A Hero That Is Needed

By dekuxtogaforlife

52.8K 1.4K 255

his dream was once to be a great hero one day, but that dream died once his idle told him that he couldn't be... More

Our Training Has Just Begun
The Final Test Has Come
You Are The Crow
The Unknown Vigilante
The Vigilante Is A Criminal
Sensei's Secret
The Sports Festival
Teacher VS Student
The Attack Of The City Of Hosu
The Crow VS The Hero Killer
The Aftermath
The Wanted Vigilante
A Brand New Partner
Deku's Motives
The Crow And The Canary
The League's Plan
Camp Out
Into Action
To The Rescue
The Vigilante VS The Villains
Let There Be Light
Your Ally
We Meet Again
Give Him Back
Breaking Free
We're Escaping
The Final Stand

Be Something Greater

6K 111 48
By dekuxtogaforlife

It was a normal sunny day like always, but it was interrupted by a giant villain attacking the city, but shortly to heroes showed up to stop him, but as the heroes were fighting that giant villain someone was observing the fight from above a rooftop, as he was seeing them fight he noticed that all the civilians just standing on the sidelines and watching like it was some sort of action scene on a movie.

~Stranger's mind~

"How could these civilians enjoy watching watching these fake heroes fight just for appraisal, good thing I'm here now, but before I get started I must observe the area and get used to the terrain so it'll be easier for me to navigate around here."

As the stranger began leaving he didn't notice that someone from the crowd of civilians got a glimpse of him while he was leaving, and that person was Izuku Midoriya.

~Deku's Mind~

"Was that a person up there?"

But as he was looking up at the rooftop his alarm from his watch starts to beep, once he saw the time on his watch he noticed that he was going to be late for school, so he quickly finished writing his notes in his a book and and ran to school as fast as he could, he ended up making it at the last minute, his school day went on normally, but when the teacher ask the students who will be attending UA High, everyone raised their hand and especially Deku, some of the students notice this and leans in towards him.

~Student 1~

"Hey Midoriya."



~Student 1~

"You do know you need a quirk to go to that school right?"


"I-I know but I think I could give it a try."

~Student 1~

"That's nice and all but I think you should just give up ahead of time before you're disappointed."



~Student 2~

He's right you should just give up, sometimes people are meant to do different things in life so I think you should just figure out what that thing is for yourself."


"O-oh okay."

As the day ended Deku again packing all of his school belongings in his bag, but he then stops when he sees Bakugou and his friends approaching him.


"Oi deku let's have a chat."


"S-sure what do you want to talk about Kacchan."


"I want to know why you raised your hand."


"W-what you mean."


"When the teacher asked us who will be attending UA you raised your hand, you want to tell me why the hell you did that."


"W-well I was thinking that I could-"


"Could what?, Go to UA?, Trust me a quirkless nerd like you would have a chance there so just give up and die."


"B-but K-Kacchan I think I could enroll there."


"Stop joking around, you don't belong there, maybe you should just kill yourself and probably in your next life you'll have a quirk."

As Bakugou finished insulting Deku he grabbed his notebook and used his quirk the damage it, he then through out the window, after you did that him and his friends begin leaving the classroom, as Deku was stepping out of school he found his notebook floating in water, he reaches for and pulls it out, all of his notes that he has taken over the years about all the other heroes he's observed for completely drenched in water, he holds it tightly to his chest and begin leaving the school, but as he was walking home the stranger from earlier was nearby running on the rooftops.


"Man I've only been running through the rooftops for a couple hours and I still haven't observe much of the city."

But as he was going to continue running through the rooftops here than loud noise, he went over to investigate, he finally located where the sound came from which was under a bridge, but as he was about to go inside he noticed a very large figure with its back turn, The stranger didn't want to get into a fight so he hid by the entrance and begin peeking his head to see who the figure was, but as he was peeking over he saw the figure pick up a boy, and just for a closer glimpse The stranger funny new who that large person was

~Stranger's mind~

"All Might."

All Might email from the other side and lived into the air, the stranger followed after him to confront him, but once All Might finally landed at a neighborhood he put down the boy, he then proceeded to wake him up, once the boy was on his feet again he began fanboying of All Might, The stranger kept his distance and waited for the boy to leave so he could do what he truly came here to do, after All Might gave the boy in autograph he was about to leave until the boy grabbed his leg and flew up into the air with him.


"That kid is insane."

The stranger began following them once again, he saw them land at a nearby rooftop, the stranger managed to climb up, once he was at the top he hid on top of the rooftop entrance, but as he was hiding up there he began overhearing the conversation between them.


"Can anyone without a quick be hero just like you!?"

~All Might~

"I'm sorry but you can't."

All Might proceeded to leave the rooftop while Deku wad still up there with a look sad look on his face, the stranger began to think about what he just overheard heard, but is then stopped when it's done explosion goes off nearby, all Might comes back to the rooftop and leaps into the air again towards that direction, Deku runs out from the entrance of the rooftop to head over there as well, The stranger than perceives do the same as well, The strangers shortly made it and began to purge himself on a rooftop and saw a boy being attacked by some sort of sludge villain, as he saw the boy he noticed the heroes around him not doing anything about it.


"Why aren't they doing anything, that boy is going to get hurt or worse killed, they won't help him then I will."

He begins to pull out his katana from and was about to jump off the rooftop until he saw the same boy that that was thought he couldn't be a hero running straight towards the sludge monster to attempt to save that boy, he tried his best to pull him out but ended up getting pulled in by the sludge villain grasp, suddenly All Might appears and explodes the sludge villain with the punch, the two boys are freed all the civilians cheer for All Might, but as the stranger was still above the rooftop he kept his eyes on the same boy that charged into the danger when he knew the risks.


"That boy is truly insane, but the way he ran in there to risk his own life to save another so that he could be a hero, no even something better than that, I must speak to this boy at once."

After all that's happened Deku begin walking home until he is snatched from the streets and took in to the rooftop, he is in drugs and began getting up, he even sees the stranger that took him and began to get a bit frightened.


"Umm wh-who are you?"


"Before I to your question I want to ask why did run towards that sludge monster?"


"W-well my childhood friend was in danger, and none of the other heroes were doing a thing, so I stepped in to save him myself but it seems that I wasn't strong enough."


"I don't know what you are stupid or insane, but I do know something and both of those words make you braver than any hero could be.




"Yes it is, and that's why I want to train you to be a vigilante."


"A v-vigilante?"


"Yes, I know you were rejected by All Might on being a hero, so I want to train you to be something greater than a hero and that is a vigilante, so take my hand and I will teach you my techniques and show you that being a vigilante is far greater then being a hero."

Deku begin thinking long and hard about this choice for a long while until he starts remembering everything that everyone has told him about him not being able to be a hero, he reached his hand and grabbed the strangers hand.


"You have made your choice I will answer your question, my name is Stain, for now you will be calling me sensei."

And on that day the quirkless boy Izuku Midoriya has become a student to Stain.

~To be continued~

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