towards her throat.

With it sitting on her collar bone I look back at her while tilting my head, "Tonight could either end with me and this gun putting a bullet through your skull, or me fucking you with it. Your choice."

Her eyes widen for a split second before she quickly reaches up and pushes the gun to the side, wrapping her hand around the back of my neck and pulling me against her.

Our lips ghost over each other ever so slightly and I can feel her slowly breathe in and out as her tongue slips between her lips, and lightly runs along my bottom lip.

"Get on with it then."

Within a split second I've got my gun tucked back into my jeans and I'm making her walk backwards until her back hits the other wall, my hand coming up to grasp her jaw.

I make her lips pout for me and she rolls her eyes, so I just lean in and kiss her.

Her lips are soft as she sighs into me, giving in and pushing her lips against mine.

I move my hand to the side of her face so I can hold her still, slotting my thigh in between her legs and putting some pressure there.

I hear a small whimper escape her lips and she starts to move her hips against my thigh, but I reach down and stop her.

"You have to do one thing for me first." I say, making her slowly nod her head. Letting go, I pull my keys out of my pocket and dangle them in her face. "I've had too many drinks, you're driving us back to my place."

She takes the keys out of my hand pretty eagerly and gestures for me to get walking and I chuckle, "Someone's eager."

"If you could feel between my legs right now, you would be too." she replies when we reach my car.

Staring at her over the roof of it, I just smile. "I will baby, I will."

I get in before she can say anything and then we're on our way to my place, me giving her the simple directions.

It's only about ten minutes before we pull into the parking lot of the gym and we both get out.

I grab her hand and hear her boots click against the ground as she trails behind me, only stopping when I unlock the door for us to go inside.

She seems hesitant when we actually get inside my apartment, but when I turn around it's back to the confident yet cold exterior I'm now determined to break.

"Can you do something else for me?" I ask while moving closer to her, helping her take off the leather jacket she has on.


I narrow my eyes at her while taking my own jacket off and tossing it onto one of the chairs I have in the living room.

"Maybe?" I take a few steps backwards as she slowly follows me into the living room, until the backs of my calves hit the couch and I start to undo my jeans. "That's not really what I wanted to hear."

She glances down at my hands as they unzip the zipper and I slowly take my jeans off, leaving me in a tank top and my underwear.

"What did you wanna hear?" she says quietly and keeps her eyes moving between my own and where I put my jeans.

"You're gonna make me come, right here on this couch." I say while sitting down and spreading my legs for her. "Can you do that for me?"

She immediately nods her head and gets on her knees in front of me, fucking hell.

She trails her lips along my inner thighs, leaving small kisses and dark marks where her lips were.

I was too caught up in talking to her before that I didn't realize how much she was affecting me.

Her small fingers hook into the side of my underwear and slightly pull them away and off of me, seeing a string of my arousal connect to them because of how wet I am.

"Holy fuck.." she whispers as she leans in and licks a slow and careful stripe up my pussy and flicks her tongue against my clit, making me squirm.

"Don't tease me." I warn her as she keeps moving her tongue against my clit, looking up at me.

She replaces her tongue with her thumb, collecting some of my arousal and bringing it up to her lips as she sucks on it. "So sweet."

Immediately she leans back down and continues eating me out, keeping a steady pressure and rhythm on my clit while my own hands yank my shirt down, and I start pinching and rolling my nipples between my fingers.

"Shit." I moan and feel the pressure between my legs and in my lower abdomen slowly start to build and she doesn't stop as I get louder.

My hips start moving against her mouth when she picks up the pace and I swear if she keeps this up I will not be lasting long.

She pulls her face away from me but teases her fingers around my hole, slowly coating them and then pushing them in me with ease.

"Oh my god." I moan and hang my head back against the couch, my hands finding cushions to try and grip onto as she holds my hips down.

"So fucking pretty," she whispers and works her hand faster while still rubbing my clit with her thumb. "So wet for me, fucking perfect."

Her simple words have such an effect on me that my legs start to shake, so she pulls me forward more and hooks one over her shoulder.

"Oh my - Fuck!" I cry out, the feeling of my orgasm coming is almost fucking unbearable at this point. "I'm so fucking close holy shit."

I didn't think this was how my night was going to go, but so far it's been far better than I could have ever imagined.

I don't even know her name but that's the last thing I can think about as my vision goes while, and I slam my head on the back of the couch. My legs try to close but she forces them open and keeps her mouth against me while I finish, and try to catch my breath.

She finally pulls away from me and puts my underwear back to cover me, wiping the corners of her mouth and resting on her knees as if she's done.

I reach forward and wrap my hand around her throat, pulling her forward with enough force that makes her blink a few times out of shock.

That's cute.

"You didn't think I was done with you, did you?" I ask slowly, seeing her lips smirk a bit when I tighten my grip on the sides of her neck.

"What do I get in return?" she says back and I tilt my head at her, standing up off the couch and making her look up at me.

I've got so many ideas running through my head right now, and I honestly don't know what I wanna do first.

My other hand comes up to cup her cheek, rubbing her jaw with my thumb. "Can I tie you up?"

Her eyes widen and I tap her bottom lip with my finger, "Words baby, come on."

"Yeah, yes." she answers rather quickly and I smile down at her, letting go of her neck and helping her stand up with me.

I turn around and pull her behind me towards my room, closing the door behind us and guiding her towards the bed.

She sits down on the edge and looks around my room, my bed having the perfect setup for something like this. It has the posts on all four corners, in case I wanted to tie her legs up as well.

I'll have to ask if she'd be okay with that.

I sit her on the edge of my bed and she seems nervous, not necessarily because of the citation, maybe because there's a possibility I might just turn her in after this.

I'm honestly still debating it but it's been a while since I came that fast, so I might have to keep her around for a bit.

"Too many clothes," I say and lean down to help her take off her shirt, gently placing it on the floor beside my bed. "Up on the bed."

She follows instructions pretty well and lays her head down on the pillows while I climb over her, placing gmy legs on either side of my hips. Her hands reach down to touch me but I hold her wrists above her head and I lean over her, carefully kissing her lips and she tries to push her lips against mine more but I pull away.

The smallest whine escapes her lips and an idea pops into my head, I know exactly what I'm going to do with her.

I reach over into one of my dresser drawers and pull out some silk ties so they won't hurt her wrists, and when she notices she eagerly holds her arms above her head for me.

"Being so good for me already." I whisper and take my time tying her wrists to each of the two bed posts at the head of my bed, then sitting back on my thighs to look at her.

Her chest is puffed up a little, nipples hard and in the air for me already.

I move down the bed until I'm standing at the edge, and I turn around to walk into my closet.

I take out two of my favourite toys, along with some lube just in case.

Walking back into my room I look at her and she has her legs crossed, tugging on the silk ties while attempting to move her hips and gain some friction against her jeans.

She only stops when I set everything down on the bed, flicking her eyes between me and the toys. I smile to myself and reach for the zipper of her jeans, carefully unbuttoning them and then pulling down the zipper.

She moves her hips again probably to tell me to hurry up, but I just go slower and pull her jeans down her legs.

She quickly spreads them when I put the jeans on the floor, and my eyes immediately go to the wet spot on her underwear.

Fuck me.

"Want me to touch you?" I tease and kneel on the bed, my hands moving to the soft skin of her inner thighs.

I hear a quiet please from above me and I keep my hands moving in slow circles along the hem of her underwear, my thumb lightly running over the mess she made already.

"Speak up." I say with a stern voice which catches her attention as she lifts her head to look at me. "Words, or I don't touch you."

She tries to shift her hips against my thumb but I pull away and raise an eyebrow at her, causing her to whine again. "Please, just do something."

Such a pretty sound.

I start to move my thumb over her again, hearing her sigh from above me.

Continuing with this for a minute, I reach beside me and pick up my favorite vibrator that I brought out. I look at her for a second, she's got her eyes lightly closed and her head tilted back as I give her some relief with my hand.

Her head jerks up and eyes land on me in seconds when I turn the vibrator on, and I chuckle to myself.

"Can I use this on you baby? Would you like that?"

She nods her head quickly but I raise and eyebrow at her, about to ask for her to use her words again but she talks before me. "Yes, yes. Please."

Her words are music to my ears as I just barely touch the vibrator against her over her underwear, and the moan that comes from her sends me into a frenzy.

Putting more pressure with the toy, I position it right over her clit which seems to drive her even more crazy.

"Holy fuck!" she cries out and tugs against the silk ties again, and I hook my left arm under her left leg then over her hips as an attempt to hold her in place.

"How does that feel baby?" I ask and move the vibrator in small circles over her clothed clit.

She's starting to pant and in the dim light I can see sweat starting to cover her chest, "Fuck, good!"

"Come on, you can do better than that." I say and carefully pull her underwear to the side, finally revealing her fucking beautiful pussy to me. I have the vibrator on one of the low settings, but it seems to be perfect for her as I touch her clit carefully with it again. "How does it feel?"

She keeps switching between looking down at me between her legs, then tilting her head back and moaning quietly.

"It's so fucking good," she whispers and tries to hold eye contact but fails when I press the button, making the vibrations more intense. "Oh my god, fuck I'm close."

"Yeah?" I ask and get more comfortable on my knees. "Tell me when you're gonna come babe."

She nods her head as an okay and I keep the vibrator on her clit while my other hand just barely touches her entrance, collecting some of her arousal on my finger and bringing it up to my mouth.

With her eyes on me the entire time, and her grip on the silk ties getting more aggressive and she suddenly gasps, "Fuck I'm gonna come!"

I smirk to myself when I pull the vibrator and my hands away from her, making her look at me in shock.

"What the fuck?" she asks out of breath, and I know I did my job properly.

"I heard you've been bad," I start and crawl on top of her, stopping when I'm directly above her. "Only good girls get to come, so I decide when you do."

"This is fucking unfair." she huffs and rolls her eyes at me, and I feel my skin crawl.

After letting her calm down for a minute, I carefully take off her underwear and she stays completely still. I gently press the vibratro against her clit again which makes her jump, and she lets out a shriek while arching her back.

I continue with the same movements as before until she lets out the loudest moan I've heard from her tonight as she lifts her head up and finally looks to the right where I put the other toy on the bed.

"Like what you see?" I ask and reach over to pick it up, holding it out in front of her.

She nods her head quickly and tries to be quiet, biting her lip and digging her nails into the palms of her hands. "Should I use it baby?"

"Please," she begs and continues panting while I move the vibrator in small circles over her naked clit. "Fuck me with it, please."

I smile at her words, she's asking so nicely.

"If I untie you, will you be good?" I ask while pulling the vibrator away from her, then turning it off and setting it on the bed.

She looks like I just took everything away from her as she nods her head so quickly, "Yes, I'll be good. So good."

"Music to my ears." I hum and slowly move up the bed until I'm straddling her again, and she tries to lean up to kiss my neck while I start to untie her.

She manages to reach my collar bone as she starts attempting to leave a trail of kisses across my chest, and my heart rate picks up once I get one of her hands untied, and it immediately flies to the hem of my shirt in an attempt to get it off.

I have to laugh at how eager she is, and when I finally get her other hand out, my shirt is flung off my body and across the room.

She pushes me backwards and climbs on top of me, holding me down by my shoulders as I stare up at her.

"If you edge me one more fucking time, you're getting tied up and I'm getting myself off without you." She taunts me from above while keeping my pinned down, and I just raise an eyebrow at her.

"You thought I was edging you?" I have to try and not laugh at her this time, she's gotten so lucky tonight. "Such a sweet little thing, if I wanted to edge you I would have you tied up here on this bed for fucking hours. Having you get so close to coming, then stopping over and over again until you've got tears running down your face and you're begging for me to let you come."

My words seem to shock her and in a split second I've flipped us back over so she's on her back, looking up at me with an interested look on her face.

"What if I want that?"

"Oh baby," I say and lean down to kiss her nose. "You're sweet. One day I will, don't know if you can handle it."

I sit back on her thighs, picking up the strapless strap-on and the lube. Her eyes watch me carefully as I squirt some of the lube in my hand and lather it over both ends of the toy, then placing the remote in her hand.

"It vibrates too, baby." I tell her when she looks at me with a confused face.

I don't use this very often because I'm usually alone, but the look in her eyes just tells me she's the perfect person for this.

I settle between her thighs and push the 'hook' end into me as she watches me with wide eyes, then I tease her clit with the toy just as she turns it on. My eyes pinch closed and I try to stay steady, not having felt this much pleasure in a long time.

"Please," she whimpers as her hand clutches the remote, and I bring the toy down to her small hole that is just begging for me to fuck. "I need to come, please."

Taking my time, I slowly push into her with my hands on either side of her head for balance.

Her legs quickly wrap around the back of my thighs as we both sigh, her eyes fluttering closed as I slowly pull my hips back and then forward again.

I take my time with it and make sure to hit the perfect spot in her every time, her hands trying to find something to grab onto.

"Oh my god." she whispers while pleasure takes over her face and I start to go faster, trying to hold back my own moans so I can hear her.

"Don't hold back baby, wanna hear you." I pant from above her and lean down as my hips find the perfect rhythm, and she leans up to kiss me.

Our lips move together in a messy fashion, and it's mostly open mouthed kisses as we keep our bodies close.

"Fuck, I'm close." she moans into my mouth and I pull back a little, looking down between us at the toy disappearing simultaneously in and out of both of us at the same time.

Not gonna lie, I am too.

She's already made me come tonight and I've been holding her back, so it's clear why she's gonna come so quick this time around.

I lean down a bit and take one of her nipples in my mouth, hearing her gasp as I flick my tongue over it a few times. I then lightly take it between my teeth and bite down a little, making her squirm underneath me even more and whine.

"Fuck, don't spot please. That's fucking perfect."

I move my hips faster and hear our skin slapping mixed with both of us moaning, my arms starting to shake from holding myself up.

"Holy shit." I whisper and keep my eyes on her as she falls apart under me.

"Fuck!" she cries out and holds onto my wrist that's beside her head, her nails digging into the skin. "Oh my god I'm gonna come!"

My thrusts start to get sloppy as I feel myself getting even close, seeing her come making it hit me even harder. "Come on baby, it's okay. You can come."

She tries to say something else but it gets covered by a series of moans and whimpers as she scrambles to shut the toy off, and I feel my ograsm hit me for the second time tonight.

It doesn't come out of nowhere but I have to pause completely as I collapse on top of her, both of us out of breath.

Her hand wraps around me as she runs her fingers down my spine, sending chills through my body as I reach down and pull the toy out of both of us.

We both sigh when I toss it away from us, and I move to lay beside her on my back.

"Holy shit." she says and I let out a laugh, agreeing with her. "Still gonna turn me in?"

I look over at her and smile, "Not yet. Still more I wanna do to you."

She shakes her head and stares at the ceiling, "Thought you were gonna fuck me with the gun?"

Honestly, I forgot about that.

"Felt like doing something else, maybe if you piss me off I will."

A small smile forms on her lips and she bites her bottom one, "Help me make sure to piss you off then."

I laugh again with her and watch as she stretches slightly then sighs.

I could honestly get used to this.


I promise I'm not distracting you with smut, I think.

I hope you enjoyed this, I love them together.

Thank you for over 35k reads, every time I hit a new milestone it shocks me that people are actually reading this. I hope you're liking the story so far.

Side note, this was not edited so I apologize for any grammar or spelling mistakes!

I love you.

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