Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name
(L/N): Last Name
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color
(A/N): I have returned from the dead.
The next morning, as Team 7 was eating breakfast, Jeanine walked into the dining room. She smiled at them and sat in the seat next to Kakashi.
Jeanine: Good morning. I hoped you all slept well.
(Y/N): <thinking> It's a little hard to sleep in a place full of creepy people.
Kakashi nodded.
Kakashi: I for one slept pretty well.
Naruto: It took me forever to fall asleep. But I don't know if that's because this place is creepy or if I'm just homesick.
Jeanine: <chuckles> So you find this place creepy, huh?
Naruto: Uh...
Jeanine: That's all right. I find this place weird and I work here. Anyway, I'm here to give you your jobs for today.
Naruto: <interrupting> Wha—? Jobs? We have to work? I thought we just had to guard this place?
Kakashi: You do realize that guarding is a job, right?
Jeanine: I'm giving you the areas that you will guard. You will rotate after lunch.
Naruto: Gah! We have to spend the whole day just looking out for people? That's boring!
Sakura: Naruto, shut up!
Jeanine: <giggles> You're quite feisty, aren't you? Don't worry. You'll get the evening to do whatever you want.
(Y/N): So what are our jobs?
Jeanine: <pulling out a piece of paper> Okay. Kakashi will be patrolling the outside of the mansion until lunch, Sakura will be guarding the entrance to the basement. Ah, remember, dear, don't open the entrance unless you absolutely have to.
Sakura: Oh. Yes, ma'am.
Jeanine: Naruto will be in the security room looking at the cameras that we have positioned in the mansion.
Naruto: I have to look at cameras for hours?
Jeanine: Yes, you do. Anyway, Sasuke and (Y/N) will be on the roof to get a view of the entire land surrounding the mansion. We need two people up there because there is so much land.
Kakashi: Don't you think it would be better if there was more than one person patrolling the area?
Jeanine: Oh, we have that covered. Utsumi's sister, Toyama will be with you.
Sakura: Toyama?
Just then, a woman with brown, curly hair that fell to her shoulders walked into the room.
Jeanine: Speak of the devil. Allow me to introduce you to Toyama.
The curly haired woman looked at them and made a peace sign before turning to Jeanine.
Toyama: Why do I have to patrol? Can't it be you or Ose or someone else?
Jeanine: No. Besides, you were the one that wanted to work with Kakashi if a chance ever revealed itself.
Toyama's eyes widened and she looked at Kakashi, who waved. She blushed.
Toyama: W-Wait, I get to work with... him?
Jeanine nodded and Toyama squealed.
Kakashi: <sweatdropping> Oh, brother.
Sakura: Oh? It seems someone likes you, Kakashi-sensei. Heh.
She had a smug look on her face.
Kakashi: Yes, yes. I know. -__-
Toyama: All right, then! Let's get going, Kakashi!
She grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the room.
(Y/N) and Naruto laughed while Sasuke smirked.
Jeanine: As you can see, Toyama has a little crush on Kakashi. And by "little," I mean freaking huge.
Sakura: It does seem like a lot of people are attracted to Kakashi-sensei even though they've never seen his face.
(Y/N): I'm pretty sure his face is handsome because Ayame saw his face once and now sends him love letters almost every day.
Jeanine: Anyway, I think it's time for you to do your jobs, no?
Naruto: But my job sounds boring!
Jeanine: Do you want some company in there. I can ask Arielle to keep you company.
Naruto: Uh... Which one's that one?
(Y/N): The one who was going through my stuff last night.
Naruto: Ah! NUUUU!!
He then ran out of the room.
Jeanine: ...I never told him where the security room was...
Sakura: Please excuse him. He's always doing stupid stuff like this.
Jeanine: Uh huh...
Arielle walked into the room, looking at her long nails.
Jeanine: Ah, perfect timing. Arielle, be a dear, and escort Sasuke and (Y/N) up to the roof so they can begin their job.
Arielle: Don't call me "dear," you dumbass bitch.
Jeanine growled.
Jeanine: What did you call me, whore?
Arielle: You know what I said, slut.
Sakura/(Y/N)/Sasuke: 😐
The two started arguing and calling each other names until (Y/N) cleared his throat.
Jeanine: Oh, yes. Sorry about that. We always argue like this.
Arielle: Whatever. Let's go, boys.
She put one hand on each of their shoulders and escorted them out of the room.
(Y/N) and Sasuke looked at each other, uncomfortable. She was squeezing their shoulders.
When they eventually made it to the roof, (Y/N) quickly pulled away from Arielle and looked around.
It was a cloudy day and the grass surrounding the mansion was wet from last night's rain. The fresh scent of early morning filled his nostrils.
Sasuke walked next to him.
Sasuke: So all we do is just look for suspicious things?
Arielle: Pretty much, yeah. It can be boring but you never know who is going to show up.
(Y/N) turned and looked at her and shivered when he saw her staring directly at him. She had a creepy smile on her face.
(Y/N): Uh... Lady, you do realize I'm a minor, right?
Arielle's smiled widened.
Arielle: Tell me, (Y/N). Do I scare you?
(Y/N) felt a chill crawl down his spine.
(Y/N): You don't scare me, but you really do creep me out a lot.
Arielle: <giggling> My, how blunt.
She turned around and waved before leaving the roof.
Sasuke: What the hell is wrong with her?
(Y/N): I... I have no idea. <thinking> And she looks familiar... Where have I seen her before?
Sasuke looked at the huge land that surrounded the mansion.
Sasuke: This Kaneshiro guy must be really rich. There's so much land.
(Y/N): Yeah. <yawns> Geez. I'm so tired.
Sasuke: Did you not sleep well?
(Y/N): No. This place is so creepy and these women give off extremely weird vibes. Especially the blonde one.
Sasuke: Yeah. There's something off about this place. Really off.
(Y/N): I wonder why Kaneshiro picked our team to do this job. Is it really because we're strong?
Sasuke: Could be. I guess powerful enemies are really out to get him and his money or something.
(Y/N): But if he wanted really powerful Shinobi, why didn't he ask for a Jonin team or the Anbu?
Sasuke: I have no idea. I don't know if the Hokage didn't want to waste an experienced squad on something like this or what.
(Y/N): I think he picked our team for something more than just power.
Sasuke: Maybe it's because of your weird powers.
(Y/N): Am I really that well known now?
Sasuke: I mean, you did show off your powers during the final rounds of the Chunin Exams.
(Y/N): <nodding> But I didn't mean to. Those powers only show up at certain times like whenever I'm really angry. I'm trying to learn how to activate those powers at will without getting emotions involved.
Sasuke: How's that working out?
(Y/N): No good so far. It requires a lot of chakra.
Suddenly, they both saw movement in the yard. They perked up and watched intently.
Sasuke: Do you see that?
(Y/N): Yeah... It looks like two people...
Upon closer inspection, they found out it was just Kakashi and Toyama, who was clinging to his arm and giggling. Kakashi looked like he wanted to die.
(Y/N) and Sasuke chuckled at the sight.
(Y/N): God. Remember when most of the girls at the Academy used to do that to us?
Sasuke rolled his eyes and nodded.
(Y/N): Thank god we don't have to deal with that as much. Ino and Sakura have gotten much better about that.
Sasuke: They seemed to like you more.
(Y/N): I mean, who wouldn't? I'm hotter than you. <winks>
Sasuke: Ehh... I don't know about that...
(Y/N): Shut up, you edgy emo.
Sakura leaned against the wall, guarding the door that lead into the basement. She sighed.
Sakura: <thinking> Man, this is so boring. I have to stand here until lunch?
She then noticed someone peaking from behind a corner. It was the maid.
Sakura: Oh. Hi! You're Kaneshiro's maid, right? What was your name again?
The maid didn't say anything.
Sakura: Uhh... I'm Sakura. Come over here. I could use some company.
The maid still didn't move or make a sound.
Sakura: <thinking> What's with this girl? <out loud> It's okay. I won't hurt you.
The maid slowly walked over to Sakura. She bowed.
Nyssa: Forgive my shyness, Sakura-san. My name is Nyssa. I was wondering if you would want a snack?
Sakura: A snack? Yeah, I wouldn't mind an apple if it wouldn't bother you.
Nyssa bowed and left quickly.
Sakura: <thinking> So she's the shy type, huh? I remember when I was shy like that. That girl doesn't look that much older than me, actually.
Nyssa returned a few minutes later with a red apple. She bowed and presented it to Sakura.
Sakura grabbed it and bit.
Sakura: Mmm! This is really good.
Nyssa: If that is all you require, I shall take my le—
Sakura: <interrupting> Actually, why don't you stay? I could use someone to talk to.
Nyssa looked around before reluctantly standing against the wall with Sakura.
Sakura: So what is it like working for Kaneshiro?
Nyssa: <monotone> My master is the most kind person I have ever met and I will serve him for as long as he requires my service. I will never love a master more than him.
Sakura: <confused> Uhh... You didn't sound like you meant it.
Nyssa looked at her before sitting on the ground. She brought her knees to her chest.
Sakura slowly sat on the ground next to her.
Sakura: So... you're shy, huh? I used to be really shy as well. But then I met this girl named Ino who helped me become bolder.
Nyssa looked at Sakura but didn't say anything.
Sakura: I fight with Ino a lot, but that's how friends are, right? Honestly, she's my best friend. But I would never tell her that. It would be too embarrassing.
Nyssa: You're embarrassed to tell your best friend that she's your best friend? <tilts head> Why?
Sakura: I-I don't know. I guess I think she would tease me or something. I don't even know if she considers me to be her best friend too.
Nyssa: I wish I had friends.
Sakura: Huh?
Nyssa: All I ever see in this mansion if my master and those women.
Sakura: <frowning> You mean, you've never had a friend before?
Nyssa: I used to. When I was little, I had friends. Lots of them. And a brother too.
Sakura: Oh. What happened to them?
Nyssa: They're dead now.
Sakura: <gasps> What? Oh... I'm so sorry.
Nyssa: One day, a Shinobi attacked our village and burned it to the ground. He was a scary man with a cloak that had clouds on it. He also had these giant black monster things. They started killing everyone.
Sakura didn't say anything.
Nyssa: The scary man attacked me and my brother. He said he was looking for hearts. My brother tried to protect me but got his heart stolen. I was the only one that survived the attack.
Sakura saw that Nyssa was crying now.
Nyssa: Then... then Master Kaneshiro found me in the remains of my village and brought me to his mansion.
Sakura: I-I'm so sorry, Nyssa. I have no idea how that must've felt to experience that.
Nyssa sobbed. Sakura frowned before pulling her into a hug, surprising the maid.
Sakura: You have a friend now, at least.
She pulled away from Nyssa.
Nyssa: Th-Thank you, Sakura-san.
Sakura: Just call me "Sakura," all right?
Nyssa nodded and gave her a little smile.
That night, at dinner, Jeanine sat with Team 7 as they ate.
Jeanine: All right. You've pretty much completed your first day. Now you just have to decide which one of you all will be on the night watch.
Naruto: <with his mouth full> Night watch?
Jeanine: Yes. One of you must keep watch from the roof all night to make sure that no one tries to attack from night.
Naruto: All night? Not it.
Sakura: Not it.
(Y/N) tried to say "not it," but he had a mouth full of food and started choking.
Sasuke: Not it.
Kakashi: Not it.
(Y/N) finally swallowed the food.
(Y/N): God dammit. Really, Kakashi-sensei? You can't do it?
Kakashi: Come on. This will be a good experience for you. Lots of times ninjas have to do missions that require them to stay up all night. This will be good practice.
(Y/N): It's not practice if there's a chance that something could actually happen, but whatever.
Jeanine seemed really excited that (Y/N) was going to stay up all night.
Jeanine: <clears throat> Okay, so (Y/N), you're going to do night watch?
(Y/N): Apparently...
Jeanine: I'll make you some coffee to help.
(Y/N) groaned and slammed his head into the table.
Sakura: <scared> Aah! Are you all right?
(Y/N): <muffled> No.
Jeanine giggled and stood up.
Jeanine: You're night watch begins at 10 okay? Remember, if you do see something, let us know unless you think you can handle it by yourself.
(Y/N): Yeah, yeah.
(Y/N) walked up the stairs to the roof, holding two cups of coffee and grumbling to himself the whole time.
(Y/N): This is stupid. That shouldn't have counted. I started choking on food. Ugh. And I'm going to need way more than two cups of coffee to stay awake.
(Y/N) sat on the edge of the roof and sipped his coffee for about 2 hours. After that, his coffee supply was gone.
(Y/N): <to himself> This is stupid. I need more coffee.
As he stood up, he suddenly noticed something walking out of the nearby forest.
(Y/N): What the hell is that?
He squinted but it was hard to see in the dark. It looked like a humanoid figure.
(Y/N) put his hand on Crimson's hilt.
(Y/N): There's no harm in checking it out.
He then made his way down in a hurry, not noticing the winged creature up in the sky above him.
(Y/N) slowly made his way closer to the figure. It seemed to be just standing there and not moving.
The white haired male was now at the beginning of the forest. He got closer to the figure and hid behind a tree. He heard a deep voice.
???: What do you mean I should ask for help? Who knows who is living in that place. It could be an asshole or someone who is after Jinchuriki.
There was a pause.
???: Yeah, I know I could probably kick that person's ass but still.
(Y/N) raised an eyebrow. It seemed like the person was talking to himself.
Just then, (Y/N) heard a whoosh in the sky. He stayed still, while the figure stepped back.
???: What the hell was that? You know what, screw it, I'm not taking any chances. Maybe there's another way out of this forest. I'm going back in.
The figure started walking back to the forest. (Y/N) saw him more clearer now. He was a tall, burly man with huge armor and a kasa.
(Y/N): <thinking> Who is this guy? It doesn't seem like he wants to break into the mansion.
He watched as the large man entered the forest. He was about to follow him, when a stick under his foot fucking snapped.
(Y/N): <thinking> You have got to be shitting me.
The man turned.
???: Who's there?
(Y/N) stayed silent and tried not to move.
???: Eruption Propulsion Fist!!
Suddenly, the man punched a nearby tree, sending it flying into (Y/N)'s direction.
The white haired male jumped out of the way and landed on the ground in eyesight of the man.
???: Who are you and what are you doing here?
(Y/N): I could ask you the same thing.
The man stepped closer to him.
???: What the—? You're a brat! Who sent you?
(Y/N): No one sent me. You were just on private property so I came to check it out.
???: You live in that mansion? So the resident wants me dead, huh?
(Y/N): Where'd you get that idea from? I have no idea who you are!
???: <hand seal> Vapor Style: Corrosive Jet!
A jet of steam was suddenly released from his hands. It went straight towards (Y/N).
(Y/N): Ah, shit.
(A/N): I have returned. My laziness gets out of hand sometimes. Anyway, here is the second chapter of my own arc. I hoped you enjoyed it. Farewell for now as I return to my realm of degeneracy and weebage.