I want you too ☾ ym ☽

By bby_yoon

205K 11.2K 2.8K

A lot of changes can occur in four years. A tree that was healthy before is now on the verge of dying but at... More

Epilogue I
Epilogue II
Epilogue III


2.7K 132 50
By bby_yoon

" We're here." Jimin announces as he parked in front of a restaurant. His hands goes off the wheel, turning to Yoongi with a smile. The alpha smiles back at him.

He was about to get off from his seat, when Jimin stopped him with a harsh tug on his sleeve.
" WAIT!" He shouts and quickly gets off his side, going all the way towards the passenger side just to open the door for Yoongi.

His actions made Yoongi cover his face with his hands, as he smiled like an idiot. He is so whipped.

" You don't have to do this."
He should be the one to do these kind of things for Jimin, but the omega is too hard headed to listen to him. He's determined to win him over; even though Yoongi has already lost himself to the omega.

" I want to."
With that he closes the door once Yoongi was outside.

He didn't care if he was an omega and if usually it's the alphas who courts the omega. He just wants to show Yoongi how serious he is about him. He doesn't want to tell him how much he love him, he want to show it to him.

So, like a gentleman, that he was, he even opened the restaurant door for Yoongi. The alpha just wanted to combust then and there.

" What do you want to eat ?"
Yoongi asks going through the menu, he was trying to pick one dish among so many, but was constantly getting distracted by Jimin's gaze on him.

" You." Jimin replies straightforwardly,  making Yoongi cough at his boldness.
" I mean you decide."
Jimin finally picked the menu that lied in front of him and used it to cover his red ears.

Once they were ready to order, a waitress came there. Her eyes shining as she saw Yoongi, a handsome unmated alpha.

" Anything else, sir ?" She asks only Yoongi, purposely scouting closer to him as she kept stealing glances at him and Jimin didn't like that even a bit.

" No, that would be it." Yoongi says politely, he wasn't even looking at the girl to see that she was staring at him.

" Should I add something sweet for you ?" Her lips puckered up in a pout and Jimin wanted to use the fork that he had in his hand to scratch that caked face of hers.

" I don't really like sweet things." Yoongi was answering like a normal human,  but the girl took it as a signal for her to continue the flirting.

" Oh, but you just give off the sweet vibes." That was enough to throw Jimin off the edge. He can't just see her trying to woo his man over and do absolutely nothing.

" Can you stop chatting and just bring us our food ? We have to go to the next place for our date."
The last line wasn't really necessary, but he felt like he needed to give the extra information so, the girl would keep her hands to herself.

" D-date ? O-oh, yeah sure sir."
Her entire body froze on hearing his words. The demeanor that the omega had was something worth seeing.

" Why are you getting so hyped up."
Yoongi has never seen Jimin being blunt like that to someone.
" Are you jealous ?"
He smirks expecting Jimin to deny the accusations, but he didn't.

" What else do you expect from me ? She was all over you."
Yoongi laughed at that. His omega is so cute. He placed his hand on top of Jimin's to calm him.

" But I only have my eyes on you."
He says looking into Jimin's eyes. The omega blushed, but he didn't shy away from the eye contact.

" It probably was because we aren't mated yet." He huffs just thinking about that waitress.

" I'm going to scent you from the next time." Yoongi smiles at the suggestion, he'd like that alot.
" As you say, my possessive omega." He lifts himself a bit, extending his hand to pat Jimin's head.

Their dinner went by smoothly after the little act of jealousy. This time another waitress came instead of her and Jimin was glad for that. He might have actually pranced upon her if she dared to show her face again to him.


" We aren't going back home ?"
Yoongi asks on seeing the change in direction. Usually they'd go back home after their meal dates, but surely Jimin has some different plans this time.

" I wanna go to the beach." He says, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.
" Suddenly ?"
Jimin only smiled smugly at that. He doesn't want to expose his plans to Yoongi, yet.

" Ah! So refreshing."
Jimin parks the car nearby the road, getting out of his seat and rushing to the beach. This time he didn't even wait for the alpha which made Yoongi laugh. The omega surely loves beaches more than him.

" Come let's sit there." He waited for Yoongi to walk upto him and then interwined their hands. Dragging the alpha towards the sand.

Although it'd have been great to come here in the evening time to watch the beautiful sunset. There are too many people because of it being a popular sightseeing place and Jimin wanted them to have some private time with no people around.

" Hyung..."
Jimin says as his head rests on Yoongi's shoulder. The alpha hums, continuing to stroke Jimin's cheeks.

" I'm so lucky to have you."
He looked up to lock eyes with Yoongi and then smiled at him, so big that his eyes disappeared. Yoongi automatically smiled at that. His heart is not capable of taking such great cuteness. They sure have gotten closer in the previous month, all thanks to Jimin's efforts.

" I'm lucky to have you too."
He press a kiss on Jimin's forehead, staying there to take in the moment as much as he can.

" I want us to stay like this forever." Jimin whispers against his face, the sweet pleased scent of the alpha, comforted him.

" Me too, Jimin ah."
Jimin starts to unwind his hand from Yoongi's hold and the alpha was very confused at that.

" Hyung, turn over."
He puts his hand in his pant pockets, trying to take out something. But Yoongi won't stop staring making it hard for him to take it out.
" Why ?" Yoongi continue to stare at Jimin's hand.

" Just do as I say."
With that he pushed Yoongi to face forward and the alpha was left with no other choice, but to oblige.

After some time, he felt Jimin's hands trailing on his neck when he looked down, there was a necklace wrapped around his neck.

He took the pendant in his hand to examine it. It was similiar to the one that he gave to Jimin, but the difference was that Jimin's had white petals and his had yellow petals...almost like couple pendants.

" This is-" He was about to address it when Jimin cut him in between.

" Min Yoongi.." The lack of honorifics made Yoongi instantly turn to look at him.

Jimin took Yoongi's both hand in his and caressed them slowly.
He heaved a deep sigh before looking up from Yoongi's hand to his face. With a bright smile, he finally asked it.

" Would you like to be my boyfriend ?" Yoongi breath hitched in its way. He didn't expect Jimin to be the one to ask him the question. He was going to ask Jimin to be his boyfriend, but looks like Jimin beat him to it.

" A-are you serious ?" 
Jimin giggled at Yoongi's shocked expression. It's not like he suddenly asked the question. It was finally after 10 official dates and many unofficial dates that he finally got the courage to ask it.

" As serious as I can be."
With that Jimin leaned forward and pecked Yoongi's lips with a smile. Just as he was about to back off, Yoongi's hand travelled to the back of his neck.

Their eyes stayed locked for some seconds before Yoongi pulled Jimin closer to himself and joined their lips.
Jimin's lips are soft with the hint of a tanginess in them because of the chapstick he used. It made Yoongi want to kiss them till his last breath.

If heaven taste like anything, Yoongi can bet it tastes like Jimin's lips.

" We're boyfriends now."
Yoongi says, one hand interwined with Jimin and the other caressing his pendant.

" Boyfriends." Jimin repeats the word. He never knew that something so trivial would make him the happiest person alive on this earth.


" We're boyfriends now." 
Jimin announces to Taehyung and Jungkook, holding up their matching pendants with a proud smile.

" Boyfriends ? You should be husbands by now."
Taehyung retorts as he continued to solve the jigsaw puzzle with Eunjae. Looks like he's still holding a grudge.

" HYUNG !"
Jungkook elbowed Taehyung, making the older whine.
Jimin laughed at that, but soon stopped when Taehyung looked back at him.

" I'm so happy for you both, hyung."
Jungkook came forward and hugged Jimin. Finally, his hyung got the love he deserved.

" Thank you kook."
Jimin whispers across his shoulder, wrapping his arms around Jungkook's back.
" That's why you're my favourite." He says in a sassy tone, glaring draggers at Taehyung.

" Hyung, you know he doesn't mean anything bad. He's just teasing you."
" No, I'm not!" Taehyung comments and pokes out his tongue to provoke Jimin even more.

" Kook, you need to handle your mate before I whip his ass."
Jimin tried to control his anger, he didn't want to get angry on this special day. But Taehyung was just testing waters with him now.

" Please do, he need some beating."
Jungkook's word make Taehyung stand up from the couch and smack his mate in the head.

" Yah! What did you say ?"
Jungkook looked at Jimin and Yoongi to save him from Taehyung, but the two only shrugged their shoulders and continued to laugh.
But then came his saviour, Min Eunjae.

" What are boyfriends ?"
Eunjae who has been listening to everything quietly for a while, finally asked. His curiousity got the best of him. He has heard the word quite often from his uncles, but doesn't know its meaning.

Taehyung muttered something incoherent to Jungkook before he goes to his nephew's side.
" Umm.. Just like you've different levels on your games. It's like the next level after friends."  He tried to explain it in the best way and Yoongi is actually shocked that the omega talks decently sometimes.

" Like Hoseok uncle and Ryu uncle are boyfriends, so they're at stage 1."
Eunjae nods at that, remembering how his Hoseok uncle call his Ryu uncle, boyfriend, sometime.

" Me and uncle koo are engaged, so we're at stage 2."
Yoongi is thankful that Taehyung used engaged instead of mated because it'd be a lot of headache to explain what it means to a child.

" And uncle Jin and Namjoon are married that mean they're at stage 3, the highest stage."
The boy now finally have an insight on what it all means. His little mouth is agaped in an 'o' shape.

He then ran to his appa and crawled on his lap, looking at him with his big doe eyes.

" Then appa and papa should marry."
He says with a big smile. On the side Jimin was choking on air.

" Hmm, should we ?" Yoongi turns to look at Jimin with a smirk, and the omega just hid his face in his hands.

" Soon, baby, soon."
He says and pull Eunjae to his chest, caressing his head. That day will come soon.

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