That of a Dying Black Rose

By AspiringCreativity80

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I did not like how the story was when I published it on here a few years ago. So here's the re-vamped story o... More

Chapter One: Disobedience
Chapter Two: Trauma
Chapter Three: Flames
Chapter Four: Escape
Chapter Five: Truth?
Chapter Seven: Falling
Chapter Eight: Abduction
Chapter Nine: Dilema
Chapter Ten: Heartless
Chapter Eleven: Emile's Backstory

Chapter Six: Loyalty

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By AspiringCreativity80

Within the next few weeks, Rainette and Emile had become great friends. They talked all day even during their usual menial tasks - like cooking dinner. Rain quickly learned of Emile's unbreakable loyalty. He never lied to her and always made sure they were not being followed whenever they went into town together.

One day, as they are in town, Rain asks if they could visit the corner that the bookstore used to be in. Though hesitant, Emile obliged her request and took her.

"Was there actually a fire here? I do not see any remnants of one..." Rain says as she looks up at Emile.

He looks down at the woman crouched in front of him, "he wiped the bookstore from people's minds and concealed the fire from them. Basically the fire never really happened and the bookstore never existed," he places a comforting hand on her shoulder.

She gets up from her crouched position and dusts off her knee length skirt. Her clothing was more modern to the eye of a demon or a shapeshifter like Emile, but to the eyes of a human - she was dressed in a long grey dress with flat shoes.

Emile smiles at her as he takes her hand, "let us go back home. I do not want you to get even more downtrodden" he tells her.

She sighs as she takes one last look at the bookstore. She missed being in there surrounded by all the books and the familiar smell of her father. Though he was gone; his scent remained, but only to her nose.

She follows Emile away from the horrible scene and she just watches the people walk by them nonchalantly. If only they knew that their beloved bookstore had been wiped from existence.

Tears begin falling down her face and she looks down at the ground the rest of the way home. If it was one thing she was good at, it was hiding her tears. Her parents rarely ever saw her cry, not that she cried a lot around them anyway.

Egads she missed her parents so, seeing the non-existence of the bookstore made her heartache worse. She thought about them everyday but knew they could never return to her.

Once they get home, Rainette locks herself in the dark room she slept in at night and she cries into the fluffy pillow.

Emile had noticed that she was a little off when they were walking back home, but he dared not dig deeper.

So here he is, standing at the door - listening to his dear friend sob into the pillows on her bed. His heart sinks into his stomach as he feels powerless just this once. He had to go in there. He had to stop her heartache, but how could he do that? He could not bring the bookstore back, he could not bring her parents back. He was powerless in those regards and because he was that way, she would remain sad.

He finds the courage to knock on the door but he does not get a reply, so he knocks again and gently calls her name.

"I do not want you to see me like this!" She calls from inside the room.

"Rainette, you need me in this desperate time. Please let me help you" he pleads with her.

He hears the door unlock and he opens the door slowly. Once it is open, someone flings themself into his chest and buries their face in it. She wraps her arms around his torso and sobs into his vest.

Emile stands there for a while until she calms down and once she does, she pulls him into the room with her.

He looks down at her, obviously confused. "I do not think I will be able to go to sleep..." she says shyly.

Emile raises an eyebrow once he realizes what she was getting at, "you need me to comfort you so you can sleep?"

She looks down at the ground, "you think me a fool..."

"No, it is rather cute" he tells her with a smile.

She looks up at him happily and they walk to the bed together. Emile sits on the bed first and she soon follows. She curls up under the quilt on the bed and cuddles up next to Emile. She closes her eyes once Emile starts messing with her hair and falls asleep quickly.

Emile puts his chin atop her head and sits there until he knew she was fast asleep. He looks down at her and smiles. He had fallen for her the day he actually met her. He yearned to be close to her at all times and wanted her as his own. He knew though, to have that - Lucius would have to be out of the picture.

He sighs to himself as he climbs out of the bed and tucks the covers around Rain. He leaves the room and goes downstairs to his laboratory/workshop. He starts crafting a dagger with a secret compartment in it. In that compartment would be a vial of holy water that opened when it stabbed into something or someone.

Once he gets the right design of the dagger, he puts it aside and heads to bed for the night. As he lays in bed, he closes his eyes and thinks about the days to come. He never wanted Rain to hate him, but would she hate him if he killed Lucius?

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