Burning Bright - A Legend of...

By nene91310

135K 4.3K 1.3K

"How are you so excited? You're insane!" "I know!" Many call her crazy and wreckless. She takes that as a com... More

Prologue - "Oh no."
Chapter 1 - "She's What?"
Chapter 2 - "Yay!"
Chapter 3 - The South Pole
Chapter 4 - Dark Spirits
Chapter 5 - Spirit Portal
Chapter 6 - Rumble in the South
Chapter 7 - "I Should Have Paid Him!"
Chapter 8 - It Was a Setup!
Chapter 9 - Lock Your Window
Chapter 10 - Spiraling
Chapter 11 - Sting Operation
Chapter 12 - "Criminals Can Climb"
Chapter 13 - Shame!
Chapter 14 - Harmonic Convergence
Chapter 15 - A New Age
Chapter 16 - Temple of the Sun
Chapter 17 - Mother of the Dragons
Chapter 18 - He Can Airbend!
Chapter 19 - Potato Sack!
Chapter 20 - Razzle-dazzle
Chapter 21 - Ba Sing Se
Chapter 22 - Prison Break!
Chapter 23 - Sun Bending
Chapter 24 - Zaofu
Chapter 25 - "Doesn't Even Look Like Her!"
Chapter 26 - "Yeah! Go For It, Bro!"
Chapter 27: Uh.....
Chapter 28: Water, Air, Lava, Explosions?
Chapter 29: Misty Palm Oasis
Chapter 30: Si Wong Desert
Chapter 31: I'll Protect Them
Chapter 32 - Temple Escape
Chapter 34: No One In The World Like You
Chapter 35: As The Years Go By - Part 1
Chapter 36: As The Years Go By - Part 2
Chapter 37: Prince Wu
Chapter 38: The Coronation
Chapter 39: A Bit Stressed
Take Her Down!!
Chapter 41: They Got Wu!
Chapter 42: It's a Clip Show - A Clip Chapter?
Chapter 43: Next Step Forward
Chapter 44: Color Me Impressed

Chapter 33: End of the Red Lotus

2.2K 72 3
By nene91310

Kai led everyone to a mountain range, the gorges between were deep as fog rolled out of it.

"The place where I saw them taking the airbenders is around here," Kai said

"That's got to be where they took Korra," Mako said

As they flew in deeper they came across a cave entrance that had five Air Nomads carved into the stone on the side of a mountain.

"That's it. Down there, Lefty," Kai said

Kai descends and Oogi follows, landing just before the entrance of the cave. The group dismounts, Tonraq and Bolin helping Tenzin down.

"Find the airbenders, and my family," Tenzin said

Suyin approached Tenzin. "Don't worry. I'm not coming out without our children and the rest of your people."

"Uncle Tenzin, I'm coming back with everyone. Dad, Aunt Kya, Aunt Pema, the kids, and all the airbenders," Chai said

Tenzin looks to his niece nodding his head. With that, everyone runs in, Tenzin watching on.


The Air Benders all sat together in a small cavern, each of them chained to the floor. At the entrance stood two red lotus guards, their backs to the Air Benders. Jinora glanced at the guards then looked to Ikki nodding her head.

Ikki nodded back to her sister before throwing back her head crying out. "I'm thirsty!"

"I gotta go pee!" Meelo shouted

"Me too," Daw said

One of the Red Lotus guards turned around. "Hey! Keep it down over there, or you're all gonna end up like them." He said pointing at Kya and Bumi.

"Sir, please. We just ask for some water. There are children, and a baby here," Pema pleaded

The guard looks to his partner who just shrugs his shoulders. He pulled out a water skin and started walking over to the airbenders. When he was close enough Jinora sent up a gust of wind blowing the man's robes into his face which caused his keys to fly off his belt.

Meelo moves the keys with a bit of airbending, and they land in Opal's hands who quickly hides them.

The guard pushes his clothing back in place glaring at the airbenders.

"Oh, so you just called me over to attack me? Fine! Now nobody gets any water. I don't know how we ended up in daycare while everyone else gets to watch the Avatar being destroyed. I can hold a bowl of poison!"

Opal takes the keys back out and starts to unlock her cuffs. There's a soft click, and she smiles when her wrist is free.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!"

Opal gasped looking over her shoulder as the guard made his way over, but before the man could do anything a boulder flew out smashing into him.

The second guard turns to see all of Team Avatar in a makeshift tunnel. He attempts to earthbend sending up a few rocks, but Suyin steps forward throwing up a rock wall blocking them. Asami leaps over the wall and slides under the man, she grabs his arm forcing him to the ground before shocking him with her glove.

"Mom!" Opal cried

Suyin runs over hugging Opal. "Oh, honey, I'm so glad you're safe."

Bolin ran over pushing Suyin to hug Opal. "Me too."



Chai ran over hugging her cousins and Pema, then she looked for her father. She holds back a gasp when she sees him along with Kya in a poor state.

Using the guard's keys they go around unchaining all the airbenders. Lin helped support Bumi while two other airbenders held Kya.

Jinora was the last one to be freed. When she was, she ran over to Kai hugging him.

"You're alive! I can't believe it."

"Why? Just because I was blown out of the sky, and fell hundreds of feet down a cliff? Don't you know it takes more than that to get rid of me?" Kai jokes

"We have to get these two out of here now. They don't look so good," Lin said

"What are you talking about? I feel great," Bumi said weakly

"You guys get everyone out of here. I'll search for Korra," Tonraq said

"We're going with you," Mako said

"Yeah," Chai said

"You don't have to search for her. I know exactly where she's being held," Jinora said


Asami, Tonraq, Mako, Bolin, Chai, and Jinora ran, the young Airbender leading the way. As they got deeper into the cave they saw crystal stalactites and stalagmites piercing through the ground. Suddenly loud bangs and crashes echoed through the cave, it was the sound of fighting.

"That's gotta be Korra! Come on!" Chai said speeding up.

They came to a large open cavern and saw Korra fighting Zaheer and Ghazan in the Avatar state. She let out a blast of fire from her mouth, screaming, sounding like she was in a great deal of pain.

"Korra!" Tonraq shouted

Korra breathed fire at Zaheer, but he dodged with his new ability of flight. He evades every fire blast before shooting up to an exit at the top of the cave.

Korra glares upwards before propelling fire from her feet going after him.

"We have to help her," Tonraq said

"Look out!" Bolin shouted

He throws up a rock wall blocking an attack from Ghazan.

"You help Korra, we got this," Mako said

Tonraq nodded his head and ran out.

"Alright, Bolin vs Ghazan, Mako and I vs crazy water arm lady," Chai said

"Hey, wait, why do I have to fight alone?" Bolin said

"Because you're the only one with the awesome skill of lava bending," Chai said

"Oh, right," Bolin said

Chai peeked around their cover.


She and the boys jumped out, Bolin going for Ghazan, Mako and Chai going for Ming-Hua. The waterbender whipped both her arms at the two but they each sent a blast of fire dissipating the attacks. Ming-Hua whipped one of her arms, sending out a few ice shards. Mako swept his arms up blocking them before Chai jumped over him, sending a fire punch. Ming-Hua slapped down the shot with water before leaping back. Ming-Hua kept jumping around like a spider monkey not allowing the two to get in close.

"She keeps bouncing around. We need to get rid of those water arms," Chai said

"Yeah," Mako said

"You shoot at her and I'll try to get in close," Chai said

"Got it!" Mako said

Chai tightened her first sunbending, the skin glowing so brightly that the heat burned away the sleeves of her jacket all the way up to her elbows.

She ran towards Ming-Hua, flipping to dodge a water whip. Ming-Hua swung around about to send out her second arm but Mako hit it with a blast of fire. She was pushed back and that's when Chai pounced. She pushes fire from the soles of her feet, shooting herself forward before swinging her hand up, destroying Ming-Hua's left water arm.

Ming-Hua yells using her right arm to attack but Chai dodges going into a backbend while Mako fires a blast over her hitting Ming-Hua. Chai kicks up her feet, so she's in a handstand then turns her hands spinning her body as she spews fire from her feet. The force knocks Ming-Hua back further and the woman loses her footing as she tripped over a small ledge.

Ming-Hua scrambles back as Chai and Mako stand before her, both of them in a fighting stance.

"You have no water," Mako said

"It's over," Chai said

"Not yet," Ming-Hua said

The woman jumps as Mako and Chai send two fire blasts. They ran after her but Ming-Hua jumps into a nearby hole. Without any hesitation, Chai and Mako jumped into the hole too. They land with a loud splash, now in an underground reservoir.

"Oh, this is not good," Chai whispered

She and Mako turned around to see Ming-Hua now with several large water arms.

"Now it's over!" Ming-Hua shouted

Mako and Chai run dodging the numerous thrashing limbs. Mako jumped, propping his body up against two stalagmites.


Chai jumps, grabbing onto Mako wrapping her arms around him like a koala-bat. When she's out of the water Mako shoots a powerful blast of lightning into the water electrocuting Ming-Hua. The woman shrieked as hundred of volts surged through her body. The water around Ming-Hua lost its form and dropped like a sack of cabbages.

Both Mako and Chai let out sighs, relieved that one enemy was down.

"Alright let's get out of here and help Bolin," Mako said

"Right," Chai said


Bolin stepped back, blocking some lava with an earth wall before redirecting the lava back to Ghazan. Ghazan dodges before lifting and dropping his hands, pulling lava down from the ceiling. He sends the flow at Bolin and the boy turns running away. Bolin jumped down to a lower level before turning and bending the lava into solid rock. Ghazan leaped over landing behind Bolin but instead of attacking he had to block as two fire blasts hit him. The man still caught off guard was knocked back and Bolin turned with a smile seeing Chai and Mako.

Mako ran then jumped using fire from his hands to propel himself towards Ghazan. The man lifts a rock but Mako does a spinning fire kick breaking the rock. Chai appeared sliding across the ground one leg up and did a fire kick hitting Ghazan in the chest.

The three benders attacked Ghazan, sending rocks and fire at the man, not letting up as they pushed him back. The man was knocked off his feet and slid across the ground.

"Give up, Ghazan, you can't win!" Bolin said

"I'm never going back to prison. If I'm going down today, you're coming with me!"

Ghazan punched the floor, shaking the surrounding area. He holds out his hands melting the walls before directing them down. The cave starts to collapse lava pouring out from everywhere.

"Mako, Chai hang on!" Bolin shouted

Bolin creates an earth platform and slides them up to the mouth of the cave. They watch as the massive open cavern starts to collapse, taking Ghazan with it.


Chai and the brothers make it to the entrance of the caves but immediately had to cover their faces due to a large wind thrashing about. Before them, all the airbenders were using their skills to create a large tornado.

"Yeah go airbenders!" Chai cheered

Jinora led the flow and direction of the tornado sending it towards Zaheer. The man held Korra over his shoulder attempting to escape but the force of the tornado is too strong, and he's sucked down into the vortex. He grunted and struggled, trying to fly out but can't make it. Zaheer glances down at Korra, whose eyes snap open, the glowing orbs glaring back at him. The man makes a decision and drops Korra, without the extra weight he's able to fly up. But before he could make his escape Korra throws up her shackled wrist, wrapping the chain around Zaheer's ankle. She pulls down on the chain as she drops down into the center of the tornado. Korra lands on the ground with a resounding boom, creating fissures in the rock with her impact. She brings Zaheer down, the man slamming hard into the rocky terrain. The airbenders stop and the tornado disappears.

Korra lets out a soft cry before falling to the ground. Jinora runs over the fallen girl helping her sit up. Zaheer writhed on the ground moaning when the earth came up beneath him trapping him, courtesy of Lin and Suyin.

Tonraq ran to Korra and gathered her in his arms, holding his daughter close to him. Korra's eyes were still glowing despite her weakened state.

"Korra. Sweetheart. It's me, Dad. Please hang on," Tonraq softly said

Korra attempts to reach for her father but her hand falls as her eyes close. Everyone watched sorrowfully until a peal of cackling laughter echoed out. Zaheer's head was bowed as deep chuckles came from his mouth.

"What are you laughing about?" Lin said

"You're too late! The poison has been in her system for too long. The Red Lotus has won!" Zaheer exclaimed

Jinora stood up. "You can save her! The poison is metallic!" She stated making Zaheer's eyes widened

Suyin runs over to Korra placing her hand on the girl's forehead closing her eyes in concentration. Locating the metal poison, Suyin moves her hands down towards Korra's feet then starts to bend pulling upwards in a flowing motion. Everyone watches with worried expressions as Suyin's hands move. The drift upwards above Korra's head, and then Korra's eyes snap open as she opens her mouth. Korra coughed as the metal poison flowed out of her mouth. Suyin flings the poison to the side as Korra's body relaxes finally exiting the Avatar State. She looks to the right to see her father holding her.

"Dad? You're alive," Korra softly spoke with a small smile.

"I'm here for you." Tonraq pulled Korra in close, hugging her. "I'm never gonna let you go."

Zaheer started shouting, seeing all his work, and planning all for naught.

"No! No! You don't understand! The revolution has already begun. Chaos is the natural order of-"

He was finally cut off when Bolin shoves his sock into the man's mouth.

"See what I did there? I put a sock in him, literally," Bolin said

"Classic Bolin," Opal said

"I do what I do," Bolin said

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