
By hopefulFirefly

212K 5.8K 277

"A 'WBWL' story... What might unfold if Sirius decides to take matters into his own hands and retrieves Harry... More

Twenty One


18.4K 428 5
By hopefulFirefly

In Godric's Hollow, the Potter family lived - or rather, hid - from a certain dark lord. The family consisted of the infamous James Potter, his lovely wife Lily Potter, and their twin babies, Harry and Lyra Potter. Despite the dark times, the Potters spent their days happily pampering their children. The twins, Harry and Lyra, were markedly different from each other. Although twins, they were born far apart. Lyra was a loud baby, while Harry was the calm one. Lyra always sought attention from everyone, while Harry was content to be alone. Lily and James appointed Sirius and Remus as the Godfathers of Harry and Alice, and Frank the godfather and godmother of Lyra. They had been living in a blissful bubble for some time, but fate seemed to have other plans.

On Halloween, October 31, their secret keeper Peter betrayed them, and the dark lord decided to pay them a visit. Upon arrival, instead of killing James, he merely stunned him and proceeded upstairs to the nursery, where Lily was with the twins. Finding Lily unmoving in front of the cribs, he stunned her too. Sensing the strong aura of Harry's magic and Lyra's average abilities, he aimed his wand at Harry and cast the killing curse. However, the curse rebounded, causing the dark lord to lose his body, with a fragment of his soul attaching to Harry, leaving a lightning bolt scar on his forehead. In the chaos, a blast occurred, and Lyra was hit by a piece of furniture. Both twins cried for their parents, waiting for their mother to wake up and embrace them.

Meanwhile, Sirius went to check on Peter but couldn't find him. Fearful, he rushed to Godric's Hollow, where he found James on the floor, apparently unconscious. As he approached, he realized James was only stunned and quickly uttered the counterspell. James regained consciousness, and Sirius, relieved, quickly informed him of the situation. Rushing upstairs, they found the twins crying and Lily unconscious on the floor. Sirius took the twins into his arms to console them, while James countered the spell on Lily. Upon waking, Lily was immediately enveloped in her husband's embrace, relieved that their family was safe.

After comforting the twins, they decided to contact the headmaster. Before they could do so, Albus Dumbledore arrived. Surveying the scene and the twins, he declared Lyra as "the girl who lived," unaware that Harry, drained of energy from rebounding the spell, was sleeping. And just like that, Albus Dumbledore made a mistake that would alter the wizarding world for the greater good.

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