Love me until the End ( COMPL...

By dmoneyyy4

113K 3.3K 459

" I don't know if the both of us are going to be able to make it out alive" " I know-I know. Just promise t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 40

1K 47 18
By dmoneyyy4


" I'm hungry and you're trying to discuss some shit, I'm honestly not trying to talk about right now," Kentrell said making me groan

" Kentrell, tonight is the night where everything is going down. We need to figure out who killed Ronny, so just focus bitch damn" I snapped irritated

"Call me a bitch again," he said throwing his shoe at my face

" I know damn mother fucking well, you ain't just throw that shoe in my face." I held both of my hands together so it wouldn't accidentally slip and slap the fuck out of him

without saying anything he threw the other shoe, a pause took over the both of us as we just stood there looking at each other

"BITCH" I yelled launching at him

I punched him in the face, which resulted in him shoving me off of him. He picked me up by my legs and tried to body slam me but failed since I tripped him making him fall. I straddled his waist and started choking his ass with both hands

" I'm finna fuck you up," he said choking me back making my head tilt upwards

" wha- really?" Montanna asked stomping towards us

He picked me up by my shirt and threw me across the room, making me fall into Kentrell's dirty laundry basket

" I'm getting tired of ya lil stupid ass," Kentrell said standing up, adjusting his chains

" before you go talking shit, make sure you wash your ass right" I held up his draws where everyone could see them

Kentrell growled, making me imitate him " roar" I growled back holding up both hands

He launched at me and managed to get me out of his basket, he sat on top of me and held down both of my wrist " you playing around and we don't have much time until I have to meet with your brother" he said making me scoff

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

" IM NOT ABOUT TO TELL YALL AGAIN TO STFU AND LISTEN" I yelled clenching both of my fists, silence filled the room

"Ok" I sighed " first thing first," I said turning my attention to the person who had tensed at the name of Ronny

" KD, come with me for a second," I said nodding my head towards the hallway

Once we were in the hallway, I turned around to look at kd

" what?" He asked looking bored, I pouted in return

" not to say it bluntly, but you gay aren't you," I said looking into his eyes


" Please lower your voice or the others will hear," I said calmly

" Bro I don't give no fuck, let them hear, " He said shrugging, playing in his hair

" Now is not the time to be denial kd, I need to know if you're gay," I said pleadingly

He stared at me a bit before scoffing rolling his eyes " yes and what about it" he mumbled making me chuckle " fuck is funny" he asked offended

" nothing, but I need you to come out to everyone so we can all figure this out," I said

He suddenly panicked and backed up holding his hands out " tiara I'm not doing none of that shit, you tweaking. I can barely let them niggas know it's been me who been eating up all dog biscuits let alone this"

" kd you- wait what?"

" erm.. forget I said that," he said embarrassed " what I'm saying is"

"Your scared?"  I finished tilting my head

" uh.. yea," he said scratching his neck

Look at him.. picking up my habits and shit

" kd," I said putting my hand on his shoulder " if they are really your friends they would accept you for who you are, your sexuality shouldn't change their love for you, and if it does you know what you need to do," I said reassuringly " I know for a fact they going to have your back," I said smiling

he almost smiled back but he gained composure quickly " whatever, let's go," he said pushing my hand off of his shoulder

" I like to take it up the ass," Kd said as we just walked into the room, we weren't even here for 1 minute before he blurted that out.

" nigga what" Ben laughed along with everyone else

I scanned the room before looking over at a nervous Kd.

" bro what the fuck is you talking about," kentrell said giggling as everyone laughter was dying down

" I'm gay," Kd said playing in his hair

Everyone got serious

" bro what are you talking about? We just fucked some bitches together the other day" Ben said confused

" I've been gay for almost a year now," Kd said avoiding everybody gazes at him

" wh- ho- whatttt" Ben dragged pulling his hair

" well um, that was unexpected," 3three said clearing his throat " but we support you if that's you stressing about" He looked around and seen all the other boys nodding before looking back at Kd

" ok. Tiara.. go. Now" Kd said not liking all the attention on him

" ok, Kd.. well, were you fucking Ronny?" I asked trying to make it seem blunt but not too blunt

" yes," he said bluntly

" whattttt" Ben screeched

" BEN SHUT THE FUCK UP" Kentrell yelled punching Ben in the arm

"NIGGA YOU SHUT UP" He yelled while holding his aching arm

" bitch nigga, get up. We finna fade" kentrell said standing up, also pulling up his pants

" shidd, wassup," Ben said copying kentrell actions

"SIT. THE FUCK. DOWN" I yelled punching kentrell in his back then the same with Ben

" bro what the fuck" Ben whined trying to rub his back while falling onto the couch.
Kentrell whose used to my punches just sat down on the couch while fumbling with his hands

" ok, Kd you were fucking with Ronny a months ago.. correct?" I asked

" yea" he mumbled

" Did he take you to this house in the woods one night?" I asked

" yep"

" I think I walked in on y'all fucking, but I thought it was my brother," I said scratching my neck chuckling

Trey will kill me if he ever knows I thought he fucked Ronny

" which brother," Kd asked glaring which kind of scared me

" uh.. trey," I said making him relax again

" oh," he said going back to playing in his hair

" what that have to do with this?"

" y'all was framed, somebody sent Ronny head to my brother, my brother thinks kentrell or somebody in y'all gang did it. So head for head, he's dead set on killing kentrell " I explained playing with my hair

" But.. the other day, somebody in our gang slipped up and spoke on Ronny's mission," I said

" so" kentrell

" nobody knows who Ronny was sent to kill, only that while he was on his mission he got kidnapped and next thing you know his head was in a box on our porch"

" who was the person who spoke on the mission?"

" his name is Ryan Ross, watch him, hack his phone calls, do whatever you have to before tonight, we need enough proof to prove to my brother that it wasn't y'all who did it"

" why can't you get your peoples to do this" kd whined

" because kd, I don't know who was in on the mission to kill Ronny. I can't trust anyone" I said scratching my neck looking outside the window " also, the man who Ronny was supposed to kill name is George, that's all I know," I said walking out of the house

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

" how do you think tonight about to play out? You nervous" Riyah asked as we loaded and cleaned our guns

" yea" I mumbled sniffing, wiping my nose

" I hate having to give tips to the Uber eats drivers," Bri said walking in with Panda Express

" you don't have to, I never did," I said standing up to stretch

" wait you don't?" Bri gaped, shocked at the information she just learned

" nope, the only tip they get from me is to look both ways before crossing the street," Riyah said making the three of us laugh

" bitch you stupid" I giggled sighing

" so how you about to do this?" Bri asked smacking on her orange chicken while cleaning her gun

" easy.. first I'm walking in with my brother.."
_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Everyone heart was beating fast as they met up at the place they were supposed to

Tiara was beside her brother, waiting for kentrell and his homies to come. Hope deep in her heart, that all her loved ones make it out alive tonight and that her plan works.

Trey was excited to finally get revenge on Ronny, horrible nights where he couldn't go to sleep because he saw his best friend's head in that box scarred him for life, and for that he's going to make kentrell die slow.

Riyah and Bri stood side by side while holding hands, they both were sweating and shaking. Neither one of them knew how tonight was going to turn out, but they could only wish for the best

Kentrell and his homies walked through the field for which felt like forever until he made it in front of Trey, his eyes connected with tiara and a smirk appeared on his face

" so this is who you sides with hm?" Kentrell asked her raising an eyebrow " and I thought you were smart" kentrell chuckled before taking a puff of the blunt " whatever, you're going to die tonight anyway" he said coldly which made tiara and trey tense up

Tiara knew he was just acting, but damn it felt so real.

" enough chit chat" trey said eagerly before everybody raised their guns at kentrell

"Heh" kentrell chuckled, and soon enough kentrell gang raised their gun at the opposite side Shots rang out and one of kentrell men dropped, but one of ours did also

Tiara's eyes widened before she looked at kentrell, kentrell glared at her but this time she glared back. Trey growled before stepping in front of Tiara while taking his gun out immediately

What had just happened, neither kentrell nor Tiara had planned for it to happen.

Suddenly the street lights went out, which made the whole street black

Whispers surrounded the place, and soon all everyone heard was feet running which startled everyone

Everyone ran around the place, bumping into people which led to fights. The next thing you know it was a huge brawl, but nobody could see. So they were just fighting what they thought was someone

Tiara was just running in circles, bumping into a few people but managed to escape without having to fight anyone, but now she was walking slowly while her hands were out moving around to feel if anybody was around, but then the lights flickered back on

She sighed in relief before the sight in front of her made her heart stop

" no" she whimpered running as fast as she could to them

" trey no" she yelled before blocking kentrell's body from the gun

" your protecting him" trey spat looking at her in betrayal

" you have to understand he wasn't the one who shot Ronny," Tiara said quickly still holding on to kentrell's body tighter

" then who did" trey growled still having his index finger on the trigger

" I- I don't know, but it wasn't him. I swear" She said biting her lip

Kd and the boys wasn't able to find anything on Ryan's phone, his movements were normal, he was clean, then they looked for a George in the mafia but found none, whoever this George was, he was impossible to find.

But Tiara knew he wasn't, the boys just weren't the right people to go to, to find him. She needed Kedric. But can she trust him?

" the girl is right, the boy with dents in his head didn't kill Ronny. I did" Ryan said walking out of the shadows

" Ryan?" Trey said confused

" smch. I should've killed you then, when you slipped up about Ronny's mission" Tiara said standing up also helping kentrell get on his feet, she put her arm around his shoulder, and his arm was around her waist

" what slip up," Ronny asked confused

" when you brought up George," Tiara said scrunching up her face

" oh honey that wasn't a slip-up, I purposely let you hear that so our plan can set in motion," he said chuckling making Tiara scowl at him

" well whatever, just know me and Kennedy are declaring war. Good luck" He said turning around walking away while we all stared at his back

Tiara looked around at everyone, and they were confused. Nobody knew what was going on.

" Trey, we have to tell them what Kennedy did, and what's going on," Tiara said making Trey agree " It's also time to call a peace treaty with kentrell gang and side up with them," she said making Trey look at her in disgust

" We don't need them, we're good on our own." he said " LETS HEAD OUT" he yelled motioning for his gang to follow him

" trey, she's targeting both gangs now. She shot our people and theirs, we need to team up and work together" Tiara pleaded " She managed to turn one of our people against us, she managed to play us all this time, trey w-"

" I KNOW, I know damn." He said rolling his eyes " From now on the Nightwalkers call a peace treaty with 4ktrey and will work together from now on" Trey said sticking out his hand for kentrell to shake

( Ian know what to name their gang so like bare with me, and I'm not sure if that's really the name of the gang kentrell in, but shit we gonna act like it is today)

Kentrell nodding his head in agreement and shook his hand " 4ktrey accept the peace treaty, and will work with you from now on"  He said loudly and clearly making his gang and Trey gang start clapping
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

It's been a minute since I updated and I'm sorry for that, but I graduated 8th y'all🥰  I've been a Lil busy since then, my bad. Imma try to go back to updating every 2 days, but I have a lot of shit to do. So I'll try.

Anyways, thanks for reading❤️

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