The Alpha (Wayhaught)

By JuliannaMartin5

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Nicole and waves are in high school. Nicole trying to balance a normal mundane life as well as her secret pas... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 21

750 23 3
By JuliannaMartin5

Waverly's POV

"Will you just sit down waverly" Gus says from the table.

I stop pacing the kitchen. I sit down in front of Gus and Curtis.

"I can't believe it. She's a beast a a monster. We let her in. Fed her and everything. I .. I loved her." I say breaking in to tears.

"Right stop that right now. Those words do not get used in this house." Gus says grabbing my hand.


"No buts. We should have told you the truth yes but we didn't know how you would have reacted. Waverly. And that. She didn't need you coming out with a knife." She says trying to not sound angry.

"I just"

"Yes we know you where scared." She looks at my uncle. He nods before continuing. "I was to. When your uncle first told me. I was scared. I stopped talking to him. I researched and it only made it worse. So I gave him a chance I let him speek for him self. Because what gave me the right to judge him on something he could not control"

"Wait uncle Curtis is a " I don't even finish the sentence before his eyes flashed amber.

"Yes I am. And there's so much hate out there. Old tales of all the bad things a few lone or rouge wolfs done that ended up with us all getting that same label. Beast. Monster. Evil. But the truth is wolfs protect mundanes like you and your aunt."

"Protect us from what?" I ask still in aw and shock.

"Well Demons mostly. But there is some wolfs out there that believe in hunting humans for sport. So we protect you from them as well." He says finishing his sentence before moving to stand up to get water.

"When Nicole came to us she was a small nine year old. We heard about her from the pack alpha. Reposts of a pup with the founders traits. It's never been seen before so we knew we had to help keep her safe. As some wolfs would want to kill her believing they could get the traits them self. Making them legendary as well."

I sit there taking on every word.

"She leaned fast. Boy did she ever. But she was also so far behind. After her farthers death her mum found out about her being a wolf like he was. She mistreated her in awful ways. As a child you only know what you where taught and she was taught that she was this monster that didn't deserve anything. She was scared to death of eveything even us. No matter how many times your uncle show her his eye she just kept to her self. After a few months she came around. After that we had her attend the academy. It's like a wolf school almost. It's also known as the pack house. Any meetings or missions the wolfs go there to get filled in before heading out."

"So like a police station?" I ask.

"Yea exactly like that. She's one of the best pups that's been trained. She's so balanced. And being one of the first mundane,wolf hybrid she was always catching the instructors eye. When she wolfed up for the first time there was no doubt about the roomers. But look in your heart waverly has she ever gave you any reason otherwise. For you to believe she's dangerous?"

"But the book said"

"Yes the book. But you can't always believe what you read. Go talk to her. You will know in your heart. As I did was your uncle." She smile as he put his hand on her shoulder.

"Plus we are great in bed because our sex drives are off the chain" he smiles causing Gus to elbow him.

"You just need to make it awkward" Gus says trying not to laugh.

I smile. "Okay I'll talk to her. Erm Curtis what dose 'The true alpha' mean?"

"That's a story for another night. Just go and talk to her." He said hugging me.

I nod leaving the kitchen. I open the door neglecting to put on a jacket.

Walking over to the barn I can't help but feel worried. It's just Nicole right. She didn't choose this.

Pushing open the barn door I look around hoping to see her sitting some where but there's no one here.

I turn my head as I walk in hear faint sores from the hay piles in the Connor. Walking over I see her. Same clothes on. Dryer in blood on her head but no mark.

Okay that's kinda cool. I think to my self. I watch her for a few more minutes.

"Can I help you?"

The voice makes me jump. It was so cold. I mean no wonder but still.

"I was just... Gus talked to me" I said playing with my bracelet.

"I guessed that" she said sitting up.

Honestly that can't be comfortable.

"Yea she said that when she found out about Curtis she was scared too. She googled stuff and everything but she knew the only way to get the truth about him as to talk to him. So I was hoping we could. You know talk?" I say sandling there nervously. "If not I get it I did throw. Lamp at you."

"And a book. And some pencils oh don't forget the the rubber" she said standing up dusting the hay off her clothes.

"Yea that stuff too" I say watching her walk over to the window.

She doesn't speak. She just stands there looking out the window.

"If your waiting for me to change your gonna have a long wait"

The voice catches me off guard. She looks at me.

"Ano your scared waves okay I get that but you don't need to watch me like am about to attack you. Which for the record I would never. NEVER do."

I nod moving over to sit down on the blanket she was sleeping on.

"I understand that. So can we talk?"

She nods before looking at me.

"Am I allowed to sit or do you want me to stay far away. Because you have kinda stolen my bed for the night" she says looking at me waiting for a response.

"Sit where you would like. I trust you." I say. Causing her to nod before taking a seat in front of me. Not to close but close enough for the both us to feel comfortable.

"So what do you want to know?" She asks and she picks up a bit of hey to play with.

"How long have you knew?"

"About 7 years when Gus and Curtis brought me home. I knew I was different I guess but I didn't really know what I was"

"Okay, why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I was scared how you would react. And going by tonight's example I had a right to be. Fair enough it would have been better coming from me but I can't change the past, now ask me the question you want to"

I look at her.

"Have you every attacked a human?" I ask not sure if I want to know the answer.

"Yes and no." I look at her before she continuities "I have never attacked one when I have been.. let's say wolfed. But I have gotten in to fights for stupid stuff as you already know. Like when you brough that teddy to school when we where like what 13? And the boys started making fun of you."

"Aw yea that's right. You came over got the ready back and gave the York boys a black eye each." I laugh at the memory

"Yea exactly" she smiles bring her knees up to her body before putting her elbows on them.

"So your job is to protect us?"

"Pretty much. It's not really a job. Most wolfs have normal life's. Well as normal as they can be. They have jobs. Houses families. But if the pack needs them they come."

"And these missions?"

"Pretty much stuff like Demon trying to kid nap a mundane. Or free another demon from hell. You know the normal every day stuff" she laughs

I can't help but giggle.

"Am so sorry. Nicole I don't know what came over me I just panicked."

"I get it. I don't agree or appreciate it but I understand there's so many bad stories out there. Folk lure. Tall tails. Plus as pack rules mundanes can't know about us because let's face it we don't need another.. never mind" she say standing up again.

"Another what?" I asked standing up and moving closer to us.

"It was called the cleansing. It was about 160 years ago. Kinda like the Salem witch trials. Wolfs where tortured by the people they swore to protect. It was awful. 6 wolf pups where used as a trap to get as many of the packs in as possible. They where all killed in awful ways. The pups first to fule the woods. After that they said we attacked and they defeated them selfs. Those left of the packs vowed to not let mundanes know about us. Families are different. But it's unlikely wolfs go with mundanes because of that. It also made wolfs want revenge so packs where torn between doing what's right and getting there own back."  She said Turing to look at me. "I know what I went though as a kid was bad but learning about that made me sick. Like why judge us before you know us"

I can't help but let a tear fall from my eye. I couldn't imagine how they must feel. Being attacked by the people tho protect.

"Nicole I ..  I am so sorry that happen.  Am so sorry what your mom done. And I am so sorry for what I done tonight" I say as I start crying.

"Hey.. can I .. am I okay to touch you" she asks. I don't reply I just walk straight in to her chest casing her arms to hug around me as she pulls me closer. "Waves I forgive you. Okay. I can't imagine what you felt or what must have been going through your head. But next time listen to me. Hear me out. Okay?"

I nod.

"I love you waverly earp and I always will"

I look up.

Did she just.

We haven't said that yet.

Omg she loves me.

"I love you too Nicole haught" I pull her in for a kiss. She happily joins in. After a few seconds we pull apart.

"As much as I would love to stay like this. We do have school tomorrow. Go to bed and I'll see you in the morning." She says letting go of me. I feel so cold without her arms around me.

"But okay but can you stay will me ?"

She smiles before moving away and pointing to they hay piled.

"I mean last time I checked my girlfriend kicked me out and now am sleeping in the barn" she laughs.

"Your not sleeping out here Nicole."

"Says who?" She smiles challenging me.

I put my hands on my hips and point to the door.

"Says me now get your ass in the house and go to bed"

She walks over to me before lifting over her shoulder.

"Be careful what you wish for" she laughs as we make our way up to the house. Well as am slung over her back like a bag.

Making our way in the door. She starts walking up the stairs
"Nicole don't you dare drop me!"

"Oh please like I would drop the love of my life." She says open my door before putting me down. 

"Sleep well baby" She turns to walk out. I grab her arm.

"Where do you think your going?" I ask.

"Well you didn't specify what bed so I was just gonna assume you ment mine" she smiles. Pulling me in closer. "But if you want a visitor for the night I will be happy to oblige"

I kiss her pulling her on to the bed.

"Well dam. A yes would have worked but I like this way" she says breaking the kiss.

Roll my eyes before moving up to the pillows. I strip of not caring about jammies but this clearly caught her off guard.

I get under the covers with nothing on. Watching Nicole get the idea and do the same.

I lift the covers helping her in. I lay on my side and she moves behind me taking up her roll of big spoon.

"This is much better than my bed" she whispers.

"Good now go to bed Nicole." I smile at the small huff behind me.

"Hey nic"


"Curtis said something that to be honest will most likely give me nightmares for a month. But I wanted to ask. If that's okay?"

"Sure what's up" she says as I turn round to look at her.

"Is it true all wolfs have high sex drives?"

This causes her to laugh.

"Yes. We are horny like all the time. But the good thing is.  We can go all night long" she says winking at me.

"Mm good to know." I kiss her nose before turning back around.

"Yes very good. Isn't it." She whispers in my ear I can feel her smiling.

"Go to bed. Nicole." I say but I can't fight the smile on my face.

"Fineeee" she says pulling me closer and kissing my head.

"Night waves"

"Night cole"

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