Blood Vines | (Skephalo)

By dxrkvampyre

15.3K 523 123

Blood and ice, water and vines, across the world, in the same place he nearly died. Deep in the ocean, deep i... More

"Find your home in the Eggpire!"
"You've been gone for, well, quite some time."
"I feel a sense of dread for your old friend, my servant."
"This is your greatest desire?"
"That's all we know right now. I'm sorry,..."
"...Is this your first time visiting?"
"Long time no see, diamond boy."
"Speak of the devil himself-"
"I need to get out of here..."
"This is a one shot chance..."
" can only hate the egg or love the egg."
"I can walk. And I can talk. I think I am doing pretty well!"
"I wasn't... I wasn't strong enough."
"...and just live our lives, just like we said we would."
"We look forward to talking to you."
"...What do you want that we don't have?"
"...Too bad you're one of them."
PART 4 - THE END (1)
"Must've been a pretty long time."
"Bad... What have you done...?"
"I don't think the vines are gone..."
"...throwing some of the good ol' church prime water can do the trick."
"If I don't come back home, I'm sorry."
"You still think Bad would succumb to the pitifulness of mortality."
"Did they hurt you?..."
"Don't leave me like Bad did."
"That's good. You can proceed with the first phase...."
PART 5 - THE END (2)
"...without them being held away from me with strings covered in blood."
"Blood poisoning."
"Will you live to come back?"
"Now let's go and hope we don't die on the way down."
"It said I would have a happy ending!"
"What did they do to him?"
"What the fuck did it do to this place..."
"I survived. I don't know how to save the others."
"I burnt it alive."
"Heads up diamond boy!"
"See you when the sun rises."
"It wasn't your fault."
"I think you know why I'm here..."
"I'm sure he knows we're proud of him too."
"You don't know how much I fucking missed you."
"Unfinished business."
"Where do we go beyond here?"
"Dead or alive, I'm glad you're still by my side.
WHAT THE HELL (Authors Note)
authors note again (GOOD NEWS!!)
hi guys

"...Hello? Are you okay...?"

160 6 1
By dxrkvampyre

How long had it been since everything happened?

It felt like months, years, hell, over a century for him.

It was like everything happened so suddenly.

He was in the sky, he fell, he hugged someone really warm as he blacked out.

But what happened in between those time frames?

He couldn't quite remember.

Last night was really weird for him. He remembered seeing a red and blue portal open beside him on the floor, and the red resembled poppies and bloodvines.

The vines grabbed him and he screamed as he tried to get away, but everyone paid deaf ears.

The last thing he remembered was falling down a portal of blurry purple and hugging his legs as he blacked out.

Normally, he'd hear Wilbur rambling about solitaire with Schlatt and Mexican Dream tapping his feet and making sounds that echoed in the dark space they resided, but today, today was different.

A cold breeze hit his face, a breeze much colder and stronger than the occasional cold settling on the floor every few years.

The floor felt grassy and soft, and light blinded his eyes as he opened them.

Grass? Light?? What happened?

He fully opened his eyes, the blue sky covered with partially broken purple class welcoming him. Sitting up, he looked at his surroundings.

He was in a crumbled down white and purple building with a blackstone and purple carpet floor. A torn up picture of Oogway sat on the wall, the pews were all over the place and the altar had a bunch of red and blue flowers on it with some blood, covered in dirt.

A pentagram made of withered vines and ice bits with flowers scattered around caught his eye. He wanted to back away, but another thing caught his eye.

In the corner, he saw a glossy feathered bring sulking. Cornflowers adorned his skin and wings as the black and white being let out low wails of grief and pain.

What had happened? Skeppy looked at his body. It was covered in poppies, with the most protruding from his stomach.

His hands and feet were really dark and cold, his eyes sunken and sleepless in the reflection of the broken fountain.

He felt fear and worry overtake him, but he didn't just want to pull the flowers out or put his hands in water and start bleeding all over.

Scared but determined, he turned and started walking towards the sulking figure.

"...Hello? Are you okay...?" Skeppy carefully placed his hand on the back of the creature. In a swift second, the creature turned, anger and bloodlust in it's eyes. Skeppy backed away quickly, scared and confused.

It started advancing towards him, anger in its eyes as it had Skeppy backed against the wall.

It made it really close to his face and sniffed him, gagging at the scent of the dead lingering on him.

It's eyes widened as it realized who it was. Standing on two legs and backing away, it opened its feathery dark flower entangled wings, gesturing one of them at Skeppy.

Skeppy looked at it in confusion.

"Um... do you want me to touch your wing or something?" It nodded. "Okay... I guess..."

Settling on the cold blackstone floor with the monster, he ruffled its feathers slowly. It was a bit dirty and bloody, and the blue flowers illuminated and dug into it's skin. It looked kinda painful, but he didn't judge.

The creature had become more comfortable with skeppy, even rolling around to let his fingers go through his hair and fur tufts.

Skeppy started getting this feeling of severe deja vu from this creature, like he knew this creature before something happened, but he couldn't place his finger on what exactly.

Skeppy's fingers traced over a particular flower in one of the creature's foreleg tuff's but he got thrown to a wall as the beast started to freak out.

Did he... Did he trigger something in it? He almost thought something broke in him from the hit. He only watched in utter confusion of fear as the creature ran around and then out of the ruins of the building, screaming.

He had to follow it. It was his only chance at understanding what had happened. He got up from where he was and crawled in a wide open crack in the church door. What he found was quite... depressing.

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