~Dreamnotfound Oneshots~

By meep_03

346K 8.4K 4.8K

Literally just fluff lol, maybe slight angst, but not too detailed. This is basically just gonna be dnf onesh... More

Soft Mornings
Knights and Medics
Bikes and Boys
Cardboard Cutouts (1)
Cardboard Cutouts (2)
Cardboard Cutouts (3)
Cardboard Cutouts (4)
Letterman Jacket
Oblivious Boys
Ice Rinks and Bloody Noses
Valentines Day
Poets and Readers
Fake It Till You Make It
Warm Water
Too Much
Drive Me Round
Pottery and Plants (1)
Pottery and Plants (2)
Pottery and Plants (3)
Gift Giving
Hiden Feelings
Farmers and Travelers
Like Always
Porch Swings
Forest and Flowers
Thinking About You
Surfboards and Tails
Opposites, But Not Really (1)
Opposites, But Not Really (2)
Voice Message (1)
Voice Message (2)
Nostalgia (1)
Nostalgia (2)
Cold Nights and Warm Hugs
Finding Music
Thrift Shopping
Waiting For You
Fallen Books
The Right Time
Football Players and Cheerleaders
Vacation (1)
Vacation (2)
Cafés and Pet Names
Ten Signs
Office Interns
Look How Far We've Gotten
Carmine Covered Roses
A Life Like This
Bright Sunshine
Portfolio's of Pretty Boys
The Sun and It's Follower
Colored Casts
Close The Distance
I'm Fine if I'm With You

The Fair

2K 67 28
By meep_03

low key enemies to lovers 😎

I've been reading so much dreamnotnap recently, I'm so in love with that ship skshmajska, anyway lol


This was going to be the worst day of his life.

Sapnap had invited Dream to join him at the fair, since his raven-haired friend said 'I don't wanna go alone' and then whined untill the blond gave up and said yes. He was mostly confused since Sapnap has a boyfriend. Why didn't he just invite Karl?

So now, he's here at the front gate of the fair, and who else does he see but Karl and, ofcourse, George.

That's why he didn't invite Karl.

For the past few weeks both boys have been trying to unite Dream and George, they say as friends but they both ship the two way too much for it to be 'just friends'.

So, they pulled the trick of one of them bringing the blond and the other bringing the brunet, forcing them both together.

Both Dream and George were friends with Sapnap and Karl to begin with, but something about eachother just never stuck.

They had met the first time at Karl's house, since Dream had left his blue hoodie there.

When he walked into the carmel haired boys house, he saw Karl sitting on the couch with a shorter brunet.

Who was wearing his hoodie.

He stalled in the doorway for a moment, confused. After talking to his friend, he found out that Karl mistook it for his own hoodie, and let his friend -George was his name, he learned then- borrow it because he was cold.

The brit quickly took it off and handed it over, apologizing and blushing softly with embarrassment.

Dream made the off handed comment that the brunet looks cute when he blushed, and George scoffed, obviously annoyed.

"Oh shut up, I just met you" he had said at the time, and something about that comment made Dream want to continue.

He laughed it off at the time and left, seeing George sparingly after that.

That type of interaction went on for a little while, little compliments thrown the brunets way, only George to build a wall between him and the taller, resulting in Dream giving up and eventually growing tired if the others attitude.

So, since then, Sapnap and Karl made it their mission to get the two together.

"Look, it's like a double date!" the blue eyed boy teased, walking over and taking his boyfriends hand in his own.

"Don't call it that, idiot" Dream grumbled from beside Sapnap, and George was practically pouting next to Karl.

"Oh shut up nimrod, just have some fun!" Karl remarked, walking with a pep in his step as if two angry adults weren't following behind.

They went to a couple stupid game stands, ones that you had to cheat at if you actually wanted to win, and later found themselves at an easier game.

Sapnap decided he wanted a go at it, and payed a couple dollars for a couple of throws. All he had to do was throw the hoops on glass bottles, and he really wanted to win the giant panda bear stuffed animal.

After missing the first couple throws, he ended up getting the last ring on the glass bottle, winning the bear.

Dream and Karl cheered for him, and George supplied soft claps and a little smile.

The blond had seen the shorter looking intensely at a little gray cat plush, practically staring holes into it.

Dream stepped forward and payed for a couple rings, and out of the five he threw two of them on to the glass bottles.

Since he made two shots he got two small pluhies, one being this little white blob with a smile on it, and the other being the small gray cat.

Both Karl and Sapnap were doing there own thing, messing around with the big panda. So, while they weren't looking, he handed the cat over to George.

"Here, don't tell them I gave it to you" Dream said with a little smile, atleast trying to be nice and form some-what of a friend with the other.

"Thanks..." George's voice was quiet, and he took the plush great fully, hugging it to his chest with a small smile.

The went to a couple other stands after that, eventually coming to a stop at a concession stand. They bought a few snacks, like nachos and churros, as well as a few water bottles.

They all sat down at a table together, a purple umbrella above them.

Dream looked around and stared at the beautiful assortment of bright Christmas lights that hung from all the stands, and since it was after the sunset, they stood out like bright stars among the night.

He smiled softly, his eyes landing on George. The multi colored lights framed the boys face perfectly; purple, pinks, and blues making him look beautiful.

George's eyes met his own, and he quickly diverted his gaze to Karl, who was currently taking a picture of himself with the panda. He laughed softly and continued to eat his churro.

Once they finished eating, they went on the carousel, which was the classic horse theme. The line wasn't too long, so they were happy for the short wait.

They all were walking around for a couple minutes after the carousel ride, and then brunet looked over and saw the giant ferris wheel, and they all headed over to that.

Because each seat was set for pairs, Karl and Sapnap went in one, and George and Dream want into the next seat.

The whole night, the green-eyed boy had been trying to avoid this ride, since not only heights, but fairs scared him. Pop up fairs were not known for being very safe, and that definitely played into his fear of heights. Especially on a ferries wheel of all things.

As they started to rise and the wheel started to turn, he instinctively grabbed George hand tightly.

The other gasped softly at the pressure, looking over to Dream, who's eyes were closed tight.

"Sorry, I hate heights..." he trialed off, trying to calm himself down and calm his breathing.

"You should of said something before we got on" George said, sounding slightly annoyed. But, he still turned his hand over so they could intertwine their fingers, so Dream's grip wouldn't hurt his hand as much.

"I didn't want to make you sit by yourself though" his voice was quiet, barley loud enough to hear over the sound of the fair. But George did hear it.

A soft blush rose to his face, and even though Dream's eyes were closed he still looked away to hide his flush.

After a couple moments, the ride suddenly stopped.

"What-" Dream immediately started to freak out, opening his eyes and looking around.

A speaker beeped two times, and announced that the ride would stay still for a couple of minutes, and that they'd get it under control as soon as possible.

"I knew this was a bad idea" the blond groaned leaning back into the seat, his hand still tight around George's.

"Oh stop whining you big baby, well be alright" the brunet said, his usual attitude had dialed down to much more endearing, and it made Dream melt a little at the softer tone.

They sat in silence for a few moments waiting for the ride to start back up. When they didn't move for another minute or two, the blond looked back over to George.

The soft blush on his face had started to go away now, but the little pink left behind made his small and infrequent freckles pop and stand out.

He traced the dots with his eyes, and he scanned the other like he had done earlier. Once again, the lighting made him look prettier than ever, but he's found the boy pretty from the start, so he could just be biased.

Brown eyes met his, but he didn't look away this time. George scanned over his face, and for a split second, Dream thinks his eyes lingered on his lips.

That's when he himself looked down to the others lips, not looking away like George did.

Something about that moment felt right, and both boys seemed to move closer, even if just by a infinitesimal amount.

Dream finally worked up the courage, saying "Can I kiss you?" his voice quiet over the surrounding sounds. But George did hear it.

As a response, the brit moved forward himself, placing his lips on the other's.

Although it sounds more than cliche, it felt like two puzzle pieces being put together after so long of trying to avoid eachother over something so stupid.

They didn't realize when the ferris wheel started moving, and they didn't stop kissing till they heard their friends laughter.

Both Karl and Sapnap got off before them, waiting at the entrance of the ride for them both to step off, since their carts were right next to eachother.

"Come on love birds were leaving" Sapnap said with a smirk, still laughing and holding Karl's hand.

Both Dream and George broke apart, wide eyed and blushing harder than ever. They walked off the ride in slight shame, their hands still tangled together.

Once they got closer to the parking lot, and were about to spilt ways to there separate cars, both Sapnap and Karl high-fived.

"Challenge complete!" the raven-haired male exclaimed, receiving two annoyed looks from the other two.

Dream and George exchanged numbers, and texted eachother the whole ride home, Sapnap and Karl feeling very accomplished in their drivers seats.


I just got an actual job and I'm low key so anxious cuz I have orientation today, and I have no clue how that's going to go, so it's freaking me out :/

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