By offthewallfroggy

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a lot of Christians ask themselves WWJD? this story asks what would the devil do? a CONTINUATION of 'the quic... More

chapter 1 - another day in the life...
chapter 2 - to be square
chapter 3 - just brosing
chapter 4 - who are you really?
chapter 5 - deep
chapter 6 - oo behave!
chapter 7 - let's fly, let's fly away
chapter 8 - beyond redemption
chapter 9 - now look at the mess we're in!
chapter 10 - divine providence
chapter 11 - solid
chapter 12 - going for broke
chapter 13 - it was all but a dream
Chapter 14 - we are gathered here today...
chapter 15 - salute
chapter 16 - let there be uv light
chapter 17 - who's your papa?
chapter 18 - I have a mission for you...
chapter 19 - take a deep breath
chapter 20 - list of inclusions
chapter 21 - i'm a team player not a soloist
chapter 22 - ennui pour moi
chapter 23 - what do the public think?
chapter 24 - boohoo blahblah
chapter 25 - girlfriend?
chapter 26 - you said wha...?
chapter 27 - Juan more time daft punk
chapter 28 - we are seeking volunteers for a dangerous mission...boom!
chapter 29 - finally
chapter 30 - Juan's 16th the naughty bits (part 1) 18+
chapter 31 - Juan's birthday naughty bits (part 2)18+
chapter 32 - the day after the naughtiness only more naughty bits 18+
chapter 33 - phew! now where were we? Oh no! 18+
chapter 34 - someone call the police
chapter 35 - on it! (like flies)
chapter 36 - stepping out of your comfort zone
chapter 37 - reverse harems are only a fantasy
chapter 38 - soul searching
chapter 39 - going for broke 18+
chapter 40 - making plans
chapter 41 - release the hounds
chapter 42 - fishing for clues
chapter 43 - what now!
Chapter 44 - social distancing 101
chapter 45 - my wife is my best friend
chapter 46 - we have ayes
chapter 47 - swordplay
chapter 48 - there's an algorithm for that
Chapter 49 - all for one...
chapter 50 - I kid you not
chapter 51 - and they kiss in heaven
chapter 52 - dikidee
chapter 53 - your shout
chapter 54 - snippets
chapter 55 - I think we are being tailed
chapter 56 - wasted
chapter 57 - actions mistaken
chapter 58 - hold on tight
chapter 59 - back in the day
chapter 60 - stranger danger
chapter 61 - ripples
Chapter 62 - must be aliens
chapter 64 - the net closes in
chapter 65 - visiting the kinsfolk
chapter 66 - mummy?
chapter 67 - introductions are in order
chapter 68 - birds and bees?
chapter 69 - seeing is believing
chapter 70 - keeping baby happy
Chapter 71 - it's a privilege
chapter 72 - curtailing a stalker
chapter 73 - more suprises?
chapter 74 - event horizon
chapter 75 - missed the cum bucket by that much
chapter 76 - it's me! the very first demon
chapter 77 - just deal with it
chapter 78 - a can of worms
chapter 79 - my god! what is that smell?
chapter 80 - incoming!
chapter 81 - cheese!
chapter 82 - bush beating like a boss
chapter 83 - there's a legitimate reason!
chapter 84 - endless opportunities
chapter 85 - a toast to enlightenment
chapter 86 - only joking
chapter 87 - duty calls
chapter 88 - updates
chapter 89 - switch on, switch off
chapter 90 - run!
chapter 91 - gamble wisely
chapter 92 - fungry
chapter 93 - winter's progress (R18+)
chapter 94 - the cleanup
chapter 95 - naming baby
chapter 96 - buzzy mac buzzface (doorbell)
chapter 97 - for an undisclosed sum
chapter 98 - objection overruled
chapter 99 - clean-up in aisle three
chapter 100 - trending on egg-shells
chapter 101 - tanty galore
chapter 102 - reporting the whither
chapter 103 - gentle pressure
chapter 104 - briefing briefs
chapter 105 - hiding in plain sight
chapter 106 - siren
chapter 107 - drunks run straighter than they walk
chapter 108 - SURPRISE!
chapter 109 - closure?

chapter 63 - dikidee day

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By offthewallfroggy

"We've been unable to contact the owner. The phone number is invalid, and the address is a vacant block of land not deeded to the vehicle owner. So I doubt anyone will claim the plates..."

"me too", Chief agreed.

"the only witness is not talking either. We can't hold him much longer..."

"Let him go if there are no warrants for his arrest, and you've confirmed his details."

"yes, Chief"

Alone in his office once again, Chief perused the photos for the nth time that day. Asking himself the same question over and over again, "how the fuck did he do it?!" Of course, he was referring to their POI. The witness had mentioned he fought a tall black guy wearing a hoodie with the words 'off duty' emblazoned across it.

He seemed more terrified of remaining in the cell than the lack of painkillers. Nevertheless, he shrewdly used his injury as an excuse to work his way out of his cell, back onto the street ...and off into the sunset, Chief suspected.

He suddenly slapped himself 'stop asking how and ask yourself why the POI would do it?' he admonished. 'what was the POI trying to convey in his message? Stay off my turf?... Seems a little OTT'. Recalling the POI's audios, Chief hit upon the line 'will the weight of your sins crush your soul'.

"Maybe that's it. The pic fits the caption!" the Chief sighed, "but still, how did he...?"


Lying abed for days, not only was Mvuto exhausted from crushing the mod but more so from pulling his punch. Holding back such a powerful force was not something he practised often enough to be able to skip about merrily the following day. He told his parents he may have the flu to keep them out of his room and at a safe distance.

Banned from going on holiday camp, certainly not without Mvuto as a bodyguard, Carlton's mum instead enrolled him at a gym and self-defence classes to muscle up. Mrs Davidson had greedily transformed into a drill sergeant. Dad, directed to set an example, also suffered the consequences of his inadequate physical condition. At least during down-time Carlton could renew his vigour by playing his favourite online game of dikidee.


Chief's wife often contacted her ex-colleagues in the force, but lately, she noticed they gradually had less to chat about. Her keen instincts detected a subtle change in their tone of voice as if they were holding back more. She could also see similar behaviour arising in her husband.

"How is the venture into the gaming world going?" Chief asked his wife as they shared a coffee on the back porch with Rocket laying at their feet. His ears twitched whenever they spoke.

"I've localised a few of the players as students. As expected, there were an influx of gamers as soon as the holidays started. But I've yet to get to know all of them."

"May I join you... not as a player but to check the conversation."

She chuckled "you're not still jealous, are you?"

"A little of no and a little more of yes perhaps"

Typically, some cheeky players wanted to know what Chief's wife was wearing, not particularly caring how old the gamer-girl really was. A few constantly needled her for her physical stats too, but she brushed them all off with her practised backhanded flirting skills, something for the other wiser gamers could laugh at, even her husband. But then, suddenly, an unexpected topic cropped up in voice chat.

"you hanging with Mvuto over the holidays?" asked player1.

"Nah, says he has the flu..." replied smashedthis12

"but he never gets sick?" randomsex69 queried.

"I know, right! I think it's BS because he texted me instead of calling."

"you're his slave, aren't ya? So why aren't ya at his place holding a box of tissues for him?" randomsex69 jested.

Chief frowned at the unusual sounding name, especially within the context of 'slave'.

"Ask them who that guy is?"

Chief's wife typed, 'who has the flu? How do you spell his weird sounding name?'

smashthis12 typed 'Mvuto'.

After waiting for hours, enduring extended introductions intermixed with infuriating innuendos, perseverance had finally paid off for Chief and his wife.

"Tissues?! shut up ya creepy hooligan!" Carlton's mum could overhear the conversation, so swearing was kept above the belt. Carlton's vocal creativity in the face of adversity could sometimes be hilarious.

"creepy hooligan! So lame! Hahahaha!" randomsex69 laughed in the background.

Suddenly smashthis12 fell silent, typed 'afk' and just as unexpectedly deleted Mvuto's name and flashed offline altogether, along with player1 and others.

"wtf just happened?" randomsex69 asked into the empty void of the chatroom.

While Rowan was spending time with Jake, Brian had invited Juan and Mariana over the weekend to play games, including dikidee online with Carlton. Alas, Brian saw what was unfolding too late. Who was the voiceless girl, really? When she typed without errors and with good syntax, the 'girl' had exposed herself as not being as young as she said she was! Chances were, she could have been either a cougar or a cop. To Brian's relief, texting Carlton to delete his typing and shut down immediately was not met with hesitation, but was it still too late?

Chief searched the name 'Mvuto' and hit upon a translator app to convert the word into English. Chief's eyes fair popped out of his head,

"It's him!" excitedly, he whispered to not frighten his wife and dog.

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