A Duchess To Remember

By ladykarissa

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Lord Andrew Charles Howard is caught up in his late grandfather's Competition to become Duke of Norfolk Terri... More

Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell
Arrival On Star Base 12
The Dream
The Charming Rogue
Lord Andrew Charles' Excitement
The Girl In The Garden
The Weekend That Decides
It's A Girl
An Evening of Romance and Passion
The Promise Fulfilled
The Birth of Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Howard
The Ascension of Lord Andrew Charles and Lady Karissa Elizabeth Howard
Beltane Manor
I Won't Last A Day Without You
Dance With Me
Those Were The Days
Lo, Children Are An Heritage of The Lord Part One
Lo, Children Are An Heritage of The Lord Part II
Beltane of 2277
Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane's 2nd Birthday
The Beltane Ball and Dinner
After The Beltane Ball
The Two Rivals
A Son For Lord Andrew Charles Howard Part One
A Son for Lord Andrew Charles Howard Part 2
With Litha Brings A Son
A Heiress For Lord Richard William Carey
The Birth of The Future Duchess of Bedford Territory
Lady Autumn Bridget Howard
The Birth of Lord Charles Andrew Howard IV
Blessed Are The Peacemakers
Those Good Old Dreams
The Birth of Lady Sophia Dorothea Charlotte Howard
The Unforeseen Pregnancy
The Secret Love Affair
Lady Anastasia Christina Howard
A Son For Lord Richard William Carey
Where Did We Go Wrong
Where Do We Go From Here
The Mother and Daughter Reunion
The Mabon Child
A Big Surprise For Lord Andrew Charles Howard
The Disobedient Daughter
The Double Wedding
The Most Love Child
Lady Karissa Ann Howard
A Double Beltane Blessing
Five Events That Change Star Base 12
The Marriage of Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann to Lord Richard William Carey
The Lonely Duke of Westminster Territory
The Sweet Reunion
Young Love
The Visit To Beltane Manor
The First Howard-Great-Grandson
The Courtship of Lady Caroline Matilda Carey
The Different Howard: Lord Andrew Charles III
The Marriage of Lady Caroline Matilda Carey
Could It Be Love
Poor Old Lord Andrew Charles Howard
Mother's Day 2303
The Wedding of Lady Anastasia Christina Howard
We Don't Die

Lady Henrietta Rose Clifford

33 23 12
By ladykarissa

When Lord Richard William Carey was a young man in late teens he met a beautiful young woman named Lady Henrietta Rose Clifford.

Lady Henrietta Rose Clifford attended the Finishing School on Star Base 12 while he attended the Parochial School for young men where his three other cousins attended.

The Parochial School taught the young men all the social skills that they needed such as dancing, their love for literature, their manners, etiquette, and social graces that proper young men needed to learn and to use those skills the young men were invited to attend the dances held at the Finishing School to use their skills they had acquired.

Lord Richard William Carey with his cousins and the rest of the young men were transported to a dance one evening in 2268.

The head-master showed into the ballroom at the Finishing school and he instructed the young men to act like gentlemen and ask the young women to dance with them.

Lord Richard William Carey noticed one beautiful young woman sitting by herself and he decided to walk over to her and ask her to dance and he walked over to her and bowed, "Good Evening I am Lord Richard William Carey would you like to dance.?"

Lady Henrietta Rose Clifford looked up from her chair and she answered "Yes I would love to dance Lord Carey." and with that Lord Richard escorted Lady Henrietta Rose out onto the dance floor and they danced every dance together and he asked, "How long had you been sitting there before I asked you to dance?"

"Lord Richard Carey. I am not a fair skinned blonde hair beauty like the rest of these young women here. I have dark brown hair, medium skin tone and blue eyes." Lady Henrietta explains, " Rarely have I been asked to dance since I have been attending these dances."

"Nonsense Lady Henrietta I think you are very beautiful and even more so over most of these silly, vain, creatures that attend this school." Lord Richard tells her.

"My father and mother are doubtful that they will be able to find me a suitable husband because I don't have the look that most men are looking for in a future bride." Lady Henrietta confesses.

"Nonsense I would think any gentleman would consider himself blessed to have you as his wife." Lord Richard tells Lady Henrietta.

"I am only 17 years old going on 18 but if I could marry I would court you myself and marry you." Lord Richard exclaims.

"Would you really Lord Richard?" Lady Henrietta asks.

"I would not lie to you Lady Henrietta." Lord Richard tells her.

Lord Richard William finds Lady Henrietta Rose enchanting and Lady Henrietta is only 16 years old and they start to court each other while they are attending their prospect schools.

Lord Richard William graduates from his parochial school in 2269 and Lady Henrietta doesn't graduate until and when he hears that Lady Henrietta graduates he intends to make good with his promise of marriage.

Lord Richard William Carey goes to Lord Clifford and asks for Lady Henrietta's hand in marriage but when Lord Clifford hears of his heritage and who his great-grandfather is Lord Clifford strictly forbids the marriage between Lord Richard William Carey and his daughter, Lady Henrietta Rose telling her he wants no part to do with the Howard's in anyway or to be associated with them.

When Lord Robert Carey hears this news he goes to his first cousin, Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR and tells him, but Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR tells Lord Robert Carey that there is little he can do if Lord Clifford will not agree to the marriage of his daughter to his first cousin once removed..

Lord Robert Carey passes away thereafter in 2270 and Lord George Carey is still alive but he doesn't live much longer than his son, and Lord Richard William Carey ascends to the Dukedom of Bedford Territory a heart broken man when he finds out that Lady Henrietta Rose was made to marry Lord David Edward Stafford, the nephew of Lord Paul Charles Stafford and first cousin to Lady Pauline Charlene Stafford who is married to Lord Patrick William Howard.

Lord Richard William Carey is asked to escort Lady Karissa up the aisle on her wedding day to marry Lord Andrew Charles Howard on February 2, 2275 and ask he does his blood starts to burn and he realizes that he as always loved Lady Karissa from the first day he met her as Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell.

As he is walking her up the aisle he asks her, "How can you marry my cousin Lady Karissa?"

"I made a promise and I am expecting our first child, our daughter, Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard." Lady Karissa explains.

"I know you don't realize that my specially designed wedding dress is covering up the fact that I am 6 months pregnant." Lady Karissa tells Lord Richard William.

"Heavens, Lady Karissa, any man could have given you a child." Lord Richard exclaims.

"Do you know how many men I tried to have this child with before I had this child?" Lady Karissa explains. "They wanted marriage first and then the child and I would have been trapped if the child would have been a boy."

"Lord Andrew Charles agreed to my terms and if it was a boy there would be no marriage." Lady Karissa tells him as they are walking up the aisle.

"I had to have an amniocentesis test to prove this child I was carrying is my daughter and it is a daughter and the man that gave me my daughter is the man I will marry." Lady Karissa states.

"This is not over between Lord Andrew Charles and me Lady Karissa. I will give this child time to grow up and then I will claim you as I love you more than Lord Andrew Charles ever will."Lord Richard William exclaims.

"Lord Andrew Charles' reign will be short-lived." Lord Richard William exclaims.

"Lord Richard William there is something very sad about you and I noticed that the first day we met in 2274." Lady Karissa tells him.

"You are very perceptive Lady Karissa, many years before we met each other I loved one other woman Lady Henrietta Rose Clifford and I wasn't able to marry her as her father didn't like the fact my grandmother was the daughter of Lord Frederick William Howard." Lord Richard Carey explains as they are walking up the aisle.

Lady Karissa stops walking up the aisle and she looks at Lord Richard Carey and she says, " I know how you feel Lord Richard William Carey as I have lost my first love and no man or woman can ever replace your first love.'"

"I am Lord Andrew Charles Howard's first love and he will never love another woman after me, but we have to learn to love again." Lady Karissa tells him.

"I learned to love again when I met you." Lord Richard William confesses to her.

"Our time will come Lord Richard William Carey, but it is not now. " Lady Karissa tells him, "Just give me away and I promise one day we will be together. " Lady Karissa tells him.

Lord Richard William Carey walks Lady Karissa up the aisle and when he reaches the altar with Lady Karissa he places her hand into his Lord Andrew Charles hand and he takes his seat in the chapel and he watches the woman he loves marry his cousin.

Faithful to her word once again, Lady Karissa marries Lord Richard William Carey in 2300, but in between she gives him two children, even though she is married to Lord Andrew Charles Howard.

The proof of their love comes in the form of their first child,a daughter born in June of 2282 born before Lord Richard William 32nd birthday and they name their daughter, Lady Caroline Matilda Carey and she becomes his heiress and five years later in September of 2289 she gives Lord Richard William a handsome little boy that is given his father's name Lord Richard William Carey JR.

When Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann does marry Lord Richard William she is 50 years old and he is 56 years old but they spend the next 25 years married to each other and Lord Richard helps her raise her youngest child, a daughter, Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard, daughter of Lord Charles Andrew Howard III .

Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Carey nee Lowell teaches Lord Richard William that sometimes people need to learn to be patient and wait for the right time.

The right time came when Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane married and at the age of 24 years old was ready to ascend to the Dukedom of Norfolk Territory once Lord Andrew Charles Howard's kin forced him to abdicate from the Dukedom of Norfolk in the favor of his daughter, Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane in 2299.

Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane already gave birth to her first child, Lady Karissa Ann in 2295 and she had provided the heiress that would succeed her.

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