Hermitcraft One-Shots

By PhantomXxel

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One shots that are mostly Grian angst. This is where I will post small stories, there will be warnings on 'c... More

Authors Notes
Sad Cod Boy
It Was Only Supposed to be a Prank
Grian in a Dress
Halloween Special!
Love Letters?
Scared Scar
Stressed (GriSuma)
Heavy Words
I've Been Tagged, Oof
Abuse (2)
Thank You!
Emergency Meeting
I got bored today so I drew a thing
End Busted
Super Psycho 'Love'
Emergency Meeting (2)
When Your Crystal Matches Your Heart
Fight Your Instincts
Fight your instincts (2)
Gone and Afraid
Magic Torture
When Furby's Take Over
When Future Meets Past
When Future Meets Past (2)
Family (Songfic)
The Missing Omega
Escape From Prison
ZIT Angst
Sound Of Silence
Omega Trafficking
King (2)
In Love With An Angel
Darkness (2)
If Only
Panic Room
Thunder Before The Storm
Don't Let Your Nightmares Control You
I Won't Let You Go
Evil (2)
ZIT's and Spores
Move From Area-77
Death Loop
The Omega and The Hermits
Angels and Death
Hot & Cold
Fight Or Flight
Death By Cod
Anxiety (2)
Life Goes On
In The Rain
Dropped (2)
There's No Excuse
An Angry Gremlin
Today Is Not The Day
Birds Of A Feather?
Agent (1)
Agent (2)
Life Isn't All Sunshines And Rainbows
Life Isn't All Sunshines And Rainbows (2)
Pesky Bird
Agent (3)
Agent (4)
Evil Love
Dropped (3)
Lucid Nightmare
Young and Alone
The Story Of The Angry Fish Boy
The Tale of The Masked Admin
Lost and Found
The Grass Is Greener On The Other Side
Angel or Avian?
Mental Torture
Wings of a Feather
All's Not Fair In Love And War
Discord Quotes
Birds of a Feather
Birds of a Feather (2)
A Light at the End of the Tunnel Is Dim
Night of Tears
Snow Storm
more discord quotes >:)
When Night Falls
Fires and Injuries
Shape Shifting
Cell Block -- A
Rescue From The Past
'Human' Zoo
Violence Is Never The Answer
Fallen In the Dead of Night
I Was Almost an Angel
Trypanophobia (But Not Really)
Time and Time Again
Storms and Rescues
Under Fire
Not an Update... OR IS IT?!
Plane Crashes & Close Deaths
Race Against Time
New Leadership
Demon Wars
Failed Assassinations
Failed Assassinations (2)
Demon Wars (2)
Too Close To Death
Searching For Light
Discord Quotes Part 3
Stuck In Time
Night Parties
Self Doubt
The Home for Troubled Children
Trouble In Paradise
Hybrid Migration
Hybrid Migration (2)
Behind The Fire
Forest Fire
Back To The Old Times
Good Times With Scam


649 22 19
By PhantomXxel

Warnings: Torture, Drugging

Relationship: Grian/Xisuma (Brotherly), Grian/Etho


Etho walked into Grian's firehouse, immediately being greeted by the other firefighters.

"Hey guys, have you seen Grian?" Etho asked worry in his voice, "He didn't come home last night and he hasn't answered any of my texts or calls. I'm actually getting really worried."

"That's very unlike Grian." Ren said crossing his arms, "He always answers texts and calls."

"Is his phone still active?" Scar asked, "Maybe I can call in a favour to Xisuma."

"That's the problem, he was with X last night. When they weren't back I called him, I actually called both of them, but neither one of them answered."

"That's an immediate red flag."

At that moment, the chief of police pulled up and said the same thing about Xisuma. They all agreed to do a search, but the 132 went with Etho. When they got a call on a ping with Grian's phone, they went to the place immediately finding the phone on the ground.

"Grian's in trouble." Etho gasped, "What do we do?!"

"We do our job. We're going to find him." Ren assured, "We'll have Xisuma's units put out an APB on both of them. We'll find them one way or another."

"Attention 132, there is a full building fire at 645 South Atlantic. We need you responding."

"Look, Etho, we need to go. Go to the station with the Chief and talk things out. Good luck." Ren turned towards the team, "Dispatch this is acting Captain Ren Usoro, show 132 responding."


Grian woke up with his arms chained above his head, hung above the ground about a foot. As his vision focused, he grabbed the chains and groaned.

"Hello? Anyone here?"

"Grian? You're awake?"


"Yeah, hey are you okay?"

"Peachy. Only hanging about a foot off the ground."

"Now is not the time for smart ass comments."

Grian sent out a lighthearted chuckle, "Get a joke man."

Xisuma groaned then the door opened.

"So I see our little friends have awaken." The captor walked up to Grian's cell, "Let's get back to where we left off. Shall we?"

"Touch me and there will be hell to pay." Grian growled, the cell door opened, "Sam, leave me alone."

"Not gonna happen love."

"I'm not your love, and I never will be. So go drop dead in a hole seven feet under water."

"Still got that smart mouth I see."

"I got a lot of things. And one of them's gonna be your death if you touch me."

"We'll see about that. I want you to tell me how much the cops know about me and my work."

"Why would I tell you anything? I don't know! I'm a firefighter, not a cop."

Sam walked into Grian's cell and chained his feet to the ground. He glared at Grian then started to unbutton his shirt. Grian couldn't do anything to protest Sam's actions.

"You're still as cute as I remember you. I'll be right back."

"Grian what is he doing to you?"

Sam clamped his hand over Grian's mouth, "Say. Nothing. Or you're dead."

Grian remembered how Sam usually dished out his punishments, so he stayed quiet. Sam came back moments later with a pair of curled tipped scissors and started cutting off Grian's shirt from the sleeves. It hit the ground with a loud clank from his badge.

"I told you Sam, I'm a firefighter. I don't know anything that the cops would about your arson thing."

"I knew you knew about the arson plans."

At that moment Grian knew he screwed up. His eyes widened and he shut his mouth.

"Yeah, that's what I thought. Shut up before you get into more trouble."

"How much more trouble can I get into with you here?"

"You'd be surprised with that smart mouth, Gree-on."

Sam walked out once more and returned with a bucket of water. Grian grabbed the chains because the next second Sam threw the bucket of water in Grian's face. Lucky for him, it was only lukewarm water.


"You'll appreciate me for doing that." He walked up to him and stabbed a needle in his neck, "Because in a second your entire body is going to feel as if it is completely on fire. And you'll beg for mercy as I try and get answers out of your brother."

When the door closed, every nerve in Grian's body was set on fire and he tried thrashing against the chains. Loud noises came from his cell while Sam was interrogating Xisuma.

That whole scene felt like it went on for hours because when the heat died in his body, the sun had set and it was almost completely dark. He heard Sam huff then chains rattling in the room next to him.

Soon he was on the ground and the cold concrete felt nice against his skin. With his energy wiped, he almost immediately fell asleep.


Etho was listening to the officers on Grian and Xisuma's missing person's cases.

"They've been missing for three days. We need to do something, we need to get a message out there somehow."

"Relax Chavez. We're having an interview with the channel five news today." The chief said, "That's where we'll be giving the information we have and get the people on the look out for a black van with its plate number."

"What you guys need to do is get off your asses and start looking for them!" Etho shouted, "I'm tired of thinking that they're dead! I'm worried, I'm scared, I don't even want to know how Grian and X feel! You guys know the plate number, you know the make and model of the van, and you're still here just PLANNING THINGS THAT ARE TURNING INTO DUDS."

"Etho calm down."

"Me not being calm should be the least of your worries."


By mid-afternoon, Grian's arms, torso, and back were covered in dried blood and cuts.

"Alright. Everyone up! We got problems." Sam shouted, two goons walked into Grian's cell and pulled him to his feet then tied his hands behind his back, "Your friends at the station have publicly put out information on us. So we need to move them."

They were shoved into the same black van. Grian had no strength to move, but he managed to make eye contact with Xisuma.

"Are you okay?" He whispered, "Gri?"

"I'm fine..." Grian mumbled, "It's getting hard to breathe."

"Just stay with me, keep your eyes open."

"Did he take my badge?"

"No I think he left it. Why?"

"We're going to live." Grian's voice went to a whisper, "Drop your name tag in here."

"You think like a cop."

"I think like someone who wants to survive. It's called leaving breadcrumbs."

Xisuma smirked and managed to drop his tag in the back of the van. Grian managed to somehow slipped through his restraints and took Xisuma's badge and chucked it at the driver causing him to lose control and hit a tree. Grian and Xisuma slammed against the seats and walls at the impact.

Sam snapped towards the back, "WHICH ONE OF YOU THREW THAT BADGE?!"

The two groaned as they sat up, when Sam saw Grian out of his restraints, he groaned, "Don't you ever give up you little rat!?" He nudged one of his goons, "Hijack another van. We can't stay here. Leave the driver." They were moved within minutes.

Cops and, funny enough, 132 Firehouse was at the scene. Once the firefighters cleared the wreck for inspection, the cops found Xisuma's name tag and badge.

The chief gasped, "They were here."

"All units be advised; be on the look out for a yellow Honda, license number (A)dam-(N)ora-(Q)ueen-1-4-(S)am. Vehicle is a 10-29v."

The chief immediately responded, "Copy. Show 7-Adam-77, 7-Adam-32, and 7-Adam-45 responding." He looked at the firefighters, "Stay on this channel. We'll need you guys."

"Trust me, we don't plan on going back to the house until we find Grian."


Sam was quickly growing tired of the two's resistance. He brought them to where he was filling two buckets with ice water. Grian knew it would sting against the cuts on his neck.

Sam nodded at one of his goons, he forced Grian's head under the ice cold water, he thrashed while he was under. When he was brought back up, he coughed and gasped for air.

This happened again, but this time it was longer.

"This is ice cold water. It'll sting like hell when it hits his lungs. Resistance comes first, begging comes next. And all of this stops, detective, WHEN YOU TELL ME HOW MUCH THE COPS KNOW."

"OKAY." Xisuma shouted when he couldn't stand to see Grian tortured like this.

When they brought Grian up, he wheezed as he tried catching his breath, "Don't tell this Jack hole anything, Xisuma."

"Sorry Gri.. But I can't watch this." Xisuma said, he looked towards Sam, "You're too late. The cops already know everything... About me and your mum."

Grian wheezed as he started laughing. But their captor wasn't having any of it. The person holding Grian threw him to the side after, "Blow his kneecaps off."

"Oh no.. no no no." Grian mumbled crawling away, "Hey! If you didn't want the cops knowing you shouldn't have let things get so out of hand!"

"That's it. I'll blow his brains out."

A gunshot was heard and Grian waited for death, but it didn't happen.


Grian's head hit the concrete floor as he started chuckling.

"Grian why are you laughing?"

"I sounded the fire alarm upstairs. And since it was a silent alarm they had no clue. They really are idiots"

Two firefighters of Grian's team helped him sit up and they cut his restraints behind his back.

"Nice thinking Cap."

"Take me home." Grian said with a chuckle, "Let's get checked out then take us home. I'm tired of being tortured."

The group chuckled at the response then they helped the two outside and to ambulances.

When they laid Grian on a gurney, his exhaustion quickly took over him and he fell asleep.

He spent two hours in surgery, but would be fine.

His head was facing towards the left. When he woke, he felt a hand on his slowly stroking it. When Grian opened his eyes, he noticed Etho to his left. He smiled, and said hoarsely, "Hey, Etho."

"Grian!" Etho responded breathlessly, "Hey."

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry? I don't understand why."


"That wasn't your fault. You have nothing to apologize for. I'm just happy you're okay."

The two pressed their foreheads together, no words being spoken to the two before there were knocks heard on the door.

"Well, look who's awake!" Ren exclaimed walking in with the rest of the team, "Welcome back to reality."

"I'm awake three minutes and you're already pulling my leg? You waste no time."

"That be true my friend." Ren chuckled, "Hey, we brought you some things to help you feel better."

"You guys didn't need to do that."

"Oh please, we wanted too."

"Your firehouse is definitely something, Gri." Etho chuckled, Grian sent a tired glare at him, "What?"

"You should see them when they're off duty."

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