"When Does It End" (Maria Hil...

By Wandasimps

334K 10.5K 2.9K

When a super soldier gets back into the world of super heroes after being traumatized by the same and meets a... More

Ch.21 Civil War
Ch. 33
Ch.36 the shit is about to go down.
Ch.46 Epilogue


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By Wandasimps

I wake up nervous for today. today is the day that i go back to the old days, i'm not scared of a fight, but i do wonder if i still got it in me, it's been a while since i have been out on the field. i get up and go take a shower i take of my shirt and sports bra leaving me in my boxers and with my ring swinging , i take the ring from around my neck and look at it remembering how i got it. 


''Y/n i want you too have this so that you can remember that i'm never gonna leave you... because i love you.''

End of flashback

i look at the mirrow and clench my jaw. ''i love you too.'' i take a deep breath and get in the shower , while i'm in the shower i get all this memories of the old days , memories with Peggy and Howard . I turn the watter hot to see if i can escape all of those memories , after a while they go away leaving me calm. after i wash myself i get out of the shower and dry myself.

i get into my room and put on new boxers and sports bra. i then grab my suit and dress it ,i would be lying if i said i didn't   feel powerfull in it. 

''Y/n Tony needs you by the hangar, the team is ready.''i hear J.A.R.V.I.S say. I leave my room and go to the hangar with my gun on my belt , when i get ot the hangar i see Bruce , Tony , Clint, Tony in his suit , Natasha and  Steve. 

''well good morning.'' i say with a smile , they all look back at me and smile Natahsa smirks. 

''the suit looks nice in you.'' Clint said , i smirk and say 

''yes it does.'' they all laugh 

''now let's go, we have a scepter to get.'' Tony says will going to the Quinjet. 

Time skip

We are now now in the ,middle of a Hydra base fighting Hydra agents i see   Tony, flying up to the base in his suit i see him hit a forcefield.

''Shit!'' i look worried at my nephew. 

''hey Junior are you ok?'' i ask  puching a soldier in the face knocking him out 

''Language! , JARVIS, what's the view from upstairs.'' i raise an eyebrow at what Steve just said but don't say anything.

''The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other HYDRA base we've taken.'' we hear JARVIS say , i then look beside me and see Natasha knock out some soldiers. 

''At long last , is lasting a little long boys.'' i laugh at her and say .

''hey can you teach me to do what you just did?'' she winks at me and says sure  , i then look at Clint and see soldiers shot at him. 

''Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise.'' Clint says looking around , a soldier comes runing at me i just get my gun and just shot him in the head .

''Wait a second. No one else is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said language?"  i hear Tony say .

''that was what i was thinking, like my guy i'm old too but i still swear.'' i knocking out a guy. 

 ''I know.'' Steve throws his bike at some soldiers driving up in their truck ''It just slipped out.'' i laugh and run closer to the base. 

Tony flies to the HYDRA base to break in.

''Sir, the city is taking fire.'' i hear JARVIS say.

''well now we know  Strucker's not going to worry about civilian casualties. Tony send The Iron  Legion'' Tony agrees.

I see a blur speed trow the florest , but ignore it , i shot at the bunker in front of me but my bullet get's stopped by the same blur i saw , then it circles around me and sends me to the ground, i look up to see a man with platinum hair.

''You didn't see that coming?'' the guy who seems pretty young says to me.

The man zooms off before i  can shoot him , i get up but i get shot with a blast from the bunker , i feel down into the ground and soon everything becomes darkness. 


''Hey Stark wait up'' i hear a familiar voice say , i turn around and see my now good friend Steve.

''Hey Rogers what's up? i say with a smile , me and Steve have become great friends over this month we have a loot in common... like our love for Peggy , but Steve doesn't know i like her, he is a great guy i know she will be happy with him... i wish i was him some times , i would give the world to kiss those lips.

''hey, i need to talk to you, come on.'' he says draging me to a room , i laugh.

''hey can you tell me what's up Capitan America?'' he smirks at me and says. 

''i asked Peggy out on a date and she said yes'' i feel my heart break even more , but i put on a fake smile .

''oh really Steve that's great i-i don't know what to say.'' jumps happily , i laugh a bit felling my heart ache. Steve then looks at me worried, i guess he seenced that i wasn't completly ok.

''Hey are you ok?'' he says putting a hand on my shoulder.

''i-i yes it's just that i-i'm really happy for you guys.'' he smiles softly. 

''Thank you Y/n this means a lot to me.'' fuck he is tottaly in love with Peggy .

''i gotta go...do lab stuff.'' i leave quickly and go to the lab ignoring Steve calling me , when i get to the lab i put both hand on my desk and let my head hang low , i then feel the anger inside of me so i trow everything that was on my table to the ground. ''FUCK.'' i scream sliping down to the floor, after a few minutes i hear someone came in the lab , i quickly get up , but then i see my brother.

he doesn't say anything he just hugs me. ''You're fine... you're a Stark after all.''

''i love her Howei.'' i say mad at the world. he runs his hand on my back making me calm down a bit 

''i know you do but some times we can't do anything about it, there are a lot of girls who would love to be with you Y/n.'' i don't say anything.


It's been two years after Steve death i never thought i would miss him so much , me and Peggy have gotten closer i help her with grieving and she helps me , i would be lying if i said my feelings for her had disappeared , every day they just get stronger.

Right now i'm in the lab doing some work i then hear the door open but i don't look up thinking it's Howard , but then i feel two hands on my shoulders ''Hello Y/n'' i smile hearing Peggy voice , i turn around to face her. 

''hey Peggy.'' god she looks really beautiful.

''So Howard and Coronel Phillips want to see you.'' i frown my eyebrows.

''Why?'' she sigh and drops her hands , ''hey are you ok.'' i ask softly 

''I-i. Y/n they want to give you the serum.''. she says with a bland look.


I open my eyes slowly and see my head is in Natasha hands. 

''Y/n!'' she says with a worried voice .

''S-shit i'm ok i just went to take a nap.'' i say with a smirk , i slowly get up with Natasha help. 

''Are you sure you're ok?'' i nod my head and shot a guy who was coming in our direction.

''See? i'm just fine.'' i look at Steve and see him falling down. By the game guy who made me fall. 

''We have an enhanced in the field'' Steve says. i sigh and say 

''no shit sherlock.'' Natasha laughs softly beside me.

''Y/n is hit , somebody wants to deal with that bunker?'' Natasha says. then i see hulk , he barrels through the bunker and destroys the bunker. 

''Thank you.'' she says.

'' Stark, we really need to get inside.'' Steve says figthing some soldiers.

''I'm closing in. JARVIS, am I...closing in? Do you see a power source for that shield?''

 ''There's a particle wave below the north tower.'' JARVIS says 

''reat, I wanna poke it with something.'' Tony blows up the forcefield of the base. ''Drawbridge is down, people.''

''The sooner we're gone the better. Y/n, Steve  and Stark secure the scepter.'' i get up and take a deep breath. 

''copy that.'' 

  ''It looks like they're lining up.'' Thor says referring to the approaching soldiers in their HYDRA tank.

''Well, they're excited.'' Thor pounds on Steve's shield with his hammer and  resultingin a  wave of force which knocks down all the soldiers. 

''I'm gonna admit it that was awesome.'' i say runing to the base.

''Find the scepter.'' Thor says flying off. 

'' And for gosh sake, watch your language!'' i laugh loudly because of what Tony just said.

I hear Steve sigh ''That's not going away anytime soon.''

''you bet it isn't.'' i say figthing a soldier.

''We're locked down out here.'' Natasha says with Clit beside her who just got hit by other bunker.

 ''Then get to Banner, time for a lullaby.'' Steve says . i found out that it seems that doctor Banner has a big crush on Romanoff, and she is the only one to calm him down. weird and cute at the same time i guess.

I find Steve and we go inside the HYDRA base. ''This place gives me weird vibes.'' i say.

''Maybe it's all the dead bodys.'' He replies.

''Touche.'' i say.

we turn to a corner and see Strucker . 

''Baron Strucker. HYDRA number one thug'' Steve says

he scoffs and says ''Technically, I'm a thug for SHIELD.'' the man answers.

''Well then technically you're unemployed. Where's Loki's scepter?'' I say out of paitence.

Stucker looks at me and then smirks ''Oh look who's back'' i clench my jaw ''my little experiment.'' 

'' I'll put it right under illegal human experimentation.'' I see a girl  creeps up behind him.

'' How many are there?''  Steve asks , The girl knocks  down me and Steve uing her powers , then quickly leaves.

''We have a second enhanced. Female. Do not engage.''Steve says and looks at Stucker.

'' You'll have to be faster than--'' he's cut off mid-sentence when Steve uses his shield to knock him out.

''Guys we got Stucker.'' i say. this bald bitch is about to pay for everything he has done. 

''Yeah, i got ... something bigger.'' i get up and help Steve  ''Thor i have eyes in the price'' Tony says.

Time skip

we are now going back to the tower , i sit in the coner with my head phones hearing some classical piano music , at the coner of my eye i see Natasha talk with Bruce , i take of my head phones. 

''Thor report on the Hulk.'' Natasha says .

 ''The gates of Hel are filled with the screams of his victims.'' he says cheerful. Natasha glares at Thor and Banner groans in despair ''Uh, but, not the screams of the dead, of course. No no, uh...wounded screams, mainly whimpering, a great deal of complaining and tales of sprained deltoids and, and uh... and gout.'' i laugh softly at the atempt of Thor to make things better.

i get up and sit next to Banner ''your not a monster Banner you just need to embrace the Hulk side of you and learn to live with it.'' He smiles at me.

''Thank Y/n but i kinda don't wanna embrace that side of me.'' i pat his back and get up.

''Hey Banner, Dr. Cho's on her way in from Seoul, is it okay if she sets up in your lab?'' Tony asks

 ''Uh, yeah, she knows her way around.'' he answers.

''Thanks.'' then Tony says to JARVIS  ''Tell her to prep everything, Barton's gonna need the full treatment.'' 

''Very good sir.''

'' JARVIS, take the wheel''. Tony says walking to me 

'' Yes, sir. Approach vector is locked.''

''Hey Y/n are you ok.'' i give him a smile 

''yes i-it felt good to be out there... i never thought i would go back.'' i say looking at him , he puts a hand on my shoulder. 

''well its good to have you back, and you don't have much to do , im gonna trow a party. after that you can leave.'' he says with a small smirk. 

''you and your parties, you aren't much different than your father he always loved parties.'' he smiles. 

''That's what every one says.'' he then leaves to talk to Steve and  Thor, Natasha sits next to me. 

''hey, Romanof.f'' she smiles at me. 

''hey Stark... are you ok you took a pretty big hit.'' i feel like shit and i'm pretty sure i'm bleeding.

''i'm fine.'' i say looking at her , she then hits me in the ribs making me groan in pain , ''hey what was that for.''

''I'm a trained spy don't you think i now when people are lying.'' i scoff with a small smile. 

''ok ok i'm hurt my ribs hurt and i think i'm bleeding.'' she looks worried at me .

''when we get to the tower go take care of that.'' i wink at her and say. 

''Why  Romanoff are you worried about me'' she smirks but then smiles. 

''Yes i am you are my friend and i worry about my friends,'' i would be lying if i said what she said didn't make me happy , i basically don't have any friends.  only Tony who is my nephew ,Kara ,May and Peter who is a kid.

''Thank you Natasha i worry about you too.''

Time skip

The Quinjet lands at the Avengers tower in New York where Barton is taken by Dr. Cho to have his wounds tended to, i then see the same woman i saw the other day the beautiful brunette , a small smile comes to my lips 

''lab's all set up boss.'' She says to Tony , Tony points to Steve and says 

''Uh, actually, he's the boss. I just pay for everything, and design everything and make everyone look cooler.'' i laugh making her look at  me , she gives me amused look 

''What's the word on Stucker?''

''NATO's got him'' they start to walk away so i follow them wainting to know more about the situation 

''The two enhanced?'' Steve asks.

 ''Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Twins. Orphaned at ten when a shell collapsed their apartment building. Sokovia's had a rough history. It's nowhere special but it's on the way to everywhere special.'' the brunette says.

''Their abilities?'' i ask looking at her , she smirks and says. 

''He's got increased metabolism and improved thermal homeostasis. Her thing is neural electric interfacing, telekinesis, mental manipulation.'' Steve looks at her funny, and she rephrases the statement so he can understand

''He's fast and she's weird.'' Me and her say at the same time.

''i don't think we have been properly introduce i'm Y/n Stark.'' i say extending a hand she takes my hand and god i feel like i'm in a movie , her hand is so soft. 

''I'm Maria Hill it's nice to meet you i have hear a lot of great thing about you.'' i smile.

''it's nice to meet you too.'' i just stare at her until i hear Steve say .

''Well, they're going  show up again.'' i let go of Maria hand which i have been holding all this time making me blush. 

''Agreed. File says they volunteered for Stucker's experiments. Its nuts'' she says.

''Right. What kind of monster would let a German scientist experiment on them to protect their country?'' i say looking at the ground thinking about all the things HYDRA did to me .

''We're not at war Stark.'' Maria says looking at me.

''They are.'' i sigh and nod, i then  go to the lab looking for doctor Cho. 

 ''How's he doing?'' Bruce asks.

''Oh, unfortunately, he's still Barton.'' Tony says making me laugh,

 ''That's terrible.'' I hear Natasha say

 ''He's fine. He's thirsty.'' Tony walks over to the computers. ''Alright. Look alive, JARVIS. It's play time. We've only got a couple days with this joystick so let's make the most of it. Update me on the structural and compositional analysis.'' Tony says

''The scepter is alien. There are elements I can't quantify.'' JARVIS says, 

 ''So there's elements you can.'' I say 

''The jewel appears to be a protective housing for something inside. Something powerful.'' Jarvis replies.

 ''Like a reactor?'' Me and Tony ask at the same time making everyone in the room smirk 

 ''Like a computer. I believe I'm deciphering code.'' JARVIS says 

Natasha turns to Dr.Cho and says '' You sure he's going to be okay? Pretending to need this guy really brings the team together.''

''There's no possibility of deterioration. The nano-molecular functionality is instantaneous. His cells don't know they're bonding with simulacrum.'' Dr.Cho says .

''She's creating tissue.'' I say 

 ''If you brought him to my lab, the regeneration Cradle could do this in twenty minutes.''

 ''Oh, he's flatlining. Call it. Time?'' Tony says making me laugh softly. 

''No, no, no. I'm going to live forever. I'm gonna be made of plastic.'' Clint says. i laugh  a bit more making my ribs hurt i whine but try to hide it my best 

 Tony hands a drinks to everyone  ''Here's your beverage.''

''You'll be made of you, Mr. Barton. Your own girlfriend won't be able to tell the difference.'' Dr.Cho says.

''Well, I don't have a girlfriend.''

 ''That I can't fix. This is the next thing, Tony. Your clunky metal suits are going to be left in the dust.'' Dr.Cho says. i put my hand on my rib , i take  sip of my drink

''Y/n take your suit of'' i cough a little .

''Don't you want to buy me a drink first Dr.Cho?'' 

''Well i want to see your ribs you really aren't playing anyone trying to hide your pain.'' she says making me smirk , i take the top part of my suit leaving me in my sports bra and the bottom part of my suit , i see Natasha dn Dr.Cho looking at my abs i smirk and say 

''Don't you know it's rude to stare'' They quickly take their eyes of my abs , Dr.Cho comes over and touches my rib slightly making me hiss. 

''Hey are you ok?'' Tony asks worried  , smile at him and say.

''I'm just finne it just hurts a bit.''

''So doctor.Cho is it deadly?'' i ask with a fake sad look. They all laugh.

''No it isn't your ribs are just bruised also call me Helen,'' she grabs some meds and hands them to me.

''Oh i won't be needing these, i'm a super soldier remember? in a few days maybe hours i will be fine.'' Dr.Cho just puts her hands down in defeat and takes her meds back. 

''And Helen, I expect to see you at the party on Saturday.'' Tony says , oh yes the party i really hope to see Maria there , Natasha looks at me and at my abs and then takes a sip of her drink and leaves making me smirk

 ''Unlike you, I don't have a lot of time for parties. she hesitates a moment before asking ''Will Thor be there?''  i laugh.

Hello my dudes , this took me SO LONG like i had to go and see all the line of the movie, also i know there js a lot of mystery around thr ring what do you guys think? Who do you think give it to us?

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