The Thug's Lady

By J4LMwriting

35.2K 1.8K 161

Even with one of the worst pasts imagineable, Zhari Giovanni Welsh is the nicest and happiest person you coul... More

Prologue -
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3 -
Chapter 4 -
Chapter 5 -
Chapter 6 -
Chapter 7 -
Chapter 8 -
Chapter 9 -
Chapter 10 -
Chapter 11 -
Chapter 12 -
Chapter 13 -
Chapter 14 -
Chapter 15 -
Chapter 16 -
Chapter 17 -
Chapter 18 -
Chapter 19 -
Chapter 20 -
Chapter 21 -
Chapter 22 -
Chapter 23 -
Chapter 24 -
Chapter 25 -
Chapter 26 -
Chapter 27 -
Chapter 28 -
Chapter 29 -
Chapter 30 -
Chapter 31 -
Chapter 32 -
Chapter 33 -
Chapter 34 -
Chapter 35 -
Chapter 36 -
House Tour?
Chapter 37 -
Chapter 38 -
Chapter 39 -
Epilogue -
Same Book; Seperate Book
The Thug's Lady Too
I N T R O -
C H A P T E R | O N E -
C H A P T E R | T W O -
C H A P T E R | T H R E E -
C H A P T E R | F O U R -
C H A P T E R | F I V E -
C H A P T E R | S I X -
I'm So Sorry
New Book: When I'm With You
Revision & New Book: When I'm With You

Chapter 1 -

1.4K 64 3
By J4LMwriting

*****Five Years Later*****

~•Zhari Giovanni Welsh•~

"Bae! I missed you!" My best friend Mia yelled throwing her arms around me. Me and Kaiah had just pulled up to school in my 2012 Honda Sinata. It was a welcome home gift given to me 2 years ago when I got saved.

I still remember everything like it was yesterday. The day my mother sold me to Pharaoh up to the day I was found by my daddy, I was getting beaten and raped everyday.

While being held captive by Pharaoh, my mother visited. She'd fuck Pharaoh then come and tell me how selling me was the best thing she ever did. I don't know how I ended up with a package of cruel shit for a mother but I did.

By the time I had just turned 16, Pharaoh had got drunk off his ass. I mean sloppy drunk and he was sniffing that white with my mother. That night he passed out in a deep sleep. I snuck out but my mother seen me just as I made it out the door.


"I really just wanna thank you, Myline," Pharaoh started as his words slurred tremendously. "f-for selling me this great piece of ass. The best I ever had." He said before smacking my ass making me wince.

"My life without her has been beyond amazing. Her father still thinks she ran away." Myline threw her head back with a drunken laugh. "As if. Little does he know, he's never gonna see her pretty little face again."

Pharaoh laughed his disgusting laugh. "That's right." He pulled me closer to him and down onto his lap. He grabbed my hand and put it inside of his pants making me feel on his painful stick. That's what I call it because it brings me nothing but pain.

"Yeah." He groaned in my ear. Making tears free-fall from my eyes. I felt dirty even though this was all against my will, I felt dirty. "I'm kinda horny. Go wait upstairs in my room...naked. I'll be up there in a minute."

I hurriedly pulled my hands out of his pants and got off of his lap. I ran upstairs to the bathroom and washed my hands. Did that work? Of course not. I still felt dirty.

I went into Pharaoh's room and sat on the edge of his bed crying my eyes out. That's all I do here; cry. Day and night. I know it's not solving anything but I don't know what else to do. My life is beyond fucked up right now.

I have no mother. Myline can kiss my ass something serious. Matter a fact, I do have a mother; Adrianne, my father's wife. Fuck Myline. I hope she gets what's coming to her ruthless ass.

"Go wait upstairs in my room...naked." Resounded in my head. Maybe if I disobey by leaving my clothes on, he'll kill me. It's better than being in this hell hole.

That's what I decided, to keep my clothes on. I waited minutes which quickly turned into hours. I quietly tip-toed out of his room and to the top of the stairs.

Listening to silence downstairs, I quietly made my way down the stairs to see both Myline and Pharaoh passed out sleep on the couch. This was it. At 1:15 in the morning, I slowly and quietly opened the front door...but not quietly enough because Myline heard me.


That didn't stop me from running though. She chased me and chased me until eventually she either got tired or I out ran her. Either way it went, it only pushed me to run harder because I knew that she was gonna tell Pharaoh that I had escaped. Knowing I had little to no time, I ran all the way to a gas station.

I was out of breath and couldn't talk right away but the guy at the counter seemed to know who I was. I looked at him strangely about to run out thinking that he could be affiliated with Pharaoh until he handed me paper. It was a missing person's report.

The picture was one of me when I was 13. I was so busy looking at the flyer that I didn't even recognize the guy calling the number on the paper. That's when daddy bust through the doors and saved me.

The night he saved me, he asked me why I ran away. I told him that I never ran away and that it was the lie mommy told him to cover her ass. I told him how she sold me for a damn profit and how I was getting violated 3 years straight.

I also told him that in those three years, I got pregnant 3 times. That didn't prevent Pharaoh from having his personal Doctor give me 3 home abortions. Each time hurt worst than the first and what made it worst was the fact that I had no say so in it.

Daddy went off. I mean clean off. He was so mad that he was yelling at himself and swerving in the car as he speeded through the streets. He cried. I never witnessed my father cry until that night. He pulled the car over and just held me telling me how he was sorry, how much he missed me, how much he loved me.

I cried in his arms thankful that he saved me. When he finally dropped me off at home, my stepmother Adrianne, Kaiah, Ke'Andre, I'Liyah, and Miracle were all there. They were happy to see me to say the least. That whole night was filled with tears as I painfully told them everything that happened.

I'Liyah is Ke'Andre's girlfriend and Miracle a.k.a Molly is their now 5 year old daughter. When mommy gave me over to Pharaoh, Molly was only a month old. When I was found she was 3 years old.

After daddy dropped me off at home with them the night he found me, he left back out. I never seen my mother again after that night.

I did go to her closed-casket funeral though.

I chuckled. "Missed me why? I just seen you yesterday." Kaiah had walked away with her friends after hugging both Mia and I.

"Damn, mami. The least you could've done was tell me that you missed me too. Ungrateful ass." She said while mugging me. Mia, Mia, Mia. She is full Puerto Rican and very, very pretty. Her hair is beyond flawless and so is her body. She has the body of a dancer.

"I missed you too my Puerto Rican princess." I told her.

"That's more like it, chica."

"Where's Kim?" I asked her as we walked into the building. Kim was my other best friend. Her real name is Kimeria. Kim for short. I met Kim and Mia in the 6th grade.

When Myline sold me, I was in the 8th grade. After I was found, it took me a whole year and a half playing catch up with the end of my 8th grade year, all of 9th grade, and the beginning and middle of my 10th grade. I was home schooled at that time and worked year round including weekends doing at least 12 hour lessons a day. Sometimes more.

I'm all caught up now in my Senior year in a regular high school. I completed my 11th grade year being homeschooled due to me not being ready for a a real highschool at the time.

Of course Mia and Kim know what happened and they were very supportive of me. Though it kind of hit them in a soft spot so they don't really like for me to talk about it. Hell, I don't even wanna think about it my damn self.

Now that I'm in a regular high school, people recognize who I am from the news. They don't know the real story, just the bullshit story that Myline told the news: that I ran away.

After being found, they wanted to do another report asking where I disappeared to for 3 years but I didn't want to do it. If I did, I wasn't going to tell them those dumb ass lies. I was going to tell them the truth, a truth I didn't want to relive.

"Late as always." She said.

"Oh, shut up you Mexican. I'm here." Kim said from behind us. Kim is pretty too. Her hair is cut in a bob and brings out her facial features. She's thick and got cake for days.

"That is so racist, bitch! And insulting. I'm Puerto Rican." Mia retorted.

"Same thing." She said waving her hand.

"Since when, dumb ass?"

"Y'all is major extra. Hey Kim, Dev dropped you off?" I asked her as I hugged her. Devin is her boyfriend of 3 years. He's 21 now and she's 18 meaning they got together when she was just turning 16 and he was 18. He's in the drug business along with Anthony and KC.

Anthony is Mia's nigga. Anthony is 20 while Mia is 18. She just turned 18 about a week ago. Anthony and Mia were messing around before she turned 18 but didn't do it publicly due to the age difference. Now that she's 18, they have nothing to hide because she's officially legal.

KC is Jayoni Carter, KC stands for King Carter. I don't know him, I just know of him. He's 22 and owns his own drug cartel. A drug lord following his father's footsteps is what I heard. Ant and Dev are his left and right hand men. I have yet to meet him. Kim and Mia have met him and they say that he's cool as hell and laid back. They're close to him, considering they've known him for 3 years now.

Mia and Kim introduced me to Ant and Dev 2 years ago after I was found. They're cool as hell and they both took me under their wings as a little sister. Devin, Anthony, and KC are what I would call best friends but Dev and Ant say that, that's gay. They say that they're not "best friends", they're some close ass real ass A1 since day 1 niggas.

I think of Ant and Dev as brothers so of course I don't really support what their doing. But that's how their making their living and I have no say so in their business anyways.

When I first met Ant and Dev, they recognized me from the news. They asked the question that every other person who didn't know the truth asked; why did I run away?

Kim and Mia looked at me to see if I was going to tell them what really happened but I didn't. I just shrugged and laughed it off. They shook their heads saying that I must have been spoiled.

"Yep. He just left." She said.

"That's why yo ass was late. Y'all was fuckin' with y'all nasty asses." Mia said playfully shaking her head.

"Oh shut up. Let's not forget the time you and Ant were fucking while ya phone was still on the bed then I called you and you answered without knowing." Kim said back making Mia flush scarlet.

"Y'all are terrible." I said while laughing.

"When are you going to get a man, Z?" Kim asked as we walked the halls to first period.

"Ooh, don't start Kim. You know I'm not looking for a relationship right now." I told her waving her off.

"Come on, Zhari. You're 18. Let's not mention you got niggas falling over you left and right. You don't even give them the time of day." She said back.

"I don't care. I'm not looking for a relationship, now can we just leave it at that?" I said rolling my eyes. She does this every time already knowing why I'm not on niggas right now. Pharaoh fucked up my insight on the male generation.

"Zhari, I'll babysit your cats for you." Mia said jokingly. She says that I'm going to grow old and die with hella cats.

I laughed as we went into the class room. "Shut up."

~•Jayoni Amir Carter•~

"Bruh, why it's you that's always late?" I asked Dev as he was just now makin' his way inside the main trap. Shit, we got a drop to make today.

"I had to drop Kim off today. And I ain't that late so chill." He said sitting down next to Ant.

Kim was Dev's girl. She's cool as hell and I respect her for holding my nigga down like a real bitch should. Her and Mia. They were introduced to this business and ain't no rookies to the game.

"Aight, now we need to get down to business. We got a shipment of White Widow comin' in that we have to drop off to Lee. He's payin' top dollar for this shit. There's 50 pounds coming in and he's putting up $10,000 per pound.

That's a lot of bread but it's a simple drop so the lil niggas can handle that shit. If they fuck it up they get fucked up. What we have is the drop with Remy. He needs 75 pounds of pure cocaine by 12 tonight.

The catch is, Remy sneaky as fuck. He's cashin' in $850,000 for this shit. His security bouta be stiff and he's known for doin' fuck boy shit like takin' the drugs without paying.

This our first time workin' with him and y'all not I got a low tolerance for bitch nigga shit. When we go, it's gone be us 3, Kelz, Mo, and Tez.

We packin' extra heat too just in case his team bigger than what I'm thinkin'. Back up gone be on stand by too, aight," I questioned making sure we were clear on everything. Tez and Kelz are my cousins from my pop's side. His brother's sons.

"Yeah, bruh. Them lil niggas clear on they part already?" Ant asked.

"Yeah, talked to them earlier." I told them just as my phone began to ring.

"What you want, Leel?" I asked once I answered the phone. Jahleel was my 16 year old brother.

"Don't answer the phone like that, nigga. You comin' tonight, right?" He asked.

"What's tonight-damn, I forgot." I cursed. Today is the anniversary of my pop's death. He been dead for 6 years now and every year, mama does a dinner in celebration for him.

I'm 22 now meaning my pop's died when I was 16. He was shot up by some niggas after gettin' set-up by one of the niggas on his team though. See, that's that shit. That fuck boy shit. These days I swear it's like, loyalty? What's that?

Muthafuckas'a turn on yo ass with the quickness that's exactly why you need to use that "friend" word real lightly.

I sighed. "Yeah, bruh. Tell mama I'a be there. Why yo punk ass ain't in school, though?"

"I'm sick." He lied fake coughin' like a muhfucka.

"Shut yo lyin' ass up. I'm tellin' mama yo ass fakin' too."

"You can't prove that, nigga. Mama ain't gone believe you anyways. You know what, bye hoe." And with that he hung up. Lil nigga know Im bout to beat his ass tonight, now. Fuck he think he is hangin' up on me?

Ant and Dev was talkin' amongst themselves just as my phone buzzed.

Tasha: King, come over baby.

I chuckled. These hoes never get enough of this dick.

I got up and grabbed the keys to my 2015 white on white Range Rover.

"Aye nigga, where you finna go?" Ant asked.

"I'm bout to go get some head and some pussy. I'a see y'all niggas later." I said. I dapped them up then was out the door.


Yah, yah, yah *Daddy August's voice*

That was chapter 1 of The Thug's Lady. Five whole years later so Zhari aight y'all. You got some insight on Jayoni's life but not all. His first POV was kind of boring but don't worry, his next one will be much better. Stay tuned for chapter 2. 😁👏😘

I'll be putting up pictures of the characters soon, too.

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