The life of Eve De La Cruz

By Lilith_Deckerstar

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Eve is the daughter of a third-generation American and the youngest Crawley daughter, but when they died she... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Eighteen

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By Lilith_Deckerstar

Almost a month had passed since Matthew and Mary's wedding, and the two would be returning in a little over a week. But today was the day that Eve was to meet Emilio's parents. Emilio had written to Eve a few days before and told her the name of the restaurant to meet with him and his parents. Eve had only told her Aunt Cora where she was going today and that she was only going to London, and did not mention Emilio or his parents. Cora wished her niece luck before Eve left.

Upon arriving at the train station, Eve became more nervous, and her nervousness grew as the train departed the station and left for London. When the train arrived in London, Eve left the train and stepped onto the platform. She managed to find a taxi and told the driver the address of the restaurant before he drove her there. A few minutes passed before the driver pulled up to the restaurant. Eve paid the driver before he left as she turned around to face the restaurant. As Eve stared at the restaurant, she could feel her heart in their throat. A few seconds passed before Eve mustered the courage to enter the restaurant.

When she walked into the restaurant, Eve noticed that it was empty from what she could see, except for the host.

"Excuse me," Eve said to the host, "I am meeting a few people here. A young man and his parents."

"Ah, of course, they've been expecting you. We had to close the restaurant for them due to privacy and security reasons," The host explained, "Please follow me."

The host led Eve further into the restaurant until she saw Emilio and his parents seated at the table, but she noticed that five men were standing next to the table and were curious about why they were there. Emilio looked away from his parents and noticed Eve before he stood up from the table and went to greet her.

"Principessa," Emilio smiled, "I am glad made it. I understand that you have a lot of questions as to what is going on. I promise I can explain everything, "Emilio then led her over to the table and introduced her to his parents, "Madre, Padre, this is the woman I met during the war, the Honorable Miss Eve De La Cruz. Miss De La Cruz, I would like to introduce you to my father, His Majesty Alejandro Sebastián De Santis, the King of Spain, and my mother, Her Majesty Maria Valentina De Santis, the Queen of Spain."

Eve could not believe what she had just heard from Emilio and looked at him with shock written on her face. Emilio saw the expression on Eve's face and knew that she was both confused and shocked by what had happened just then.

"Principessa, I know that this must be quite a shock to you, and you must be wondering why I have waited until now to tell you," Emilio said.

Maria stood up from the table and walked over to the two before speaking, "I see that my son did not give you very much information on his family when he told you of us. It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Eve. Please sit with us."

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Eve replied.

Emilio pulled out Eve's chair as his father does for his mother before they sat back down in their seats.

"My son has told his Majesty and I that you were a nurse during the war and that you had saved his life," Maria said, beginning conservation with the nervous Eve.

"Yes, ma'am, that is correct," She replied, "But I would not say that I saved his life, I merely addressed his wounds and assisted the surgeon."

"Still, you helped my son," Alejandro spoke, "Her Majesty and I are grateful for what you did."

"Thank you, sir."

"My son told us that you had lost your parents very young," Maria said, "I am sorry that you had to experience that tragedy at such a young age."

"Thank you, ma'am," Eve replied, "I remember coming to Downton Abbey, where my mother was raised, but is now owned by my uncle Robert, the Earl of Grantham. I did not speak a word for months due to my grief, so my aunt Cora, the Countess of Grantham and wife of my Uncle Robert had given me a little chalkboard to write on. Eventually, I came out of my grief and could speak."

"How did your parents meet?" Alejandro inquired.

"My parents had met at St. Mary's, a church in New York, sir," She answered, "The church had acted as a home to many who could not afford anywhere to live and also provided work for them, and still does to this day. My father and his family had lived at St. Mary's ever since his grandparents had come to America. My mother had arrived in New York to work at St. Mary's after becoming a nurse. My parents had met on the first day my mother arrived at St. Mary's and were inseparable. My mother had converted to Catholicism and then married my father against the wishes of her family."

"That is quite a romantic tale," Maria commented, "To leave everything you have ever known for the one you love."

"Thank you, ma'am."

The conversations between Eve, Emilio, and his parents continued as they had luncheon. As time went on, Eve became less nervous and more comfortable with Emilio's parents. When the luncheon ended, Emilio's parents took a different motorcar so that Emilio could drop Eve off at the train station. When her train arrived, Emilio and Eve turned to each other to say their goodbyes.

"My parents were quite taken with you today at luncheon," Emilio said, "I would not be shocked if when I return to them my mother insists that I ask you to marry."

Eve then looked at Emilio with surprise written on her face from what he had just said before she spoke, "And if she did, would you live up to the task she has given you?"

Emilio smiled at Eve with great loving affection before replying, "That is for me to know and for you to find out, Principessa," He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it, "Despedida, mi Principessa."

"Hasta luego," Eve returned, "Príncipe."

The two shared a long loving gaze and smiled before the sound of the train whistle pulled them out, Eve rushed onto the train before it pulled out of the station, and Eve waved goodbye to Emilio from her seat through the window.

"Despedida, mi Principessa!" Emilio shouted at the top of his lungs as he ran to catch up with Eve's window, "I promise you, and only you, my heart! I declare that whatever love I have is for you, and only you, Principessa!"

Emilio stopped as the train had picked up enough speed that he could not keep up. Eve smiled as she continued to wave at him until she could no longer see him, not even his silhouette.

Ever since that day, Eve and Emilio had continued to write another, and Eve knew that the letters were becoming more romantic with each new one. Soon it was the day of Mary and Matthew's return to Downton after their honeymoon, and everyone was glad to welcome them back. Eve had been thinking about asking Mary for advice on what to do with Emilio since she could not talk to Sybil in person about it or even her aunt for fear that her Uncle Robert would hear about it.

Matthew drives a new car up to the front door. Robert, Cora, Eve, Eve, Edith, and Alfred come out to greet them. Alfred opens the car door to let Mary out.

"What in god's name is this? Well, I never," Robert chuckled.

"Where did this come from?" Cora asked.

"I ordered it on the way through in London," Matthew replied as he got out of the motorcar, "picked it up on the way back. It's an AC."

"Well, at least it's English," Robert spoke.

"Welcome back, my darling," Cora greeted her daughter with a kiss on each cheek.

"Did Anna get back all right?" Mary asked her mother.

"She did," She replied before they went into the house.

That evening, Eve was outside Mary's bedroom door before Eve knocked on it.

"Come in," Mary said, sitting at the vanity as Anna did her hair.

Eve opened the door and walked into the room, "Hello, Mary. Anna, could you leave for a moment? I have to talk with Mary about something private. That is if you're done."

"Of course," Anna replied before she left the room, leaving Eve and Mary alone.

"So, what is it you need to talk about?" Mary asked as Eve walked over to stand beside her.

"It is about Emilio," Eve answered.

Mary turned to face Eve, "Has he done something terrible?"

"No, no, it is nothing like that," She replied, "At your wedding, Emilio had asked me if I would meet him at a restaurant in London for a luncheon to meet his parents. I agreed, and a couple of weeks ago, I met him and his parents at the restaurant. But when I arrived at the restaurant, there was no one but Emilio, his parents, and five men standing guard."

"Standing guard?" Mary questioned, looking confused.

"Yes," Eve continued, "and Emilio, after seeing the confused expression on my face, explained that his parents are the King and Queen of Spain and that he is-"

"The Prince," Mary finished. She stood up and asked, "How can we be sure that is not a lie? He could have hired actors for the guards and his parents. And bought out the restaurant for the time you were there."

"That is what I had thought too," She said, "And I feel so bad for not trusting him, but I made inquiries and even asked someone I know in Spain to get me the information I needed. Emilio was telling the truth. He is the Prince of Spain."

"How did the luncheon go?" Mary inquired.

"It went rather well," Eve answered, "His and Her Majesty liked me. I think Emilio might even propose to me."

"That is wonderful!" She exclaimed in joy for her cousin, "Perhaps with Emilio being a prince, Papa will approve-"

"No," Eve interrupted Mary, "Uncle Robert must never know."

"Why?" Mary asked, confused by what Eve meant.

"Because if Uncle Robert finds out that Emilio is a Prince, then that will be the only reason he approves of him," She explained, "I want Uncle Robert to approve Emilio, not the Prince of Spain."

"But what if Emilio asks for Papa's blessing before he proposes to you?"

"I could not care less if we have his blessing or not," Eve replied to Mary, "But I am worried if Emilio proposes because it would mean that I would be the Queen of an entire country. I never pictured myself as a Queen, the wife of a King, but more as the wife of a man who did not care about land or a title when we married. Let's face the truth, Mary. I half expected to spend the rest of my life as an unwed woman because no man would dare take an exotic for a wife. All of the expectations that everyone will have of me. They will be expecting me to be something I'm not and will ridicule me the moment they see any flaw."

"Eve, Emilio has loved you because he has seen how strong, kind, open-minded, non-judgemental, understanding you are, and so much more," Mary comforted her cousin, "Any country would be honored to have you as their Queen."

Mary pulled her cousin in for a hug before letting her go to wipe away the tears that were beginning to form and say, "Now, let's go down for dinner."

"Of course," Eve smiled. The two left Mary's room and went downstairs to join the rest of the family.

Later on, it was dinner. The entire family, including Martha, sat at the dining table enjoying their meal.

"So, how did you enjoy the south of France?" Martha asked her granddaughter.

"It was lovely," Mary replied, "But almost too hot even now."

"I think it's such a shame they close things up during the summer. I love the sun."

"So we can see," Violet commented.

"Though you couldn't be in Cannes for the summer. No one could bear it," Mary said.

"I could," Martha said.

"I do love feeling the summer sun's heat as you lay on the ground with a cool breeze," Eve said, "I find it very relaxing."

"There's a hideous pile of post, I'm afraid. I put it on the hall table. Don't look at it tonight," Isobel told Matthew.

"What have you been up to?" Mary asked his mother-in-law.

"As a matter of fact, I've found myself a new occupation. Eve has even helped me when he can," She replied, "But I'm afraid Cousin Violet doesn't think it's quite appropriate."

"Can we talk about it afterward?" Violet suggested.

"Are there still forbidden subjects in 1920? I can't believe this," Martha teased.

"I speak of taste rather than law."

"Well, it's not my taste. What about you, Cora?"

"I agree with Mama. Some subjects are not suitable for every ear," She replied to her mother.

"Oh. Pas devant les domestiques? Ha. Come on, my dear. Carson and Alfred know more about life than we ever will," Martha said.

"Shall we go through?" Cora proposed before everyone rose from the table.

"What about poor old Strallan? Have you seen anything of him?" Mary asked Edith.

Edith shook her head, "I don't know why you call him poor or old when he's neither."

Mary looks away with raised eyebrows. The ladies leave while Robert and Matthew stay behind.

In the drawing room, Mary and Violet speak together in one part of the room while Martha speaks with Cora, Isobel, Edith, and Eve while petting Eve on the head in another part of the room.

"So, you help women who have...fallen over?" Martha asked Isobel and Eve, trying to understand what they do.

"Not quite," Isobel said.

"Cousin Isobel and Eve help women who've had to degrade themselves to survive," Cora explained to her mother, "There's a center in York."

"Oh, no addresses, please, or Alfred will be making notes," Martha teased as she winked at Alfred as he served them tea and smiled in amusement, "So what do you do for these women?"

"Well, first we like to send them rest," Isobel responded.

"I should think they'd need it."

"And then we try to find them alternative employment."

"The war destroyed many households. In thousands of families, the breadwinners are dead," Cora added.

"So, you want me to contribute?"

"You don't have to give money after every conversation, Mother," Cora sighed.

"No? Isn't that what the English expect of rich Americans?" Martha asked her daughter before changing the subject, "Eve, has there been anything new from your charming Captain?"

"Not much," She answered, "We have written to each other and tried to set up dates for when we are able to meet with one another, but other than that not much, I'm afraid."

"You two have been seeing each other for quite some time now," Martha noted, "I would not be surprised if we hear wedding bells in the future for our darling Eve. Perhaps we should invite the Captain to Downton? At least for a couple of weeks?" She suggested, "Who knows? Maybe he'll even propose."

Eve looked down, trying to hide her blushing face and the forming smile. Eve quickly recovered and looked up, "I do not know if that would be possible. Emilio has been busy lately with working with his father."

"Well, you never know, my dear."

The next morning, Eve was up about an hour or so earlier than when she would usually wake up. She spent the first half writing on her typewriter and the other half writing to Emilio. Eve wrote of the conversation last night between herself and Martha. In response to the question in his last letter, she also wrote to him that she would love to meet with him. And that he can stay for the big dinner that her family will be having.

Eve looked at the clock on her desk before she finished writing her letter. Eve dressed for her shift at the hospital, hid her typewriter, and placed the letter in her pocket before leaving her room. Eve grabbed a quick breakfast and then traveled to the hospital. Not long after her shift started, Dr. Clarkson called her to his office to help with a patient. When Eve entered his office, she saw Mrs. Hughes and Mrs. Patmore sitting in front of Dr. Clarkson's desk.

"Is everything alright?" Eve asked Mrs. Hughes and Mrs. Patmore.

"We're not sure, dear," Mrs. Hughes replied, "I found a lump the other day, and I had asked Mrs. Patmore to check if it was, and it is. So, I'm here for an examination."

"And I thought it would be helpful if you were here alongside Mrs. Patmore, Nurse De La Cruz to provide support and assist in the examination," Dr. Clarkson explained.

"Of course, Dr. Clarkson," Eve responded.

Mrs. Hughes sat on the examination table in Dr. Clarkson's office, and the examination began. When it was over, Mrs. Hughes buttoned up her clothes.

"Believe me, there are several stages to go through before there's any cause for despair," Dr. Clarkson told Mrs. Hughes as they walked to his desk.

"Well, what stages?" Mrs. Hughes asked as she sat down. Eve stands behind her and Mrs. Patmore.

"When you come back in a day or two, I'll remove some fluid from the cist," He explained, "With any luck, it'll be clear, and that will be that."

"How will you do it?" Mrs. Patmore inquired.

"With a syringe, Mrs. Patmore," Eve replied.

"Will it hurt?"

"Since he has to do it whether it hurts or not, I don't see the point of that question," Mrs. Hughes said before asking, "What I want to know is, what happens if the fluid is not clear?"

"It'll be sent away for analysis," Dr. Clarkson answered.

"Because it may be...cancer?"

"It may be cancer, but...I am fairly certain it is not."

"There you are. It's very, very unlikely," Mrs. Patmore asked, trying to cheer Mrs. Hughes up, "isn't it, Doctor?"

"If the doctor treats me like an adult, Mrs. Patmore, why do you insist on treating me like a child?" Mrs. Hughes questioned.

Some time had passed after Mrs. Hughes' examination, and it was almost the end of Eve's shift at the hospital. She only had one more patient to see, and it was Mrs. McCarthy, who had injured her eye while she tried to change some flower arrangements, but some fragments landed in her eye.

"Hello, Mrs. McCarthy," Eve greeted her.

"Oh, hello, dear," Mrs. McCarthy smiled.

"I never knew rearranging flowers could be so dangerous," Eve said, noting Mrs. McCarthy's eye patch.

"It can be when you were dealing with the monstrosities I did," She told Eve, "Those flowers were near death's door. Absolutely no water in them at all. But enough about me, how is the Captain? I am sure you were glad he could attend your cousin's wedding?"

"I was," Eve replied, "A week before Mary and Matthew returned from their honeymoon, I met Emilio at a restaurant in London, where I had met his parents for the first time."

"Oh," Mrs. McCarthy gasped, "How did it go? Did they love you? Oh, what question is that, of course, they loved you. Who could not? You are the perfect young lady, and no other could match you in everything you are."

"It went wonderful, Mrs. McCarthy," She answered, "Emilio's parents were quite taken with me, and when Emilio was with me to say goodbye at the train station in London, he said that he would not be surprised if his mother insists that he asks me to marry him."

"And will you say 'yes?" Mrs. McCarthy asked, "Should he ask?"

"I suppose, but I would be too nervous about what the future would hold to speak. When I have children, I do not wish to leave this world from them as my parents did and leave them alone. What happens if Emilio and I both passed as my parents had," Eve replied, "Mrs. McCarthy, how will I-"

"Child," Mrs. McCarthy interrupted, "No one knows what in life is certain or what will happen tomorrow. I was nervous myself when Mr. McCarthy and I were at the point in our relationship where him proposing to me was the only thing many people in our lives were wondering about. Like you, I was worried about what could happen in the days to come when we were married, but I knew that if I kept worrying I would miss a lot of things. I would miss him proposing to me, our wedding, the birth of our children, and so much more. What I'm trying to say, darling, is stop worrying about the future and enjoy the present."

"Thank you, Mrs. McCarthy," Eve said before she hugged Mrs. McCarthy.

When her shift was over, Eve escorted Mrs. McCarthy out of the hospital and drove her home before Eve returned to Downton.

That evening, Matthew had come down to dinner in a dining jacket which was quite a surprise for everyone but did not bother most of them.

"Newport's not a jungle, not at all. But it is a little less formal," Martha said.

"Well, Matthew obviously, wants you to feel at home in his play clothes," Violet commented.

"Don't blame me for this," Matthew chuckled, "I'm afraid Alfred and I had a bit of a disaster earlier."

"Why? What happened?" Cora inquired.

"Somehow, the poor chap managed to burn a hole in my tails," He explained before noticing Alfred was upset by the reference to his mistake, "But don't worry, it can be mended."

Mr. Carson looks up at Alfred in shock, lifting the serving dish he's holding without thinking, just as Robert is trying to serve himself from the tray.

"Careful, Carson. Steady the buffs," Robert advised.

Mr. Carson leans back down, "Beg pardon, my lord."

"I rather like dinner jackets. And I agree with you, sometimes, it's nice to be informal," Sir Anthony said.

"Especially when a couple is alone," Edith added.

Sir Anthony tilts his head down at Edith, catching her hint. Violet and Robert exchanged displeased looks.

"But people like us should lead the fight to keep tradition going," Mary proposed.

"If you mean we can never change, I can't agree to that," Isobel defended.

"Nor me. I think accepting change is quite as important as defending the past," Cora agreed.

"As do I," Eve spoke, "We must change with the times, but preserve the past so that others will learn from it."

"But the role of houses like Downton is to protect tradition. That's why they're so important to maintain," Mary stated.

"Don't you agree, Mrs. Levinson?" Violet asked, "We must do everything in our power to keep houses like Downton going."

"Sure, if you think it's worth it," Martha responded before asking, "So, who's coming to dinner next week?"

"Some locals. We thought you'd like to see Downton on Parade," Cora replied.

"That's right, Grandmamma. I'm glad we've planned a dinner. We can show you the real point of Downton," Mary said.

That night after dinner, Eve sat at her desk with Hera lying next to her chair as she wrote on her typewriter. She was in the middle of a chapter when she stopped and looked away from her typewriter and toward the secret compartment where she kept her typewriter and the letters Emilio had sent her. Eve stepped away from her typewriter and opened the compartment before taking out the most recent letter Emilio had sent her. Eve sat down on her bed before she opened the letter and reread the contents of it.

"My darling Principessa, it has only been a little more than a week since we last saw each other. The day before last, I was right, my Madre had mentioned that I should ask you to marry me. I would be lying if I had not thought about it. As the Prince, my people see me the same way the English see their future King, but it is more since I am an only child. My people also expect me to be married and have an heir to inherit the throne before or after I become king or before my death to make sure that my people feel safe that I have an heir. according to my father. I do not wish you to think that I am pressuring you to say 'yes' when I ask you to marry me but to understand the pressure I am under. I love you, Principessa, and if I had to pick any woman in the entire world to be my Queen it would be you, Eve."

Eve could not believe that she had been approved by a Queen to marry her son and that Emilio was actually considering proposing to her. She stood up from her bed and stood in front of her full-length mirror. Eve stared at her reflection and wondered if she was ready to be the Queen of a country. She went over to her vanity and opened a small box that contained a rhinestone headpiece that resembled a tiara before stepping back in front of her mirror and putting it on.

"Her Majesty, Eve, Queen of Spain," Eve spoke. She removed the headband and looked down at Eve, "I do not know if I am ready to become this, Eve. I always expected to live a quiet life somewhat like the one I love now, but not one as Queen. I can not say that I do not love Emilio and would be over the moon should he propose to me, but would I be ready for that life?"

Eve only gave a small huff in response. Eve places the headpiece back in the box before returning to her typewriter and finishing her chapter.

The next morning, Eve entered the dining room dressed in her nurse uniform and grabbed her breakfast from the buffet because after breakfast she would go down to the shelter with Isobel and then straight to the hospital and miss breakfast in the servant's hall due to her staying up late last night. Robert enters to find Eve, Edith, and Matthew at the breakfast table.

"No Mary?" Robert asked Matthew.

"She says she's a married woman now, so she can have breakfast in bed," He responded.

Matthew smiles a little and Robert chuckles. He looks over the mail and hands Edith a letter addressed to her.

"I'm sorry about your tails," Robert apologized.

"Carson's sending them up on the London train this morning. They'll have to put a new panel in," Matthew informed him.

"We thought we'd get Molesley to come and look after you. He knows your ways," He said as he made his plate.

"I'm perfectly happy to—" Matthew began before Robert interrupted him.

"I think it best if he comes."

"I do need to talk to you about the other staff we need, My Lord," Mr. Carson spoke. Robert puts down the serving spoon with a clang.

"Not now, Carson. But you may send for Molesley if Mrs. Crawley has no objection," Robert said.

"Uncle Robert, I wanted to inform you that I invited Emilio for dinner," Eve informed her uncle.

Robert sighs before speaking, "I do not know why you continue to speak with that man. We know almost nothing about him, and neither do you."

"I do know a lot about him. He is-" Eve said before she was cut off by Edith dropping her silverware with a clang. Robert, Eve, and Matthew look over as she reads her letter with a distressed look.

"Edith?" Robert asked.

"Oh, Papa, how could you?" Edith walks out crying.

"Golly. Do you know what that was?" Matthew asked.

"I'm afraid I probably do," Robert sighed.

Later at the shelter, Isobel and Eve talk to a woman who is eating eagerly.

"What job might you be suited to? Because we're not simply here to give you food. We must try to find you your place in the world," Isobel told the woman.

Eve looks away from the woman when she notices Ethel entering the shelter.

"Hello, would look like to speak with me and Mrs. Crawley?" Eve asked her.

"Yes, Miss Eve, I do," She replied. Eve and Isobel approach Ethel with a smile, but Isobel still does not quite recognize her.

"Have you come for our help?" Isobel asked Ethel, "You're very welcome if you have," Ethel backed away and began to leave," Wait a minute. I know you."

Ethel stops and turns around before Isobel continues, "You were the maid who brought your child into the dining room at Downton that time."

"I'm sorry, this has been a mistake. I thought I was ready to ask you, but I'm not. I'm not ready," Ethel them before she rushed out of the shelter.

"Ask us what?" Isobel called after her.

After working at the shelter, Eve went to the hospital and waited in Dr. Clarkson's office with Mrs. Hughes and Mrs. Patmore. A few moments later, Mrs. Hughes and Mrs. Patmore jump a little as they hear the door open, and Dr. Clarkson enters.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting, ladies," Dr. Clarkson apologized as he walked over and sat behind his desk, "The fact is, it's not quite as simple."

"Oh, my god," Mrs. Patmore exclaimed.

"Mrs. Patmore, will you please leave the hysteria to me," Mrs. Hughes told her.

"I'm afraid the test was inconclusive. I had hoped that the fluid from the cist would be clear, but there are traces of blood in it. Not enough to confirm the presence of cancer, but...a little too much to exclude it," Dr. Clarkson informed her.

"So, what happens now?" Mrs. Hughes asked.

"I send it away for analysis," He answered, "And this stage will take some time."

"How much time?" Mrs. Parmore inquired.

"It could be a while. Most likely anything up to two months," Eve replied.

"Oh, my g—" Mrs. Patmore began before Mrs. Hughes shot her a look, and she stopped.

"Until then, please try to take it a little more easily. Sit down and put your feet up if you can," Dr. Clarkson instructed, "And Nurse De La Cruz will keep me informed of anything."

"Oh, chance'd be a fine thing," Mrs. Patmore laughed. They all rise as the women prepare to leave.

"Would you like me to say something to Lady Grantham?" He asked Mrs. Hughes.

"No, thank you, Doctor. I'll speak to her myself, if I need to. Thank you," Mrs. Hughes told Dr. Clarkson before she and Mrs. Patmore left.

The next day, the day of the dinner, Eve was at the train station waiting for Emilio. When his train pulled into the station, Eve swore her heart skipped a beat and did it again when she saw Emilio stepping off the train.

"Emilio!" Eve called after him. Emilio turned around and smiled when he saw Eve before he rushed over to her. He set his luggage on the ground before he picked her up and spun around with her in his arms. Eve laughed at the spontaneous action before stopping when Emilio put her on the ground.

"It is good to see you again, Principessa," Emilio told her, "I have missed you so much."

"I missed you too, Emilio," She said, "I trust you are ready for the dinner tonight?"

"I am," Emilio picked up his luggage with one arm and offered his other to Eve, which she accepted before they walked to the motorcar, "In your last letter, you said you had something you wanted to discuss with me when I arrive, what was it?"

Eve stopped walking and looked at Emilio. She hesitated briefly before speaking, "I wanted to ask you if you would not mind not telling anyone, specifically my uncle, about who you are?"

"Why?" Emilio asked her, looking confused.

"Because I do not want the reason my uncle approving of you would be because of who you and your family are," She replied, "I want him and everyone to approve of the man behind the crown."

Emilio took Eve's hands and brought them to his chest over his heart, "I promise that I will not tell a soul of who I am until you wish for me to do so," He then brought her hands up to his lips, and kissed them.

Eve and Emilio smiled at each other before walking to the motorcar. The two talked the entire drive until they reached the Grantham Arms. Emilio said his goodbyes to Eve, that she was an excellent driver, and that they would see each other again that night before walking into the Grantham Arms. When Eve returned to Downton, she walked into the great hall, and Hera rushed over to her with a wagging tail to greet Eve.

"Hello darling," Eve greeted.

Cora and Robert entered the great hall and saw their niece kneeling to Hera.

"Hello, Eve," Cora greeted her, "Where did you go to?"

Eve stood up and walked over to her uncle and aunt, with Hera at her side, before replying, "I went to the train station to pick up Emilio. I took him to the Grantham Arms. He will be here for the dinner tonight."

Robert groaned in annoyance at the mention of Emilio before he said, "I will be in the library."

Cora and Eve watched Robert leave and go into the library. Cora looked at her niece and said, "Do not worry, dear. Your uncle will come around eventually. Maybe tonight, your uncle and Emilio can talk and get to know one another."

"I hope so."

That night, Eve was in her room getting ready for the dinner party with Anna's help doing her hair. Eve wore an Ivory-colored dress with ethereal embroidery and exquisite sheer details that ended a few inches above her ankles with matching-colored heels. Anna was putting her hair in an elegant updo bun with a small red carnation at the top of her bun. When she was finished, Anna stepped back to get a better look at her work.

"There, miss. All done," Anna said.

"Thank you, Anna," Eve told her as she turned around, "I'm sure if I had done it would have been a mess."

"You're welcome, miss."

Anna then left the room to help finish getting the dinner ready before the guests arrived. Eve turned to her full-length mirror, and her thoughts returned to Emilio and his letters. She dismissed those thoughts before she became worried. After taking a moment to compose herself, Eve left her room and walked downstairs to the drawing room, once she had given Hera her food. One by one, the lords and ladies invited to the dinner party arrived. Eve conversed with Isobel until she spotted Emilio walking into the drawing room. Eve excused herself from Isobel and approached Emilio.

"I am glad you could make it," Eve said.

"As am I," Emilio returned, smiling, "You look bella, Principessa."

"Thank you. And you look quite handsome yourself."

"I wanted to look my best for you, Principessa," He smiled at Eve.

"I want you to meet my cousin Mary," Eve said to Emilio before saying quietly, "I want to inform you that Mary knows who you are. I had to tell someone, and Mary is someone I can trust with our secret."

"If you can trust her, Principessa, so can I."

The two smiled at each other before approaching Mary.

"Mary," Eve called, "I believe you remember meeting Emilio? I told him I had informed you of his family's vast interest in politics."

"Of course," Mary said, "How do you do, Mr. De Santis?"

"Very well," Emilio replied, "I must say that this is one of the best dinner parties I have attended hosted by the English."

"I'm sure with your political background, you have attended far grander dinner parties," She responded.

"I have, but I always prefer something simple and elegant rather than those dinner parties that seemed extravagant and wasteful," Emilio told her.

"Well, I hope our dinner party can live up to your expectations," Mary smiled.

Violet walked over to the group and was about to begin a conversation with Emilio before she was stopped when Matthew entered the room, dressed in a black tie and dinner jacket. He holds his arms out for Mary to see him.

"Why are you not in white tie?" Mary asked her husband in a whisper.

"Darling, please forgive me," Matthew apologized, "I'm afraid they never sent my tails back."

Robert enters in the same form of dress, and Violet looks him over in surprise.

"You're not in white tie either? What have you come as?" Violet asked her son.

"I'm so sorry. Thomas has lost all my dress shirts," He explained.

"You know, I find it quite funny that no matter how perfectly planned an event, maybe something is bound to go amiss," Eve whispered to Emilio.

"Before the war, a few of my friends and I would bet on what would go on during a party," Emilio informed Eve, "My father would even join in on the fun."

Martha enters behind the gentlemen and exaggerates her surprise when she sees Matthew and Robert's dinner jackets.

"Oh, you two are dressed for a barbecue," She exclaimed, breaking the conversation.

"I feel like a Chicago bootlegger," Robert joked.

"I don't even know what that means, but it sounds almost as peculiar as you look," Violet commented.

Cora enters the drawing room and goes toward the group with hurried footsteps, "Robert, come quickly."

"What is it?" Isobel asked.

"Apparently, the oven's broken down."

"It can't have done. What does that mean?" Robert asked.

"To cut a long story short, it means we have no food," Cora answered.

"Oh!" Martha chuckled, "Funny clothes and no food. It should be quite an evening."

"Thank you, Mother," Cora left the drawing room with the group following her.

In the great hall, Mr. Carson and Mrs. Hughes whisper together as the family enters.

"Nothing's cooked. And nothing's going to be cooked," Mrs. Hughes announced with exasperation.

"But surely—" Mary began.

"Shall we just tell them to go home?" Cora suggested.

"No, Cora, please, come on. They've come for a party, we're going to give them a party," Martha told her daughter. She stood there brainstorming briefly before she turned to Mr. Carson, "Carson. Clear the table, and you're going to go down to the larders, you bring up bread, fruit, cheese, chicken, ham, whatever's edible. We're going to have an indoor picnic. They're going to eat whatever they want, wherever they want, all over the house."

"Are you quite sure, madam?" Mr. Carson asked, shocked by the idea.

"It's not really how we do it," Robert added.

"How you used to do it," Martha contradicted.

"Oh, come on. It might be fun," Isobel said.

"I agree. We'll all pull together, and it will be great fun," Cora grinned.

"Yes! Now, I know what we need. Eve, would you mind playing the piano?" Martha asked her.

"Not at all," Eve replied as she and everyone followed Martha back into the drawing room.

Later in the dining room, the staff places more food on the table while Martha leads the guests into the room.

"Now, all of you, find whatever it is you want to eat and take it wherever you want to sit," Martha instructed them.

"Anywhere?" Lady Manville asked.

"Anywhere. All over the house. If any of you have ever wanted to explore Downton Abbey, this is your chance," She told the guests, who picked up a plate and started placing what they wanted to eat on their plates. Emilio picked up two plates and handed one to Eve.

"Thank you," She said.

"You're welcome."

The two picked what to eat and walked to the drawing room. Emilio and Eve talked about what they did not mention in their letters. Emilio said that his mother was looking forward to meeting Eve again. Once Eve finished eating, she played the piano as Martha led the guests in a song.

"Let me call you sweetheart. I'm in love with you. Let me hear you whisper that you love me, too. Keep the love light glowing in your eyes so true."

Martha is enjoying herself, along with several of the guests, while Mr. Carson looks continually uncomfortable and perplexed. Martha sits down in the chair next to Violet, who appears to be waking from a nap. Violet looks over, a bit startled to find herself being serenaded personally by Martha. The others stop singing and allow Martha to finish out a solo at the end of the song.

"Let me call you sweetheart. I'm in love with you."

Martha takes Violet's hand and kisses it. Violet shifts in her chair while everyone applauds Eve and Martha. Eve and Emilio snicker at Violet's uncomfortableness.

Later, Eve was in the great hall with Emilio, escorting him to the motorcar that would take him back to the Grantham Arms.

"That would have to be one of the best dinner parties or indoor picnics I have ever attended," Emilio told Eve.

"Thank you, and I'll be sure to pass your compliments to everyone," She said.

"I've enjoyed the time we have this night," Emilio smiled at Eve as they turned to face each other.

Emilio looks at her with longing before he kisses her. Eve was shocked at first but then leaned into the kiss as she wrapped her arms around Emilio's neck, and he wrapped his around her waist. The kiss was short, simple, and sweet. When it was over, the two looked into each other's eyes. Emilio plucked the flower from Eve's hair before opening three buttons from his shirt and placing the flower in the location of his heart.

"I shall always keep you next to my heart," He whispered to her before handing her a folded piece of paper, "I want you to meet me here at ten o'clock tomorrow morning, and if you do not show, then I will know your answer. Good evening, Principessa," Emilio kisses Eve's hand before taking his leave.

With the folded paper in her hands, Eve was speechless as she watched Emilio leave Downton. But neither knew Mary had seen what had happened while hiding behind one of the arches. When Emilio was gone from sight, Eve looked down at the paper and held it close to her heart before carefully concealing it in her glove and making her sleeve cover it before returning to the drawing room where the rest of her family was.

"Well, despite the oven not working," Cora spoke, "This evening has gone well."

"I agree," Eve said as she sat beside her aunt, "I am going to retire for the evening. I have to get up early tomorrow and go somewhere."

"Alright, dear," She said to her niece.

Eve left the drawing room and walked through the great hall with a bounce in her step as she approached the stairs and was on the second step.

"Eve," Robert called to her.

Eve turned around to face her uncle, "Yes?"

"I noticed that you and Mr. De Santis never left each other's side," He mentioned, "And he treated you quite respectably."

"He is quite the gentleman," Eve smiled, having heard her uncle say kind things about Emilio and hoping he finally approved him.

"But I no longer want you to see him," Robert told her, causing Eve's heart to crumble and her hopes dashed.

"What? Why?" Eve questioned Robert, standing there confused by what he had said.

"Because he does not deserve you, and you deserve someone who can give you the life you deserve, like Mary and Matthew," Robert explained.

"Love is not about deserving, and uncle, have you forgotten who I am?" She asked him, "I am an American Catholic woman of mixed social classes and race. No English man of nobility would ever dare take me as their wife. Because they do not seek a wife in the exotic."

Robert could see that his niece was fighting tears threatening to come down her face, but before he could say anything to her, she rushed up the stairs and into her room. Eve changed out of her clothes and went to bed with Hera comforting her as tears rolled down her face.

That morning, before anyone, not even the staff had a chance to wake up, Eve snuck out of Downton with Hera. Eve had left a letter on her pillow saying that she was visiting a friend from the war on the Isle of Wight and Eve would bring Hera with her to explain their absences.

After taking the train, Eve and Hera were on the ferry to East Cowes on the Isle of Wight. When they arrived on the Isle, Eve and Hera took a cab to the location that Emilio had written down to her. The driver took them to Osborne, a palace built by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. Eve looked around and saw that no one was present. The driver helped Eve out of the cab and refused her money when she paid him for his services by saying that he had already been paid before he left.

A man approached her, Eve recognized him as one of the guards she had seen at luncheon with Emilio and his parents.

"Buenos Días, Señorita De La Cruz and Hera, I am Esteban Morales," He introduced himself with a bow, "His Royal Highness is in the garden. I will escort you both to him. This way."

Eve and Hera followed Mr. Morales as he guided them through Osborne to the back entrance, where the gardens are located in the back of the royal residence.

"His Highness is waiting at the fountain," He informed Eve.

"Thank you, Mr. Morales," She said,

"It was my pleasure," Mr. Morales bowed to Eve before he left.

Eve stood briefly with Hera before she approached the terrace overlooking the garden. She quickly spotted Emilio by the fountain before taking a moment of courage and walking down the stairs to the fountain.

When Emilio heard footsteps coming from behind, he turned around and smiled when he saw Eve walking toward him. Emilio walked up to Eve so that they would meet in the middle.

Emilio took Eve's hand before he kissed it, "Buenos Dias, Principessa. I am grateful that you were able to come."

"I saw no reason not to," She responded, "Emilio, I must let you know that my uncle still does not approve of you and demand that I never see or speak to you again. He does not even know that I am here. He said I deserve someone better, but love is not about deserving."

"No, it is not, Principessa," Emilio agreed. He offers her his arm, "Follow me."

Eve accepts it, and the two begin to walk around the garden and admire the flowers that reside within it as Emilio speaks to Eve.

"I must confess that you have been in my thoughts recently, Principessa. More so than ever, especially after your Cousin Mary's wedding. Whenever I see you, my heart can not contain itself. When we kissed last night, I felt a type of love that I had never felt with anyone before. A love that I never want to be denied. And when I look at you, I see a future that I had never seen for myself and one that I do not want to lose," He said as he looked Eve in the eyes and held Eve's hands in his own. Without breaking eye contact, Emilio reached into his pocket and got down on one knee. He then opened the box to reveal a ring with a gold band with the sweetest scroll works heart half on the band, and a diamond in the center, "You are perfection itself for you are the smartest, most caring, understanding, and beautiful woman I have ever met. And there is no other woman in the world that I would ask to be my Queen and the mother of my children. Eve Violeta Crawley De La Cruz, will marry me?"

Eve was momentarily taken aback by what Emilio had asked her before she replied with a smile, "Yes! Yes, I will marry you!"

Emilio smiled at Eve as he placed the ring on her finger. He then picked her up with his hands on her waist and spun her around before stopping and kissing her with passion. 

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