My Fall Academia! (Book Two)

By Demon818

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After being betrayed by his own classmates, someone helps James Cook by letting him make a better society. On... More

1: A New Start
2: A Meeting
3: Burn it, Slash it, Spill it
4: New People
5: Game Plan
7: Attacked
8: Goal
9: It Can't Be
10: Plan/Go Time
11: Friendly Chat
12: Goodbye
13: A Real Goodbye and Hello's
14: Back to the Grind
15: New Nightcrawler
16: Trying to make a Plan
17. Deal with the Witch
18: James, Are You Ok
19: Impostor
20: Get the Ball Rolling
21: Now We're Rolling
22: Some Fun
23: A Talk
Before You Go On
25: BUURN!
27: According to Plan
28:Ending an Era
29: Taking One Last Life
31: WAIT WHAT!!!
32: Going Out
33: Walk
34: HAPPY- Errr
35: WHO ARE YOU!!!
36: More Training
37: 2 on 2
38: Visitation

24: Fight for your Life

26 2 0
By Demon818

James and Nightcrawler are surrounded.

Nightcrawler: What are these things?

James: Wait, you don't know!


James: Watch out!

James pushes Night out of the way and gets slammed into the wall, making a crack in it.

Night: HOLY SHIT!!!

They run up to James.

Night: Are you even alive?

James: Damn that hurt

Night: That's impossible.

James: It's all good, I was prepared for that. What's your quirk? I can make a strategy if I were to know.

Night: I don't have one.

James: You're joking right. You have to get out of here. These were made to kill All Might. My quirk is good for surviving these things but even I don't have that fire power. I heard even the big man himself had to do a 500 hit combo to take just one out.

Night: What the fuck.

James: Listen to me, I'll buy time for your escape. And although I won't kill him, I will beat the living shit out of Shigaraki you hear me.

Night: Alright fine.

James: Listen up, these things have more than one quirks. So just getting past them is not going to happen so we have to trick that strong one into hitting the walk behind us.

Night: I'll go around to the one and get it.

James: Then I will lead it to the wall.

Night runs around three Nomus. They gets to a big black one and it looks at her. They run past the three they pasted before, and the black Nomu pushes them aside.

James through the rock at the black bird. It turns his head and charges James. Unable to move in time, the Nomu smashes into James and right through the wall.

Night: HOLY SHIT!!!

Night runs around the standing Nomu and runs right towards James.

James was just laying on the ground.

Night: Hey kid... um... are you alive still???

James: Sadly yes. *grunts* Leave now. I have no doubt that you are strong but these things are a different breed. Like I said before, I don't think I can take one of these things down so someone without a quirk would just be signing their death wish.

Night: Damn it, I can't.

James: You'll have to do the impossible then because I'm not going to let you even pick up that pen.

Night: What about you, it's looking like you have it on the paper.

James: This isn't the first time I signed this it. Death and I have a weird connection. If it turns out to be my last dance then so be it.

Night: You're crazy.

James: I know.

Night: Cartridge right? I don't know if you're lying or not, but that this point I have no chose to trust you.

James: Just leave. It's time to play.

Nightcrawler turns around and runs the opposite way.

POV: Mina
Time Reverse 35 Min. Ago

I've been listening to these songs Kaminari showed me over and over again. How come he never told me he made songs. He's so good too!

I mean I knew he plays instruments but that's different from making a whole album. What else was he hiding from me?

*Knock Knock*

Mina: Come it!

Kaminari: Hey there!

Mina: Hey what's up

Kaminari: Nothing really, just a little board.

Mina: Yea same here.

Kaminari: You listening to the songs I sent you.

He give me a little smile.

Mina: Hehe, yea I was. Hey how come he told you?

Kaminari: He didn't. I found a disc in his room and I played it. He was sending them to his sister I think he said. Remember that one time me and him ran around and got a detention?

Mina: Yea!

Kaminari: Well I was bringing the disc to you guys but he found me.

Mina: HAhahahah!!!

Kaminari: Yup. After that I didn't tell anyone. He's one with many secrets.

Mina: You got that right.

Kaminari: Did he tell you any of them?

Mina: Err, what?

Kaminari: Did he tell you something that he didn't tell anyone else.

Mina: Um, I don't think so.

Kaminari: Oh, sorry.

Mina: It's ok. It's funny, I was thinking right before you walked in. Why was he so secretive?

Kaminari: I mean, if I went what he's been though I would too.

Mina: I guess you're right.

*Bang Bang Bang*

Mina: Hello?!?!?

Kirishima: Hey your both here, great. Mr. Aizawa is telling us to suit up. Something big is going down.

POV: James
Time= Present


Damn it, how did I do this before? What more adrenalin do I need? I took two of these things out before and I didn't even know how to use my quirk. It doesn't seem like they got stronger. Did I get weaker? No, impossible.

I wonder... these things aren't human anymore, so does that mean I can kill them? I mean, they are basically dead in the brain right? I know Endeavor did it a couple of times so it should be fine.

The real problem isn't the punishment I'll get, it's how many there are. It's way to much for me. Even if I start to kill them, there are to many factors that will get in the way.

First is how to kill them. Endeavor melted ones face off and that super Nomu he fucking exploded it. I don't have that firepower, literally.

Second, their quirks vary each Nomu. I've never fought something at this size and variety of quirks.

Third is that if a hero does come, will they attack me? I'm fighting the Nomu but that is something that can happen.



Ahhhhhh, shit, plus they are just throwing me around like a cheap whore. Damn it all.

Forget what I said them about not getting stronger, these aren't the same level Nomu I found before. I need to stop defending because it's obvious not working. I evade one but one is behind me.

But how would I even go on the offensive. I don't know how to fight more than one at a time.

Lose control.

What? What does that mean Ink?

What? I didn't say anything. I'm thinking.

Wait what? Writer, that you?

Demon818: Not me.

What did it say?

Lose all control.


Just lose control. I know you can hear me.

What even are you! Shut up shut up shut up!

God I didn't say anything!! Pay attention to what's really happening.

I've done it before, and then you took on 3 people with better quirks. There might be a little more here but I'll help you.


Ink: Damn it James, wake up dumbass, I'll need your ink if I am going to be out here!

That thing isn't telling you what your true power is. I will if you lose your little code.

Code? Code of not killing? That's not a code it's just what's right.

I guess I'll have to show you.

POV: Inkling

The fucks wrong with him? I can understand if he was mad or something but he was more confused.

Damn it, he's just standing there and he's in a full solid form. If he gets hit he'll die. This isn't looking good.

Ink: Damn it James, get out of your head and fight! Protect people!!

Fuck, he's just standing there. Well if he's not going to use his body then I will.

I slide back into James. I've never actually controlled his body fully without him talking so I'll have no restraints.

These things aren't alive like other people. I'll just put them out of their misery.

Ink: Ink Saws!

POV: James

This place, it's empty. Where am I? It's a white plain but with a black liquid on the ground. It's also putting out smoke. Almost like the adola wasteland from Fire Force.

I see a figure. That must be the thing I was talking to before.

James: Hey you, you were that thing talking to me right? What did you mean before? I remember everything that day. I wa-

???: Would you have really gone that far if you were normal? 10 years old and you killed a man.

James: They were going to kill me! It was in self-defense.

???:Wither it was or not, you just got you quirk just recently and you used a lot of it to the point you couldn't see but managed to win. Don't you find that weird?

James: I'm just good with my quirk.

???: You're right we are.

James: We? How about you answer my question about who you are.

???: I'm you. Isn't that obvious? I look like you. I have your figure but you can't see my face.

James: So what are you suggesting we do. You said something about true power right, tell me about it.

???: We have it! It's already in you. You have to put down your walls and let me show you!

James: You're joking if you think I'm just going to let you take control. If I'm guessing, you're some kind of thing I've been pushing down, like a feeling or something. This is a time of stress so you think you can just get out and have fun don't you. Again, just guessing, but you're probably anger and bloodlust aren't you?

???: Heh heh, looks like I've been caught.

James: Well no, I don't even let ink take control of my bo- well, he is now but that's different.

???:You have to stop listening to it!

James: Wait what? HE'S been with me for years. I trust him.

???: It doesn't tell you the truth of you power.

James: Fine then how about you tell me.

???: I can't.

James: Well isn't this just a pointless conversation huh. If you're not going to tell me either then what was the point of even telling me about it. If you wanted to make me hate Inkling than you would have to do a lot more that just him keeping secrets.

???: I-

James: You said you were me, just an emotion that I bury right, that means I can use that power for myself if I wanted to whenever.

???: You don't even know how to.

James: I mean I can take a couple good guesses how to. I'll be seeing ya, you might just come in handy.



Oh now you're back. What happened?

Um, it's hard to explain, I'll fill you in on it later.

Here, take you body back and I'll be out helping you.

Sounds good to me, lets good,

Ink: Before we go farther, we need to take that big guy out. I was about to hold his punch myself before but he is stronger then I thought. I tried to use my ink saws on him but it bounched off of him.

James: Wait "Ink Saws"??? The fuck?

Ink: Yea like a saw but made of ink. I make them rotate at a higher speed that could cut though diamonds. Look behind you.

AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH WHAT THE FUCK. There's two Nomu heads on the ground.

James: I think I'm going to throw up.


James: Ok ok. Here, try to hold it again and I'll try to kill it.

Ink: On it!

Ink rushes forward. He moves out of the way for the first attack and uses that Nomu to penetrate the other. He made its body like a drill and made a hole though the skinny Nomu.

Well I can do that but I can help him gain more speed. It's like It's like my remake of the rasengan. I crush ink in my hand and form a ball. With the ink that squirted out I make it go around me to make kinetic energy and with the potential energy in the hand I expand it. With the two mixing together, I have a power attack.

Instead of me making the ink circle my hand, I make it go around Inkling instead. With is body he can't make ink so this also give him ammo if he needs it.

???: Run

What the?

James: Is someone here?!

???: Run or you'll die.

That sounds like it's in my head but out here in the real world too? What's going on.


Ah, I'm back at the Adola place. AHHH, IS TIME THE SAME HERE AS IN THE REAL WORLD! SHIT! That means I could get the shit beaten out of me if I'm in here!

???: We wouldn't allow that.

James: Can you read my mind? I didn't say anything out loud.

???: Well, um, I-I'm kinda you actually.

James: Another emotion huh. I'm guessing you're shyness.


James: Ahh no, not that all, it's just I can tell since you ARE me so.

Shy: Oh um, I guess that makes sense. Well, I'm not the one that brung you here but I'm just with him.

James: Who did then?

???: You have to escape when you still can.

James: Hmm, why would I?

???: We will most likely die if you don't. The probability of death is at 78%, We have to go!

James: Fear huh.

Fear: Know what I am or not it doesn't change the fact that we are in some real danger.

James: At this  point I'm always in danger now of days, what's one more day! I'm not here just to run away, I'm here to save people, that's why WE are here! Did y'all forget that!


Bring me back, and don't bother me again.


Ah, it's like I never left. Why was that different? Shit, I probably should have asked. No time to think about it, I have to stop these things.

There are 4 Nomu dead, but there are six more, that counts the big one.

Ink: I can keep taking out the small ones, but this big one you will have to. Bring in all the power you hav- LOOKOUT!


*Smack, Slide, Scrap, Crash*

AHHHH FUCK! That hurt so bad. Where am I? Holy cow, I'm by the city section. I got launched from the bottom dock to the upper city sector.


I can see Inkling coming over to me.

James: Yea I'm good.

Ink: That big guy is bad, we might just have to take him out first.

James: I was going to say the same. I have an idea, let's try out our new move.

POV: Narrator

The big Nomu jumped up the way to the city sector. James was standing there alone in the middle of the street. The Nomu started to move towards him. The rain came down harder at this time, bringing strong winds to go with it.

The Nomu reaches James and winds up to punch, but James doesn't more. He points his right index finger at it and leans back.

James: *In a strong Japanese dialect* INK-O-POWWWERRRRRR!!!

From his left side, going behind him, then slides off to the right and rushes forward, Inkling slams his fist into the Nomu. It slides along the asphalt concrete and looks towards James.

Ink is floating off the ground as James just stands there.

James starts to walk slowly forwards at the Nomu. It charges at James and punches, but Inkling, with both hands, stopped the fist.

Nomu goes in with the other fist but Inkling caught it. He then pulled the two apart and James walk right in front of the Nomu.

James: I don't know if your human mind is even in there of if you can even understand be, but rest now. Eternal.... DARKNESS!

James held his hand close to him, but then slammed it into the Nomu. Once contact was made, the Nomus stomach had began to crack. It fell to its knees and stayed there.

James was breathing really heavily.

James: I don't know if that killed you since you're so god damn strong, so forgive for this.

He made his arm into a sharp axe, raised it up, and bring it upon the neck of the Nomu, fully chopping it off.



James: I know but I just did the most disgusting thing I've ever done.

Ink grabs James' arm/axe and wipes off the blood.

Ink: We don't have all day, we need to get going.

James: Yea yea, I know. Let's go.

They run to the rail at were there was a dip down to the docking port. They look around but didn't see anything, or anyone.

James: Where are the Nomu, there has to be still five.

Ink: I don't know. We have to-

The ground starts to shake. The two hold onto the rail and look behind them. In the city sector, the street where there was a T shaped end, (think about town square at New York to get an idea) the ground started to open up.

There was the rocket on the stand, with it was a whole bunch of Nomu and Shigaraki himself.

James: When was that a thing?

Ink: Don't worry about that, we have more than one problem. 1: This is a city so the buildings around have people in them, we must evacuate them quickly. 2: There are way to many Nomu for us. It will take all our energy to get them. 3: We would have no energy to fight Shigaraki.

James: Get the people out of here. I'll handle the Nomu.

Ink: You're joking. There's no way you alone can take them all out!

James: I froze a while ago remember, well it helped me think of a way to win. Do it, I got this.

Ink: If you die, I'll push you deeper than 6 feet.

He runs into the first building and runs up the stairs.


Ink: Come on people, open uuuuuuup!

A man opens the door.

Man: What do you wan- wait what are you?

Ink: You have to evacuate the building. The League of Villains is right outside and there will be a fight. Get things that are most importance and get to the lobby. More people will be coming down.

Man: Ahh, um, ok.

He closes the door. Two minutes later the man walks out with his wife and child. Together they make their way to the lobby of the building.

Outside, James talks to himself.

James Thinking: Listen here you son of a bitch, I'm angry right now! I know you feel it. Talk to me and I'll let you fight. Isn't that what you wa-

Anger: Loud and clear. Empty you mind and just focus on how mad you are right now. It will be like you fell asleep.

James: Ok.

He opens his mind and thinks about all the things happening. He clenches his fist and teeth.


Anger makes its way throughout the body, strengthening the body in power, speed, and durability. It makes its way to the head, but right as it was there...

James: Thanks for the strength, you're no longer needed.


James: I've been with someone who lives in my mind all the time, I learned how to think but not think at the same time so he won't hear me.


James: It doesn't have too, thanks once again for the power up, I got this.

Anger: You still need me idiot, how are you going t-

James: I will fight with what I learned. I don't need anger right now. I needed the power or adreanilan from it but I need the mind of determination.

Anger: What does that even mean?.?.

James: All Might always smiled as he saved people. I've been wearing a mask up to this point, actually I don't think Shigaraki has ever seen a genuine smile before. Well that will change today, (rips off face mask) I will beat the living shit out of him in the name of love.

Anger: Atleast name it better.

James: It's a working progress.

Anger: Looks like you will have the fight of your life.

James Thinking: Ok, I got the power up I wanted, now I just have to use what I got to get to Shigaraki. There's a problem though. People will start to leave the buildings, so they will see me. If they just see a person killing things they will get scared and panic. I shouldn't kill the Nomu but bust them up to the point they can't move. Before I used Inkling as a Stand like in JoJo, I can do the same with one of my clones.

James clenches his fist together and a black figure appears next to him floating like a Stand.

The first Nomu charges James. The Stand caught the fist and lifted it up. James walked to the stomach and jammed his palm into it.


Once again, cracks appear on the body of the gray Nomu. It falls to its knees and stays there.


Ink Thinking: OH MY GOD, SO MANY STAIRS! AHHHHH, last one.

The ink lifted it's hand and was going to knock, but the door swung open. A family of 4 stand there.

Man: We can see what's happening, we will follow you.

Ink: Ahhhh ok, come on then.

He leads them to the lobby to see the whole buildings residence.

Person 1: What will happen to the building?

Person 2: Will we be safe?

Person 3: Who is outside fighting?

Ink: Just listen up, I have no answers to all of your questions. This is the first time I've done something with people so you will just have to listen. We have to leave out the front since I'm not seeing a back door. We move along side the building, and I mean the side of it. I want your back scraping the wall. I might have to help the person out there so I might leave you. If that happens, keep going down the street till you are at the dock. Turn left and head to U.A High. If they aren't already on their way, call them to this spot. That place will keep you save anyway.

The people nod and follow him out. They see a young person fighting off tons of Nomus. Behind him were 13 Nomu either on their knees or laying down.

Person 4: Who is that?

Person 5: I've never seen him before.

Person 6: He looks young.

James Thinking: Damn it, that's only one building too. There are a whole bunch of buildings here, getting all the people out of them is impossible. My best bet is to lead all of them away into a working center where no one is because it is late. But will Shiggy even leave the missile?

The ground shakes as a Nomu lands right in front of James.

Nomu: What are you, you seem weak but tend to put out strong attacks. You make no sense.

James: Ahh, you can talk?

Nomu: You can move, hmm, I guess you aren't that weak. Most people freeze and can't even talk at the sight of me. You're different. Maybe you brain will taste better then the rest.

James: Sorry but I don't have one, unless you like you chew on you pen, then you might not like the taste of ink in your mouth.

Nomu: I guess there's one way to find out.

James Thinking: Shit, this must be the super strong Nomu. Like the one Endeavor was fighting. Shit, he almost died fighting this thing, how can I even counter.

The Nomu, in a flash, punches James back to the docks.

James Thinking: SHit, that was fast. I need to get away from where the people will be. I will kill them if the Nomu stays near here. I need to attack.

James disappears from where he was and re-appeared at the feet of the Nomu and uppercutted it. He recollects the ink he left on the ground before getting hit, but the Nomu wasn't done. It punched James once more, knocking him to the ground. It looked at James and went to give the finishing blow. James held his arms out to stop it, but he knew he would die. He couldn't turn to ink since he couldn't catch his breath.

Right before the blow, a line of fire flies right over James and slams into the Super Nomu. James looks back to see Endeavor walking to him.

Endeavor: Get up, it's not over yet.

James: You're joking right.

Endeavor: I will focus on this Nomu, get rid of the others and go for Shigaraki. This thing will take most of my energy and heat.

James: There are to many for me to handle. If I go for the Nomu, I'll be to tired to fight Shigaraki and if I go for him the Nomu's would be in the wa-

A hand lays on James' shoulder.

???: Don't worry kid, that's why I'm here. Leave the Nomu's to me!

James turns around to see a women with bunny ears.

James: Your the number 5 hero Mirko!

Mirko: That's me. Now like I said, don't worry about Nomu.

James: But that means I'll be fighting Shigaraki ...all...... by..... myself!!!

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