Seducing the shy guy

By Pumpkin3

11K 108 25

Hazel is hot, sexy and has all the friends in the world. She could get any guy, except for the guy she wants... More

Chapter one
Chapter three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five

Chapter two

2K 18 0
By Pumpkin3


            “Kayden, man, I have some news for you!” Roman said as he sat down next to me at my locker.


            “Someone likes you!” He teased. I knitted my eyebrows together.


Roman started to chuckle. “Man, I mean, she has a crush on you!”

            “Ok…” What was I supposed to do with that information? I really don’t have a social life all too much. Roman is my best friend but that’s all. I don’t really do well with people. They make me nervous must of the time. I rather just watch people, you would be surprised by what you learn about people just from keeping quite and observing. 

            “Ok? That’s all you have to say? Don’t you even want to know who it is?” Roman always enjoyed my weird social life. He thought it was entertaining. Roman, himself had many friends and girls flocked to him and well me too. But Roman liked the attention he got from people. I didn’t, I rather be left to observe people. I had never had a girlfriend nor did I try. It wasn’t like I didn’t like girls, because I did. It was just that I didn’t know how to act around them or around anyone in general, except Roman.

            “Well, I guess.”

            “You guess? Man, you’re so strange! I’d be chomping at the pits to know! Especially with who likes you, I mean I would kill!”

My interest was peaking. Roman was making me curious. “Ok…tell me.”

            “You sure you wanna know? I mean, It’s not a big deal or anything.”

            “Roman!” I said forcefully.

Roman cracked a smile. “I thought so. You know Celeste, right?” Of course I know who Celeste was. She was one of those girls that everyone knows. She is on the cheerleading team and does student council. “Yea, what about her?” I knew she couldn’t like me.

            “You know her best friend, Hazel?” I nodded my head. Hazel hung out with Celeste and their other friend Zoe. I never understood why they were friends, well why Hazel was friends with Celeste and Zoe. They had a repuation around school for knowing how to get what they wanted. Celeste seemed like an okay girl, a little on the superfaical side but all around she seemed nice enough. Zoe was the one that I completly didnt understand. Zoe could be two-faced and cut throat. I have seen her rip apart a girl's reputation just because the girl liked the same guy she did. I don't like Zoe and I don't know how Hazel could be friends with her. Hazel didn't seem to whore herself out the way her two best friends did but because she was friends with them, she was guilty by assosiation. Hazel was a tough girl, she didnt take anything from anyone and she exuded confidence and happiness to the world. But if you looked close enough, it was all a fasade. She was quick with her temper and her fists but she was the prettiest girl in the school. The girl that filled my dreams every night. 

            “Well, it’s her!”

            “You’re lying.” There was no way Hazel could like me. She could have any guy in the school, why would she want me?

            “Hate to break it you, man. But I heard her tell her friends she thought you were hot. Maybe you should ask her out?”


            “Why not? She likes you! You need to at least have one girlfriend before we graduate. It’s my goal!”

            “I can’t ask her out!”

            “Why not?”

I just shrugged my shoulders. How could Hazel like me? She was beautiful and had a ton of friends. Guys were always around her and her two friends. This must be a joke or something.

            “I don’t even know her.”

            “So you’re interested in her though?” I glared at Roman. “ Of course, every guy with eyes would be interested in her…but I don’t think I’m her type.” Roman gave me a knowing smile. I know he had caught me looking at her more than a few times over our high school years. 

            “But she says she likes you so you must be her type.”

            “You might have misunderstood their conversation.”

            “No, I know for a fact I didn’t. Know stop being a baby.”

            “I don’t think so, Roman, I’m not that type of guy.”

Roman looked annoyed with me, which happened often. “You have to stop being so damn shy! Do you understand? Kayden, you’re my best guy, but you really need to open up.” Roman got up and walked away. The very idea of going up to a girl like Hazel made my heart start to race and my palms sweat. Why would she even be interested in me? I’ve seen the guys she goes out with. They are outgoing, popular, funny, and charming. I wasn’t any of that.

When the warning bell sounded I gathered up my stuff and headed to class. My heart was beating fast; I had the next class with Hazel.

I walked in and took my usual seat in the back. Kids started strolling in making the once quiet room sound like a circus. I saw Roman come in and take the seat next to me.

            “You going to talk to her?”


He made a frustrated noise. “You need to have other people to talk to other than me. Because honestly I get sick of you.”

I cracked a smile. “Shut up.”

            “Ok, that was a lie, but really. I think you should talk to her.”


            “Because it’s my goal to get you a girlfriend by the end of the school year and I only have three months to do it.”


            “Kayden! You drive me nuts! There is a hot girl that likes you and you act like she has a disease! What is wrong with you? You’re going to live a boring life if you only just talk to me. Besides I would actually like to have a double date with my best friend for once! Now stop acting like a shy school boy!”

            “But I am a shy school boy…” I said as i bit my lip to stop myself from smiling. 

            “Smartass.” Roman mumbled and we both started laughing. As we laughed I saw Hazel walk in the class. She gave Roman a dirty look before taking her seat next to her friend Zoe.

            “Why did she just give you a dirty look?”

Roman rolled his eyes. “Because she doesn’t want me to tell you she likes you. But she is a little late.” Roman finished with a cocky smile.

I smiled back. “I still don’t believe you.”

            “Whatever man.”

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