Redemption - Delena

By anonymouswriting17

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There is one day a year that Vampires Can procreate. The day that the originals were made. Elena, Katherine... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Facebook group

chapter 6

426 15 2
By anonymouswriting17

Elena walked into the grill with Caroline after the two weeks at the Lake-house she was in a much better mood."So you invited Hayley and Katherine why?"

"Because were all pregnant so it serves us good being friends and Katherine and I are pregnant by brothers remember meaning that there cousins. So please Caroline."

"Fine. Only because i can't say no to you." Caroline put her hand on Elena's stomach."Your stomach is starting to come in. Its cute."

Elena slapped her hand away she wasn't ready for everyone else to see."Thats why i'm wearing a dress Caroline. Because i didn't want to wear sweats you little a-hole."

"Sorry my bad."

"Its not easily seen you have to know i'm pregnant really look to see it. So shut the fuck up. I don't want people trying to touch my stomach. Its my baby not theirs and if i don't know them they better not touch me."

"Oh Damon's at the bar and whose the blond chick that keps looking at him. Then glancing at the pool table." Caroline teased she knew it would get to her..

"I'm happy don't try to piss me off i know how to use a stake."

"Ok-Ok. Damn bitch." Caroline knew that Elena was sensititve but she didn't think that she was that sensitive.

Elena and Caroline walked over to the bar she really didn't want to have this argument with Caroline."Can we get two sweet tea's please."

"Coming right out."

Damon turned towards Elena."Someone's happy." He was surprised that she was in a good mood considering she hadn't been the last time that he seen her.

"Do you want me to yell at you again" Elena questioned. She knew that she scared him and he didn't want her to snap.

"Nope i'm good."


Caroline Elena and Damon looked at Rebekah. Who they didn't know but wanted to know how she knew what a doppelganger was."Who are you?"

"Rebekah Mikaelson. Klaus' sister. I'm on watch make sure evil witches don't come kill my niece."

Caroline looked at her she hadn't known Klaus was going to wake up all his siblings."I thought he was just waking up Elijah. Oh i'm Caroline."

"I'm Elena." She waved slightly she was a little surprised that Klaus woke up all his siblings.

Rebekah waved slightly shaking her head."Nope he decided he needed all three of us, if he wants to stay well witch/kidnap free and if your looking for Hayley and Katherine there at the pooltable. Hayley has been a little rude to the members of the household."

"Members of y'all there's a difference." Elena knew that if she was rude their was a chance it was well deserved.

"More my brother Nik he's keeping her in the house she doesn't like that. Katherine thinks i'm gonna kill her." Rebekah kind of did want to kill her but at the same time she guessed even katherine deserved redemption.

"Are you?" Caroline asked she knew that Katherine did probably deserve it after everything.

"Thinking about it? She did play my brothers and turn around and play 2 more." She didn't know what she wanted to do yet she would figure it out soon.

The waitor came over with there ice teas's."I'm going to go see them nice talking to you." She grabbed her drink and headed to the pool table.  She had more in common with them then anyone else.

While Elena was busy Caroline wanted to learn all that she could."You dated Stefan didn't you? It wasn't Katherine's fault. And there getting mighty close."

Rebekah was a little confused."What? I did date Stefan 1920 right before my brother shoved a dagger in my heart. There bonding over being pregnant. There lucky its extremly rare i should know."

"What's that mean." Caroline didn't understand what the blond was trying to say.

"Well my brothers would always like dagger me for that week so it could never happen. He didn't want me to have a weakness and here he is having a baby of his own. When that was something he never wanted and i always wanted." She was pissed that her brother was getting this but she was happy to she would at least have a niece to spoil.

"How is it, living in that house." Caroline knew that it couldn't be easy for them with everything that was going on.

"Katherine played Elijah and Klaus against eachother she's pregnant by my ex-boyfriend, my brother who never wanted a child is getting one and i'm not. My physco brother is planning something don't really care. And Elijah's back and he's friends with another doppelganger" Rebekah knew it sounded like she was over exaggerating but she had her reasons for ehr worry. She's seen things she's seen how her family was." I have hard time trusting people with that face i knew Katherine and I knew Tatia the first one. I wanted to be a mother but i am highly doubt that will ever happen. I knew Stefan in 1920 when he had no hummanity."

Caroline took her tea and had a seat next to Rebekah."I see you've met his brother."

"What? This is his brother." Rebekah looked inbetween Damon and Caroline who nodded to her."Katherine keeps giving him the death stare. Oh i was wondering wait isn't he the one that is in love with his brothers girl."

"I can hear you."

"We don't care Damon." Caroline smirked. She was used to his snarky comments and didn't care what he thought."And yes its him but it doesn't matter anymore. She already slept with Damon and got pregnant."

"I thought it was Katherine." Rebekah was now getting really confused a lot of this didn't make sense to her.

"No that was 1864. Come to 2009 Elena was with Stefan but she didn't like how the blood changed him also he kind of tried to kill her. He's different with it so they broke up 2 months ago." Maybe it wasn't a good idea to tell het this but she seemed cool."Stefan wanted to talk to her 3 weeks later she said she was done then i compelled her a bottle of alcohol and sent her to there place. Stefan had went to see Katherine. She won't tell me anything i knew i got to her. And when i went to the hospital with her and the doctor said she might be pregnant. And Meredith told me how far along she was. I was like i have to stop covincing her to do shit. She was freaking out for three days and your brother did not help telling her to come and bring one friend to the caves."

"So you did it?" Rebekah was confused by half of the stuff she was being told but she did understand Caroline convinced her to do it.

Caroline nodded she didn't care that it was her fault she was getting a god daughter and she knew Elena was going to make an excellent mother and Damon wouldn't be to bad a father."Yeah i'm god mom she already said she can't give it to no one else. She's happy now she needed the time to herself. And this idiot needed time to process her words. So Damon did you make progress. I'm helping any way i can."

Both blondes turned towards Damon. He was half listening to what they were saying so he was a little confused."Why are you looking at me like that Blondies?"

"What happened Damon?" Caroline asked she needed to know what she had to do.

"Lexi came and had a long chat with me and Stef and now Stefan's in the cellar." Damon knew better then defy Lexi he didn't need her trying to kill him.


"Excuse me." Caroline asked she didn't get why Stefan couldn't just be happy with Katherine he got her pregnant and now he had to face the consquences.

"Stefan wasn't listen to Lexi she told me to throw him into the cellar."

"What about Andi."

"A girl named Andi has been talking to them for about 5 minutes they just threatended to call all my siblings." Rebekah warned. She had been multitasking and they had sounded like they could handle it so she wasn't to worried.

Elena walked over to Hayley and Katherine."Hey how are y'all." She was happy to see them again she was more happy about her pregnancy now.

They both turned to look at her they were surprised that she was their."Told you she's all sunshine and rainbows until someone fucks with her." She knew the three of them weren't going to be the easiest to deal with but nonetheless they were still happy about there pregnancies.

"Seriously Katherine." Hayley knew that they knew eachother longer then her but she didn't understand there attitudes.

"I heard Stefan got put int the cellar." Katherine knew that it was wrong but she just wanted to see if it would draw a reaction out of Elena.

Elena shrugged she truly no longer cared for Stefan. Not after everything sure it was wrong to sleep with his brother but now she was getting a baby that she couldn't be happier for."I don't care. Good for him he probably deserves it."

Katherine nodded. Stefan truly deserved it he was an asshole."He does he's mad i'm pregnant at least Damon accepted you he broke up with that reporter he was so fond of. He's clearly in love with you but you want no part of it."

"So sad."

The three turned around to see Andi."Who are you?" Hayley asked. She was confused she didn't understand who this was and why the comment had been sarcastic.

"This is Andi." Katherine crossed her arms over her chest her and Elena may have had there differences but they were sticking together. They had to no one else was going to be able to stand them.

"Oh look the slut made more friends."

Elena sat her tea down and glared at her."Excuse me." She wasn't even 18 yet and she'd been through so much she was not about to let some wannabe question her decisions. How was she a slut she didn't even do anything.

"Did i stutter. Your a slut, are they going to threaten to fight me to." Andi knew that they couldn't try to fight her that would endager their kids."Are you going to endanger your kids on purpose what a shame."

Katherine was fuming she wanted to rip the btiches heart out but she knew she couldn't. She scowled at her glaring daggers."Ugh were pregnant not stupid but if we wanted you dead you would be." Katherine had no problem calling Lexi or Anna to handle her dirty work.

"How'd you do it Elena see he was finally happy then just decided you wanted him now he'd been pining for months." Andi knew that she could use that against her she hated her for what she did.

Elena chuckled lightly she couldn't believe this girl. If it wasn't for her he would have never talked to her in the first place."It was because of me he approached you. I told him he deserved to be happy to. And you two were broken up when i slept with him. So how does that make me a slut your just upset he wanted me more than you. I was single when i slept with him. He used you as a human bloodbag and thats all you'll ever be." Elena wanted to grab the nearest item and throw it at her.

Katherine sighed this was something she knew to well."Here's a lesson don't fall in love with someone who is already in love with someone else it makes the heartbreak unbearable."

Elena smiled she didn't have to do anything but type a text and she could have "I can have you dead in 5 seconds it would take me one text and i know someone that will come kill you. They could be here walking in that door in three seconds or less."

Hayley glarred at Andi she didn't need to know her to know this bitch was out of her fucking mind."And with them comes my baby daddy the hybrid he is feared by everyone." Hayley really didn't like her.

Katherine did her evil smirk that she knew made people scared of her."And with him comes his brother Elijah who is protective of us Petrova Doppelgangers and now his Niece or Nephew's mother." She was going to make this girl run one way or another.

Elena nodded in agreeance thats one thing Andi couldn't handle."Not to mention Caroline hates you she'll drain you without a second thought. She's at the bar and she's been itching for blood from the vein." She knew that her best friend already didn't like Andi.

Hayley did an evil smile making her eyes flash amber."They also have a sister who is talking with Caroline she's excited for her neices or nephews. What would she do to you?" They didn't even want to hurt her they just wanted her to leave them alone.

Katherine sighed seeing that she wasn't getting the hint."And finally Kol Mikaelson the hybrids physco brother. He's been waiting for blood-shed."

"Excuse me you'd do it in public." Andi didn't really think that they would really do that to her.

Elena shook her head she wouldn't do it in public but they would." Not me, they would and then they'd just compel everyone."

Hayley smirked and nodded maybe there were bonuses to being knocked up by very scary dangerous people."You'd be as dead as a doornob."

"And the only thing Damon would be worried about is Elena thats it he wouldn't care about you." Katherine smiled lightly she knew tht they were getting to her."So be smart and leave before you get hurt."

Caroline ran over she knew Andi did not like Elena she also knew that these three were crazy as hell. And she didn't even like that Andi was over here by her best friend."What the hell is going on over here?"

Elena crossed her arms over her chest glarring daggers at Andi."She was just leaving." Elena new that if she knew what was good for her that she would leave.

"I hate you."

Elena, Hayley, and Katherine all waved and said."Bye-bye feelings mutal."

Rebekah and Damon walked over as Andi walked away.

"Don't let the door hit you on the way out."

"Yeah talk soon."

"Bet you'll think twice next time."

The three looked at eachother and started laughing."That was probably not a good idea. Maybe they were right pregnancy does make us asshole."

"What the bloody hell." Rebekah shreiked her brother was going to kill her for this, she really hoped that they never found out about this she didn't want to end up back in a box.

"She started it." Katherine smirked she bet that bitch was going to think next time before she said something that was out of turn.

"We just happened to finish it." Hayley added she didn't really care about what they thought what was done was done.

"She called me a slut words were said." Elena finished. They were terrifyingly good at talking right after one another.

"I heard it gotta say i'm impressed." Rebekah crossed her arms over her chest. Even thought they were scaring the hell out of her she was impressed by what they could do together.

They all smiled and said at the same time"Aww thank you!"

"No thats creepy don't talk at the same time." Caroline shook her head she knew that they were all pregnant but she did not want them to do that it was creepy.

"Oh they've been talking right after one another." Rebekah didn't know what brought this on maybe the pregnancy."For awhile creepy but cool."

Katherine took a breath,"The bitch shouldn't have come over and started shit with us i thought you were good at complulsion Damon."  She really did think that he was good at compelling people to forget what they didn't know and not to gain feelings.

"I thought you were always gonna be an evil bitch." Damon shrugged he was truly surprised that she had changed so much.

Hayley cleared her throat and interupted."I want pizza."

Elena shook her head."I want chinnese." Pizza made her want to throw up and she was really craving eggrolls and sugar donuts.

"Both of you might want some blood before you start puking i'm going to find someone to tap a vein." Katherine walked away she  knew that they needed blood or it wasn't going to be pretty.

"I don't want to start puking." Elena walked away.  She didn't like puking up blood it was not  a nice feeling.

"Neither do I."Hayley decided to follow her even though she really didn't like to drink blood she knew that she didn't really have a choice in the matter.

"Umm i have to go with them bye nice talking to you Caroline." Rebekah ran after the three she was ordered do not leave them by herself and she wouldn't break that order.

They were all really impressed at what the girls could do though and how they worked together.
So sorry for the delay i wanted to make this chaper extra long for y'all.

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