The World Of Baby Joonie

By Starrynight_Hobi

16.3K 707 174

Adventures in the life of baby Namjoon! Thank you @taethecrisis for the amazing cover and 1st place in the aw... More

Babys First Easter
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Shots And Uncle Hobi
Third Birthday
Business Trip
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Welcome To The Family
Sick Day
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Parents Sick Day
English? Whats that?
Dont tell the secret!

Welcome to the world

3.1K 91 19
By Starrynight_Hobi

“Hello, my little love bug!” Yoongi chimed as took the baby out of his crib and spun around with his baby in his arms. The baby giggled and laid his head on Yoongis shoulder from just waking up. His fingers were in his mouth as he babbled.
“Yoongi-ah don’t get my baby wound up after he just woke up!” Shouted Seokjin from the kitchen. Yoongi just rolled his eyes and kissed the baby’s soft cheek.” Oh Namjoonie your dada is so silly, huh?” the baby just babbled and grabbed Yoongis nose.

The uncle was going to babysit today while Seokjin returned to work. The father had been on maternity leave from work and was hesitant to leave the baby at home. Soon Yoongi brought the baby downstairs and put him in his highchair.

Namjoon was giggling and banging his hand on the highchair tray. One hand was still by his mouth as he had his fingers in his mouth. When Seokjin came into his sight he smiled and looked up at his dada.

“Hello Namjoonie” Seokjin smiled and set the plates on the table for Yoongi and himself Yoongi began eating while Seokjin fed Namjoonie his jar of baby food. Seokjin was lucky his baby was just like him and was a good eater. When he finished, Seokjin got up and made him a bottle.

After testing if the bottle wasn’t too hot, Seokjin reached to grab Namjoon but was stopped. 

“Hyung I can give him his bottle.” Yoongi offered. The younger had been living with them ever since Seokjin got pregnant. Although Namjoon was the result of a one-night stand, they all still loved him. Seokjin reluctantly handed over the bottle and began eating.  Yoongi took Namjoon out of the highchair and began feeding him his bottle.

He hummed quietly as the baby drank the warm formula. Once he finished, Yoongi burped him and cleaned up the spit up on Namjoons chin.

“You really are Jin hyungs child.” he joked as Namjoons fingers returned to his mouth, The baby squealed and giggled as Yoongi made a funny face at him. Soon Seokjin came out dressed for work, “are you sure you’ll be okay? He can be a handful.” 

“I’ve been living with you hyung, we’ll be fine won’t we Namjoonie?” Yoongi looked down at the baby. Namjoon babbled as he chewed on his fingers. Slobber ran down his chin as he looked up at Seokjin and giggled.

“Okay okay goodbye my little bug, bye Yoongs ill see you when I get off.” Seokjin smiled and reluctantly left the house. 

“Hmm what should we do now Namjoonie? How about we watch a show?” Yoongi put on the baby channel. Namjoons eyes lit up as he watched the colorful shapes and heard all the sounds. He clapped his hands and babbled at the tv.

Yoongi enjoyed watching his nephew so immersed by the colors. While Namjoon watched hed babble constantly. “Oh really? Tell me about it” Yoongi said as if Namjoon was talking to him.

The baby would babble louder when Yoongi responded to him. Oh, how his nephew always made his heart a puddle. When Yoongi bounced Namjoon on his knee Namjoon squealed and giggled.

After the show had gone off Namjoon began to cry loudly, “Oh Namjoonie don’t cry another show will come on.” Yoongi bounced the baby and realized why he was crying so loudly. 

“Oh, you need a change don’t you? Let’s get you all cleaned up.”

After changing the baby’s diaper and dressing him, Yoongi smiled as he set Namjoon on the blanket spread on the ground with toys. Namjoon giggled and hit the toys to make them spin, “ba!” he giggled more.
Yoongi couldn’t help but coo at the baby. He groaned as his phone began to ring, he answered and rolled his eyes, “ yes hyung he’s just fine.” 

“Can I see my baby?” Seokjin asked as he put his stuff on the desk. Yoongi groaned, “Hyung hes just fine, just relax and work I have this handled hes just playing with his toys right now, happy as can be.”

Seokjin took a deep breath, "right right sorry I'll see you later."

Yoongi said goodbye and hung up. He looks down and saw Namjoon on his back, messing with his feet that were in the air. He giggled and kicked his feet..

Yoongi chuckled and sat next to him on the ground. "Hello little Joonie." Yoongi created a voice for the little giraffe stuffie in his hand.

Namjoon looked up and stared at the animal he babbled as if he started a conversation. "Ba ba ba!" 

"Oh you're too precious sweet pea." Namjoon giggled and laid on his tummy. He drooled as he chewed on his fingers and tried to roll around.

When Namjoon rolled onto his back again Yoongi tickled him lightly. Namjoon squealed and kicked his feet. "My precious nephew."

After their little tickle session, Yoongi was able to put Namjoon down for his nap. In his crib, his blankie and giraffe surrounded him as he slept quietly with his pacifier in his mouth.

He gently sucked the pacifier and slept. Yoongi felt so lonely now, usually he hung out with Seokjin while Namjoon napped.

He decided to watch a show with the volume low. He drifted to sleep and woke up an hour later to Namjoons crying. 

He quickly went to the nursery and lifted him up, "oh why is my Namjoonie crying huh?" 

Yoongi checked Namjoons diaper, when he saw it was clean he was confused. He fed Namjoon already so he wasnt hungry for sure.

He gently bounced the baby and rocked him in his arms. He hummed quietly to soothe the baby only to think he probably wanted something that Yoongi didnt have right now, Seokjin.

Yoongi placed gentle kisses on the baby's face and placed the pacifier in his mouth.

"Dont cry honey bear, dada will be home soon I promise." 

Maybe a small snack that Seokjin left would calm the baby. After clipping the pacifier clip to Namjoons onesie, he headed to the kitchen. 

By the time they arrived, Namjoons sobs subsided to small whimpers. He pitifully laid his head on Yoongis shoulder and whined.

"Da." The baby mumbled. 

"I know I know, let's get a nice snack dada left for you." Yoongi patted his back and reached into the shelf especially for Namjoon.

He took out a small container of applesauce and one of the small spoons. He placed the baby in his highchair.

"Okay baby let's eat a yummy snack from dada." Yoongi opened the snack and took a spoonful.

The baby refused to open his mouth, his pitiful sniffles rang through the small kitchen.

"Oh come on sweetie, your dada will be so happy when he hears you ate so well." Yoongi cheered as he tried once more.

Namjoon pushed away and cried more. Yoongi felt defeated and put the container back in the fridge.

He raised the baby into his arms, "shh shh its gonna be okay cutie." Namjoon stuffed his fist into his mouth and cried.

"Da!" Yoongi gently pulled the hand down, replacing it with the pacifier.

Yoongi felt at a loss, Namjoon rarely cried unless he was hungry, needed to be changed, tired, or got hurt (Seokjin learned in just those short 2 months he has a very clumsy baby).

What felt like forever, finally Seokjin returned home. He rushed in at the sound of Namjoons cries. His face was red with tears.

Yoongi looked exhausted as Namjoon cried. Seokjin cooed as he took him into his arms. 

"Oh my baby, it's okay dada is here." Seokjin peppered the baby in kisses. Namjoon sniffled and stuffed his head in Seokjins chest. 

Seokjin gently patted his back, "oh precious all that crying for dada made you so tired." 

The father cooed as he patted Namjoons back until he fell asleep. Gently placing a kiss on his cheek and laying him on the blanket to sleep.

"He was great until he woke up from a nap wanting you." Said Yoongi as he took a drink of water.

"At least he was good most of the time." Commented Seokjin.

"How was work?"  

"Tiring and I was worried about Namjoon the whole time. Maybe I should stay longer so he wont cry." Seokjin laid on the couch.

"Hyung no, he will adjust eventually, both of you will. Now let me cook you dinner." Yoongi said as he got to the kitchen.

When dinner was ready Seokjin fed Namjoon, who was now happily eating and hitting his hands on the tray.

He giggled and stuck his tongue out, making drool run down his chin, "da!"

"Yes baby da is feeding you some yummy food huh?" Seokjin chuckled and wiped his face with the bib.

"Now my little bug, let's get you a nice bath, into a snuggly onesie, and watch a movie with da and uncle Yoonie." Seokjin picked Namjoon out of the highchair, taking his bib off. 

Namjoon grabbed Seokjins shirt with his tiny fist and chewed on it as they went to the bathroom.

Seokjin opted for bathing the baby in the sink. He had to work quickly since the fussy baby was not fond of the bath. Namjoons pitiful cries were as if he was screaming for Yoongi to rescue him.

He finally got Namjoon clean and wrapped in his fluffy koala towel. Seokjin placed a pacifier in Namjoons mouth before quickly putting a new diaper on him and a fluffy onesie.

"Oh look at you precious." Seokjin kissed his nose and brought him into the livingroom where a freshly showered Yoongi sat on the couch.

"Aww look at you." He cooed as Seokjin handed Namjoon to Yoongi so he could go shower as well.

Namjoon wasnt tired but he snuggled into Yoongis side. Content with the warmth, Namjoon babbled and sucked on his pacifier.

Seokjin returned later and held him close.

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