By TJ_love94

389K 27.9K 20.7K

[COMPLETED] Just a simple love story of CEO Kim Taehyung and his secretary Kim Seokjin, with unexpected up an... More

15 (Party 1/3)
16 (Party 2/3)
17 (Party 3/3)
60 (Revelation 1/3)
61 (Revelation 2/3)
62 (Revelation 3/3)
65 (Wedding day 1/2)
66 (Wedding day 2/2)
73 [M]
75 (Ending)
Thank you!! 🥳
Bonus Shot


5K 354 225
By TJ_love94

It's a start of phase II, but basically it's a continuation of previous chapter, nothing changes or no time skip for that matter.

Outside Taehyung's house:

After eight hours of long journey they are finally outside Taehyung's house.

Taehyung parked his car and was going to say something to Jin when he stopped seeing Jin deep in thoughts and chewing on his lip.

"What happened?"

Jin flinched hearing Taehyung's sudden voice.

Jin slowly shook his head to when Taehyung gave him a questioning look.

"I-it's just... nothing. Let's go."

Taehyung frowned, he can tell that Jin is thinking something but he decided to let it go for now. So, he nodded.

"Sir take your- umm-" Jin get cut off bcoz of Taehyung's lips on his.

After giving a deep kiss to Jin for seconds Taehyung pulled away with a smirk.

Jin looked at him confused, "W-what are you do-"

"I told you I will kiss you if you called me sir."

"But now we are in home. I don't have to call you by your name here for now, right?!" Jin asked hopeful.

"And why is that?!" Taehyung asked frowning.

"I can't call you by your name in front of aunt." Jin reasoned.

"What's the problem?" Taehyung shrugged and took his bag from backseat.

After taking his bag when he looked at Jin he found him glaring at him with a pout.

Taehyung raised a brow at him.

Jin sighed, "You can't act like this. We didn't tell aunty about us till now. I can't call you by your name in front of her. What she will even think?! What happened between us that till now I was calling you sir but suddenly I am calling you by your name?! No, it's suspicious and embarrassing. Once she will know the truth, I will stop calling you sir."

Taehyung looked at him cheekily and asked, "So, you don't want me to call you baby then?!"

Jin shook his head, "For now. In front of aunt, I don't want you to call me baby."

Taehyung's face fell and he rolled his eyes, "Too bad I will call you baby. Especially when you will call me sir. Now, I can't kiss you in front of her, right?! Have to settle on something else." he winked after saying it.

Jin looked at him horrified, "No!"

"Yes!" Taehyung laughed and came outside the car.

"Nooo." Jin whined and came outside the car too.

"You can't order me around." Taehyung laughed more, but Jin can tell that he is serious.

"I am requesting." Jin gave Taehyung the most innocent face.

Taehyung looked away immediately from his face before he get weak and shook his head, "Request rejected."

Jin rolled his eyes and looked at Taehyung in anger.

"What happened between you two now?!"

They both looked at the side from where Taehy came to welcome them.

"N-nothing." Jin stuttered.

Taehyung bit his lips to stop himself from laughing.

Taehy sighed, "Can something happen between you two more than just fighting?!" she asked tiredly but also to see some reaction on their faces.

And sure enough both of them became red as tomato hearing the question, and looked down.

Taehy raised her brow seeing that.

"W-we don't always fight." Jin answered.

Taehy squinted her eyes at him but nodded.

"Let's go in."

Taehyung and Jin followed her to go inside the house.

"Mary told me you both depart from there early than you were planned." Taehy said.

"Yeah! Bcoz Sir-" Jin started but got cut off by Taehyung.

"Jin baby-" Taehyung started but stopped when Jin and Taehy both looked at him wide-eyed.

"Jin b-baby?!" Taehy looked at them shocked.

Taehyung nodded, "Yes, Jin is baby-"

"Aunt, you tell me am I a baby just bcoz I like candies?!" Jin asked.

Taehy and Taehyung both looked at him confused.

"What?!" Taehy asked.

"He is calling me baby bcoz I like candies." Jin said pouting.

Taehyung raised his brow at him and challengingly asked him, "Am I?"

Taehy was looking at Taehyung so Jin used the chance and gave Taehyung the most threatening glare.

Taehyung just laughed.

Jin rolled his eyes, "Leave him. I am hungry." he said pouting and turning Taehy towards him.

It was already dinner time.

Taehy found them a little weird. She can tell that something is there that she is missing. But still she nodded.

"Go and get fresh, then come, we will eat."

Jin smiled wide and literally ran from there to his room.

Taehyung even though was acting brave in front of Jin, but he also doesn't want his mother to get suspicious of them so soon and ask everything tonight.

He had already planned to tell her about them tomorrow morning.

He can wait for now.

So, instead of running behind Jin, he talked to his mother a little and then went to his room.

After few minutes:

They all are settled down and having their dinner peacefully.

Taehy is asking them questions about the wedding ceremony and their journey. She definitely wants to know if they enjoyed their trip or not, but her main purpose of asking them questions is to find out if her plan worked or not.

If they confessed or not.

Or does her plans and hope all get in vain?

Currently Taehy is talking to Jin about how Sanduel was praising him for his looks and that he actually wanted to talk to Jin more, but couldn't. He will look forward for the time when they will meet again.

Jin was listening to her happily and little flustered about all the praise.

Taehyung was silently listening to them. Happy inside listening to Jin's praise and seeing him all happy and flustered. Taehyung was trying so hard to keep his face neutral, as it was so hard for him to contain the amount of happiness he is feeling today.

He can't stop smiling thinking about Jin and him.

That they are together.

As lovers.

"This is bland. I need more salt in it."

Taehyung heard Jin saying that. He saw salt in front of him. He was going to pass it to Jin but get an idea at that moment and stopped.

He looked down at his plate entirely, like spacing out from world.

Jin saw that the salt is in front of Taehyung, and it's hard for him to get. So, he thought of asking Taehyung to pass it.

Without thinking, as a habit he said, "Si- oh", but luckily he realized what he was about to say and he doesn't want Taehyung to embarrass him in front of Taehy right now.

So, he stopped himself from completing the word.

He looked at Taehy and sighed in relief when he saw her focusing on her meal.

He then looked at Taehyung, who was looking at his plate and eating food like it's the only thing he can see.

It's weird.

This time instead of calling him sir or by his name, he settled in gaining his attention by clearing his throat.

And so he did.

His this act did gain attention but only from Taehy not from Taehyung.

Taehyung purposefully ignored Jin.

"Ahem!" Jin said a little loud to get Taehyung attention but of no use.

Jin can tell what Taehyung is trying to do, and he internally rolled his eyes at him.

"Can you pass me the salt?!" Jin asked stretching his hand in front, referring to Taehyung but without calling him.

Taehyung ignored, and bit his lips to stop himself from laughing hard.

This time Jin freely rolled his eyes when his eyes fell on Taehy, and he found Taehy looking at them curiously and confused.

Jin gave her a sheepish smile, which only made Taehy frown more and Jin more embarrassed.

Though luckily Taehy prevent him from more embarrasment, as she herself called Taehyung.


"Hmm?" Taehyung looked at Taehy with innocent look.

"Jin wants that salt."

"O" Taehyung smiled a little and gave it to Jin, "I didn't thought you were talking to me." he said faking being apologetic.

Jin take the salt and gave him a tight lip smile, "You sure didn't." he said calmly.

Taehyung nodded looking grateful and again focused on his food.

Jin for now let Taehyung go with it.

While Taehy can only look at them.

At around 11pm:

Taehy was ready to go to bed, when she got a call.


"So?" the other person said.

"So?" Taehy asked in return.

"What's the news?" Yoongi asked trying to maintain his cool aura but Taehy can tell his excitement.

Taehy chuckled.

"They are acting weird." she said.

"Oh yeah?" Yoongi's voice get more enthusiastic.

"But that's it. I don't know if it's anything to be happy about."

"Oh! What if your plan of thinking that this trip will help him to confess actually didn't worked out like we thought?"

"I don't know. I think we have to wait to know. Just if you would have asked hoseok about what he talked to Jin then maybe we don't have to wait."

"Uh.. about that. Actually I don't know what happened to hobi but he is a little off. I can feel that he is worried and sad about something from deep inside, but he isn't sharing it with me. And I don't wanna force him. And that's why I couldn't bring myself to ask him about Jin." Yoongi said getting serious.

"Oh!" Taehy frowned, "It's ok. You take care of him. I will find out their secret one way or another." she laughed a little at her statement.

Yoongi chuckled, "I am sure of it."

"Good night Yoongi."

"Good night aunty."

At the same time in Jin's room:

Jin after doing his all night routines was going to bed when someone knock on his door.

He frowned thinking who it can be at this time.

He opened the door and didn't even get the chance to see who is the intruder, instead he get pushed inside, he could only heard the sound of door getting shut behind him and then new but at the same time very familiar lips were kissing him.

His heart started beating faster feeling happy for many reasons-

1) He is feeling happy and ecstatic like he felt everytime when Taehyung kiss him.

2) He is happy bcoz this is the first time that Taehyung has come to his room in all these days of his stay. Everytime they met timm now was in office room or somewhere else, but never in his room.

And he don't want anything else more than to kiss Taehyung back.

But he resisted that urge and stand there motionless.

Taehyung after second feeling that Jin is not kissing him back pulled away frowning.

"What happened?" he asked Jin confused.

Jin gave him his the most straight face ever, "I always thought that you are the most annoying boss ever. But you just proved me wrong. You are the most annoying boyfriend ever too."

"Jin that was for fun."

"Really?! Then why it didn't made me laugh?!" Jin asked sarcastically.

Taehyung pouted, "Are you going to be like this to me now?!" he asked looking like a dejected puppy.

"You asked for it." Jin shrugged and turn around, hiding his smile.

He is pissed off at Taehyung for what he did. He really made him scared.

But after seeing Taehyung like this who can be mad at him? Atleast he doesn't have that much control in him.

He always saw Taehyung as a cold or in his words AYM boss. Seeing him like this is just so endearing and Jin is already feeling lucky to be the only one who will get this privilege.

But he knows how to hide his fondness, and right now he is not going to get easy on Taehyung.

So he went and sat on bed giving Taehyung a disapproving look.

Taehyung also came and sat beside him.

"Ok, I am sorry." he apologized looking down.

Jin for a moment felt bad but he knew better how sorry Taehyung actually is.

"You are not sorry, are you?" Jin asked him.

Taehyung beamed at that, smiled his boxy smile and shook his head.

Jin scoffed.

His eyes then widened when Taehyung pulled him and made him sit on his lap.

Before he can even say anything Taehyung's lips were on crook of his neck, making him still.

They sat there like that for seconds, just Taehyung giving Jin's neck butterfly kisses.

"You know I came here for a very important work before you seduced me." Taehyung mumbled.

This made Jin pulled away a little from him and he looked at Taehyung offended, "I seduced you?! When?!"

"Just when you open the door."

"Excuse me? You didn't even gave me a chance to say anything."

"Your one glance is enough for you to seduce me." Taehyung answered seriously.

Jin was speechless with that information.

"Oh.." he trailed off and looked away from Taehyung.

"Anyways I came here to ask how you and our baby is doing?" Taehyung said turning Jin's face again towards him.

"Away from me." Taehyung added with a pout.

Jin melted and pecked his lips.

"We are doing good. And for your information you are just in next room from mine." Jin answered smiling.

Taehyung shrugged, "It's still so far."

Jin didn't said anything bcoz he kinda agreed.

"We will tell eomma about us tomorrow."

Jin looked at Taehyung wide-eyed when he said that. His face fell.

"I-i am scared." Jin admitted honestly.

Taehyung hugged him by his waist, "There is no use of getting scared for what is bound to happen Jin. We just have to be ready. Besides I don't think it will be that hard."

"I hope so not."

Taehyung smiled at him which soon changed into smirk.

"Now I was thinking when I am already here, why don't we do something fun?" Taehyung asked giving Jin a suggestive stare.

Jin rolled his eyes and stood up from where he seated on Taehyung's lap till now and pulled Taehyung above with him.

He then started dragging Taehyung towards the door, "We are not going to have any fun."

"Whyyy?" Taehyung whined behind him.

Jin didn't answer.

"Baby that's what new couple do."

"We will not."

"We will just make out for few minutes."


"Just kissing for few seconds."


"Ok, just cuddle."


"Just a peck then."

"No." Jin said holding his laugh and pushed Taehyung outside his room.

"God! You are so mean to me." Taehyung whined from outside the room looking at Jin betrayed.

"Karma." Jin said simply and closed the door leaving Taehyung outside.

"You will regret it." Taehyung threatened him.

That only make Jin laugh more.

Taehyung hearing Jin's laughter himself smiled, and contented came to his room.

They both went to sleep with big smiles on their faces.

Feeling euphoric.

Unaware of the fact that Taehy saw Taehyung coming out of Jin's room and their smile.

Thanks for reading ❤️.

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