Talking to the Moon | Yoongi ✓

By rjcolette

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"At night when the stars light up my room, I sit by myself, Talking to the Moon." ☾ Lee (Y/N) ─ a college stu... More

character board
chapter 1 | therapy
chapter 2 | the moon
chapter 3 | caramel macchiato
chapter 4 | wonder
chapter 5 | fouetté
chapter 6 | autumn leaves
chapter 7 | mural
chapter 9 | the starbucks guy
chapter 10 | the control of youth
chapter 11 | anxiety
chapter 12 | dancing in the rain
chapter 13 | cat-eyes
chapter 14 | the seven celestial sentiments
chapter 15 | progress/perfection
chapter 16 | written in the stars
chapter 17 | honeysuckle
chapter 18 | moonchild
chapter 19 | raven
chapter 20 | halloween party
chapter 21 | beyond the scene
chapter 22 | october 31st
chapter 23 | pillow fight
chapter 24 | idle town
*analysis + c.c.

chapter 8 | talk to me

42 4 5
By rjcolette

The amble drift of footsteps sounds throughout the autumn air of your college campus as you walk in between Meg and Yoongi, Yoongi quietly sneaking glances at you as you and Megan converse with amusement.

"Listen, (Y/N)," Meg laughs out. "All I'm saying is that whenever you go to Starbucks, you order the same shit over and over again! I swear to God the barista at the desk doesn't even have to hear you say your order to already know what it's gonna be."

Knowing she was absolutely correct, you just shake your head and chuckle. "Hey! Caramel macchiatos are just that good. Nothing wrong with wanting to have them, like, 24/7."

Yoongi was serene, observing your joyful figure with few peeks as he relishes in the chilled breeze. In that moment, listening to the way you talk to Megan, he feels a sense of pride at how far you've come. After all, he's been watching over you since the day you were born.

You've always meant something to him, and he's always been wondrous about it.

"Tell her Yoongs!" Yoongi perks up at the sound of his new nickname, seeing Megan giggling, you meanwhile emitting a gentle feel of happy relaxation at the sight of his breathtaking pale-blue irises and glowing freckles. You had just recently discovered that his abnormal appearance is apparently only visible to the people he allows.

"Yoongs?" Yoongi murmurs, and Meg nods comically. He says nothing, amused by Megan's tendencies.

From there, the original feeling dies down, a subtle hush overcoming you all. Yoongi thinks about nothing in particular, maybe the few stray thoughts and wonders about you, though.

After about two minutes just walking through the large campus, Yoongi notices a feeling creeping up on him, and his empathetic nature starts to come into play.

'Something's off..' He thought monotonously, concerned, but unnoticeable to you or Megan. He knows the conflict doesn't reside with you, because ever since that moment with he and you in the dance studio, it seems, ironically, you've been over the moon.

Even after so many years of watching over you, he's never seen you be at so much peace with yourself. He wonders if it's because of him coexisting with you. Not having it in him to call himself egotistical at the consideration, he confirms it in his own mind. He realizes that if he's brought you serenity your whole life simply from just looking at his planet form in the sky, he being a physical companion to you would cause you to be overjoyed.

He can still tell that you're your normal, anxious and shy self, just more at calm with it all. A weird feeling dances in his stomach at the cogitation of himself being the reason.

No, the internal conflict isn't entirely within you this time. On the other hand, it resides within the best friend, Megan Adams.

Your intuition is edging you to realize this, Yoongi notices, but you mention nothing to her, possibly because she's already confided in you and mentioned something about it, or just because you aren't sure what to say at the hand of her issues. Likely, it's both.

"I guess I'll be off, then!" Megan chirps out of nowhere, contrary to her the sensation she gave off to Yoongi before. She halts and everyone follows, giving a grin before saluting and strolling away. You wave to her as she goes.

'She can mask it well,' Yoongi thinks.

When she's gone, you expression drops and you sigh for only Yoongi to hear. Quickly, you shake your head when Yoongi glances to you, not wanting to initiate the inevitable conversation about the auburn-haired girl.

"Her parents don't want her to be a psychiatrist," Yoongi says out of the blue with a tone of prosaic, as if he's familiar with this kind of predicament. You purse your lips.

"I don't understand why exactly," he muses as you look at him, both of you standing in the same place as you were when Megan left. "If I were mortal, it would be ideal for me to be one."

That makes sense to you. He's not exactly the type to be a therapist due to the fact that he can be hesitant when it comes to talking deeply with just random people, similar to you. But the fact that he knows so much about emotions and is strong within the concept of empathy informs you that it would be the most fitting for him to be a psychiatrist. 'Less talking,' you think.

"Yeah, she talked to me Saturday about it," you mutter, grasping your messenger bag straps with both hands. The "Save the Planet!" pins attached near the end of the strap shine from the reflection of the sun whenever you move. 'The sun actually looks less bright today.' "It was brief, but at least it confirmed my suspicions."

"I think there's something bigger she's not telling you, (Y/N)," Yoongi advises, the way he says your name causing butterflies to erupt in your stomach. 'Christ..'

You groan, shifting your weight onto one legs and bringing your hand up to the bridge of your nose. Your charm bracelet dangles from your wrist as black Converse highs scrape against the concrete. "I guess so, but I don't even know where to start to talk to her about it."

He gives you a caring look, your wondrous (E/C) meeting his bright ones before you continue speaking.

"I can talk to her easily about some things," you say, playing with the texture of your book-bag strap. "But I feel like, as much as I've started to care about her, and as much as I can understand how she feels about all this from experience with my own parents, I find it difficult to talk to her about these things. It always feels like my anxiety is clawing at my heart and brain. Can't even think straight because of it."

Yoongi tilts his head a little before setting it forward, eyes locking on that of an apricot colored tree. It sprouts out of the ground grandly, leaves blowing mildly in the wind.

"Do you.." You began again Yoongi's eyes fixated on the black Vans you got for him. "Do you know what's going on with her? Like you always just know everything about me, whatever I'm going through or thinking at any given moment."

He just nods, causing your eyes to widen subconsciously. The burning urge to ask him what it is overcomes you, but you push it away with frustration. 'It's not right.. That's Megan's business. If she wants to tell me, she'll tell me.'

"I know what you're thinking, and you're right for thinking that way," Yoongi says patiently. "She'll tell you when the time is right."

Looking down, unsure of how to respond, you nod in agreement. 'He's right, he always know what to say...' And you're thankful for that.

"Oh," you remember your class in ten minutes, looking to Yoongi with a profound smile. "You're coming with me to ballet class, right? I showed my instructor my fouetté, and she was proud."

Yoongi, with a blossoming emotion of affection in his heart, nods, putting on an unfazed mask. "Of course."

"After ballet this season, we get more into contemporary forms of dance," you start to go on, excited to tell him about the agenda this year. "I'm so excited for it. I feel like it's my strong suit and..."

Listening intently to your droning, he appreciates your passion for dance, reminding him of his own dedication and love for music. He hopes that sometime again soon, you'll get to dance as regally to his music as you've done before.

Sitting with Megan in the warm atmosphere of Starbucks, the scent of fresh coffee fills your nostrils. A blanket of velvet warmth wraps around your insides as you take a sip of your caramel macchiato, holding it delicately with wispy hands.

"I still don't get why Stefan is such a tight ass," Megan drones on with a hint of blithe in her annoyance, talking passionately about the show The Vampire Diaries, which, like Yoongi, you had gotten her into. "Like Elena is trying her best! He should accept and love all parts of her."

"I don't think he's all that bad," you say while looking around the coffee shop, making it evident that there's one thing on your mind. "I do enjoy Damon and Elena together more, though."

Megan furrows her brows, catching your attention when she crosses her arms dramatically, leaning back in her chair with a pout. "What's wrong, (N/N)?"

Your eyebrows did a quick raise as you move about in your chair, speaking with a sigh before facing her. "I'm the one who should be asking you that."

Meg smirks a little, raising a brow. "Me? I'm fine. Nothing wrong here."

You roll your eyes. "We've been best friends for a while now, and it's been new to me considering I've never met somebody who's actually wanted to try being friends with my distant ass. By now, I can tell when you're upset just as much as you can with me. Spill."

"I'll tell you some other time. We should really get started on our homework," she says softly, a change of tone. She dodges your question, not desiring to talk about it whatsoever.

You purse your lips, wondering if you should push it.

"She'll tell you when the time is right." You recall Yoongi saying.

Letting out a breathy groan, you're cognizant of his accuracy. Ultimately, you decide to follow his advice. 'When has he ever led me in the wrong direction? It's not like he's millions of years old and basically knows everything..'

"Fine," you say basically, leaning over to reach into your bag to pull out your notebook and textbooks. Meg does the same, both of you now more reserved. You care about her, and she knows this, but Megan just isn't ready to talk about what's bothering her yet.

Minutes pass, and whatever is left of your coffee is likely cold now. Instead of focusing on your homework, your mind lollygags elsewhere, your insecurities playing with your knowledge. 'That's right, he is millions and millions of years old. Why is he exactly spending his time here with me? I'm insignificant.'

Torrents of dread tear at your stomach. 'Who am I kidding? Why would he ever feel anything for me? I'm silly to feel desire for such a magnificent person.'

Being the sensitive person you are, tears brim your eyes. You rush to blink them back. Megan notices your behavior.

"(N/N), you can talk to me," she says immediately. "You know that right?" Meg speaks meaningfully in a motherly accent. You understand that. You do know you can talk to her, but you mind is tearing you apart. Guilt. That's what it is. Guilt for experiencing such dependence on others to deal with your crushing emotions.

"Um, yeah, I know," you say, quickly cleaning yourself up. "I'm okay. Don't worry about me so much. Let's just... Let's just study."

Respecting your boundaries and a bit too caught up with her own tribulations, she gives you one last glance of worry before turning her focus to her homework. You follow her, trying to ignore your insecure observations and get involved with your textbooks.

After some time, it works, and your mind is well at bay. You calm down, writing notes all business-like. This goes on for some time before your austere busy mindset is broken by Megan's drooling and staring. Your eyes meet with her obsessed form, trying to decipher what the hell she's so entranced by.

You're eyes travel over to who she's staring at. A young adult man with a tall, lean figure gives the barista he's speaking to a heart-shaped beam, nodding to her as she hands him a clear cup of iced coffee, the plastic clear lid differing from the black one designed for your hot coffee. A forest green straw stuck out of the hole in the center, adding spice and contrast to it all. The see-through white logo was imprinted on the actual cup, a sort of mermaid, it was.

The man had oddly natural-looking bright tangerine hair, reminding you of your Yoongi with his silvery achromatic hair. His brown eyes were doe-like, yet his iris has this look of being ablaze with glowing orange and red flames. Face long with a sharp jawline, his pink lips frequently curve up into a smile, telling you that he is likely a positive person, reminding you of Megan. He is a very handsome looking young man, indeed.

But what truly catches your attention, is the seemingly shining bronze mole just above his right eyebrow, like Yoongi's freckles.

'He has to be like Yoongi..'

Or maybe you're overthinking it?

"Jesus," Meg whispers as he walks out of the coffee shop with a jaunt, iced coffee in his hand. Megan immediately notices it as the same as hers: iced pumpkin spice latte.

Right before he exits the coffee shop and the doors bell rings with a jolly jingle, he locks eyes with Megan, a look of mysterious astonishment on both of their faces.

Megan is speechless and breathless, snapping out of it and looking to you with her mouth dropped. "Did.. Did you see..?"

"Yup," you say with some shock as well, popping the 'p.' "That quite literally looks like the human embodiment of the sun."

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