
By littlegrey02

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Based off my first story taken, but way more better. More

Part one - Hopeless
Part two - Derek
Part 3 - Child of darkness
Part 4 - who and where?
Part 5 - Boston Police
Part 6 - Sweet and Salty
Part 7 - Jane
Part 8 - So close
Part 9 - Despair
Part 10 - Broken
Part 11 - Dreams
Part 12 - Home sweet home
Part 13 - Awake at night
Part 14 - Therapy sessions
Part 17 - The Unexpected part 2
Part 19 - Lost
Part 20 - Stuck in the past
Part 21 - Three days
Part 22 - Mia
Part 23 - A seceret
Part 25 - Out of the dark
Part 26 - What?
Part 27 - Twenty hours later
Part 28 - Four days later
Part 29 - Just a dream
Part 30 - A faze
Part 31 -
Part 32 - The End

Part - 16 The unexpected

331 17 15
By littlegrey02

Derek had this big romantic evening for Meredith, he wanted to surprise her. And it was a surprise for her. Derek being the man he is wanted to take her someplace special, someplace they have been before.  As they drove it seemed like ages for Meredith, until she realized what was going on. He was taking her to the tailer on Derek's land. Meredith could tell as soon as they passed the city and came across a long dirt road.

Derek's car halted to a stop as he parked it, he looked over at Meredith and gave her a small smile. He then got out of the car and went over to the passenger side to greet her, she frowned watching as he opened the door. Before she could unbuckle the seat belt he undid it for her, which made her even more confused but she let it happen. Taking it as a nice gesture.

"I want to show you something," He spoke softly, wearing a smirk on his face. Derek took Meredith's hand and helped her out of his car. She smiled at him as they met eye contact, his smile making her feel so comfortable. "So, it isn't finished but everything is coming along great."

"What is?" Meredith asked letting out a small chuckle, she looked up at her husband as they walked down a large path, a path that she's seen before.

"You will see." Derek chuckled, continuing to walk as their hands were intertwined together, swaying back and forth.

They walked half a mile until they reached what Derek wanted to show her, it was a tall structure that looked like the outlining of a house. It was their dream house and next to it was the infamous trailer. Meredith exhaled at the sight, she had no clue the house was in the process of being built. But it looked good so far.

"Remember during the Alzheimer's trial, we talked about the layout of the house?" Derek asked, looking over at Meredith. She nodded, giving him a bright smile. "Well, I had some builders come out and start a month or so ago. I thought since the house is a quarter of the way done, I'd show you." 

"Derek, this looks awesome. I love it," She told him, still smiling. He couldn't help but smile as well. Seeing her happy just warmed his heart. He watched as she walked around the start of the house, looking at every little thing. "I can see it, I can see us living here."

"I'm really glad you like it," Derek told her, following her around the structure. Meredith turned to face him, her smile starting to fade into a small frown and it worried him. Derek couldn't help but step closer to her to see if she needed comfort.

"T-the dream I had, I remember it," Meredith muttered, looking over at him. Her eyes growing sadder at the second "I-I was still missing and I was in the room w-where they found me. And Jane told me that. She told me Jake escaped from custody." Meredith told Derek, he listened until the last word was said before taking her into his embrace.

"Everything is going to get better, I promise." He whispered into her ear, running his arm up and down her back as a few small strands of tears fell from her cheeks. She was scared as all of these emotions began to overcome her again.

"I know, It's just that what if he's out there. Looking for me." She muttered underneath her breath, causing him to sigh and squeeze her a little tighter than he was before.  Continuing to run his arms up and down her back.

"He's in jail Mer, if it makes you feel better we can call Jane."

"No, we can't bother her." Meredith stammered, shaking her head as she let tears fall from her eyes. Her face burrowed into his shoulder.

"But it'll make you feel better, I don't think she'll mind. She cares about you guys."

"Derek," Meredith sighed "Okay. Okay, Let's go into the trailer and do it. It's kinda cold out here." She added, pulling away from the hug and taking his hand once again.

"About that," Derek spoke, making a clicking noise with his tongue and raising his eyebrows humorously "It looks a bit different."

"How different?" Meredith asked, not sensing his humor. She frowned as she watched him lead her over to the small trailer that he once called home.

"You'll see," Derek smirked as he brought her to the trailer, as he led her inside. When she stepped in she saw the fairy lights that lined the inside of the trailer and unlit candles placed in a few spots. The trailer was warm and cozy, on the bed had a large number of pillows and blankets. She also noticed how tidy the trailer looked, it looked so clean and it smelled nice. Like they were at home.

"I-I had Mark come and do this, I didn't want to leave you so I gave him the rundown of what I wanted," Derek spoke as he began to light the candles "I was going to take you into town but I wasn't sure if you wanted to be in public yet, so I figured." He added, gesturing to their surroundings.

"It's nice, This was a great idea," Meredith told him, a small smile was plastered on her face. She looked over at him, watching as he lit the candles that were placed around the room. Meredith's mind raced around in circles, wondering if she'll ever have to see Jane Rizzoli again. Wondering if Jack and his crazed teen are still out there.

"Let's call Jane," Derek spoke, lighting the last candle he walked over to the leather couch and sat down, patting the spot next to him. She nodded and sat next to him, feeling him snake one of his arms around her shoulders and holding her in place.

"I have her number in my phone," Meredith muttered taking out her phone, she went through her contacts list to find Janes number.

Merediths finger hovered over the number, she was nervous. So many things were running through her mind, on top of that she was scared. Meredith looked at it for a second, before her finger twitched, pressing the button to call the number. The phone rang a few times before the line clicked and a voice was heard over the phone. It wasn't Janes.

"Hello? this is Jane Rizzoli's phone." A male spoke, his voice sounded low and tough. Like he was a police officer too.

"Uh, is she busy or? I-I just need to speak with her about a case." Meredith trailed off, she heard the man on the other end clear his throat before speaking again. 

"She is currently on another case right now, but I can leave a message for you. Who am I talking to?" He asked, shuffling noises were heard and paper was being ruffled on the other end.

"Uh, My name is Meredith Grey. I just have a few questions to ask her." She stammered, looking over at Derek who gave her a look of comfort, running his arm up and down her shoulder. The line went quiet for a few moments and they could hear him and his voice changed.

"Yea, I can do that for ya," He told her, his voice sounded empathetic and less stern than before. "I am Janes brother officer Rizzoli by the way." He added, his voice sounded goofy.

"Thank you so much, officer."

"Yep." He added before the phone clicked off the line and silence filled the air.

"That still doesn't give me an answer." Meredith sighed, running a hand through her hair. It made her even more scared, knowing that he might be out there looking for her and Lexie. Tears began to form in her eyes making her cover her face with her hands and holding her head to her knees.

"Meredith, you are safe here. I have you." Derek spoke softly, running his hand up and down her back. He watched as she sat up and looked at him, tears running down her face and she exhaled before speaking.

"If I get kidnapped again, do you promise you won't give up on me? Do you promise to keep looking?" She asked as she took his hand with both of hers and squeezed it tightly. She looked down at her hands as Derek looked at her with concerned eyes. Derek inhaled, not even having to think about what he was going to say. Derek just knew what to say and he wanted to say it truthfully. He then spoke, hoping his words would be somewhat comforting.

"I promise you I am never going to leave you," Derek paused, taking her and pulling her into his arms. Holding her as tears fell from her eyes.  "I am never going to give up on you, I love you so much. You are safe, no one is going to find us here. We're in the middle of nowhere." He whispered into her ear.

"Thank you," she sighed, kissing him on the cheek and wrapping her arms loosely around his neck. Derek pulled her onto his lap more and enveloping her in his arms. It broke him to know she was worried about him leaving and it hurt him to know that she was so sad, so broken. Derek felt partially responsible for her pain. 

"You are safe in my arms and it's going to stay this way," Derek whispered into her ear as he ran his arm up and down her back "It's going to take a lot to get rid of me, even if you mess with a trial again. I'm never going to leave you, ever." He added, giving her a few kisses on her head and neck. She let out a small laugh as he continued to give her gentle kisses making her squirm at his touch. 

"Stop," She laughed, trying to push him away. But he just pulled her closer to him and continued to kiss her until she grabbed his face and pulled it toward hers and looked into his eyes. Derek inhaled as she gently brushed her thumbs up and down his temple. "I am so scared right now Derek." She muttered

"Then let me help you relax," Derek whispered, soothingly. He then picked her up bridal style and carried her to the bed. Gently laying her down on the bed, wrapping her up in the covers, and wrapping his arms around her body as he hovered her. "I'm not scaring you by being on top of you am I?" He asked, looking her in her eyes. Meredith shook her head and wrapped her arms around him. 

"It's okay, I just want you to hold me," Meredith muttered, feeling Dereks warm body envelop her in his arms. 

"Okay," He whispered kissing her on the cheek "If it makes you feel any better, I locked the door. Twice." Derek added

"Yes, it does." She chuckled slightly. Meredith hugged him tighter, running a hand into his hair. 

"Good," Derek spoke, gently kissing her neck then resting his head on her shoulder. Letting his hands run through her hair. It made her feel much safer, maybe not safe but that was all she had at the moment. They both laid there, enjoying the moment and each other. 

It only took at least a few more minutes until one of their phones went off, blaring its tunes as Meredith reached into her pocket and looked at it. She sighed when she saw the name on the screen. It worried Derek, making him look over at the phone in her hands. It was Jane calling. He mumbled something, kissing her a few times before rolling over on his side of the bed. Meredith looked over at him before answering, nervousness overwhelmed her. 

"Hello?" She spoke softly, her voice sounding unsure. 

"How's my favorite surgeon?" Her Boston accent said over the phone. 

"I-I could be better," Meredith stammered, looking over at Derek again who rolled on his side and began to run his fingers through her hair. "I have to ask you a question, well I need to." 

"Lay it on me," Jane told her, her voice faded off as she spoke. Meredith could sense something was off. 

"Jack is still in jail right?" She muttered. Meredith could hear a sigh on the other end and Jane went silent for at least a minute. 

"He escaped a while ago," Jane spoke, her voice sounded emotionless like she was sad and hopeless. 

"How long ago?" Meredith asked, jolting up in her spot. Her emotions mixed with anger and fright. 

"A week ago," Jane muttered 

"No, No, no, no," Meredith muttered as tears began to grow in her eyes "This can't be happening again." She cried out, Derek jumped when he heard her cry out. Causing him to grab her and pull her to his chest. 

"Meredith, listen to me," Jane spoke, she was stern but empathetic "I am going to find this man, even if I have to go all the way to Seattle myself. I am not going to stop." 

"But Jane, he knows everything about me. He-" 

"I know, but you have to stay positive. You can't be thinking negatively." 

"Okay." Meredith sniffled, wiping the tears from her face that continued to fall from her face. Derek couldn't help but let tears of his own fall, watching as she broke down all over again. It broke his heart so much that he felt numb. 

"Look, I would hop on a plane right now. But I can't. Unless you see him in your city, then I can."

"So when he's chasing me down the road with a pitchfork I can call you. That's great." Meredith muttered, slightly frustrated but she was terrified. 

"Meredith," Jane sighed, sounding exhausted "I am doing everything I can. Do you have someone with you right now?" 

"Yea, Derek," Meredith muttered, feeling Derek's hand run his fingers through her hair and hugging her with his other arm when she said his name. 

"Good, have someone with you all the time," Jane told her. 

"I-I can't exactly do that," Meredith stammered, frowning "All my friends have complicated schedules I can't do that to them. I-" 

"Do you want to be kidnaped again?" Jane interrupted, sounding slightly annoyed. 

"No, but Jane was all surgeons who need to save lives!" Meredith argued. Jane sighed on the other end and Meredith could hear what sounded like another phone ringing in the distance. 

"Meredith, I am so sorry. I have to go alright? Call me if you need anything." Jane told her just after the phone went dead. Causing Meredith to exhale in exhaustion. 

Meredith removed herself from Derek's arm and sat upright. She ran her hands through her hair and face, wiping the remaining tears from her face. Meredith didn't know what she was thinking about at this moment, she felt numb. So, she sat there and stared at the back of the trailer for a few seconds. Not noticing Derek running his hand up and down her back while giving her a look of empathy. 

"Look," He whispered gently "I will call in sick tomorrow, that way you feel safe and I will see if I can-" 

"No," Meredith mumbled underneath her breath.

"What?" Derek asked, knowing what she said but he was confused. Why wouldn't she want him to stay? 

"I said no, You can't do that. You can't just skip work for me." She told him, snapping back to reality. Derek frowned and shook his head, his eyes wide. 

"No. No. I am not going to do that, I can't." Derek stammered, not wanting to leave her. He was scared for her, who wouldn't? 

"No, go." 

"I am not arguing with you Meredith," Derek sighed, shuffling where he was sitting. "I. am. staying." Derek told her sternly. 

"W-what if you lose your job?" She asked, concerned. 

"I don't care about that, I care about you way more," Derek spoke, gently taking her face in his hands, pulling her face toward his. She grabbed onto his hands, letting him pull her face to his lips and giving her small kisses on her face. 

"I-I can't do this," Meredith muttered, pulling away from him and getting out of the bed. Derek looked at her, concerned. 

"Okay," He spoke softly "It's okay, I-I won't kiss you." 

"No, it's-it's not that. You got all stern and-and it scared me. I didn't know what you were going to do." Meredith stammered, backing up against the wall behind her. It felt cold against her palms, making her shiver. 

"I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to Mer," Derek spoke softly, his eyebrows pulled together in concern "What can I do to make you feel better?" 

"I-" She breathed looking around the room, she began to feel uncomfortable. She felt unsafe. "I want to go home. I'm sorry Derek." 

"Alright," Derek said quietly, getting up from the bed "It's okay, you're scared right now and I shouldn't have done that. I should be sorry not you." He explained, they began to make their journey back to the car. He blew out the candles and turned off the fairy lights. 

Derek unlocked the trailer and began to open the door, seeing a white van a few yards away from the trailer. His brain clicked and something in him made him slowly close the door and locked it again. Derek turned to look over at Meredith, trying to compose his fear. He watched as she slouched her shoulders and turn her head. Tears grew in her eyes. 

"Did I see what I thought I just saw?" She spoke, trembling. Derek swallowed the lump in his throat and closed his eyes tightly. He had to tell her, he just had to. 

"Yea," Derek whispered, before she could say anything he took her by the shoulders, then cupped his hands around her face "We can do this okay? It might not even be him." 

"Derek." She almost whined, tears fell rapidly from her eyes. He gently rubbed her cheeks with his thumbs. 

Derek led her to the bed gently sitting her down, then going to look around the camper. Meredith grabbed him before he began to look around it. Taking him by the arm and pulling him into a hug. Derek hugged her back, giving her a tight squeeze before letting go. She watched as he let go and gently pulled away and look into her eyes. 

"I am not going anywhere,  I'm just going to check if there is anything," he paused for a second looking around the bedroom "or anyone. I want you to sit against the back wall. All the blinds are closed so we should be okay." Derek told her and gently caressed her face. Meredith slowly nodded, speechless and terrified. 

Derek walked around the front part of the camper, looking through the shades on the front, right of the camper. Carefully opening them so no one could notice. There the van was, just sitting hanging out. Derek exhaled and moved to the other side of the camper to see if anyone was there. Looking thoroughly, he saw no one. Then he walked back to where Meredith was and peeked through the blinds to his right, where he could see the van. 

Derek's face went pale when he saw two grown men in the front seats of the van and neither of them were the construction workers. But he did recognize one of the men, it was Jack. He was sitting in the driver's seat, his eyes fixed on their camper. Waiting on Meredith and Derek like prey. 

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