Komahina Oneshots

By HoneyBuddah707

119K 2.9K 2.6K

I have no self control Occasional Kamukoma Thank you for 100k+ views in total Angst and Fluff Addition... More

It's Alright
Nagito Come Down
But That Will Never Be Enough
Hey Mr. Hunter
That's Not What's Supposed To Have Happened. . .
Happy Birthday Hajime!
Conflicting Feelings
Why Nagito Loves Irises
Idiots In The Snow
Pretty Merman Savior
But You Like Them Better. . .Right?
Komahina Valentine's Day Special-"Red String Of Fate"
Boyfriend In Da Pocket
Boyfriend In Da Pocket 2
Runaway Darling (I)
Tower Of Doors
How To Say I'm Sorry
I Don't Love You
Are You In Love
Just Nagito
You And I
Talking To Graves
Pretty Prey (II)
Moon Song
Boyfriend In Da Pocket 3
Happy Birthday Nagito!
Glassy Sky
Oh Mr. Believer
Nagito Gets Bored
Temptation (III)
Smile At Despair? Or Hope? Or. . .
What To Do With A Drunken Vampire (IV)
Break Up, Make O̶u̶t̶ Up
Panic At The Heart-Throbbing School-
Debate (V)
Family Beach Day!
If You Love Me, Then Die
Why Is The Vampire Dressed As A Vampire (VI)
Healthy Nags
Feeding Nagito In The Funhouse (VII)
Reserve Course Roleplay (VIII)
Mortal Romance And Mortal Problems Part One (IX)
Mortal Romance And Mortal Problems Part Two (IX)
Luck Runs Out
Ambush (X)
Hooked (XL)
You've Reached Hinata Hajime!
Nagi Can't Communicate
Fuck Hope's Peak
Something In The Water
Aftermath (XII)
In The Warehouse
Hold On Tight And Don't Let Go
But I Am Not A Vessel For Your Good Intent
Marry You Anyway
Ultimate Reserve Course Birthday
Relapse Doesn't Mean Failure
Freak Like Me Rewritten
Ping Pong Bitch
Write Because We're Running Out Of Time
The Vampire/Human Wedding (XIII)
What Do You Want From Me
Don't Make This Harder Than It Needs To Be
They Dancin, Dancin On Ice
Komahina Valentine's Day Special 2022-"A Most Cliche Confession"
The Big Friendly Nagito
Hunt Me [Again] (XIV)
Chop And Change (XV) (Final)
Leetle Hajime
And The Sky So Loved The Earth
Is It Today?
For Hinata-kun

Take On Me

1K 18 3
By HoneyBuddah707

   (The Take On Me ( by a-ha) music video but Komahina) (You're welcome) 

   Hinata sits in the empty booth in the back corner of the cafe, eagerly flipping through the latest issue of his favourite comic book series. A waitress smiles wearily, setting down a second cup of coffee down next to him, the brunet barely acknowledging her. 

   (Talking away/I don't know what I'm to say/I'll say it anyway/Today's another day to find you/Shying away/I'll be coming for your love, okay?)

   His favourite (and main) character, Komaeda Nagito, was in the lead of the motorcycle race, fast approaching the finish line, Hinata internally cheering him on.

   'Go, go, go-YES! YES, GOOD JOB, KOMAEDA!'

   Hinata grins, taking a large swig of coffee before flipping the page.

   In these next few illustration blocks, Komaeda is celebrating with his friends, popping some champagne and cheering. Hinata wishes he could be there next to him, hugging him and celebrating with them.

   He flips the page again and this time it looks like Komaeda is looking directly at the brunet like he can actually see him. But that's ridiculous; Komaeda Nagito is just a drawing. His eyes must be playing tricks on him because suddenly Komaeda winks and Hajime feels like passing away.

   (Take on me/{Take on Me}/Take me on/{Take on me}/I'll be gone/In a day or two)

   Suddenly, a black and white 3d hand extends from one of the larger blocks, beckoning to him. Hinata jumps back, startled, before leaning forward to examine the hand. He glances around the cafe, surprised that no one else is witnessing this supernatural phenomenon. 

   The hand gestures again, seemingly impatient now and before Hinata knows what he's doing, he's taking the hand and being pulled into the comic.

   He tumbles into the comic room, being caught by the waist by a smiling Komaeda Nagito. Hinata's eyes widen in shock; there's no way this is really happening, this is just some really strange dream, right?

   "Finally," Komaeda greets him, "I've been staring at you since you picked up Issue One."

   Hinata passes away again. 

   "I-I. . .Um. . ." He stutters. 

   Nagito grins, taking his hand and pulling him forward. "Come on, Hinata-kun! There's something I want to show you!"

   And then they're running, running through the comic world together, both of them laughing. Komaeda stops them in front of what appears to be a giant mirror before letting go of Hinata's hand, a mischievous grin on his face.

   (So needless to say/I'm odds and ends/But I'll be stumbling away/Slowly learning if life is okay/Say after me/At least it's better to be safe than sorry)

   He winks before darting behind the mirror and suddenly a 'realistic, human' version of Komaeda is looking back at him. He has pale skin and grey-green eyes to match his fluffy buttermilk-coloured hair. He's wearing a white T-shirt and dark jeans and he's doing a little dance for his guest.

   Hinata can't help but smile back at him. "What the hell even is all of this?" He chuckles.

   Nagito winks again, spinning around and waving. "Does it matter? This is fun, isn't it? Just enjoy it, Hinata-kun!"

   ". . .Yeah, I guess you're right, Komaeda. Say, how do you know my name though?"

   "You always write your name on the insides of the covers! It's such a handsome name!" He gushes.

   Hinata blushes.

   (Take on me/{Take on me}/Take me on/{Take on me}/I'll be gone/In a day or two)

   Meanwhile, on the outside world, the waitress is glaring down at the spot where Hinata was previously sitting, leaving nothing behind but a half-empty cup of coffee and a comic. Enraged at his lack of payment, she grabs the comic off of the table and crumpling it up as she walks towards the trash can. She chucks it in before angrily continuing with her shift.

   Abruptly, two of Komaeda's enemies show up right in the space they're playing around in, weapons in hand. They glance around the room, eyes landing on the startled pair. Nagito curses under his breath before retaking Hajime's hand and they're running again, enemies in hot pursuit. 

   Walls crumbling all around them, the two of them run for dear life, feet pounding firmly against the floor. Komaeda makes a wrong turn and just his luck!-they've hit a dead end.

   The two of them whip around, facing the enemies that are fast approaching them. Komaeda offers the brunet a sad smile before pulling against the wall and revealing an all-black inky hole. 

   "Hinata-kun, go. You'll be safe." He murmurs.

   "B-But what about you?!"

   "I'll figure it out, but you need to stay safe, Hajime."

   Nagito gives him a boost, helping him through before turning to face his enemies.

   (Oh, things that you say/Is it a life or just to play my worries away?/You're all the things I've got to remember/You're shying away/I'll be coming for you anyway)

   Hinata comes to, out of the comic on the floor next to the garbage can, splotches of ink all over his body, all of the staff and patrons gawking down at him. 

   He's on his feet in an instant, grabbing the comic out of the trash and still not paying, racing out of the cafe, and sprinting back to his apartment. He slams the comic down on his desk, smoothing it out and flipping towards the back to learn of his beloved's fate.

   On the last page in this order, he sees: Komaeda getting hit in the head with a wrench several times, Komaeda collapsing to the ground all bloody, and finally Komaeda dead on the ground.

   (Take on me/{Take on me}/Take me on/{Take on me}/I'll be gone/In a day)

   He slumps back into his desk chair with a groan, burying his head in his face, a single tear running down his right cheek.

   When Hinata looks again, Komaeda is pounding against the walls of the comic square where his body just was. The brunet's eyes widen in surprise as a loud crashing noise rings out behind him. He whips his head around, finding actual Komaeda standing in his doorway, roughly bouncing from one wall to the other.

   Nagito's form glitches from his comic form to his realistic form as he struggles to get a hold of himself before finally collapsing onto his floor, permanently settled on his realistic form. 

   Hajime stands up at the same time Nagito does it and they walk towards each other, smiling all the while. 

   (Take on me/{Take on me}/Take me on/{Take on me}/I'll be gone/In a day)

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