Forgive Me (Female Katsuki Ba...

By Victor_TheRiper

166K 3.6K 1.2K

After four years of being in UA High School, and retaking the hero license exam with Shoto Todoroki and along... More

Chp.1 The Broken Child
Chp.2 The Present
Chp.3 The Mission
Chp.4 The Mysterious Foe
Chp.5 Battle With The Rampaging Foe
Chp.7 Who Am I?
Chp.9 Arriving To UA High
Chp.11 Breakfast With Bakugau
Chp.12 Timeskip
Chp.13 Wholesome With Eri
Chp.15 Nomu Attacks
Chp.16 Rage
Chp.19 I Remember Now
Chp.21 You Broke Me
Chp.22 The Terminal Fight
Chp.23 Forgive Me
Chp.24 Epilogue
Final Chapter: Lemon


4.5K 114 47
By Victor_TheRiper


Kirashima: The hell?! Is that (YN)?!

Iida: It seems it is. And he's somehow inside in some barrier.

Aizawa: *So he can float as well...but still wondering what his quirk can do* (YN)! Whatever is happening to you, this needs to be stopped and-


Suddenly, several energy started blasting out from the barrier as they were going straight towards their direction above them...

Aizawa: Everyone duck!

Everyone ducked as the blasts passed them as some of the blasts started destroying several buildings, causing explosions too and even more destruction, after that, Aizawa saw what (YN) did to the city...

Ochaco: H-He started destroying the buildings of the city!?

Sero: But why!? Why would he do this?!

Aizawa: Tch! Hey (YN)! Stop it! Their innocent people over here, the hell you think you're doing!?!

(YN) didn't said a word, all he did is growl with  anger look on his face, as he then started floating towards them...

Izuku: Th-That look on his's not like him...!!

Todoroki: He's like a different person now.

Bakugau Mind: (Y-YN)...what's happening to you?!

(YN) suddenly grunts as he then goes flying rushing towards Aizawa as he swings a punch, Aizawa dodged, but (YN) slowly looked at Aizawa as he growl at him...

Aizawa: Shit!

(YN) swings his whole arm towards Aizawa's neck and started dragging him with him, to the city...

Iida: Aizawa-Sensei! Everyone come on!

Iida and the rest goes running to go save for Bakugau, she stood still as she kept wondering why was (YN) acting like this...

Bakugau Mind: *Th-This isn't like him...he's never like this what the hell is wrong with him...a-and why did his anger was taking it on me!?*

Momo: Bakugau! Hurry up!

Bakugau: Sh-Shit! I'm coming!

In the city, (YN) came flying as he had Aizawa in his arm as he then clothesline him, throwing Aizawa away as Aizawa recovered...

Aizawa: Tch. Somebody woke up cranky. But still...what the hell happens to him?! Doesn't matter, his behavior is causing destruction here in the city and I need to stop him now!

Aizawa put on his goggles and got his scarf ready as he then rushes towards (YN), (YN) runs up to Aizawa as he swings a punch, and misses as Aizawa jumped over him, appeared behind him as he throws a punch on his back, (YN) quickly turns and tried swinging his whole arm towards him, but misses again as Aizawa ducked above and kicks (YN) straight to his jaw...

Aizawa: I gotta erase his quirk!

Soon Aizawa opened his eyes as he activated his quirk, stares (YN) down as well, but suddenly, (YN) kept on growing more angry as he again started swinging punches at Aizawa as Aizawa kept dodging them...

Aizawa Mind: What?!? He's still got in at it?! Just what's his quirk!?? Looks like I gotta do this then!

Aizawa then started using his scarfs as he extended them towards (YN)...but as he did, (YN) grabbed the scarf...

Aizawa Mind: He grabbed it!?


(YN) pulls the scarf towards him as Aizawa was coming towards him as well, soon as he got a near distance to (YN), (YN) gave Aizawa a masssive brutal headbutt towards his face, as he caused him to bleed out from his nose and mouth, after that massive headbutt, (YN) then lands a brutal punch to Aizawa's gut, causing him to spat out more blood, and then a knee strike to his chin, and after that, (YN) grabs his whole head and then tosses him away crashing towards a truck as Aizawa was knocked out cold...then, Izuku and the rest came along as they saw Aizawa knocked out, bleeding as well...

Izuku: A-Aizawa-Sensei!!

(YN) tilts his head a bit to see them arriving as he growls...

Iida: (YN)! What is gone into you!? Your causing so much trouble here, destroying the city and you hurt Aizawa-Sensei! Just what the hell is wrong with you!?!

(YN) turns his body, facing the others as he soon clenched both his fist as he suddenly started to float slowly in the air as his eyes were caught on Bakugau as..

Tsuyu: H-He's floating again!

Kaminari: O-Okay...that is so scary!

As he does, (YN) quietly says...

(YN): ...Bakugau...

Izuku: K-Kachan?! What did you do to him!?

Bakugau: How the hell should I know!? I'm wondering the same thing! (YN)! Look you gotta stop this and-

(YN): Bakugau!!!

Bakugau: Nrrrgh!! Damn it will you just listen!! Why the fuck are you-


(YN) suddenly gave a loud roar as he created a massive wind wave around, soon he goes flying towards Bakugau and tried to punch her, but Kirashima stepped in and blocked that punch with his hardening quirk...

Kirashima: H-Hey man! What's your deal with Bakugau now!?


(YN) then strikes a punch towards Kirashima's gut, sending him flying crashing to a building...

Kaminari: Kirashima!

Iida: Everyone spread out, surround (YN) and stop him!

And so, Iida and the rest started surrounding (YN) for him not to get away, and so, they all go in to fight him...

Tokoyami: Dark Shadow!

Dark Shadow: Right!!

Dark Shadow started to spread his meld as he goes after (YN), he soon try to swing an attack on him, but (YN) suddenly was so fast, he rushes after Tokoyami...

Tokoyami: He's fast!


(YN) swings a punch towards Tokoyami's face, and the a knee strike to his gut and then an uppercut to him, sending him flying away crashing to the building...Tokoyami was out...Rikido stepped up next as he rushes at him while eating some sugar to boost up his strength and power...

Rikido: Okay! Let's do this! HYAAAAGH!!!

Rikido started throwing rapid punches at (YN), (YN) was blocking them as he soon started to grow more angrier than before, he soon was able to stop Rikido from throwing punches as he grabbed both his arms...

Rikido: Wh-What?!!


(YN) pulls Rikido towards him as (YN) hits him with a headbutt, after that, a knee strike to his chin as well as (YN) lets Rikido'a hands go, grabs his whole face and slams him to the ground...Rikido was out...then, Momo was up as (YN) wasn't looking, she created two canons as she shot canon balls towards him as they hit him, but I'd didn't do much and didn't took home down that easily...he soon started to charge to Momo until he realizes Ochaco popped out of nowhere...

Ochaco: Release!

Ochaco: Meteor Storm!

Soon several huge boulders above (YN) started falling towards him as he soon started dodging them quickly and not getting hit by one of them, after that, Ochaco was still in the air as (YN) jumped and goes to her, grabs her leg and then tosses her straight to the ground...

Izuku: Uraraka-AAGH!!

(YN) quickly punches straight to his gut, sending him flying crashing to a car...suddenly, Iida came running around him with such speed as he then goes straight to (YN) and lands a powerful kick to his gut...but as he did, (YN) grabbed his leg and it seem that kick didn't do nothing to him...

Iida: Th-That kick didn't do nothing!?


(YN) then started slamming Iida to the ground brutally several times, after that he then tosses him away...after that, (YN) grew angrier and angrier as he couldn't control his anger as he suddenly gave out a loud roar....


With that Might Roar, (YN) leaped up to the air, and then started charging up an energy blast from his hand and soon blasting it to the ground, causing a huge explosion around the rest of Class 1-A, the explosion caused them to sent them flying away, crashing into buildings and vehicles, knocking them out....causing to destroy the area of the city too...after the huge explosion...everyone was knocked out and knowing they have serval wounds from be sent flying away and crashing into stuffs...but their only two that were able to get up...Izuku and Bakugau...

Izuku: K-Kachan..!

(YN) soon landed on his feet as he soon started down at Bakugau...he slowly started walking towards her and Izuku...

Bakaugu: ...J-Just what the hell is happening to him?! This isn't like him...!

Izuku: I-I don't know...but all I know is that he got his memory back, but I don't know how he did!

(YN) continues to walk slowly as Bakugau tries to talk it out with him...

Bakugau: (Y-YN)! Hey! Look I don't know why the hell you're so worked up, but you can't just go and destroy the city like this! It's bad and your gonna end up hurting people!

(YN) ignored her as he kept on walking...

Bakugau: H-Hey are you even listening you dumbass!!!

Suddenly...(YN) then stopped Bakugau yelled at her...he soon grunted and growl as he soon started to get emotional...and yet started to shed tears down...

Bakugau Mind: H-He's crying..?!

Izuku: (YN), look just stop this and-

(YN): Y-You...

Izuku: Huh??

(YN): Y-You bullied me!!!

Both Izuku and Bakugau were confused.....
Just what is he talking about?


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