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By Nicki_2705

183K 1.7K 106

Some images of your favourite people in blue. I will write it for female lifeguards as well Taking requests... More

Lifeguards 2
Mouse - Lifeguard Trials
Harries - Back Home
Harrison - Little girl
Jethro - Dislocation
All Lifeguards - Collapsed
Singlets - Volunteer Lifeguard (pt1.)
Singlets - Qualification (pt2.)
Singlets - Good news (pt3.)
Taco - I Love You
All Lifeguards - Christmas
Hoppo - Tics
Hoppo - Tics (pt.2)
Hoppo - Tics (pt.3)
Maxi - Early Mornings
Dylan - Hospital
All lifeguards - New Year's Eve (pt.1)
All lifeguards - New Years Day (pt.2)
Gonzo - Iron Man
Reidy - Day Off
Mario - Condition
Joel - Cliff
Harrison - Visitor
Dylan - Cute
Deano - Anxiety
Hoppo - Abuse
Jesse - Hurt
Tommy Frazer - Doctor
Dunno - Cuddles
Chappo - Cold weather
Singlets - Injured
Reidy - Amputee
Jules - Snow - Short
Joel - Cutting
Whippet - Prank
Maxi - Proposal
Mouse - Pregnant
Maxi - Seizure
Jake - Feelings
Jethro - Broken up - short
Joel - Police
Harries - Support
All lifeguards - Australia Day
Harrison - Fight
Harrison - Forgiving him (pt2.)
Gonzo - Taken (pt1.)
Gonzo - Found (pt.2)
Gonzo - Truth (pt.3)
Jethro - Drunk
Kerrbox - Coming out
Singlets - Moving in
Chappo - Meeting my family
Dylan - Holiday (pt.1)
Dylan - Holiday (pt.2)
Dylan - Holiday (pt.3)
Dylan - Holiday (pt.4)
Harrison - First pet
Jules - Apartment shopping
Jethro - Secret talent
Maxi - Movie night
Jesse - Asleep
Hoppo - Valentine's day
Mouse - Prison
Bisho - Pancake Day - short
Jethro - Broken bone
All lifeguards - Twin
Lachie - Allergic Reaction
Bisho - Sick
Deano - Puppy
Kerrbox - Homeschooling - short
Mouse - Party
Jesse - On Call
Maxi - Shot (pt.1)
Maxi - Telling the others (pt.2)
Maxi - Recovery/Back at work (pt.3)
Kerrbox - Alone - short
All lifeguards - Suicide
All lifeguards - Funeral (pt.2)
Gonzo - Babysitting
Jethro - Crush - short
Luke - Videogames
Jethro - Yes
Dunno - Single Mum
Deano - Braxton Hicks - short
Hoppo - Daughter - short
Harries - Album Release/Party - short
Tommy - Bar
Tommy - Bar (pt.2)
Jesse - Painting
Jake Nolan - First Time
Chase - Game Night
Luke Faddy - Autumn
Joel - Fan Girl (pt.1)
Joel - Fan Girl (pt.2)
Hoppo - Teacher (pt.1)
Hoppo - Teacher (pt.2)
Hoppo - Teacher (pt.3)
All Lifeguards - Celebration
Luke Faddy - Sing-along
Chappo - Parkour
All Lifeguards - Iron Man Challange Fail (pt.1)
All Lifeguards - Iron Man Challange Fail (pt.2)
Glick - Vaccine
Beardy - Dinner - short
Jethro - Stranded - short
Maxi - Revision - short
Harries - Bullied - short
Mouse - Adopted
All Lifeguards - BBQ
Beardy - Presents
All Lifeguards - Easter Egg Hunt
Dylan - Terrible News
Taco - Found
Bacon - Cheering Up
Jesse/Maxi - Borderline
Yak - Annoying
Jethro - Memory
Whippet - Siblings (pt.1)
Whippet - Siblings (pt.2)
Chappo - Where the money comes from
Max A - Late night
Blake - Leaving (pt.1)
Blake - Leaving (pt.2)
Blake - Leaving (pt.3)
All lifeguards - Exam
Mouse - Neighbour
Jesse - Translator
Harries - Books - short
Jesse - Rat
Joel/Jethro - React
Luke Faddy - Lost Heirloom - short
Bacon - Broken Promise
Yatesy - Power Cut - short
Harries - Picnic
Hoppo - Heat (pt.1)
Hoppo - Heat (pt.2)
Hoppo - Heat (pt.3)
Jules - Epic Fail
Joel - First Kiss
Jake - Online Friends - short
Harries - Distraction
Deano - Close Call - short
Dunno - Letter
Beardy - Camera Maintenance
Reidy - Comfort - short
Singlets - Photographer (pt.1)
Singlets - Photographer (pt.2)
Reidy - Bees - short
Harrison - Paralysed (pt.1)
Harrison - Paralysed (pt.2) - short
Harries - Unknown Sister (pt.1)
Harries - Unknown Sister (pt.2)
Harries - Unknown Sister (pt.3)
All Lifeguards - Celebrity
Mario - Flash Mob
Bacon - Interview
Corey - Sweets - short
Max A - Stars - short
All Lifeguards - Idea
Taco - Sugar
Burkey - Breathing (pt.1)
Burkey - Breathing (pt.2)
Deano - Wedding (pt.1)
Deano - Wedding (pt.2)
Matt Dee - Clothing Line
All Lifeguards - Drawing - short
Bisho - Good 4 U
All Lifeguards - Wives (pt.1)
All Lifeguards - Wives (pt.2)
Kerrbox - Cravings
Dylan - Glasses
Dylan - Glasses (pt.2)
All Lifeguards - Truth or Dare
Jethro - Thunderstorm - short
Nicola - Diabetic
Jesse - Haircut - short
Glick - Decade - short
Jake N - Forgotten - short
Hoppo - Clubbie (pt.1)
Hoppo - Clubbie (pt.2)
Hoppo - Clubbie (pt.3)
Chase - Bluebottles
H - Treasure Hunt
Tommy - First Words
All Lifeguards - Cancer
Troy - Flowers - short
Jackson - Sleep
Noah - Pain
Kobi - Meeting (pt.1)
Kobi - Meeting (pt.2)
Jake - Dinner with my Dad
Mouse - Dancing - short
All Lifeguards - Concert
Chappo - Moving - short
Maxi - If I Die Young
Jethro - A Thousand Years
Next Book

Wally - Brit

350 3 0
By Nicki_2705

Athena's POV:

I had only moved to Australia 2 days ago and yesterday I spent the day unpacking the boxes that I took with me. I managed to unpack my clothes and kitchen stuff so I have clothes to wear and food to eat. I decided that I wanted to go down to the beach yesterday evening but I didn't check the weather so when I woke up this morning I saw that it was raining. Even though it was raining I still decided to go to the beach because I am a Brit and we Brits don't mind the rain because it rains most of the year. I got dressed in my swim costume and I left for the beach.

When I got to the beach I didn't bother to get anything out of my bag as I didn't want it to get wet and I then went into the sea. There was hardly anyone at the beach because it was raining today and if they were coming down it was just so they could go for a walk on the beach. I could tell that I was getting funny looks from everyone because they thought that I was mad for going out in the sea while it was raining.

I decided that I would go for a swim down Southend so I got out of the water and walked down to that end of the beach. I then got into the water again and then went far out so that I could swim. What I didn't realise was that the current was really strong today because the wind was really strong.

Wally's POV:

I was down at the beach today but there wasn't anything happening today as it was raining. It was around 10 am when someone came onto the beach and went into the water. The boys and I were keeping an eye on her because she was the only one brave enough to come out in this weather.

It was around 30 minutes later when she was in the water down the south end that I could tell that she was beginning to struggle. Just then I saw her head go under the water so I knew that she needed help so I went straight out of the door and I heard Joel running behind me.

Joel got into the driver's side while I got into the side next to the board. We then rushed down there and when we got there I immediately jumped out of the buggy, grabbed the board and then I ran out to get her. It took me around 15 seconds to reach her and when I do she clings to the board and coughs out water that she breathed in.

After a minute or two of her catching her breath, she climbs onto the board and then I take her back in.

When we reach the sand I pick the board up but I then stop a stop her as well and I then ask "Are you alright? You seemed like you took in a lot of water."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just needed to catch my breath. I'm Athena by the way," she says.

"I'm Wally. It was nice to meet you. I have to go so bye." I then wave bye and then walk back to the buggy and sit down. Joel and I then go back to the tower and when we get back the boys start questioning me about her. I answer their questions and I then say "She's is probably British from her accent and her name is Athena." The boys then stop questioning me so I just sit there and think about if I am ever going to see her again because she is really pretty.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I made this chapter up while I was in my English lesson and I am also happy that my sister is reading this book as she has recently gotten into Bondi Rescue. I am not going to do a part two so please don't ask for one. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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