the big red bus boy ~ a Zayn...

By vampwolf_romance

59 1 1


the big red bus boy ~ a Zayn Malik

59 1 1
By vampwolf_romance

"OH crap! I'm gunna be late for work!" i said, to myself, running to catch the bus.

the big red bus (A/N ha ha see what i did there? ;)) was boarding passengers and i rushed on board. "to garden grove square please," i asked the driver, handing him my bus pass. (A/N i don't really know how the British bus system works so please flow with it) he grunted and nodded. i climbed aboard and got onto the top deck, i loved the feeling of wind flowing through my hair.

"ah," i breathed out, relieved i would make my shift at Nando's on time. i had begun to walk to the back, so i was away from the socializing when i ran into a stranger. "oh, sorry sir," i apologized, looking at a teenage boy. i admit, he was probably one of the most attractive men i had ever seen, tan skin, black hair with a blond strip in it, and big brown eyes.

"its quite alright, i just um, have to go," he looked like he was scared of me and i shrugged and continued on my way to the back of the bus, though for the rest of the ride to work, i couldn't get the beautiful stranger out of my head. i had just moved here from America, still had my accent, and was trying to make a profit.

i walked into the reteraunt, throwing on my servers shirt over my black tank top. i had medium length brown hair, peircing green eyes and a couple freckles on my cheeks. at night i sang at a local night club, not far from my flat. ":hey Adrienne!" i said to my co-worker. "hey! oh, i have to leave a bit early tonight, can you cover for me?" she asked. "course" i smiled back, and continued with my job.

i was cleaning the tables up, and it was almost closing time. the hours had passed by slowly and i was a bit tired from the busyness of the store. suddenly, the front door bell rang and in walked 5 teen boys, all bundled up in hoodies and sunglasses even though it was pitch black outside. they walked over to my section, and i gave them some time to order. by then i had changed out of my work clothes and back into my tank and shorts, accompanied by my black vans.

"hello! what can i get for you boys?" i asked, and the five guys took their 'disguises' off. they were extremely good looking, and i recognized one from the bus. "you from the bus, yeah?" i motioned with my pen to the one in the corner. "yeah, um, we would like everything on the menu, and water to drink," he replied, handing me the menus. "okay!" i said cheerfully, not even caring about the huge order. i rang it in and the cook just rolled his eyes.

i walked to the register to start counting the tips from that day and get my pay from the register. i was counting up to four pounds when a male voice interrupted. "um, is the food ready yet? im a bit starving'" a Irish accent said. "oh, let me check, normally it doesn't take this long for big orders! im so sorry," i apologized. he just smiled and walked away. i brought out all 6 platters at once (SKILL!) and placed them on the big table. "enjoy! and my names Andrea if you need anything else," i smiled. "thank you Andrea," a curly haired one said. 

i finished with my pay and stuffed my money in my front pocket and sat on one of the tables directly across from the boys table. i swung my legs up and down, intent on a serious game of temple run. "6 million! yes!" i shouted, then blushed as i realized the boys were staring with interest. "uuuummmmm..... I'm just gonna go in a corner now," i said slowly, trying to hide my face with my phone. "nah, your actually pretty entertaining!" one in stripes said. "yeah, hjoin uff," the Irish one from earlier said, and somehow i knew to interpret that as 'join us'. 

i pulled up a chair and sat at the opposite end of 'bus boy', looking around. "well, ive already introduced myself, and if your that daft to have forgotten my name by now, im not sharing it again. i would appreciate it if i knew your names seeing as i have no clue who you are," i said. they stared at me in shock as if i said i was a rare zebra with rainbow stripes that had gone into human hiding with alien technology.

"well, I'm Liam, this is Louis, Harry, Niall, and that's Zayn, and i presume you had a run in earlier." Liam explained. "oh, yes, bus boy," i said playfully, earning a grin from him. "well, i guess since were on a first name basis i should tell you guys about myself. I'm American, i like British people, and I think laser tag should become an official sport. or paintball, paint balls nice," i trailed off, into space, and the boys just sat there listening.

"your actually quite interesting, Andrea," harry said, flipping his hair full of bushful curls. "OMIGOD I LOVE YOUR HAAAIIIRRR!" I grinned, squishing my face with both hands. "ITS SOOO CURLEEEE! from now on, i shall call you curly! and you shall be weird!" they just stared at me with the zebra-alien look again.

"America," i explained, and they all just nodded their heads, except for Louis, who was laughing quite hardly now. "we, we should keep her," Louis said in between laughs. harry had a wary (rhyme!!!) look and Liam just looked like he was deep in thought. "hm, well, were not supposed to do this, but we'll give you  our numbers if you give us yours," Liam piped up. i nodded in agreement as i tapped my cell number in each of their phones whilst they did the same to mine.

they finally finished their meal and we all stood up to leave. "i'll see you lot around," i said, starting to grab the dishes. "yeah," they all aid in unison, and walked out the door. i flipped though my phone real quick, to make sure they didn't cheat me, and i couldn't find Zayn. until i looked under B, and there stood "BUS BOY".

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