Defect | Katsuki Bakugo

By zvcappelle

53.1K 2.3K 4.3K

In a world where having a quirk is the norm, Y/n Midoriya is born without one. But when the League of Villain... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four
Chapter thirty five
Chapter thirty six
Chapter thirty seven
Chapter thirty eight
Chapter thirty nine
Chapter forty
Chapter forty one
Chapter forty two
Chapter forty three
Chapter forty four
Chapter forty five
Chapter forty six
Chapter forty seven
Chapter forty eight
Chapter forty nine
Chapter fifty
Chapter fifty one
Chapter fifty two
Chapter fifty three
Chapter fifty four
Chapter fifty five
Chapter fifty six
Chapter fifty seven
Chapter fifty eight
Chapter fifty nine
Chapter sixty
Chapter sixty one
Chapter sixty two
Chapter sixty three
Chapter sixty four
Chapter sixty five
Author note
New fanfic: Traveler (first chapter)

Chapter eight

1.1K 39 60
By zvcappelle

"I'm back!" You shouted as you entered your house.

Shigaraki had told you that the master was going to give you a quirk after you had a good rest because the quirk was going to take a lot of energy from you when you first get it.

So you went home.

"How was training camp?" Your mother asked, walking towards you. Her eyes were focused on a book she was reading.

"Good." You plainly answered.

Your mother looked up from her book with a smile but that smile disappeared immediately when her eyes landed on you.

"Oh my-" She was saying but was cut off by Izuku who came downstairs.

"What happened to your hair?" He asked, clearly as confused as your mother.

You tilted your head a little while furrowing your eyebrows.
"My hair?"

You didn't know what they were talking about. Nothing had happened to your hair while you were there.

You decided to look in the mirror that was in the kitchen. As you arrived at the mirror your eyes widened in shock.

Some of your hair locks were turned white from all the torture and trauma you had undergo in that month. It didn't look bad but it wasn't great either.

"I decided to color it." You shrugged your shoulders, acting as if nothing happened.

"It looks good." Izuku said.

Your mother nodded her head.
"Yeah, it looks great, honey."

You could tell they were both lying. They weren't good at lying as you were, you probably had that habit from your father.

"Okay. I'm going to my room, I can tell both of you are lying."

Izuku laid his hand on your shoulder, trying to hold his laugh.
"We are trying to be nice."

"I know." You smiled at him before turning around and going to your room.

The moment you had showered again for the first time in a month as you couldn't shower because they had held you in that dark room the whole time you felt your nerves wake up again. The hot water falling on your skin felt amazing but it also stung as you still had the burn mark on your side.

When you came out of the shower you looked in the mirror to the burn mark.
You weren't surprised to see in big letters the word LOV standing on your side.

The only thing you thought at that moment was 'how am I going to hide that from everyone?'

When you were fully done with everything you laid on your bed, staring into nothing.
To your side laid a box that was locked. In that box lay the letters from your father, you hide them because you didn't want Izuku to read them.

You remembered that dream of Izuku shouting at you that he read those letters.

You sighed, standing up to get the box. You opened the box with the key that hung on a necklace that laid behind your pillow.
The first letter in there was the one you took, it was an older one, one you had gotten when you were eight years old.

You hesitated for a second to open it but you did after all.

This letter was a little longer than the other ones.
He never wrote a lot in his letters but they were always special or with an important message.
You started reading it.

Dear sunshine,

I'm almost there. I almost know the secret of their power, why they are so strong and what happened to them.

They are trying to stop me from getting there but I won't let them. They won't get me. I promised I would come back to you and show you what I've been doing and that's exactly what I'm going to do.

If something does happen I hope I can count on you to finish my mission.
You will do that for your father, right?

I know you will. Your like me.

By the way, I have someone who wants to meet you! He's my partner in this mission. He's quite shy but that makes the two of you.

You would be great friends. I know how hard it is for you to make friends and to care for someone but you can't let that influence your life.

We both can't wait to see you!

Don't forget
Quirkless people get treated like trash in this world.


Your father stopped writing to you when you turned ten years old.
You honestly missed those letters and you were curious about who the boy was he was talking about but you never got to see him.

You thought that maybe they died in their mission and it was hidden from the media and yourself.

You didn't really care if they died or not.

After you had put the letter away and the box back you fell asleep.


The next day you woke up late, you had your first good sleep after that whole month of barely sleeping.

You hadn't heard of Shigaraki anymore but you were sure to go there today and get your quirk like the master had planned.
That whole month of him hurting you was probably as hard for him as it was for you, you thought.

Truth was, it wasn't.

Psychopaths Don't feel guilt or remorse. They simply don't care and they think that what they do is right.
So why would Shigaraki care? He did what he was told by his master.

You showered and changed into some comfortable clothes.

You were going to open the front door when your mother suddenly stopped you.

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to train with my friend." You said, trying to get out of the house.

She had a towel in her hand, meaning she was folding the just washed towels.
"Already? You're just back from training camp." She asked, clearly confused.

"Yeah and that's why I need to go see my friend. It's been a long time." You lied.

"Okay. But I want you back home before dinner." She said before walking back to the living room.

"I'll be back before dinner, goodbye mom!" You shouted and walked out of the front door.

Like always Kurogiri was waiting for you in front of the bridge. You were trying to catch your breath before going in the portal as you had run towards the bridge.

You had six more months to get ready for the exam but somehow you felt like that wasn't enough, you needed more time.

"Good Morning Shigaraki." You said, slapping his back. He fell a little forward but managed to get a hold of himself as he glared at you.

"Brat." He muttered underneath his breath. Normally you would scolled him for saying that word but you were getting used to it so you let him.

"So," You started. Shigaraki turned towards you, already knowing what you were going to ask.
"When am I going to get my quirk?"

He chuckled, making you confused.
"You already have it."

He confused you more than anything. You already had your quirk? You never had any symptoms that led to a quirk.

"What do you mean?" You asked.

"When you were chained up in the basement master said I needed to inject something in your arm, I didn't know what it was but apparently it was your quirk."

You nodded your head first before coming to the realization that it wasn't normal to get something injected in you while they didn't know what it was.

"Wait, you injected something into me without knowing what it was? I could have died!" You shouted, anger flowing through your veins as you had snapped your head towards him.

"But you didn't." He answered as if it wasn't a big deal or anything.

"Luck was on my side that day."

He shrugged his shoulders, standing up from his chair.
"Whatever. Come with me, master is going to explain your quirk." He said, signing you to follow him towards this little room.

In the room stood a small tv screen with nothing on it. You stepped closer to it to have a better look at it. As you leaned your head down, getting closer to the screen a voice spoke.

"Hello miss Midoriya."

You jumped five meters away from the screen while letting out a shriek.

"Y/n is just fine." You answered when your breathing was finally back to normal.

"Alright. I guess you have already heard it from Shigaraki?" The heavy voice said.

You couldn't see him so you didn't know how he looked or what expression he did and it pissed you off.


"I have combined two quirks into one, making it one quirk. I have thought about your quirk for quite a long time, it needed to be believable that it was a quirk you were born with. So I did some research on your mothers quirk. Her quirk isn't that powerful, that's why I mixed it with another quirk." He explained, taking a deep breath before explaining further.

"I gave you a telekinesis mixed with a glitch quirk. This quirk is powerful but not too powerful that's why I needed you to become stronger physically and mentally. You're going to have to fight hand to hand combat more often than people with a fire or another powerful quirk do."

His explanation was not how you expected it to be, the quirk was also not what you thought you'd get.
It was a great quirk and you were thankful for it but it didn't sound very villainous.

However it was indeed a smart move to go for something that looked like your mothers quirk.

"Alright and how do I convince people that it's one quirk."

"It is one quirk." All For One said.

"Yeah I know but telekinesis and glitch aren't really the same thing." You addressed. They were two different quirks you were sure of that people were going to question it.

"That's true but you can say it's an upgrade of your mother's quirk."

You could do that, it sounded good enough to convince most people.

"I'll now explain your quirk." He stated.

"You can move objects and people towards your hand. You can glitch through objects, walls, and people. The glitch also allows you to move faster while using it, like teleporting but with your glitch so people can still see where you're going. Only is it too fast for most to react in time. The downsides are that when you use your glitch too much after using telekinesis you will lose your ability to glitch for the whole day. You also can't feel a thing while glitching so you really need to focus that you're not doing something wrong."

As he was explaining your quirk you began finding it a better quirk than before. It could be great to sneak into rooms that were locked and you can avoid attacks. The telekinesis was good for moving objects towards you when it's too far away to grab or when nobody can see you're taking it.

"That sounds good. It isn't a too powerful quirk indeed and there isn't much of a downside to it. Great!" You clenched your fists as an example of how happy you were.

"You will train with Shigaraki again, this time also with your quirk. I've given him a list of moves you need to learn but first you need to master this ability." He said.

"I can't thank you enough for doing this for me. I'm more than happy about this quirk and helping the league."

"I know dear. You're our family now." He laughed.

Shigaraki tapped your shoulder.
"Let's go, we have a long day ahead."

"I'll talk to you soon, Y/n."

"Alright." You left the room, ready to train your quirk.


The two of you got teleported to the training ground you always trained on with Shigaraki.

"We'll start with focusing on telekinese." He said, holding a notebook in his hand.

He walked towards a stone.
"Try moving this to your hand." He pointed at the stone.

You took a deep breath, trying to focus on getting it towards you. You stretched out your arm with your hand towards the stone.

It suddenly came flying towards you, scared that it was going to  hit you, you swiped your hand in the air and the stone went back to where it was at full speed as it almost had hit Shigaraki.

"You fucking crazy bitch, calm down!" He shouted out in anger.

"Sorry." You smiled at him.

He was right, you needed to calm down, you were extremely nervous because of this quirk and you needed to push those feelings away.

"Again, now try to do it slower."

You tried again, now focusing on doing it slow. This time it came towards your hand in a slow phace.

You let it drop in front of you, sighing out of happiness and lack of energy, it took hell of a lot of energy out of you and it was only a stone.

"Good." Shigaraki said before saying. "Now try glitching through the object."

"How do I do that?"

"Take a deep breath, focus on wanting to go through it and try to keep your muscles tense." He readed from a page in the notebook.

"Fine, I'll try."

You were even more nervous to do this than the telekinese. Glitching through something sounded so easy but also so difficult, you needed to be fully through the thing otherwise you would be stuck in it or get hurted badly.

You took a deep breath again, focusing on going through the thing. The moment you tensed your muscles you felt your body vibrating.

It was the weirdest feeling you've ever experienced.

When you opened your eyes you saw Shigaraki shaking but he wasn't really shaking it was just your glitch that made everything look like it was shaking.

You immediately stepped through the rock without hesitating.

"You have it under control for the most part. Let's train with heavier things." Shigaraki said before walking towards you.

"Which one now?" You asked, looking around the training area.

After a minute of silence you looked up to Shigaraki, seeing him smirk.

"Glitch through me."

"What?!" You screamed out.

"Master said you can glitch through people so come on, glitch through me."

You gulped but did as he asked and focused back on glitching.
You ran through Shigaraki in a fast movement, it almost seemed like you did the teleporting glitching techniek, you probably did that but you didn't understand it quite well.

"That felt strange." He whispered as he touched his stomach.


When the day was over you went home.

"Mom, Izuku. Can you come to the living room?!" You shouted.

You heard footsteps coming downstairs before the two came into the room.

"Sit down, I have something to show you." You smiled.
They looked confused at first but did as you asked.

You took a deep breath, focusing on telekinesis before stretching out your arm to a little box that laid on the table. It immediately flew to your hand.

You smiled proudly, taking the shocked look of your mother and brother in.

"When-" Izuku wanted to say but you cut him off. "That isn't all."

You then focused on glitching and glitched through the small table that stood in front of the couch.

Your mother started crying out of happiness, taking you into her arms for a big hug.

"My baby has a quirk!" She happily shouted.

You smirked at Izuku, waiting for his reaction.

"How can you do that? What is this for quirk?" He asked confused.

"It's an upgrade of mom's quirk. cool right? It manifested while being in the training camp. I know I could've shown you earlier but I was practicing with it so I wanted to have it perfect before showing you guys."

Izuku didn't look totally convinced but he was convinced by the quirk for most part.
Your mother on the other hand was happier than ever.


You trained with Shigaraki for another six months. He kept training you on basic things, never really special moves or anything.

You were most of the time annoyed by that but you couldn't do anything about it as he never gave you the notebook.

But soon the exam came and you were ready for it.

Thank you for everyone who commented on my question for a quirk!
They all sounded amazing but I had to chose one.
The idea of something familiar to Inko's was indeed a plan! I also had thought about a glitch quirk before and I thought those two quirks worked good together and was good for the plots I've planned.
So I mixed them together into one quirk!

Also sorry that there wasn't any Bakugo moments in the last couple of chapters that were published!
The next chapter is the exam so Bakugo will be back in that chapter!

In the chapter it also says your hair has white locks in it now. Like I said in the first chapter your hair is dark green like Inko's! And now it has some white lines in it.

Thank you for reading!

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