Our Hill Of Stars

By CJ_books7

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*Unedited* In Autumn Tuffins' last summer as a Head Counsellor at Beaver Falls Summer Camp, she meets the ne... More

Chapter 1: The Newbie
Chapter 2: Initiation Night
Chapter 4: Sweaty Pig
Chapter 5: The Docks Can't Clean Themselves
Chapter 6: In the Dark
Chapter 7: Follow the Breadcrumbs
Chapter 8: The Seedlings
Chapter 9: The Woods
Chapter 10: Moo
Chapter 11: Oh, Canada!
Chapter 12: The Old Man is Snoring
Chapter 13: Crafting is My Passion
Chapter 14: You're Invited
Chapter 15: Party Wilderman
Chapter 16: Supplies Run
Chapter 17: Motel Business
Chapter 18 : It's Okay
Chapter 19: The Hill
Chapter 20 : Grown Ups
Chapter 21 : Splash Me Again, I Dare You
Chapter 22 : Hand-Eye Coordination
Chapter 23 : Sister, Dear
Chapter 24 : A Chance to Breathe
Chapter 25 : Hi Mom
Chapter 26 : Barsy
Chapter 27 : Again
Chapter 28 : Never Again
Chapter 29 : Doctor Beckett
Chapter 30 : Shiner
Chapter 31 : Meet the Parents
Chapter 32 : The Old Timers
Chapter 33 : Beach Bums
Chapter 34 : The Showers
Chapter 35 : I Did It
Chapter 36 : Bump in the Road
Chapter 37 : An Accident
Chapter 38 : White
Chapter 39 : Who Did It?
Chapter 40 : To The Moon and Back
Chapter 41 : Our Hill
Chapter 42 : Good Bye, Good Luck
Chapter 43 : Freedom
Epilogue: Our Hill of Stars
Thank You!
!Help Lines!

Chapter 3: The Camp Across The Lake

676 13 4
By CJ_books7

I stand in my dad's office the next morning, watching him pace around the room.

"Dad, just tell me already. What's going on?" I chew on my bottom lip in worry.

He was never like this - stressed, worried. In fact, he was the exact opposite of that. Nothing fazes my dad so whatever is going on must be bad.

"It's the camp."

"Obviously. What about the camp?"

"Someone wants to buy us out. They want to take our camp, Autumn."

"Who? Who wants to take it?"

My heart thuds against my chest. We couldn't lose the camp. I couldn't lose the camp. It felt more like my home than our house in the city. I couldn't imagine my summers - my life - without it. I grew up here.

"Steven Davis."


Steven Davis was the dick who owned the camp  across the lake - Camp Wilderman. We have always had trouble with those guys. Let's just say they are loaded over there. I swear some of them shit diamonds. I hate them.

You would think the parents would be the only problems, right? Wrong. The kids are worst. Absolute assholes. Every single one of them.

I know from first hand experience. I dated Malik Davis, the douche himself, when I was 16. I spent a lot of my summer on the other side of the lake that year. Waste of time if you ask me.

All they do over there is lay in the sun, drinking some weird, fancy beverages. Sometimes there would be a game of volleyball or maybe some swimming by the docks. Other than that? Nothing.

"Steven Davis? Are you kidding me? Please tell me you're not even considering it!" When my dad doesn't say anything I start to panic. "Dad! Look at me right now and tell me you're not considering it!"

"I can't tell you that, Auto."

My heart drops.

My dad continues, "He is offering more than this camp is worth. I know how much this place means to you - to me. But it's a lot of money that we could really use." He looks up at my face that had dropped into a frown. "Hey now, don't get upset. I haven't agreed to anything. It was just an offer."

"How long until you have to make a decision?"

"The end of the summer. One week before camps close, to be specific."

Camp ends the last week of August. We had time.


"Why is that good exactly? What are you thinking?" My dad raises his eyebrows, waiting for an answer.

"You're not selling this camp. I don't care what you say. By the end of the summer, you won't even be considering it." I state, crossing my arms.

"And how exactly are you going to go about this?"

"Guess you'll have to find out. I have to keep you on your toes, old man." I tease, smiling when he scowls.

"Alright. Now get to work before I send the raccoons after you."

"Yes, sir." I mock salute him and march out the doors.

When I get outside, I get flash-banged by the sun. My vision goes white and I squint aggressively against the light.

"Need some sunglasses, Tuffs?"

I squint over to see Ace and the others chuckling.

"I do, actually." I start on my way back to the Beaver Cabin to pick up my sunglasses.

"So what was that about, Auto?" Archer asks, scuttling behind me.

"Just the boss giving us the list of chores." I lie. It wasn't the right time to tell them about Steven Davis.

"Oh goodie, what does Dougie have in mind for us today?" Dax groans, rubbing his hands on his face.

Only Dax calls dad "Dougie". I'm not sure why. It must be an inside joke. Neither of them has ever said why.

Dax also lives in the city but on the south side. We barely see him during the winter season, which makes the summers with him so much better. Dax's parents are going through a divorce right now so he's quieter than other times. I think it's pretty hard on him.  So the rest of us like to cheer him up.

"Well, I'm glad you asked, Sandy." That's Dax's nickname for two reasons. One, his last name is Sanders, and two, he once fell asleep on the beach and had sand in his hair for a week.

"Oh no, here comes the list." Archer sighs, putting a dramatic hand against his forehead.

"We have to clean the bathrooms." Cue the collective groan. "Then wash the pit benches, unpack the fireworks, and lastly, scrub the docks"

The first round of kids were arriving tomorrow and everything needed to be ready.

"Oh this is gonna be wonderful." Lottie groans again.

"We will split up into two groups. Dax, Charlotte, and Archer. Then Evelyn and the newbie will come with me." When everyone nods I continue. "You three take the boys bathroom - sorry Char - and the benches. We will do the girls bathroom and the fireworks. All of us do the showers and when we are all done we will do the docks together. Deal?"

"Deal." Everyone answers at once.

When we get to the cabin, I quickly run in to get my sunglasses. Everyone is waiting patiently when I come back out.

"Alrighty team, let's get this place clean."

An hour later I find myself leaning against the outside of the washrooms. I was sweaty and hot. I swear this was the hottest day ever.  Like I could cook an egg on my thigh. I'm exaggerating but you get the point.

Evie and Ace join me a few moments later, sighing loudly. We had just finished the girls bathroom and we're waiting to do the showers with the other group.

"So that was terrible." Ace groans, wiping the sweat of his brow.

I watch him carefully out of the corner in my eye. The sun shone down on his face, highlighting his cheekbones and jaw. A pink blush was painted on his cheeks from the heat. A bead of sweat drips down from his temple, tracing the hard edges of his face.

I realize I'm staring and quickly snap out of it. I had bigger issues this summer than dealing with Ace. The number one problem being Steven Davis. I still haven't told the others about it.

"Tell me about it." Evie sighs.

"Well, that's the worst part over with. The showers aren't as bad." I say.

"I don't know if that's an improvement or not." Ace complains.

"Welcome to Beaver Falls, newbie. Cleaning day sucks."

"I'm starting to see that, Tuffs."

"Don't call me that."

"Don't care."

I'm just about to say something else but the other three walk around the corner looking just as exhausted.

"I swear those bathrooms get grosser every summer." Archer sighs and collapses on the group dramatically.

"I agree" Dax joins Archer on the ground.

"5 minutes and then let's do the showers. We can lay around after." I suggest, sitting on the ground beside the boys.

"Yes, boss." Arch says sarcastically.

"You'll thank me later." I lay down on my back, closing my eyes against the light.

I cover my eyes with my arm, breathing in the fresh air. The air at camp was just... different. The trees made it crisper and the sweet smell of the lake mingled in the breeze. It smelt like home.

The 5 minutes pass by too fast. I pull myself off the ground and head over to the showers. Groans and protests follow me.

I grab the cleaning supplies and open the door. Heat rushes at me as I step in. Ugh. It's way too hot.

"Newbie, go grab us something so we can prop the door open. We are going to bake in here if the door closes." I turn around.

"Yes, ma'am." Ace salutes.

"Oh god, that's worse than Tuffs." I roll my eyes and walk further into the shower rooms.

Ten stalls line the wall, each identical to the one beside it. Sighing, I step forward with the cloth and start the process.

Ace comes back a few minutes later carrying a rock. He places is on the ground, holding open the door. Fresh air swarms in and cools down the room. Slightly. I'm still dying.

With the six of us all working, the showers are finished within an hour. Hot, exhausted, and starving, we head to the Dam for lunch.

The sun was glaring down at us, burning through the canopy of trees. My skin was sticky with sweat and dirt - I'm sure I looked amazing, definitely not like a greasy weasel.

"I think my stomach is about to eat itself." Archer complains loudly.

"I think I'm hungry enough to eat you." Dax calls back, sweat glistening on his dark skin.

Dax and Archer were complete opposites of each other. While Arch had dirty blond hair and a pale complexion, Dax had black hair and his skin was dark. Archer was tall (he just grew taller than me two summers ago, I'm still not over that) while Sandy was short (I can still brag about being taller than him). Arch is loud and obnoxious and Dax is quiet and sarcastic. The only thing they have in common is the colour of their eyes. Brown as the dirt on the bottom of our shoes - I mean that in the best way possible.

One would think they wouldn't be friends because they were so drastically different but that is what made them get along.

"Please don't eat me, Dax. You'll miss me too much." Archer laughs.

"Maybe it would be quieter around here. I vote that Dax eats him." I join in on the topic.

"Everyone in favour that Sandy eats Arch, say I"

Everyone - not including Archer - says "I".

"Just kidding, Arch. We love you." Charlotte laughs and gives him a side hug.

"Yeah, don't worry, we won't eat you yet. Mickey's cooking is too good to pass up." I giggle, catching Archer's eyes widen.

"Yet? Auto, what you do you mean by "yet"?" Arch shouts in disbelief.

"Guess you'll have to find out the hard way." Arch takes a run at me, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulders.

"God I hate that you can do this now." I punch lightly at his back as he spins us around.

He sets me down a moment later. We are still laughing, my head slightly dizzy from being spun upside down.

"Auto is just mad because I'm taller than her now." Archer says to Ace proudly.

"She used to have him by a couple inches but not anymore." Evie giggles from beside me and I scoff.

"I'm mentally taller than you." I retort.

"Mentally taller?"

"What does that even mean?"

Everyone pauses in confusion.

"I don't know but I am. And don't you forget it, Arch." I stick my nose up in the air dramatically.

"Whatever you say, Auto." Archer sighs and wraps his arm around my head then rubs his knuckles on my head. A noogie. Awesome.

"Hey, hey, you're too hot. Get off of me, you big lump." I shove away from him, laughing.

I stumble when he lets go and bump into someone. I turn to see Ace with his arms out to catch me. Red flushes my cheeks when he helps right myself.

"Uh, thanks, newbie." I cough awkwardly and continue walking.

"Anytime, Tuffs."

"Don't call me that." I say.

The six of us continue on our way, talking about everything and nothing. Ace doesn't say much. I'm not sure what to think about that. Is he that shy? Or is he hiding something? I shake off my thoughts, focusing on my growling stomach and the looming threat of the camp being bought.

The conversation continues even after we get our lunch. The six of us sit around the table eating the sandwiches Mickey had made. They may be just sandwiches but I swear they are laced in crack or something. They are that good.

"Is that your third one?" Ace looks at me from across the table with wide eyes.

"Yes." I pause then smirk. "Can't keep up, newbie?"

"Watch me." He says and picks up his third.

I finish mine in a couple bites then pick up a fourth. I watch him eat, waiting for him to challenge me again. He swallows his last bite and stares me down. His blue eyes stare into mine as he reaches for his fourth.

Keeping eye contact, I slowly take my first bite of my sandwich. He smirks then does the same. I take another, him following right behind. We stare at each other, challenging the other to quit.

I have two bites left in my sandwich when he taps out, placing his remains on the plate and leaning back, defeated. I laugh triumphantly and gobble down the last of my fourth sandwich. I inhale my entire cup of water then sigh when I'm finished.

"I win." I say plainly, looking over at Ace.

"That you do, Tuffs. I'll beat you next time."

"In your dreams, man" Archer cuts in, "Autumn's stomach is an endless pit. No matter how much you feed that thing, it's never full."

"Ha. Ha. Aren't you funny." I say dryly.

"I'm hilarious, thank you." Arch sticks out his tongue with a laugh.

The six of us continue talking, letting our stomachs digest before we tackled the rest of our chores. When the voices died out I took my chance to tell them about Steven.

"I have something to tell you guys." I say and five pairs of eyes jump up to look at me. "This morning my dad told me something." I pause, attempting to find the right words. "Steven Davis is trying to buy out my dad. He is coming after the camp. We have until the end of the summer to find a way to keep it"

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