Life Is Strange (Male Reader)

By IvanBullock

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Book 1 of Life Is Strange Y/N is a student at Blackwell Academy under a scholarship. However, following the d... More

Episode 1: Chrysalis #1
Episode 1: Chrysalis #2
Episode 1: Chrysalis #3
Main Trio (Introduction to Characters)
Episode 2: Out of Time #1
Episode 2: Out of Time #3
Episode 2: Out of Time #4
Episode 3: Chaos Theory #1
Episode 3: Chaos Theory #2
Episode 3: Chaos Theory #3
Episode 3: Chaos Theory #4
Episode 3: Chaos Theory #5

Episode 2: Out of Time #2

2.6K 103 84
By IvanBullock

You drove down the road with the radio playing some random station Max picked out. The car sounds better than it did before. Definitely better than when your brother had it.

Max: This car is pretty sick. You said it was your brother's?

You nodded.

Y/N: He bought if off of one of his coaches. It didn't even start when he got it. But, he got it to drive. And I just...brushed it up.

Max: So, why do you have it? I doubt anyone would just give up a car like this.

You stayed silent for a moment. Max noticed the look on your face.

Max: Um...what did he play? You said he got this from his coach?

You cleared your throat and nodded again.

Y/N: He played football. He was a pretty good quarterback. Yeah, he killed it every time he was on the field. Got a full scholarship to Orgeon. He was gonna be a Duck.

Max: Was?

You rubbed your chin for a moment.

Y/N: Yeah. Was.

Max looked at you slightly worried.

Max: You know, I asked about you to some people. They all said the same thing.

Y/N: Yeah? And what's that?

Max: That you're nice, but quiet. Everyone I spoke to only had good things to say about you. But no one knows anything about before you transfered to Blackwell.

Y/N: That's on purpose. Only Chloe, Joyce, and Sargent Asswipe know anything about that. It's not really something I like to talk about either.

Max got the message and decides to not push it further. Clearly it was a touchy issue.

Y/N: Anyway, sorry about your dorm. Nathan is a just a coward. Though, I guess it was better he do that than attack you again.

Max: Yeah. But I still have to clean it up later.

You nodded.

Y/N: I can help, if you want.

Max smiled at the offer.

Max: I would appreciate that. So, what do you think about Kate's story?

Max had explained what happened in Kate's room on the way here. Honestly, it pissed you off. People were seriously getting drugged left and right here and no one has said anything? And Nathan was clearly involved.

Y/N: I think we should do what we can as fast as possible. We can't let this happen to anyone else.

Max: Right. It's kinda scary to think about.

You nodded in agreement. You eventually reached the diner and you pulled into the parking lot. You parked your car and turned it off before you sat there. Max noticed.

Max: You okay?

No. How did things get this bad with you ever noticing? You wanted to tear Nathan a new one, but what would that even do? No. You needed proof, first. Then, you can kick his ass and hand him over to the police.

Y/N: I will be. Come on. Let's get some food in our bellies.

Max smiled.

Max: Yeah. I'm starving.

You smiled at her before you opened your door. You both stepped out and you looked up at the sign.

Two Whales Diner. Open 24 Hours. Across the street was a gas station but that wasn't really important. You also spotted Joyce through the window.

Max: Talk about going back in time. The Diner still looks the same.

Y/N: I told you, Max. Nothing changes around here.

Maybe that wasn't as true as you thought anymore.

You walked with Max but slowed down when you spotted the RV in the parking lot. Frank was here, too? How the hell did he keep popping up where you were?

Or...maybe where Chloe was?

Hopefully he doesn't cause trouble here. You opened the door for Max and she stepped into the diner. You followed after her and immediately heard the clanging silverware. Smelt like eggs and bacon.

You noticed the cop sitting at the counter among the truckers along with some folks in the booths. You also spotted Justin and Trevor sitting there. Justin just had a glossed look on his face. Yep. Totally stoned.

Your phone vibrated and you pulled it out.

Max: Is it Chloe?

Y/N: Yep.

Terror: running late
Terror: grab a booth at the diner
Terror: mom will feed you

You sighed. Of course she would be late to her own meeting. She was the one who came up with the time and everything.

Y/N: Somebody better.
Super Max: I'll be lucky if you make it by noon

You locked your phone and lead Max towards a booth. You waited for her to sit and you hopped in next to her. Chloe liked to have a seat all to herself. And frankly, you didn't feel like dealing with her this early.

Y/N: I'm not squishing you, am I?

Max: No. Not at all.

She made a mental note that you smelt faintly of cigarettes and what she guessed was somekind of deodorant. It didn't really bother her. If anything, she found that it smelt...nice. Like a weird comfort.

Joyce happened to look up from behind the counter and spotted the two of you talking. She smiled as she grabbed the pot of coffee before she made her way around.

Joyce: And there they are. My nephew and a lovely young woman. How are you doing, Max.

Max: Hi, Joyce. It's nice to see you again. You look the same.

Joyce poured her and you a cup of coffee before she looked down at herself.

Joyce: Like I'm still a waitress at Two Whales after all these years?

Max: No, like you still look pretty.

Y/N: Haven't aged a day, Aunt Joyce.

Joyce smiled.

Joyce: Nice save, kid. Still smart.

She then looked at you.

Joyce: But you, on the other hand. You got busted for smoking pot inside.

Of course David told her about that.

Joyce: I heard the whole sordid story from David. Max, I'm sorry this was how you had meet him. He's a good man...not matter what Chloe says.

Y/N: I have the card, but I shouldn't have smoked inside. Sorry. It was just...a weird day yesterday.

You did get shot, after all.

Joyce: Well, at least Chloe has a good influence. Y/N here tries, but she needs a friend to lead her down the right path now.

Y/N: Ouch. True, but ouch.

Max laughed to herself before Joyce eyed her. She looked between the two of you for a moment before she smiled.

Max: I know things were hard for you and Chloe. I feel bad I didn't call. Now my folks are in Seattle and I'm all alone at Blackwell. It's my karma.

You nudged her arm.

Y/N: You got me. And Chloe, whenever she gets here.

Joyce: Besides, you did the right thing. You moved ohere. Went forward with your life. I did, after William passed on. Chloe....Chloe chose to stay angry. But, I want to hear about you two. I didn't know little Maxy was friends with my nephew.

You and Max looked at each other.

Max: We...just met randomly.

Y/N: Yeah. Let's go with that. I didn't even know she knew Chloe until yesterday.

Joyce: Really? For as close as you two seem, I figured Chloe's name would've come up eventually.

Y/N: Like Max said, it was a random meeting.

That happened yesterday. But, it did feel like years ago.

Joyce: Well, I'm rooting for you two.

Wait, what did that mean?

Joyce: So. Now let's get down to the bitty gritty. What do you want to eat?

Max: I was dreaming about your bacon omelette.

Joyce: Now finish your coffee. And for you, Y/N?

Y/N: Just some biscuit and gravy for me.

Joyce winked and headed back behind the counter. You sat there for a moment and tried to figure out what Joyce was trying to say.

No, you knew exactly what she meant.

Max: I love the delish anticipation of breakfast.

Y/N: Did you just say "delish?"

Max: Y-Yeah. Well, I'm sure you say weird things, too.

Y/N: Not out loud, no. And I definitely don't say "delish". I say delicious. Not delish.

Max looked at you for a moment.

Max: You know, people say you're nice, but you sure do seem to like teasing people.

Y/N: Nah. Just you. You make it way too easy.

Max looked down at the carved in graffiti on the table while you looked up. You noticed Trevor and Justin looking at the two of you from their booth. Justin turned around so that he was facing you.

He pointed at Max, then you, then made a heart shape with his hands. You looked over to make sure Joyce wasn't paying attention before you grabbed a sugar packet. You then threw it at Justin who didn't even try to dodge it. It smacked him in the face and he laughed with Trevor. He turned back around just as Joyce approached your table.

Joyce: I can hear your stomachs rumbling from here. Here. You'll love this.

She set Max's plate down in front of her before she set your down in front of you. Oh, it smelt so damn good. Max rubbed her hands together.

Max: I'm drooling like a baby.

Y/N: Food.

You grabbed a fork and began to dig in while Joyce and Max talked.

Joyce: Still can't believe you're a woman. When I look look pictures of Chloe....speak of the devil.

The front door opened and Chloe walked in. Joyce stood up and watched as her daughter fist bumped Trevor. She spotted the three of you and walked over.

Chloe: Mom and Max, together again!

Joyce: And Chloe looking for a free meal. You've put your whole damn college fund on your tab.

Max: I'm treating Chloe for breakfast.

Y/N: Nope.

You lifted your head from your food.

Y/N: I got this one.

Joyce: Are you atoning for yesterday?

Y/N: Haha. No.

Joyce looked at you for a moment before she took a slice of bacon from your plate.

Joyce: You get one damn slice of bacon today.

She walked away as she ate the piece of bacon.

Y/N: Love you!

Chloe rolled her eyes and leaned against the table.

Max: You guys are still the same.

Chloe: Another reason to blow this town.

She watched her mom for a moment before she looked over at the jukebox.

Chloe: What is this shit on the jukebox?

Y/N: Music, dumbass.

Chloe flicked your head before she walked over to the jukebox. She looked at the songs before she picked on. She began to dance slightly to the music.

Chloe: Now that that's out of the way....

She walked back over to the booth and sat down opposite of you and Max. She leaned forward.

Chloe: Let's talk about your superpowers.

Y/N: Uh, yeah. About that....

Max: I don't have any explanation. And I can't explain why I saw that crazy fucking tornado.

Y/N: Me neither. And I've had this power for a while now.

Chloe: Come on, that's just a daydream. I want proof you can rewind time. And that you can turn invisible.

Max and you looked at each other before you both turned back to Chloe.

Y/N: I'm not proving shit. You'll probably make me use it to steal.

Chloe: Duh.

Max: This is all happening so fast.

Chloe: We'll start slow. Right here. Now.

Max thought about what she could do to convince Chloe. She smirked and leaned forward.

Max: I can tell you every single thing you have in your pockets.

Chloe: You have X-Ray vision, dude? I don't even know what's in my pockets. Impress me.

Max pretended to think about it.

Max: Some old chewing gum?

Chloe: Nada. Not impressed.

Worth a guess.

Chloe: Okay, psychic girl, let me show you what's actually in my pockets.

Chloe reached into her pockets and pulled out various items. Cigarettes, keys, some change, and a parking ticket.

Y/N: Do you know how to park, woman?

Max nodded and lifted her hand. Suddenly, the items were gone and everyone seemed to have reset back to about two minutes prior.

Max: So, this is me telling you what's inside your pockets.

Chloe: Okay, Max. I'm hella ready.

Max: I'm pretty sure you have cigarettes on you.

Chloe: Yes, you know I'm a smoker. But how many cigarettes?

Max tapped your lap. Looks like she didn't count them. You quickly placed seven fingers on her knee.

Max: Seven.

Chloe: A superpower that allows you to count cigarettes. Cool! Something else in my pockets?

Max: Uh, your car keys.

Chloe: Duh, way too easy. I need details! Describe my Keychain.

Max: A cute robot panda Keychain!

That was pretty simple.

Chloe: Not bad, Super Max. You do have that Irish luck, Caulfield. What else?

Max: A parking ticket.

Chloe: You know me well. But...what is the exact time I was busted?

Max looked at you slightly panicked. She must've not read the ticket. But you did. You slowly raised your hand as you touched her wrist. Chloe's eyes went wide when you suddenly dissapered.

Y/N: 10:35 AM.

Max nodded. Younlet go of her and she rewind time for a few seconds.

Max: 10:34 AM

Chloe: Max can tell time. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, whatever that means.

Max: Some change.

Chloe: But how much?

Max: 86 cents.

Chloe: Living large in Arcadia Bay. Let's see how right you are.

Chloe dug through her pockets and began to set everything on the table. However, once she did, her cocky smile faded. She looked at the items, exactly how Max had described them.

Chloe: Amazeballs. I literally just got chills all over my neck.

Max smiled smugly while you looked at her unamused. You totally had to help her through that. But, in the end, Chloe was convinced.

Chloe: You have powers. That means....

She looked at you and you nodded.

Joyce: Take that crap off the table, Chloe.

Joyce walked towards the booth with a plate of food for Chloe, who was now stuffing her pockets with her crap.

Chloe: Okay, mom.

Joyce set the plate down and looked at Max.

Joyce: How's the food, Max?

Max: Better than I remembered.

Joyce: That's good to hear. And, Y/N...

You just held up your spotless plate. Joyce rolled her eyes and took it. She headed back to the counter.

Chloe: Man, I am hungry like a wolf.

She began to eat before she looked up at you.

Chloe: So, what can you do? Something with time?

You shook your head.

Y/N: If I show you, you can't try to use it for your own good. Hell, I hardly use it.

Chloe: Sure, sure. Whatever. Just show me.

You looked around before you slowly raised your hand up. Chloe watched as you vanished from her sight with wide eyes. She turned to Max.

Chloe: Cannyou see him?

Max shook her head. You dropped your hand and you reappeared. Chloe looked at you with a wide mouth.

Chloe: You can turn invisible?

Y/N: I think so? I'm not sure. And apparently I'm not affected by Max's time rewinds. I remember everything prior.

Chloe placed one hand on yours and another on Max's as she bowed.

Chloe: I pledge allegiance to Max and Y/N and the power for which they stand.

Max: This isn't a toy, Chloe. I do have to be careful how I use it.

Chloe: Screw that! Of course it's a toy! The best toy ever! You can bang anyone with no strings attached, rewind time, and boom! It's like it never happened!

Y/N: Sad that that's the first thing that comes to mind for you.

Chloe smirked as she leaned forward.

Chloe: Maybe you made a move on me and I would never know!

Y/N: No, she didn't.

Chloe: She can rewind time. You can turn invisible. This is fucking insane. We have to play!

Max leaned back in her seat.

Max: I don't have time.

Chloe looked at her for a moment.

Chloe: You did not just say that.

Max was about to make a witty comeback, but she suddenly flinched in pain. You looked at her as her nose started to bleed. You quickly grabbed a napkin and held it up to her nose to stop it from dripping everywhere.

Chloe: Uh, too much blow? You okay?

Max took the napkin from your and wiped her nose.

Max: Too much excitement. See what happens when we hook up again?

Chloe: Then....let's go to one of my secret lairs and fully test your powers. You guys need a sidekick to guide you.

Y/N: If by guide you mean teach her how to use her power for evil, then yeah. You're a great guide.

Chloe: Stop being a buzzkill. Come on.

Max: Okay, Girl Wonder. Show me the way to Chloe's Cave.

Chloe got up and headed for the door, but you didn't move. You looked at Max.

Y/N: You know, you don't have to go. If it's too much...

Max: I'm fine. Besides, you'll be there, right?

Will you? You had class soon and you really didn't like the idea of Chloe having Max use her powers so carelessly. But, then again, Max could use an actually guide.

Y/N: Yeah. I guess so.

You moved out of the booth and helped Max. The two of you then headed towards the door where Chloe was waiting.

Max stopped when she felt her phone go off. She pulled it out and found that Kate was calling.

Y/N: Go ahead and take it. I'll wait with Chloe outside.

Max nodded in thanks and you walked over to Chloe.

Y/N: Let's go. Max will meet us outside. Leave Joyce your truck.

Chloe: Did you drive here?

You nodded.

Chloe: Can I drive?

You crossed your arms and looked at her unamused.

Chloe: Well?

Y/N: Yeah. When I die! Come on.

Chloe just rolled her eyes and followed you outside. Max needed to talk to Kate. However, your phone started to ring. You looked at it to see it was an unknown number. You turned around and found Max walking out of the diner and over towards you and Chloe.

You answered the phone.

Y/N: Hello?

Kate: Y/N?

Was that Kate? Max must've given her your number.

Y/N: Hey, Kate. What's up?

Kate: Sorry for bothering you. I asked Max for your number. I hope that's okay.

Y/N: Course. Though, you could've just asked me for it instead.

Kate: Right.

Y/N: So, what's up?

Chloe: Hey, dorkus. At least unlock the car.

You rolled your eyes and tossed the keys, to Max. She caught them and Chloe looked at you offended.

Y/N: I trust her more.

Chloe rolled her eyes while Max looked like a happy kid. She unlocked the car which allowed Chloe and Max to get in.

Kate: Oh, are you busy right now?

Y/N: Nah. I'm just with Max and my cousin. Uh, remember Chloe?

Kate: Not really. Well, I just wanted to let you know that I had your number.

You smiled.

Y/N: Well, just remember that. If you need anything, or you just want to talk, feel free to call or text or whatever.

Kate: Thank you. I really appreciate that. I guess I'll talk to you in class later.

You nodded.

Y/N: Sounds good. Talk to you later, Kate.

You hung up and walked to your car. You got in and Max handed you the keys. Chloe sat in the back, still pouting.

Chloe: Next stop, junk yard.

You just sighed and started the car.

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