Just A Little Bit Of Hope(Ava...

By Legendary_Cheerio

8K 199 44

Ight, last title change I promice It was a regular mission, all was going well. That was until Damien Darhk a... More

In and Out mission
Can't scream loud enough
let me save her
Bring me back to her
I'll always come for you
Calm down
Why me???
Back Where It All Began
The truth
Blood Lust
On we go
Now Is getting good
We came, We Saw
Recovery: Part 1
Recovery: Part 2
Incident Free
A/N about show SPOILERS
Last chapter: Just a Little Hope

Alone Time

272 9 0
By Legendary_Cheerio

Ava's P.O.V (On the Waverider)

     The legends make their way to the Medbay to check up on Sara. They walk into the room, opening the door. Revealing that Sara was gone.

"Where is she!?!" I almost screamed. Looking around the small room, as if Sara could be playing a trick. "She couldn't have gone far, Gideon, where is Sara." I asks praying for an answer.

"It seems Captain Lance is at Laurel Lance and Quintin Lance's Graves in The Star City Graveyard." Gideon replys almost immediatly.

"What are we waiting for!" I nearly screamed at the Legends, trying to get them to come with me to get their captain.

"Ava, we should let her be alone for a little while." Amaya says, darn her logic, "She just relived all of her past trauma including their deaths, its all recent to her. Just let her come back to us in her own time, and if she doesn't we can force her to let us help her." Amaya says this, putting her hand on my shoulder giving me a sympathetic glance.

"Ok, fine, but if she isn't back by morning we are checking on her, deal?" I say, not really asking for a deal, more of a compromise. The Legends nod, they all look concerned and shaken up by what has happened.

Sara P.O.V (Getting off the Waverider)

     I get of the WaveRider, after asking Gideon to not notify the Legends of my leaving. I wan't to be alone, to greive on my own. Yeah, yeah, I know thats basically pushing everyone away, but maybe its for the best. I continue walking through the cold breeze. No destination set, just going whereever my feet take me, which happens to be the Star City Cemetery, where my Sister, and Father lay, dead.

     I walk to their graves, their deaths are still recent to me, having just relived my past since the Gambit. I sit inbetween their graves, one hand on each. "It should've been me. You don't deserve this I do!" I sob, Falling closer to the ground. I take a picture of My parents, Laurel, and me as teenagers on the beach. This was one of the last vacations we had before it all went south.

     I look up at a sudden noise, my eyes still wet from crying. All I see is light, with siloetes of a group of people. I quickly identified them as my team.

"Are you ok?" A siloetes of a woman walks towards me, the sun revealing her face, Ava.

"I'm fine." I reply harsher than intended.

"Sara!" She sternly states. I know she wants me to open up, but that is the one thing I cannot do.

"I said I'm fine, that's what I'm supposed to say isn't it. That I'm ok, that nothing is wrong! Maybe I'm not ok, but I'm sure as hell not going to talk about it!" I say harshly, turning around to walk away.

     Ava grabs my hand, "Sara" she says softly, "I can help, you just need to let me in." She says calmly, I can tell she is about to cry, from the break in her voice.

"I...I'm...I'm sorry, I can't do that." I reply, my voice breaking and tears flooding from my eyes. I look into her eyes, pulling away and leaving the legends in the cemetary.

Ava Pov

     We found Sara in the cemetary, I keep getting more and more worried for her. She is pushing me away like she always does. I can't let her leave, not this time. I let her walk away out of the Cemetary, then tell the Legends to go back to the ship, and stay.

     I catch up to Sara, after hours of following her. Her Assassin sences are not at their prime. I find her in an alleyway in Star City. It is dark by now, I walk into the alley way, seeing Sara in the corner, hiding in the dark. I make my way over to her, she jumps up, pulling out a knife.

"Hey, hey, Sara, its ok. Its just me Ava."I say trying to reasure her. She falls against the building wall, sliding down to the ground, hiding her face in her knees. I move next to her, wrapping my arms around her.

"I'm sorry. For everything, you deserve better Ava." Sara says.

I glance to her, "I don't think its possible to get any better." I lean in and put my head on her shoulder.

     We sit in silence for a while, soon I feel Sara's breathing even out, she's asleep. I grab her bridal style, carrying her to the waverider. I get on the ship, the Legends all in the Kitchen, I walk past, them all getting up to check up on me and Sara. They soon relise the Captain is finally asleep, and let me go lay her down.

     I walk to the Kitchen after laying down Sara. The legends look at me with concerned looks. "Is she ok?" Zari finally says, breaking the silence.

"No" I sigh "But she will be if I have anything to do with it." I continue.

     They all look around, as if they will find something that will Magically fix everything. "We all need to rest, We can figure this out tomarrow." I say after what felt like an eternity of silent tension.

     The rest of the Legends Nod, heading to their rooms. Exept Zari who was waiting for her donut to fabricate.

Sara Pov(Next morning, legends time, they are in the temperal zone)

     I awoke in my bed next to Ava. I wince as I remember the events of yesterday. I knew she would be worried after opening up to her, well opening as much as I can, which ain't much.

"Hey, are you ok?" Ava asks me grogolly having just woken up. I open my mouth to answer 'Im fine' but she beats me to talking, "You know what, don't answer that. I already know." She looks at me with watery eyes. I shouldn't have opened up. Now she was going to have to know the truths of my past. I am not ready for that, not yet atleast.

"Come on, we should get dressed for breakfast." Ava says, pulling me from my thoughts.


1K reads, Thank you sooo much. I will post the next part soon enough. I am still deciding where I want this to go, Im kinda just adding a bunch of random stories, but connecting them. Im still deciding if I want to make this story sadder or Happier, and kinda want to wright some Sad parts, Let me know what you think. Thank you so much for 1k!
Your Author (better still be),

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