Jordan Voight: Teenage Years

By Malec0914

129K 1.5K 272

Nobody said life was easy and for young Jordan Voight, life was far from easy. Follow her journey through he... More

Precious Gift
Driving Lessons
Wisdom Tooth
Painful Secret
Jordan's 13th Birthday
Painful Secret Pt 2
Painful Secret Pt 3
Painful Secret Pt 4
Painful Truth
Sins of The Past
Against Time
Rock Bottom
Party Gone Wrong
Spring Break
Concealed For Nothing
Other Side Of The Coin
Peer Pressure
The Calm Before The Storm
Brewing Storm
The Storm
Set Free
Run Away
Internet Dangers
Turning Anew
Goodbye For Now
The Hunt
Welcome Home
Cover Up
Next Level
Bonding Time
Seeking Help Pt 1
Seeking Help Pt 2
Heart To Heart
New Enemies, New War
Picking Up The Pieces
Cover Blown Pt 1
Cover Blown Pt 2
Operation Dead on Arrival Pt 1
Infection Pt 1
Infection Pt 2
Infection Pt 3
Operation Dead on Arrival Pt 2
Protection Detail: Adam and Kevin
Protection Detail: Erin and Jay Pt 1
Moment of Truth
Arms of An Angel
Moving Forward
I Am God
Babysitting Detail: Adam
Just The Way You Are
Fugitive Father Pt 1
Fugitive Father Pt 2
Fugitive Father Pt 3
Hidden Truth
Halloween War
Midnight Fright Pt 1
Midnight Fright Pt 2
Midnight Fright Pt 3
Protection Detail: Erin and Jay Pt 2
Undercover Kid Pt 1
Undercover Kid Pt 2
Undercover Kid Pt 3
Role Reversal
Batgirl and Robin
New Friendship
High School Hell Pt 1
High School Hell Pt 2
Buried Secret Pt 1
Buried Secret Pt 2
Buried Secret Pt 3
Buried Secret Pt 4
Buried Secret Pt 5
Buried Secrets Pt 6
Raising Demons: A Devil's Daughter
Power Play: Corruption's Deadly Grip
Guilty or Innocent Pt 1

Deadly New Addiction

1.1K 14 2
By Malec0914

*Wattpad Request*

Jordan- 15

Jordan has now been clean and sober for a year, she had felt very proud of her sobriety, she had felt as if nothing could break it. Except one thing, Denny Woods. Ever since he started showing his face again, it was slowly making her urges come back but she never acted on them. She didn't wanna disappoint her father again.

Most days she picks or bite her nails, other days she'd chew on straws. She needed something to take the urges away. Anything. If she didn't she'd either go crazy or end up relapsing and she swore she was done with that life for good.

One cold afternoon she was walking from her school to the district, she liked to walk it helped clear her head. As she walked she passed by an odor, smoke. It stank to high hell. When she looked to see where it was coming from she had seen two people, two men smoking cigarettes. Something had popped into her head. Maybe that could help take the urges away. She'd still be clean and she wouldn't relapse.

A voice in her head had told her not to do it. It wasn't worth it. It wasn't worth risking her health. More importantly it wasn't worth risking her father's trust, she had worked hard and fought tooth and nail to earn his trust back after doing everything she did after her brother died.

The fifteen-year-old couldn't take it, she needed something to take the urge away. She would probably regret it later. Slowly she went to the guys.

"Hey you guys mind if I bum a smoke" Jordan said, keeping a straight face. Her father was going to kill her.

One guy, Evan had pulled out a cigarette and gave it to her, she took it and put it in her mouth he lit a small lighter and lit the cigarette for her. She had taken a deep inhale of it and she had blew the smoke out and coughed very harshly.

"First one is always the hardest," The other guy, Drake, said.

"I...can definitely tell" Jordan finally spoke after the coughing fit.

"What's a pretty face like yours doing around here" Evan spoke.

"Walking, I gotta go. Thanks for the smoke"

"Can we get your number?"

She took out a pen and grabbed his hand writing something, she had given a small smirk. After a moment she was finished. She had written, 1-800-hell-no.

"Gotta go boys, thanks again"

Jordan continued her walk while smoking the cigarette, she had let out harsh coughs the whole time it was definitely taking her urges away. It was better than what she was doing.

"Well well, if it isn't my favorite Voight" Came a man's voice, it was Denny.

The fifteen-year-old gritted her teeth, she hated Denny. She despised him. Looking over she had seen him and glared at him.

"What the hell do you want?" Jordan spat.

With a smirk he looked at the half cigarette in her finger. "I see you took up a new hobby"

She got nose to nose with him. "Maybe I have, maybe I can burn your eyes out with them and do me hell I'd do the whole world a favor and end you"

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed"

"What are you doing here? What do you want now? And if you're thinking about blackmailing I wouldn't do it. I'm not that same naive little kid I was before. And if you even try I'll go to my dad and tell him everything. My dad has always taken my word over yours"

"I bet he didn't when you had you're little spiral going on"

Flicking the burnt out bud into the street she bawled her fist tightly, she hated when people mentioned that time. She wanted to forget it if she could, she'd rewrite history and change it if she could.

Denny's smirk grew bigger. "What's wrong truth hurts, doesn't it?"

"Tell me something does this hurt?"

She brought her knee up hard to his groin area making him drop to his knees then as hard as she could she threw her fist across his face.

"Does that truth hurt, asshole? Keep away from me and my dad or next time you'll get much worse"

She had walked away, she had felt better. Her urge had gone away. She may have picked up a new habit or worse a new addiction. It felt good to get it out. Now the only problem is how was she gonna buy them? She wasn't 18 and didn't have her fake ID anymore, her father had taken it away.

The fifteen-year-old had to get a new one right away or get someone to buy them for her. That would be even harder, Jordan knew her father had people everyone. Had eyes and ears everywhere. If it ever got back to him she'd be grounded till the end of time and then some. One thing the teen swore, she'd never ever turn back to drugs, alcohol, or self harm.

After walking she made it to the district, she had forgotten that she reeked of the cigarette smoke. When she walked in she saw Kevin and Adam, the two didn't see Jordan behind them. She had grinned, she snuck up behind and jumped onto Adam's back.

When Adam felt someone jump on him he went forward some but looked back. "Why did I know that was you?"

"I see your cop skills are still good" Jordan chuckled.

"What are you doing kiddo?" Kevin asked.

"Nothing much, staying out of trouble"

Adam had noticed her bruised knuckles. "Get into another fight?"

When she saw the bruises on her knuckles, she mentally cursed herself she couldn't tell them about Woods. Not without them going back to tell her father.

"Yeah, just another fight at school. I won, again"

They both had smelled something on the teen. It was smoke. The two frowned and glanced at each other, they didn't wanna believe if Jordan slipped and started smoking marijuna.

"What's up with you two?" Jordan looked between the two.

"Jo, why do you smell like smoke?" Kevin asked.

Dammit she thought. She could get out of this. "Passed by a bunch of hippies smoking, must have been too close"

"You weren't doing anything were you?" Adam asked cautiously.

"Guys, I'm clean. I swear I haven't done anything"

They had dropped it for the moment. The three went upstairs, Jordan had caught sight of Denny in Hank's office and she had let out a small scowl. Adam glanced at her.

"You good kid?" Adam asked her.

"I'm fine, I'll be in the lounge" Jordan replied.

She had gone to the lounge and closed the door. The teen didn't wanna be anywhere near Denny, not without hitting him again. Jordan had pulled her home work out and started on it.

A few minutes had gone by and Hank had gone in to see his daughter, Jordan had glanced to see her father.

"Hey dad" Jordan says then looking back to her homework.

"Jo" Hank replied. He went to sit next to her. "Everything ok?"

"Yeah. Everything's fine. Why?"

"Just checking on you"

"Alright dad what's up? You never do this unless something is wrong. What's wrong. Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. I wanted to ask you something"

"Did I do something?"

"Did you?"

"Dad, stop interrogating me. Whatever you wanna ask, just ask"

"Denny said on your way here he saw you smoking. You had a cigarette in your hand"

Jordan stopped her hand frozen with the pen in her hand, that son of a bitch. He ratted her out. Denny was gonna deeply regret that. Taking a deep breath she faced her father.

"He's lying, I wasn't smoking. Some guy asked me if I had one, I told him no. I told him where to go that's it"

"Then why do you smell like smoke?"

"I passed by a bunch of people smoking. Don't worry dad, I don't even like cigarettes. I can't stand the smell of smoke it stinks"

"Why would Denny say you did?"

'His ego is bruised after I kicked his ass' Jordan thought to herself. "Couldn't tell ya. I promise dad, I'm telling the truth. All my addiction days are over"

"I'm here if you need anything"

"I know and I greatly appreciate it"

Hank hugged his daughter and kissed her head, Jordan hugged her father tightly. The teen swore she'd never put her father through the same pain after what she did before.

"I love you sweetheart"

"I love you too daddy. Always"

Hank had gone back to his office. Jordan had gone back to her homework. After she finished she said she was going home she had said she wasn't feeling well. Once Jordan left Denny saw her leave he followed her. The teen felt she was being followed and had a good guess at who it was.

She had made random turns and Denny followed her, she turned down an alley and went around fast. Denny followed her, he went down the alley looking for her. The teen went up behind him kicking the back of his knee making him drop to the ground. Denny screamed and fell, he landed on his back and Jordan held a crowbar to his chest.

"Let's get one thing straight asshole. What I do is MY business, it has nothing to do with you. My business isn't yours. What I do is on me. You had no right telling my dad shit" Jordan spat, a vicious glare in her eye.

Denny had dryly chuckled. "Oh Jordan, little naive Jordan. You may think you can keep your dad in the dark but you know as well as I do, secrets come out one way or another. You can't hide behind lies forever"

"Stay the hell out of my business and out of my life. If you don't I'll bury you"

"I'd like to see you try"

"Don't tempt me Woods. I told you, I'm not that scared kid you can bully anymore. I fight back now and I fight hard"

He reached his hand out and grabbed her ankle yanking her forward causing her to lose her balance. She stumbled but caught herself.

"First and last warning Woods. Back the hell off me, stay out of my business and my life"

After that she stormed away, Denny laid on the ground he was thinking of a way to get her back. And he had just the thing. Jordan knew she needed to take her urge away again, after her father had taken her fake ID from before she'd need a new one. The teen knew where to go.

She had gone to a kid from her school who did fake IDs, needless to say the boy had a crush on Jordan. She didn't feel the same way, after Michael, Jordan was afraid to get into a relationship. That changed when she met Derek. She was dating him.

The boy, Andrew opened his door and leaned against it with a grin. "Well well, Jordan Voight. Come to finally ask me out?"

"In your dreams Andrew. I told you, you're not my type and I have a boyfriend"

"So you came to see me because"

"I need something from you"

"You want something from me, but I can't get a date"

"Andrew you're a nice guy, keep badgering me about a date. The next date you'll see is the day I put you in the hospital with a broken arm. I told you, you're not my type"

"I'll do this favor but I want something in return. I don't do anything for free"

She rolled her eyes. "What do you want?"

"A kiss"

"How about 50 bucks, I don't rat you out, and I don't punch you in the balls"

"That works too"

"I need a fake ID"

"Trying to get into clubs? Buy some liquor?"

"No. I don't drink, not anymore. I want the ID to buy cigarettes. Nobody's gonna sell to me because one I'm underage, two my dad's a cop. You see my problem"

"I think I can help you"

Jordan paid him the 50 bucks and got started to work to work on the fake ID. He took her picture and started working on his laptop.

"Any specific name you wanna use?"

"Whatever you come up with is fine. As long as you don't use my name or Anna"

Andrew had typed rapidly on the computer. Within an hour he was finished and he printed the ID and laminated it. Jordan then took it when he was finished.

The name on it was Amelia Jones. Jordan was impressed. "Not bad"

"I heard my work is amazing"

Jordan then kissed him and pulled away. "You tell anyone, I'll cut your lips off and cut your tongue out of your head"

"Duly noted"

Jordan had left and went to buy some cigarettes, she had gone to a place where her father wasn't known and nobody would rat her out. She had gone to a gas station the teen decided against a liquor store. It would be too tempting.

She walked up to the cashier. "I get a pack of smokes"

"You got some ID?" He raised his eyes.

She pulled her ID out and gave it to him. He looked at it very carefully, it looked legit and gave it back to her. "What brand?"

"Give me.. Marlboro red 100s and a lighter"

He grabbed the two things and rang them up. Jordan paid for them and left. After she left she opened the pack and took one out and put it in her mouth and lit it. The teen took a deep inhale and blew it out letting out some coughs. As she smoked it the coughs had gotten less and less.

She had actually liked it, she felt she wasn't harming herself anymore. She wasn't using or anything. She had thought it was safe. All she had to do was be very careful, if her father had found out he'd go through the roof like never before.

She could hide this, she did before. All she had to do was hide them in a place her father wouldn't look. That would be hard. Jordan shook her head she wouldn't cross that bridge until it got there.

On her way home she had bumped into someone, Denny had paid someone to bump into her and give her a pack of laced cigarettes. He had someone roll cigarettes and laced with Rohypnol. He was playing dirty. Each one had a small amount but not enough to kill her. Just enough to make her suffer.

When she got home she made sure to spray her clothes so her father wouldn't notice the smell and made sure to get rid of the smell on her breath. She had made a quick dinner, Hank had texted her telling her he'd be late.

The teen had put her father's food away and made sure to lock up the house, once the kitchen was clean she made sure the house was locked up. There was a knock on the door, Jordan saw the time, it was nearing 9:30. If any of the team had come to check on her, her father would have told her.

Alarm bells went off in her head, she grabbed the bat she kept close by and went to the door.

"Who is it?" She called.

"It's Denny" The voice called back.

She had scowled, she stormed and went to open the door. "The hell do you want?"

"I heard your father was gonna be late. I decided to come check on you"

"I'm fine, I don't need a babysitter. I sure as hell don't need you of all people"

"Don't be that way Jordan, forget the past and move on"

"You black mailed me for almost 2 years when I was 8 to 10. And you want me to move past that? Go screw yourself"

"What'd you say?"

"Since you wanna be dumb and incompitent I'll say it again and slowly. Go. Screw. Yourself. Was that clearer this time?"

Denny had bit his jaw, he knew Jordan was gonna get what was coming to her real soon. Without another word he left. Jordan closed and locked the door. She had gone to bed, she wanted a smoke but not in the house. Her father would ask too many questions.

She would do it on her way to school, she made sure to put her body spray and gum in her bag to get rid of the smell. Once making sure the house was locked up for the night she had gone to bed.

The following morning she woke up hearing her alarm for school, she shut it off and went to shower. Once she was changed she went to see if her father had returned home. Hank had come in very late and after checking on his daughter he had gone to bed himself.

Jordan went in and covered her father up as the blankets were on the floor she had covered him up and kissed his head.

"Get some rest dad, you've earned it"

She kissed his cheek and left.On her way to school she decided to walk so she could enjoy a smoke before going to deal with 8 hours of hell. Little did she know she didn't have her pack of cigarettes, she had the switched pack. To make it similar to her old pack one was missing, she took one out and put it in her mouth and lit it with the lighter.

She had started taking a deep inhale and letting it out, she coughed again it tasted different than before she thought nothing of it. As she smoked it she felt different, her head was growing foggy, she was getting very dizzy, something was seriously wrong.

The teen detoured and tried to go to Med, something wasn't right. She was stumbling her legs weakening like they were turning into jello. She had found a bus bench and sat down. She pulled her phone out and going through her contacts she found a number and dialed it and held it to her ear. Her breathing slowed down. She felt her heart racing rapidly in her chest.

Bringing the phone to her ear she heard it ringing then the other person answered.

-Jo? Honey are you alright?


-Talk to me Jo, what's going on where are you?

Before Jordan could respond she had passed out, Will frantically called her but got no response. The older Halstead got worried he went to the district knowing his brother and hopefully Hank would be in.

The members of Intelligence were getting in, Trudy had buzzed Will upstairs. He saw his brother goofing around with Adam and Kevin.

"Jay, I need your help" Will went to his brother.

"What's wrong?" Jay asked, worried.

"Jo called me, she said she needed help then I think her phone went out because she wouldn't answer me"

Everyone had soon began working on finding the teen, Antonio tried calling her but got nothing but her voicemail.

"I got it!" Adam called his team. "She's at a bus stop. She's not far from Med"

"I'll call Hank and update him," Antonio spoke.

The others rushed out, Will rode with his brother. Turning on their lights and sirens they sped down the streets racing to Jordan. Jay glanced at his brother.

"What did Jordan tell you? Did it sound like she was in trouble?" Jay asked.

"She said she needed help and something was wrong" Will replied. "There was another thing"

Jay's heart raced. This couldn't be happening again. Could it? "What?"

"Her speech is sounded slurred"

The young detective felt his stomach drop. No. Could Jordan have relapsed and none of them knew? "Like...she was drunk?"

"Either that or..she could have gotten laced drugs and used again"

"No man, Jo's clean. Hank has her taking weekly drug tests; she just took one she's clean. And she hasn't touched booze in a long time. I just took her to a meeting, she was having trouble controlling the urges"

Will hadn't said anything, he trusted his brother along with Jordan, he didn't wanna doubt her sobriety. After a few minutes the team had arrived at Jordan was. The fifteen-year-old was unconscious, her phone on the ground.

A guy was on top of her kissing her, the others rushed over and Adam ripped the guy off of Jordan, an evil glare on his face.

"What the hell did you do to her?" Adam asked angrily and sharply.

"What are you talking about?" The guy replied.

"My partner asked you a question, what did you do to the girl?" Kevin asked this time.

"Nothing, I found her like that"

Will had rushed over to her checking her over, Jay shrugged his jacket off and rolled it up putting it under her head. Hailey and Kim stood back in shock. If Jordan was...Dead. They sure as hell didn't wanna be the ones to tell Hank. Let alone be around him, they knew all hell would be unleashed.

The young doctor had put his ear to her chest to check her breathing to make sure she was still breathing. Jay had given his brother his medical bag, Will pulled out his stethoscope and began listening to the teen's lungs. Everyone was dead nervous and scared.

"She's breathing, it's slow" Will told them. He checked for a pulse. "Rapid pulse. Check her bag see if she took anything"

Hailey grabbed her bag and started searching through it. She froze when something had caught her eye. Her hand reached in and pulled the pack of cigarettes out.

"We'll check those out at Med, we gotta move her before we lose her"

Jay lifted the teen into his arms and ran her over to his truck and put her in the back. Soon they rushed Jordan to Med. Kim had texted Antonio the update of Jordan. When Antonio got the text his heart stopped.

He went downtown where Hank had a meeting he ran in and up the stairs, he had called ahead telling them he needed Hank. It was an emergency. Hank was pulled from his meeting. When the Sergeant had seen his senior detective he was worried.

"Antonio, what's going on?" Hank asked, part of him was afraid to know.

"It's Jordan, she was found passed out. The others are taking her to Med" Antonio answered.

Hank had felt his heart drop, his knees buckled. He had just gotten his little girl back and now this. What the hell happened? Antonio caught him.

"She's on her way to Med now. The others are with her"

The older man zoned out, he couldn't lose his daughter. He just couldn't. Antonio then helped him outside to the car. He drove to the hospital. At Med, the others had arrived with Jordan, Will rushed her in.

"Mags I need a trauma room" Will called frantically.

"Trauma four is open" Maggie told him.

Will rushed her to the room and started hooking her up to the machines, he got her on oxygen. He had to help control her breathing. Once she was hooked up to oxygen he started drawing blood and running tests.

The others had looked to the pack of cigarettes Hailey pulled from Jordan's backpack. Jay took the small pack inspecting it. He noticed the spelling was wrong he opened the pack and saw two were gone.

"Two are missing. We know only Jo smoked one" Jay told his team.

"Does that mean someone switched it?" Kim asked.

"Most likely. The million dollar question is who"

"Why would Jo smoke though she doesn't seem like the type to do it" Kevin says.

"She'd been having trouble controlling her urges, she might have started doing this to make them go away"

"Where would she get them? Hank took her fake ID" Hailey spoke next.

"She got another one" Adam answered, he found the teen's current fake ID in a small pocket in her bag.

"She was doing so well" Kim said, a hint of sadness in her voice.

"I'll have Will send these to the lab and see if something is in them that caused Jordan to pass out" Jay looked around at his team.

Just then Hank had run in the hospital, he spotted his team and went to them.

"Where is she? Where's Jordan?" Hank asked worriedly.

"Will's working on her. Sarge we found this in Jordan's backpack along with this" Jay showed the pack of fake cigarettes, Adam showed the fake ID.

Most of his sadness was turning to anger. Jordan had lied to him again. He had a feeling she was slipping back into her old habits. Will came out of the room and saw the older father.

"How's Jordan?" Hank asked.

"Jordan's hooked up to oxygen, we got to her in time. Her heart is going back to normal sinus rhythm. I drew blood and sent it to the lab for testing" Will answered the father.

"Will, can you send these to the lab as well. These were found in Jordan's bag" Jay looked to his brother, handing him the small pack.

Will nodded and sent them to the lab. Hank had gone in to be with his daughter, he could be angry with her later. For now he sat beside her bed and took her hand and brushed her hair back.

Hours had gone by, Will had often checked on Jordan. During Will's rounds the teen started to stir. Hank heard her.

"Jo? Jo baby wake up, I'm right here" Hank said.

Her eyes fluttered open and her head slowly turned to see her father. "D...d...daddy"

"That's right baby girl"

"I..I'm sorry"

"We'll talk later Jo Jo"

Will had gotten Jordan's results and the lab results back. He frowned and went to the room, he had to talk to Hank. He smiled seeing Jordan awake.

"Hey kiddo" Will says.

"Hey Will. Wha...What happened" Jordan replied weakly.

"Jo, you had rohypnol in your system"

"What?" Hank and Jordan said in union together.

"It was a very small amount and it came from these" Will showed the plastic bag that contained the fake cigarettes.

Jordan's eyes widened, Hank saw them and looked to his daughter. The teen turned away from her father. Will quickly looked her over, checking her stats, her oxygen levels. Everything seemed to be good. He then left the father and daughter to talk.

"Jordan Lynn Voight, what the hell were you thinking?" Hank asked her sharply.

"I'm sorry" Was all she could say softly.

"Jordan you lied to me again. When do the lies stop?"

Her hands shook uncontrollably. "I..I was trying to control the urges. I needed something to take them away. Nothing was working"

"So you decide to go behind my back and start smoking? You should know the dangers of smoking. It's very bad for people, especially kids. Not to mention the ones you had were drugged"

She closed her eyes tightly feeling the tears fall. "I didn't know"

"That's another point Jo. People make their own cigarettes and they lace them with anything. Hadn't you called Will, you'd have been dead where they found you. Now you can explain this" He put the fake ID on her bed.

She looked at it and leaned her head back. "I bought another fake ID. Since you took my last one, I needed another one. I knew nobody would sell to me because one, I'm underage and two, you're my dad. I went to places where I knew you weren't known. I bought a pack and a lighter. Kept them in my backpack"

"Jordan Lynn, do you know how dumb, stupid, reckless, and very irresponsible. You could have gotten that place shut down and fined. Maybe cost them their business licenses"

"I'm sorry. I just wanted the urges to go away"

"Why didn't you come to me?"

"I didn't wanna keep coming to you with my problems. I wanna learn how to handle them on my own"

"Jordan the last time you did that look what happened. All of this ends now, the lies, the secrets, the sneaking around, it all comes to an end. You're grounded. One month"

"Dad! That's not fair"

"Believe me it's more than fair. You got caught smoking, lied to my face, your back to lying, the secrets, and the sneaking around. Until you can put a stop to that and earn my trust back, you're grounded. Your to only go home, school, the district, therapy, and your meetings. And one of the others will pick you up from now on, after school one of them will pick you up and take you to you're sessions and Jay will take you to you're meetings"

"Dad, I'm 15 not 5"

"You're not acting like it. You've gotta earn back my trust again"

"I'm sorry, I just wanted them to go away"

"Jo, that's why I'm here. To help you, the last time you pushed me away I almost lost you. When Antonio told me what happened I thought I lost you again"

"I'm sorry"

There was a knock on the door. It was Denny, when Jordan saw him she quickly pieced it together. Denny had a show fake of concern.

"Jordan I heard what happened, are you alright?" Denny asked.

"I'm fine" She had tried to keep a straight face with her father around.

"That's good, I just wanted to drop by and make sure"


Once after some more tests were done and Will felt Jordan was good to be released, he discharged her. Right after that Jordan was on her punishment. Hank had been true to his word, he made sure one member of his team picked Jordan up after school and made sure she went to her therapy sessions. When Jay picked her up they went to their meetings together.

One afternoon Jordan was at the district, the team was in the field. She was working on her homework, Denny had walked in when he saw the teen. He smirked evilly. He walked in Hank's office where she was.

"Enjoying punishment?" Denny asked.

A scowl appeared on her face as she looked up. "You got a lot of balls showing your face"

"I heard you quit smoking"

That caused her to get up from her seat. "Either you or someone you paid bumped into me and switched the cigarettes. I could have died again"

"I have no idea what your talking about"

"I got a few words for you. Game on asshole"

"And I'll win"

"I highly doubt that. Now get your ass out of my dad's office and out of my district"

He raised his eye. "You're district?"

"Yeah, MY district. Now either you walk out on your own or I throw you out"

Denny turned and left. Jordan knew Denny wouldn't give up, if he wouldn't give up then neither would she. Like she told him, it was game on.


I don't know much about rohypnol and the side effects. Hope I did this justice!

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