The Devil I Love | Jikook Smu...

By Sincerely_Jikook

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Chapter 1: Big News
Chapter 2: An Angel
Chapter 3: Doe Eyes
Chapter 4: Pose
Chapter 5: A Sultry Look
Chapter 6: A Beautiful Distraction
Chapter 7: Intoxicated~
Chapter 8: An Unexpected Call
Chapter 9: Don't Let Them See
Chapter 10: Sweetheart~
Chapter 11: Touch Me
Chapter 12: Silence~
Chapter 13: Admiration~
Chapter 14: The Director
Chapter 15: In My Thoughts
Chapter 16: Lonely~
Chapter 17: The Sound Of Your Voice
Chapter 18: An Eerie Man
Chapter 19: Tonight's Plans
Chapter 20: We Meet Again
Chapter 21: Alone~
Chapter 22: My Drug
Chapter 23: A New Experience~
Chapter 24: Take Control~
Chapter 25: Clingy
Chapter 27: A 'Special' Relationship
Chapter 28: Trapped
Chapter 29: My Happiness
Chapter 30: How I Feel About You
Chapter 31: He Knows
Chapter 32: Stay In My Arms
Chapter 33: Those Sweet Chills
Chapter 34: Lost In You~
Chapter 35: Don't Go~
Chapter 36: Paradise
Chapter 37: We Have History
Chapter 38: The Proposal
Chapter 39: I'm All You Need
Chapter 40: In Your Mind~
Chapter 41: When I Think Of You~
Chapter 42: Something Amiss
Chapter 43: My Pain
Chapter 44: A Caged Bird
Chapter 45: All I Know
Chapter 46: Patience
Chapter 47: Playing His Game
Chapter 48: Temporary
Chapter 49: I'll Protect You
Chapter 50: Spending Time
Chapter 51: Prevent
Chapter 52: The Best Distraction
Chapter 53: Spoil Me~
Chapter 54: You Belong to Me~
Chapter 55: A Weak Target
Chapter 56: The Odd One Out
Chapter 57: A Jealous Man
Chapter 58: Crossroads
Chapter 59: My Decision
Chapter 60: Face To Face
Chapter 61: You're a Monster (TW)
Chapter 62: I'm Free (TW)
Chapter 63: I Love You
Chapter 64: The Devil I Love (FINALE)

Chapter 26: A Little Peculiar

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By Sincerely_Jikook

Jimin continued to hug Jungkook from the back and let out a soft exhale. Trying his best to distract himself with the younger at all costs. He remained there, closing his eyes as Jungkook finally stopped scrolling through his phone and looked to the side where Jimin was pressing his head against his shoulder softly.

"Are you still a little sleepy?" Jungkook asked as he finally turned around to point his body towards Jimin and hold him by his shoulders. Watching his gaze finally fix onto his. "Your nose is a little red..."

"I-I was trying to sneeze..." Jimin lied and ran his hands up Jungkook's chest. Loving the feeling of his hands touching something so soft and warm. He wanted to bury his face onto it and sleep once more, but he knew that their passionate intercourse was over. "Jungkook... Do we have to leave?"

"Yes, we do. There's nothing more for us to do if we stay. Besides, I need to take you back. You must be a busy person tomorrow so I can't steal you for another night," Jungkook told Jimin. Realizing that Jimin didn't want to go back to his own place and wanted to stay with the one he kept things very intimate with.

Jungkook was confused at how clingy Jimin became. Surely even after sex, people in such a 'special' relationship wouldn't get this touchy and clingy, right? Jungkook couldn't tell if it was right or wrong–due to his lack of experience on anything related to sex– but aside from that, he found himself worrying a little about Jimin deep down. Was he lying about a sneeze? And what was that fear striking through his eyes the moment Jungkook woke him up with a simple touch under the chin? Jungkook wasn't too curious since he understood their special relationship completely. He only wondered if Jimin understood it too.

Eventually, the two washed up separately and were finally in the car. Jimin kept his head pressed against the car seat and kept looking out the window in silence. He didn't want to go back, but he couldn't dare to tell Jungkook why. Jimin knew if he stayed with Jungkook until sunrise, that would only complicate things more. For the sake of the young man, Jimin chose not to make his life difficult at all. If he stayed, he would have to explain more and Jimin feared trusting another soul. So he sucked it up and closed his eyes as his head pressed against the window. Looking at the buildings passing by as if he was suffocating in one place on the inside while he seemed to be fine on the outside.

Jungkook kept looking at Jimin at every stop. He didn't know what to say. For the two, conversations about anything were rare since they would mostly talk about intimate topics instead of getting to know each other better. But when they would run off the trail of what they normally talk about, Jimin would switch the conversation back into a more seductive one that left Jungkook to wonder if he could talk to Jimin normally at times. The devil in his eyes was silent outside of sex and he couldn't do nothing about it since they were only two souls that touched when they could. Restricting many personal conversations but keeping them close enough they wouldn't feel like strangers towards each other.

Jungkook knew he didn't have to worry about the celebrity, but he did deep down. He wondered why Jimin's job was such a topic not mentioned, he wondered why Jimin wanted to stay with him until the sun rose but he sat there and brushed it off. Knowing if he brought it up, the dull look will only return to Jimin's face and the atmosphere would be ruined. Jungkook kept his distance at first since all he knew about Jimin so far was that he was a tempting man that always kept him wrapped around his finger.

When they parked discreetly around the back of the building, Jimin opened his eyes and let out a sigh before turning to Jungkook. Breaking away from his silence and keeping a smirk over his face. Showing Jungkook his devilish behavior when on the inside, he was scared to return to his penthouse and drown further in his memories that left him crying at night. He wanted to be happy as he slept, but he knew he couldn't be too spoiled towards the man he wanted to keep.

"Jungkook... thank you for taking me here," Jimin whispered and took off his seatbelt before leaning over to cup the younger's face. "Maybe one of these nights I'll sneak you in for a little more fun~"

"To sneak me in... I don't think I belong here. It looks too lavish for me!" Jungkook said into a soft whisper and watched Jimin continue to smile before he kissed him against his lips. Wanting to savor the taste of his special partner and hope to reminisce on it when he misses him the most.

"You're insane if you think like that... you look like you would fit in here well," Jimin whispered against Jungkook's lips and looked him in the eyes right after pulling away a bit. "And by that I mean at my penthouse~ you know the rest."

"I might take you up on that offer then," Jungkook whispered and ran his hands up Jimin's neck to hold his head in place. But just as Jimin looked off towards the building, Jungkook carefully kissed his neck. "Don't worry about being seen like this... my windows are tinted."

"I wonder why..." Jimin's sneaky whispers left Jungkook smiling as he continued to kiss his neck gently. Making him want to stay even more than he could. "Don't... don't do that to me... you'll make me want to stay here longer with you~" Jimin whispered.

Just then, Jungkook ran his hand along Jimin's jaw and unexpectedly under his chin to point his face against his. Leaving Jimin to receive a cold shiver down his spine. He knew this was Jungkook touching him, but the feeling felt so familiar that he froze at the younger man pointing his face towards him. But since Jungkook didn't know anything, he sucked it up and continued his sultry stare at the one he wanted to keep in his life for the joyous smiles he wanted to make.

"I'll stop, Goodnight, my little angel~" Jungkook whispered and kissed Jimin on the lips. Making Jimin look over the dashboard after the kiss.

"My... angel? I don't like that name~ come up with a better one," Jimin played it off into a soft giggle before kissing Jungkook once more and putting on his mask with his sunglasses. "You know well that I'm nothing like that..."

"Alright, how does my little devil sound?" Jungkook asked as Jimin let out a laugh and shoved Jungkook playfully.

"That was cringy! Ah, I'm leaving, bye!" Jimin spoke out as he opened the door and looked back. "I'll text you or maybe even call you tomorrow then~"

"Okay..." Jungkook replied and watched Jimin shut the passenger side of the car and walk quickly to the building he lived in. As soon as he got inside, Jungkook finally decided to drive away.

As Jimin walked into the building, he wanted to dry the tears to his eyes after hearing Jungkook call him that name. That word, 'angel' was the word Jimin grew to despise. Everyone called him by that word and he never knew how much he hated such a name. To top it off, the director was a big fan of calling Jimin that word, so Jimin tried to play it off as if he didn't like being called that name in a playful manner when in reality, that horrid name played a big part in many reasons as to why he laid awake at night and cried.

By Monday, Jungkook slept well and didn't stress that he was an hour late already. He got up, still pondering the Saturday night he shared with Jimin and anticipated the next. He just didn't know when and awaited Jimin to call him about it most of the time. He would never initiate it, but he would desire it more than anything. Luckily for him, Jimin was already looking into his own schedule to find another day when he would be available to Jungkook.

As Jungkook grew closer to Jimin in an intimate relationship, he kept him separated from where his feelings relied. Jungkook was so sure he wanted Yoongi, he believed he chose the older man over Jimin and managed to clear his mind. This was what he wanted, right? Even if Yoongi didn't seem to wander around in his mind longer like Jimin did, Jungkook wanted to choose Yoongi for his hardworking skills he admired from the start. These were his feelings, were they? Jungkook wanted to believe that for a sense of stability in his life after confusion left him wanting to settle for any thought. Jungkook was just desperate to organize his thoughts. He went for a way that didn't seem true to himself.

Once Jungkook arrived at the studio for work that early morning, he noticed that there were already people standing outside of the studio. Leaving him to wonder if they were clients just waiting for their appointment, but even so, he didn't remember seeing any other customer do that before. Something was different.

As Jungkook approached the door, he realized that Yoongi was already inside, speaking to someone as others sat in the lobby at the moment. It wasn't too full, but it was more than what Jungkook would expect on a Monday morning.

The young man stepped in and with that, others looked up and smiled at him. Leaving the young man to run his hands through his blond hair and look up to see Yoongi with a familiar man, smiling and speaking to him until his eyes latched onto his boss so suddenly.

"Jungkook! I'm so glad you're here!" Yoongi said into a smile, leaving Jungkook to turn red at the sight of his gummy smile. He couldn't recall when Yoongi was this happy on a day like this.

"Jungkook?" Called out the man before Yoongi as he turned around. Instantly, Jungkook locked eyes on Jung Hoseok. The same man he met at the love hotel that Saturday night with Jimin. "Oh! It's great to see you."

"It's... it's great to see you too..." Jungkook replied nervously. Knowing well that Hoseok remembered him clearly from that night. "What's up with all the people here today?"

"Didn't you hear? The magazine was dropped early yesterday and many got their hands on the latest issue with Jimin. So now, they're here with appointments booked for the day while others outside are just taking a peek inside," Hoseok jumped in and smiled at the young man. Smiling with a bright gleam in his eyes while Yoongi nodded his head.

"Booked? Are all the appointments today are booked? You mean to tell me the time slots today are filled and I came in late not knowing? I must have wasted some of their time and-"

"Oh, don't panic! Taehyung is doing a great job handling the photography for some. He's in there with a client right now," Yoongi mentioned and looked off to two new batches of roses filling as the decor on the front desk and one at the center of a small table in the lobby before looking at Jungkook once again. "You also received two new gifts from you-know-who..."

Jungkook's red face faded as he looked back to see the humongous batches of roses on the front desk and at the table of the lobby. His eyes widened at the sight before looking back at Yoongi.

"Is... is there a letter?" Jungkook wondered curiously, yet still keeping a calm face as Yoongi slid over two letters to the young man and watched him take it.

"I don't think I've ever seen bouquets roses as huge as that! Collaborating with a celebrity must bring its wonders, hm?" Hoseok asked. Unaware of what Jungkook had between Jimin and assumed the company sent those as gifts for the studio. Not Jimin himself. "Anyway, I came in today in hopes of applying here! Yoongi said it's a great job and I'm a very hardworking man myself," Hoseok mentioned as Jungkook fidgeted with the edges of the letters in his hands as he noticed the way Yoongi stared at Hoseok as if his boss wasn't standing right there.

Jungkook rolled his tongue along his cheek and made a smile right after and nodded his head. "Sounds great, I will need to review your resume and-"

"No need for that, boss... I already have it pulled up here. Just to save you some time so you can help Taehyung out," Yoongi mentioned. Leaving Jungkook to nod his head and look down at the letters he knew was from Jimin in order to distract himself at how much attention Yoongi gave to his good friend Hoseok. In a way, Jungkook was a little upset about it, but looked at the letters in his hands from his 'special' partner and felt as if it didn't hurt when it normally would. His feelings felt a little peculiar to him now.

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