Swap It Out! (YiZhan) - ( Com...

By ailovexiaowang

126K 10.1K 2.8K

Xiao Zhan has a happy family life, living in a small town with his wife and son. He loves his family. They ar... More

First Day
The Beginning
The Truth
Story Behind The Storm
When The light Goes Down
Let's Make It Up
Learn To Accept
The Ugly Behavior
Would He Be Taken Away?
A Painful Truth
Stand By You
Will You Love Me Back?
The Affirmation
Falling Apart
Sunshine After The Rain

Release The Burden

3.5K 337 125
By ailovexiaowang

Qeng Shan went to greets and congrats Ru Shi for her wedding anniversary.

"Ru Shi...! Congratulations!" Greeted Qeng Shan, giving a small box to Ru Shi.

With an unfriendly eye, Ru Shi accepted the gift from Qeng Shan and puts it on the table.

"Thanks!" She replied hurly.

Qeng Shan smiled. She hugged Ru Shi, but Ru Shi seemed to avoid her, but still she lets Qeng Shan hugs her, only her body was stiffen toward  Qeng Shan's hug.

"I wish I can have a family like you, last long... But I don't think it's with Yibo....!" Said Qeng Shan.

"So, are you planning to take my husband from me?" Hissed Ru Shi, surprised Qeng Shan.

"No!" Cried Qeng Shan, earned the glance from the other guess.

"Why are you keep that thinking, Ru Shi?" Qeng Shan lowered her voice when he caught people's attention to them.

Ru Shi scoffed sarcastically.

"You know your marriage with Yibo is so helpless. And you found Zhan is more caring and loving person, so you start to keep a feeling for him...." Muttered Ru Shi.

"Ru Shi.... I never have any feelings to Zhan. Ok! I had agreed with your husband:s swapping that time..." Said Qeng Shan, earned the glare and the snap from Ru Shi.

"Don't you dare to mention about that swinger!" Hissed Ru Shi between her gritted teeth. "Especially in public like this....!"

"Ru Shi, I'm sorry.... I didn't mean it....!" Said Qeng Shan with remorseful face.

"Keep your fake acting to yourself! I'm sick of seeing your face here!" Snarled Ru Shi.

"Ru Shi!" Qeng Shan grabbed Ru Shi's hand but got swing away by Ru Shi.

"Enough! I have to greet the guest! I have no time to chit chat with you...!" Said Ru Shi. Then she walked away, leaving Qeng Shan who feels dejected.

"Honey... We need to greet the other guests, too. Come on...! Why are you keep talking with Yibo? You always talking to him when he comes for consulting,ma?" said Ru Shi, sending Yibo a slight glare.

Yibo  didn't say a thing, but his eyes fiercing at Ru ahi that makes Ru Sh feels a shiver through her spine, so she turned away to Zhan.

"Awh! Isn't he also our guest?" Zhan touched Ru Shi's hand that snuck around his arm.

"You talked to him much enough. Let's go!" said Ru Shi, pulling Zhan.

Zhan looked at Yibo who didn't make a move. Then, he turned to his parents who standing and watching them. Zhan sighed. He has no other choice, but followed Ru Shi to greet the other guest. Yibo only could watch them off and talked to the other people. He grabbed a drink and took a sip of it.

"Don't you try to gain Zhan's memory back about you and him. He has a perfect life now. A wife and a child..." Mr. Xiao suddenly was already stands beside him.

Yibo a little bit startled, but he immediately composed himself. He turned his gaze at the old man who was looking at the couple. Mr. Xiao turned to Yibo when he feels that the younger man was gazing at him. They looked at each other, and they being disliked each other was written on their faces.

"I'll accompany my wife. Excuse me...!" said Yibo.

And without waiting for Mr. Xiao's reply, he walked away approaching Qeng Shan who was drinking her drink alone. Mr. Xiao still kept his eyes on him as if he was afraid if he leaves isi guard down, Yibo will snatch Zhan away from Ru Shi and brings him to run away already.

"Isn't he Wang YIbo?" Mrs. Xiao asked her husband.

"Hmm..." Mr. Xiao hummed to response his wife's question.

"Do you still keep the hatred toward him?" asked Mrs. Xiao again.

This time Mr. Xiao turned his attention to his wife. He scoffed.

"I'm sure, he's here not only for medication..." mumbled Mr. Xiao.

"What do you mean?" asked Mrs. Xiao.

"He's here to disturb Zhan again...!" replied Mr. Xiao.

"Aish! Can you forget it already? It's all the past!  Can't you see our son is having a happy family, a good job, good life. What are you afraid of? And that young man also married a beautiful woman already. Stop giving them the hard time...! Anyway, they were friends once! What's wrong if they recognize each other?" retorted Mrs. Xiao.

"Yes! They're friends once who turned into lovers. Do you want that to happen again?" snarled Mr. Xiao.

"If their fate is to be together? What can you do? If they cannot be together in this life, they will in the other life...!" said Mrs. Xiao.

"And I wish in another life I won't be fathered any of them!" Mr. Xiao glared at his wife.

"Or maybe you'll be one of them...!" his wife smirked, teasing him.

Mr. Xiao glared at Mrs. Xiao. He huffed, then he walked to the other space.

"He's my only son, Old Man... I'm grateful for whoever give him back his life..." hissed Mrs. Xiao.

"Ladies and Gents! Let's welcome our couple of their year! Xiao Zhan and wife, Lee Ru Shi!"

The voice of the MC broke the noise of the people chattering. The music died down. AFter a few seconds, those noise replaced by the clap hands.

Zhan and Ru Shi walked to the center of the yard hand in hand. They threw the big smiles to the people.

"Tonight, we're all here to congrats and celebrates the sixth year since they wedded. And now they have been granted with a cute boy. Let's we all say a prayer for them, that they'll be together until the last breath! To cheer them up, let's go! We would like to presented a song for them. All the guests can join them to dance...!" shouted the MC from the stage.

The people clapped their hands again.

"And.  ! Here we go! Our singer, Lilah!" shouted the MC again, ushering a woman in her late 20s to come up to the stage.

"The woman smiled and took the mic that passed by the MC to her. The MC go ahead her to begin to sing.

"I found a boy, for me...
Darling just dive in, follow my lead..."

The singer began to sing. The people began to dance, composed by the slow music. They look happy dancing with their partners. 

In the corner, Yibo was standing and watched the people dancing. No... He watched the certain person.

"Let's go..." Qeng Shan held his elbow.

Yibo glanced at her and shook his head.

"I don't want to..." replied Yibo, lazily.

"Oh! Come on! I have something to talk to you...!" said Qeng Shan. She dragged Yibo to the dance floor.

Don't want to feel bad, Yibo finally just followed Qeng Shan and began to dance with her.

"Can you remember how long we knew each other?" asked Qeng Shan while they are dancing.

"11 years and a half, I think...."" replied Yibo.

"You remember, I see..." Qeng Shan smiled. She stared at Yibo.

"I'm sorry... I can't return your love....!' said Yibo with a cold tone.

Qeng Shan shook her head.

"I don't expect that anymore..." said Qeng Shan.

Yibo looked at Qeng Shan with a confused look.

"I just feel awe with you. How faithful you are. How strong your love is.... Until you could keep your genuine feeling toward someone for years and remained unseen....!" Qeng Shan continued her talk.

Then there was silence between them. They kept making a move, follow step by step of the dance without trip or step on each other's feet.

'I was too dumb to not seeing and realizing it earlier. Or, maybe I just in love with you that makes me so blind and closed one eye to the reality...." said Qeng Shan.

Yibo was really didn't understand with what Qeng Shan was trying to say to him. He feels annoyed and impatient.

"What do you want to tell me?" asked Yibo.

Qeng Shan looked p at Yibo, then she smiled. Behind her smile, there was pain reflected in her eyes.

"I know you and Xiao  Zhan are an item..." said Qeng Shan.

Yibo's hand that holding on Qeng Shan's waist was stiffened. He gripped on it harder.

"Awwh!" Qeng Shan screamed lowly when Yibo steps on her feet.

"Sorry... But... What are you talking about?" Yibo felt uneasiness in his chest.

"I saw you both in the basement on our swapping night...." Said Qeng Shan.

Yibo froze. He stopped move the dance. His hand move to cover Qeng Shan's mouth.

Qeng Shan removed Yibo's hand from her mouth. She curled a smile on her lips.

"Take it easy... I haven't tell anyone....!" Said Qeng Shan.

"Don't you ever dare to tell anyone...." Hissed Yibo.

Qeng Shan giggled.

"Oh, Yibo.... How I missed the days when we were so close. How I was able.to tease you freely without worrying you will stay away from me....!" Qeng Shan laughed.

" Now what do you want?" Yibo still hold his guard up.

Qeng Shan shook her head.

"I don't want anything, Yibo... I just want you to be honest to me. I want you to tell me about you and Zhan. I want you to be happy. If you told me earlier about this, I won't accept the proposal, then...!" Said Qeng Shan.

Yibo flustered.

"I... Need to protect him...." Yibo muttered.

"What happened to him?" Asked Qeng Shan, curious.

"I'll tell you when we go home...." Replied Yibo.

"Alright, then....!" Said Qeng Shan. She turned to where Zhan and Ru Shi were dancing.

Ru Shi and Zhan were watching their interaction. Zhan's was frowning a little although he forces a smile. While Ru Shi looked at them in a glare.

"Do you want to spend more time with Zhan?" Asked Qeng Shan, turned to Yibo.

Yibo glanced at Zhan and Ru Shi, then he looked around to find Zhan's parents who were looking after Fei Hong. But Mr. Xiao's eyes were looking at him.

"We better go home now. I feel uncomfortable here....!" Replied Yibo.

Qeng Shan glanced at Zhan's parents and she seemed to understand.

"Ok. Let's go!" Said Qeng Shan, pulled Yibo's hand to go to Zhan and Ru Shi to excuse themselves.

"Xiao Zhan!" Qeng Shan called him.

Zhan and Ru Shi who continued to dance, turned to her. Ru Shi still unhappy when she looks at her, and now Qeng Shan was calling her husband instead of her.

"Yeah? Do you enjoy the party?" Replied Zhan, released his hold on Ru Shi and turned toward Yibo and Qeng Shan.

"Awh! Yeah! It's a nice party. Simple.but good. I enjoyed the food...!" Replied Qeng Dhan with a bright smile.

Zhan smiled. Then he glanced at Qeng Shan's hand that clasped with Yibo's. Yibo noticed it, and he immediately tried to unclasped his hand with Qeng Shan's, but Qeng Shan tightened the hold. Yibo glared at Qeng Shan who glances at him and smiles mischievously.

"We need to go home now...!" Said Qemg Shan.

"Owh! So early? You both just arrived, ma?" Zhan felt disappointed.

Qeng Shan smiled. She glanced at Yibo who seemed doesn't want to speak.

"Yibo still has a lot of work to do...!" Said Qeng Shan.

Zhan glanced at Yibo. A small smile curved up on Yibo's lips. Zhan turned back to Qeng Shan.

"I'll walk you to the gate. Come!" Said Zhan, broke Qeng Shan's and Yibo's intertwined fingers and snuck his hand around their arms. He stood up between the two.

Qeng Shan refrained her giggled by covering her mouth, while Yibo turns away to hide his blushing face.

"Honey! Are you coming?" Zhan asked Ru Shi who left behind.

"Umm... You can go with them. I'm fine. I need to see A Fei....!" Replied Ru Shi.

"Ok!" Said Zhan.

"Bye, Ru Shi!" Qeng Shan waved her free hand to Ru Shi which earned a sarcastic glare from her bestie.

But Qeng Shan didn't mind it. She started to walk with the two men to the gate.

Ru Shi watched them with the flame in her eyes. Her hatred toward Qeng Shan burns her jealousy. As she remembered how Qeng Shan was when they were still in Middle nd High School. But now everything has changed a lot. She knows Qeng Shan had had the cosmetic surgery which means won't be able to beat her beauty down. But jealous is jealous. It doesn't chose the victim.

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